Uplifting Journey

Chapter 139: The shadow inside the gene lock

The name or something doesn't matter at all. . .

Chu Chuxing looked down at the dark matter covering his body.

He who has read the manual knows that it is a resident form of nano colonization, which can be used to absorb light energy, create optical invisibility, and defend against 'laser' light and lightning attacks.

Besides ...

When Chu Chuxing thought for a while, the darkness of the whole body disappeared suddenly, and the whole person was enveloped again in the hazy silver-white metal 'color' with shadows.

Feeling the data from the colony, looking at the high-speed vibration of the nanostructure on the body surface, Chu Xing said with some suspicion: "This is ... the phase-shift armor of the fourth-level dragon?"

"Well, I haven't touched the fourth-level dragon ..." Cheng Bin glanced at the 'mixed' chaotic culture tank. "But in the simulated environment, I analyzed the dragon's gene lock. The first five layers contain Some information ... "

"... this defense mode that can convert a certain degree of kinetic energy attack into internal energy absorption is found in the fourth layer. It seems that each layer of gene lock corresponds to a level of dragon."

When referring to the complex and gene-free locks of the Dragons, Chu Xing's face was a little dark for a while. He looked at the calm Cheng Bin and said, "Can you analyze this kind of thing, presumably you also saw that?"

"you mean?"

"Gene locks ... very vivid description, when you look at the deconstructed outline of the dragon gene locks, do you think we humans really have hope?"

Even if the ordinary person becomes an extraordinary person who can crush the third-level dragon in an instant, the despair in the heart of Chu Xing has not been eliminated, but because of the power of studying the genes of the Dragon family, it has become even stronger--

"Nine levels ... Dragon gene information can unlock nine levels! Even more!"

Recalling the unbelievable and desperate sense when this incident was first discovered, Chu Xing said hardly: "Just the fifth-level dragon, the space fleet must pay a great price to kill. What about the sixth level? Level 7? Level 8? Level 9?

"How deep is the Dragon's potential? Are there any higher-level, even undetectable super dragons in the solar system?"

所以 "So you make those plans," Cheng Bin calmly looked at Chu Xing, who was a little dysfunctional, "so you will be ecstatic because of my proton-level‘ **** '...

"You want to try to have hadrons collide to create black 'holes', heterostilts, imaginary dimensions that can destroy the earth ...

"It is also planned to develop a highly invasive virus like dragon cells, destroying ecology and destroying humans ...

"You count on me to act as a high-precision instrument to help you plan these destructive experiments to lift the table. If you can't kill the dragon, you also have to destroy humans to prevent the unknown purpose of the dragon. achieve."

"Yes, in fact, I know that the‘ **** ’of those things is very low ...”

In his mind, the scene of the dragon raging in the human city appeared in the past. Chu Xing was somewhat decadent and authentic: "Just to obstruct the dragon family, I want to avenge the family and friends who died in the hands of the dragon family ...

"... and the human being who has finally gotten out of the earth has become a plaything of the dragon family, I am not willing to ..."

所以 "So, you now have a new choice." Cheng Bin sent Chu Xing related data that has spread to a large area underground, and then looked at the cultivation tank on his side and said:

"In addition to the original dark and phase mode, your colony also has a mode to simulate the dragon blood warrior, you can try to walk outside in this form ...

"In addition, with the help of external co-working nano-units, you can develop more functional modules and models.

"I have opened permissions for you. You can load designated humans with nano colonies within the coverage of co-working, so that they can become colonizers, or you can give them this permission.

"The colony has built-in brain transformation and thinking optimization similar to NZT 'medicine', and also opened all the underlying modification permissions ...

"The more knowledge you have, the deeper you understand the operation of colonization, the faster your thinking response, and the higher the level of control 'precision', the stronger the power that the colonizer can exert and the co-work support obtained, the more powerful colonization Installers can in turn assist the spread and evolution of co-working.

"You can take a bet and see if human beings who rely on their knowledge to master their power can regain their foothold before being detected and destroyed by the dragons.

"Is it okay if you break the pot? The table is always the last choice."

After listening to Cheng Bin's words, Chu Xing nodded silently.

After watching the dragon blood warrior simulation form turned on, Chu Xing Yilu, wearing scale armor, growing a dragon-winged dragon tail, and emitting a faint Longwei electromagnetic signal, left from the isolation 'gate', Cheng Bin looked back and stared at him. before.

The reason why he didn't go out was because he had to hide in the dark and ‘fuck’ the development of co-operation and indulgence until Bai's split evolved and matured. On the one hand, there were still some experiments to verify.

In addition, he also monitors the human-to-dragon war in the asteroid belt, obtains information about the fighting power of fifth-level dragons and humans, and also monitors the moon, keeping an eye on the actions of high-level dragons around the earth.

In the culture tank in front of Cheng Bin, the resetted primitive dragon family cells began a new round of derivation in different dragon species directions.

"From the results of this experiment, in the process of continuous training and familiarity with dragons and dragon blood warriors, they have a certain probability to unlock the gene lock and spontaneously upgrade."

Chengbin Bin observes the derivation process of different types of dragon cells from previous experiments, and keeps recording the common points and differences between the two experiments.

"But this kind of preset upgrade process failed inexplicably when the fifth level moved to the sixth level ..."

Wu Chengbin familiarized with the ‘gate’ in a way that mimicked environmental changes and catalyzed the derivatization process of dragon cells. Eventually, when the dragon genes were unlocked to the sixth stage, dragon cells in the entire culture tank completely collapsed.

After fully engraving the data of this process to the panel and performing a lot of simulation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cheng Bin noticed something weird——

The biological factory constructed by the dragon cell in the fifth stage, in the process of trying to make the dragon cell in the sixth stage, a kind of ‘fine’ dense pivot control assembly was constructed.

However, there is no space or biological tissue reserved around that component to ‘manipulate’ this control component.

感觉 "It feels like a keyboard sealed in a box, waiting for input, without a keycap ..."

Cheng Chengbin pondered for a while and realized a possible 'sex'.

"This won't ... be a key device for high-dimensional interference like Nianqi?"

可能 This possibility is really not small.

"Think carefully, the birth and purpose of the Dragons are related to high dimensions, and the existence of higher-level dragons requires the support of mysterious forces similar to high-dimensional interference."

After Cheng Bin pondered for a while, he examined himself—

He himself also relied on the high-dimensional interference of Nianqi to maintain the powerful black technology power—white dwarf warfare.

If you do n’t think about qi, the technology that he has accumulated so far can only load nano colony like Chu Xing, regardless of the control of the co-working of technology carriers, and the estimation of individual strength is similar to the early qi and qi war.

那么 "Where will the world surpass the fifth-level dragon, then ..."

毁 After destroying the dragon cells that could not be resolved after the collapse and disintegration, Cheng Bin re-pumped all the material in the culture tank into white dwarf material and incorporated it into the body.

After glanced at the clean culture tank, Cheng Bin turned his attention to the panorama, the distant space.

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