Uplifting Journey

Chapter 162: Hand rub black star burst

In the never-ending world, Chu Xing, despaired by the deep-seated potential of the dragon's genes, once made a lot of plans in an attempt to end up with the dragons near the earth.

Unlike the zero-world scientists who stopped at various dangerous conjectures, Chu Xing really did a lot of experiments to advance these plans.

If the industrial system was not destroyed by the Dragons, many experiments could not be carried forward without conditions, and there was no way this goods could do anything.

After Cheng Bin obtained Chu Xing's memory and experimental data, he also browsed these things.

How do you say, most of them are whimsical, but there are really several solutions. Chu Xing has obtained a lot of reliable data and has the possibility of real implementation.

Among them are miniature black holes.

Honestly, making micro black holes is not new. Cheng Bin originally said that various large hadron colliders in the world can produce micro black holes from time to time.

However, under normal circumstances, the Earth people do not have to worry about their planet being engulfed by a miniature black hole created by an experiment.

At first, the mass and gravity of a miniature black hole are so small that it is difficult to swallow other substances.

二 来 ...

The vacuum that people usually think is actually not empty. In the quantum vacuum, energy fluctuations occur all the time, and pairs of positive and negative virtual particles are born and annihilated each other.

The strong gravitational field of the black hole will polarize the quantum vacuum. Among the pair of virtual particles appearing at the boundary of the black hole, the anti-particles will be more likely to be captured by the black hole alone, while the corresponding positive particles will escape outside the black hole, forming Hawking radiation. .

Due to the large number of captured anti-particles, the mass brought by the original normal matter will gradually disappear under the annihilation of the anti-particles, and the black holes that cannot be kept up by the material supplement will "evaporate" out of thin air.

For this reason, tiny black holes will evaporate in a very short time.

"So, I want to create an attacking, miniature black hole that can burst a star ..." Cheng Bin quickly recalled the relevant theoretical and experimental data and came to the conclusion, "I need at least an initial mass There are black holes the size of mountains. "

In the endless ripples of nuclear energy, Cheng Bin disassembled neutrons from a large number of surrounding material elements, and gathered them with thoughts, gathered and compressed into a pure neutron particle between his palms.

减小 In order to reduce the electromagnetic repulsion, Cheng Bin chose to use pure neutrons without charges to construct miniature black holes.

说 "Speaking of which, the next step of the White Dwarf Warrior should be the neutron star Warrior? But with the current ability to form the body with neutron star matter, I'm afraid I'm not dreaming ..."

Looking at a small piece of neutron star material floating in the palm of his hand, Cheng Bin felt stressful, and literally stressful.

A little bit less than a cubic centimeter, the mass is 10 million tons or even 100 million tons, which is comparable to a huge mountain.

The nuclear energy originally used to destroy the surrounding tree roots to expand the active space has almost completely reversed the direction, squeezing and bombarding the small things in Cheng Bin's hands, maintaining its stable form.

This is the case where qi can act on neutrons, which can directly convert neutron degenerative pressure and in turn compress it ...

"The next thing is to consider how to run ..."

Cheng Chengbin carefully maintained the existence of the neutron star material in front of him, and was ready to wait a moment to throw the most powerful thoughts, mass interference, and space distortion on it.

This round of eruption is enough to cause the neutron star material, which is close to the critical density, to collapse into small black holes.

He noticed that the huge roots around him were about to move under the pressure of weakened nuclear energy, and also felt the precursor of the monster's space attack. As soon as Cheng Bin gritted his teeth, he threw the neutron star material in the direction of the earth's core.

Xu Bin turned to the surface and flees Cheng Bin, detonating the preset means before the neutron star material exceeded his control limit.

A large amount of resistance to compression is transformed into a force to compress itself. The neutron star material suddenly shrinks into an inconspicuous black spot in the mass effect of the sudden increase in the mass, and the space collapse centered on it. The heart fell.

Gravity detection depicts a fierce spatial distortion like a tsunami behind him. Cheng Bin's face changed, and the speed of escape could not help but speed up a few more.

When Cheng Bin broke out and escaped the planet's atmosphere with all his strength, the small black hole he had created had already devoured everything along the road and came to the center of the earth.

After plutonium swallowed a large section of material through the earth's heart, the black hole oscillated around under the influence of gravity, swinging back and forth like a pendulum and absorbing everything in the path.

After absorbing enough material, the black hole finally stopped near the core of the earth.

Cheng Bin, who fled far enough, saw the shocking scene when he turned back

The giant planet, which is only one circle smaller than the earth, began to shake violently as a whole, and various parts of the crust began to collapse.

The monster's tentacles spreading around the world crooked and twisted wildly, feeling the horrible threat from the ground, it could no longer afford to chase Cheng Bin in space.

The gigantic planet, like a balloon with a hole in it, gradually shrinks as it collapses faster and faster.

Gradually, Cheng Bin could see a torrent of material collapsing spirally around the black hole on the planet a few circles smaller.

"The power is greater than expected ..." Looking at this spectacular scene, Cheng Bin couldn't help muttering, "In this way, the speed of the black hole's radiation evaporation rate exceeds the rate of engulfing matter a little later than expected ... Alas, it seems that the sample can't be kept ... "

Wu Chengbin did not notice when the monster died. A powerful monster with a planet as its body was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of a black hole. It had long been shredded into the planet's material by the gravity drop.

几乎 Almost all the material of the entire planet collapsed in the gorgeous three-dimensional spiral near the central black hole.

Subsequently, the black hole that was unable to make ends meet in the severe Hawking radiation finally completely evaporated ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the case of the sudden disappearance of the super-gravity of the black hole, the highly compressed material pulled by the black hole caused a supernova-like big explosion.

The huge amount of high-energy matter and the planet fragments spread around, forming a gradually dispersed asteroid belt in the original position of the planet.

"Has this practice, can I claim to be a starburst man ever since ..."

Cheng Bin slowly drifted towards the planet's remains, and I could not help thinking of the dragon ball that broke the stars every day. The world fart can fight the explosive power of the fart. It must be related to the mysterious gas ... the planet is so attractive Strong, it's hard to break.

He flew all the way to the asteroid belt blown up by the black hole attack. Cheng Bin searched hopelessly, and he did not find any traces of monsters.

Alas, the substances that can guarantee the complete structure of a black hole between a suction and a bomb can not be imagined by Cheng Bin's current imagination.

Remembering the materials related to Chakra's cultivation, Cheng Bin tried to settle into the quiet meditation for a while, and didn't feel any ghosts.

"Hey ... have fun ..."

After sighing, Cheng Bin stood on a huge asteroid fragment and set his sights on the sun of this stellar system.

说 "Speaking of which, this planet is not like that of the Naruto world. So, should Chakra still exist on other planets?"

Wu Chengbin expanded the panorama and diffused towards the entire galaxy.

Cheng Bin, who got feedback from the panorama later, was surprised, "This is ... Dyson Cloud ?!"

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