Uplifting Journey

Chapter 168: Space Jump and Time Stop

"Damn inferior creatures, the cost of annoying gods is beyond your imagination!"

Tao Tao turned and shouted at Cheng Bin, then looked down at the hollow of his right palm—

In the gathering of a large number of chakras, the wound that penetrated the palm quickly healed completely, and even the lilac reincarnation eyes re-emerged.

But at this time, Cheng Bin had reposted it, and kicked out in front of the peach chest and abdomen.

Although he did not dare to try to remove Cheng Bin's body again, Peach-style stretched out his right hand and turned his eyes, and easily caught Cheng Bin in front.

The reincarnation eye absorbed the huge amount of radiation and kinetic energy carried by Cheng Bin's attack, and released it with the left fist of the peach-style wave after increasing several times.

At this moment, proceeding to the Cheng Bin area that was almost stuck in the arms of Tao Shi, the Tao Shi turned along the huge energy gyro of his left hand. Cheng Bin took two hands on the side of the Tao brain and turned in the opposite direction of its rotation. Just a twist.

The Tao Tao's head was suddenly twisted to the back, but it had no effect on him except to anger him. He simply twisted his head back and continued to fight with Cheng Bin.

"Although this peach type still maintains the body structure of humanoid creatures, does the essence of life and consciousness control no longer depend on this body ..."

The process of melee combat is tepid. The reaction speed and micro-control force crush Cheng Cheng of the Peach-style streets. In this way, he maintains close contact with the Peach-style and maintains his mind without disturbing the Peach-type body. The investigation of the parts, analyzes the things that can be analyzed on the peach body little by little.

But for the Taoist style, he is accustomed to the status of his own superior, and has just recently integrated the power of the Protoss. He already considers himself a true deity, how can he tolerate himself to be like an inferior person? Can't the guy fight for a long time?

The furious Peach-style immediately activated his strongest ability, and it was also his provocation, knowing that Cheng Bin could kill the ancestral tree, his three reincarnation eyes glared at the same time, emitting a light of the same frequency.

巨大 A huge spherical space flickered around the Peach-style, and everything in the world fell into stasis in the blink of an eye.

Time and space are discontinuous. The peach type forcibly embeds the space and time attached to the reincarnation eye into the surrounding space and time, and creates a period of independent space-time flow that only the matter in the reincarnation eye space can move.

"Did you see it? This is the real power !!!"

In the strange landscape where the sun and the stars are stagnant, Tao Shi laughed a few times with his white eyes looking at the motionless Cheng Bin before raising his left hand to point at him.

The immense amount of light condensed into small **** of light in front of the peach-style hand. As soon as the light ball left the palm of the peach-style hand, it stood still in the air, and Tao style deployed countless light **** around Cheng Bin.

Then Peach used his right-hand reincarnation eye to take out from the space of God the special elixir that was previously made from Chakra fruit, which can supplement Chakra and increase the strength and life of the body, and ate it.

Finally he lifted the time that had been consumed by Chakra ceased.

Wu Chengbin only felt that the peach-like moment in front of him disappeared from the induction, and he was suddenly hit by countless laser lasers at the same time, and the whole person was blasted out of the planet's atmosphere under the impact of huge energy and drifted into the deep universe.

刚刚 "Just ... what happened?"

斌 Cheng Bin, who has stabilized his body in cosmic space, readjusted a lot of white dwarf reaction armor that was triggered, and then pulled out the detection records of the various modules updated at any time to look at the panorama-

Strongly twisted space-time, terrible changes in mass and gravity, and the beam attack that appears almost simultaneously ...

Seeing this record, Cheng Bin couldn't help but utter a tongue: "Can you really stop the time? 啧, before entering this world, looking at the data is obviously like illusion ..."

However, from the analysis of recorded data, the ability that Peach has just used is not to freeze the time of the entire universe, but to distort the space and time around itself, and to extract a temporary "plateau" from the mainstream space and time.

According to the theory of relativity, when an object moves at a speed close to the speed of light, it will distort space-time violently. From the perspective of its frame of reference, external objects are no different from stationary ones.

The Peach-Peach style acquires the senses of space and time and the ability to act at the speed of light through the moment when the spatiotemporal strength attached to the reincarnation eye is embedded in the surrounding spacetime.

However, using the embedding of recurrent eye space to achieve the local peach-and-blood drop, and did not obtain the super energy and mass corresponding to the speed of light, and direct contact with matter outside the plateau of space-time must be distorted and re-synchronized.

However, he can move freely within the space before the time and space plateau collapses, and prepare for various attacks in advance at the connection between the time and space plateau and the low-lying plateau.

Understanding the overview of the ability that Peach has just used, Cheng Bin could not help but shake his head in his heart—

Chakra, who can do this kind of thing, is afraid that it can directly affect the nature of the bottom layer of space-time. If the powerful energy changes in this time-stop process can be manipulated and released, I am afraid there is no problem in erasing the entire galaxy.

This ability falls into the hands of a self-proclaimed **** like Tao, which is a violent thing ...

Cheng Bin, who was floating in space, turned his gaze aside, and at the place where he was watching, Peach appeared suddenly in the twisted space ripples.

"Twisted and folded ... Is this a space jump ..." Cheng Bin flashed in front of his eyes. This time, he recorded the whole process of the peach-style space jump in detail. He felt certain in his heart that the goods could not pass through the space. Jump and run away.

"But the principle of the time stop mechanism is only guessed ... Anyway, my defense and recovery ability is OK, it is necessary to try again."

Space jumped to the peach-style next to Cheng Bin, looking at Cheng Bin's face that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

When the first contact before feelings, Cheng Bin was pretended to be attacked and "hit" by him? Does this guy always release water in battle? If it ’s not the time to stop the divine power beyond the other's reaction ability ~ www.readwn.com ~ How long will he have to play monkey-like entanglement to discover this fact?

Feeling shameless inside, the peach-style reopened the space of God again. The moment when the huge spherical space constructed by the three reincarnation eyes was embedded in the space and time around him, the twisted space-time plateau reappeared. Moon Stars fell into complete stillness again.

This time Peach stood patiently in front of Cheng Bin, and put his left-hand reincarnation on his forehead. In the future, he would release the huge energy source that Cheng Bin swallowed with his right hand.

"Dare to tease gods, stupid mortals, let me die!"

After tilting the accumulated energy all over, Tao Shi said fiercely, and was about to step back and stop when he lifted.

However, at this time, something that made Peach feel creepy--

In the still space and time, he kept looking at Cheng Bin, who had previously shifted his position, and suddenly turned his gaze towards the side where he was currently.

"Damn! This is impossible!"

After gaining the magical time-stopping ability brought by reincarnation eyes, 一直 's peach-like complexion that has always been superior and regards all living beings as ants suddenly becomes stunned——

He doesn't believe that someone can break through this real divine power restriction, and cannot accept that there is a second existence that can move freely in the time and space constructed by this divine power.

"Go to death !!!"

The plateau of time and space suddenly collapsed, and an infinite amount of light condensed into a little on Cheng Bin's forehead burst out instantly, turning his head and most of his chest into nothingness.

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