Uplifting Journey

Chapter 160: Tail Beast and Tear of Space

All kinds of gorgeous eyes and wind-pull pupils are a big selling point of this fantasy work of Naruto.

The transliteration of chakras is the blood line of Uchiha's family, which belongs to the family of Naruto No. 2 Sasuke-a special ability that can be inherited by blood.

It has a unique upgrade context--

One, two, three hooks, kaleidoscope, eternal kaleidoscope, reincarnation eye, reincarnation writing eye.

And each stage has a unique ability derived from it, attracting countless readers, and related fan works are even more numerous.

This kind of thing is naturally recognized by Cheng Bin who has carefully collected information before entering the world, and he knows all kinds of special abilities that the eyes show in the original work.

"There is reincarnation to write chakras, then the thing below is the **** tree, ten tails or something similar?"

Wu Chengbin looked at the huge monster that showed the whole picture in the trembling of the planet--

From the front, the extent of the guy's main body is almost one-third of the planet's diameter, not to mention the side branches that spread to the entire planet and are integrated with all plants.

Watching this super-giant monster that seems to be brewing, Cheng Bin frowned and murmured, "It is said that it is a **** tree or something in the original, this volume is wrong ... and there are no traces of humans on this planet. .. "

When Cheng Bin used the panorama to detect and test, the monster on the planet waved a mountain-like twig, and smashed a gorge on the ground. His huge eyes stared at Cheng Bin in space, in the mouth of the abyss. Suddenly a strong light came out.

Bright white and dark red, two small and strange particles with different appearances emerge in front of the monster's mouth, converging at a ratio of eight to two, forming an increasingly large purple-black sphere.

"This is Chakra? The ratio of yin and yang is two to eight ... this is the tail beast jade?" Seeing the strange particles emitting composite visible spectrum electromagnetic waves, Cheng Bin's eyes brightened, and he immediately focused the panorama on that. .

However, the data returned by the panorama is extremely chaotic. It can only be determined that there is an ultra-high energy response, as well as the erratic mass effect and spatial distortion.

"It's really not that easy to figure out ..."

Cheng Chengbin's emotions had not yet fallen, and the monster's huge body shook. The super-tailed beast jade, which had grown out of air and grew to a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers, suddenly disappeared from its place.

A long vacuum trajectory went straight from the surface of the planet into space, the tail beast jade that launched at super high speed and destroyed the air all the way, before the hurricane caused by the vacuum channel blasted to Cheng Bin.

The speed of the Jade-tailed Beast Jade is not slow, but it is still too slow for Cheng Bin, who can use the speed of light as a unit of measure for the instantaneous burst speed.

Huh, although the number in front of the unit has many zeros after the decimal point ...

Cheng Bin drifted away leisurely, and then sideways escaped the huge tail beast jade. He watched the dark sphere passing by and moved his wrist, and did not hold back his hand to test the Chakra sphere. The nature of the attack.

Break through the tough tough shell, Cheng Bin dipped into the hand of the tail beast jade, and came with terrible high temperature and chaotic force ...

"No material carrier? Output energy and force out of thin air? It is completely different from the previous high-energy particle bombardment ..."

As soon as Cheng Bin choked, the tail beast jade next to him suddenly exploded, and the dazzling huge light ball illuminated the starry sky.

Cheng Chengbin retreated sharply, easily dissolving the killing energy of Tail Beast Jade in this direction.

"Chakra ... seems to be deeper and more subtle than the exploration capabilities of my current panorama at the material level, well, this is also expected ..."

He glanced at his wrist immersed in the tail beast's jade sphere before, Cheng Bin turned his eyes to the side of the planet. At this moment, the monsters on the planet had condensed numerous small tail beast jade, and was waiting to be launched to him.

"I got bombarded by you two times when you came up, and you were addicted, didn't you? When you were as tight as I was in the last world?"

Cheng Chengbin's white dwarf body is running at full power, and dozens of white dwarf material particles float in front of him under the constraint of attached thought ...

The next step is the shelling trilogy—mass interference, curvature manipulation, and high-energy propulsion.

As countless small-tailed beast jade flew into space, dozens of rays poke straight into the atmosphere of the planet. Many small-tailed beast jade were blasted on the way, emitting gorgeous fireworks in space.

Under the end of external thoughts, the white dwarf particles accelerated to sub-light speed lost their control after hitting the target monster.

With high-quality collision and its own expansion and energy release, dozens of huge light spheres can suddenly be seen everywhere in the monster's body. The rapidly expanding light spheres converge, causing a huge earthquake explosion.

Cheng Bin patted a few scattered small tail beast jade at random, staring at the planet covered by a lot of dust and muttered, "Did I try too hard? If I accidentally beat this book ... 啧 .. Shouldn't this guy be so vulnerable? "

Wu Chengbin shot a punch, and another white dwarf bombarded in the atmosphere of the planet, exposing the obstructed surface scene.

At this moment, originally like a large number of monsters stacked in the Himalayas, it has been bombarded by successive white dwarfs into a vast basin.

But the monster is not dead yet.

The moustaches that originally extended to the entire planet gathered together with a large amount of material engulfed in the branches, and soon reassembled a trunk body that was no smaller than before. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

Stuck on the monster's twisted and swollen head, the scarlet reincarnation writing eye opened again, and its sight was firmly locked on Cheng Bin's body.

"Is it a high-speed regeneration type? Looking at the scale of the roots and roots on the surface, it seems that there will be no problem in dozens of resurrections in situ ..."

Cheng Bin, who was thinking, suddenly noticed that there was a slight abnormal gravity in different parts of his white dwarf body, as if the space around him was fluctuating ...


斌 Cheng Bin, who responded extremely fast, swiftly flew away in the opposite direction of the abnormal space fluctuation around him.

The next moment, a crack that also appeared dark and deep in space appeared in front of Cheng Bin out of thin air, and chaotic and powerful gravitational force swept through all the surrounding matter.

Cheng Bin, who had retreated to a distance, stopped and looked at the outside of his left arm with a peeling skin.

"Surely there is a spatial pupil-like technique? It is slightly different from the data, but it is the space that directly tears the gaze point ..."

While repairing the damaged part, Cheng Bin called all the detection modules and recorded various data of the spatial fissures that were gradually leveling up there. Then he turned his attention to the monster in the planetary basin staring at himself.

"Compared to me who can only slightly distort space, this guy's ability is really amazing ... The data of the space tear phenomenon is very valuable, but to figure out how to create this phenomenon, I still have to start with this monster ...

"But if you want to study it carefully, it seems that you must spread it to the entire body of the planet to destroy most of it ..."

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