Uplifting Journey

Chapter 208: Attacking Ninja Leather and Parallel Space-Time Administration

The main world of Naruto, the newly built temporary research base next to Loulan ruins.

Bian walked into the core research room of the base with a hint of awkwardness. He glanced at the exact same person in the room and bowed in salute: "Master, Otomaru, the experiment is about to begin, please go to the site to host it."

Osumaru, who browses information on the Chakra network, distractedly glanced at his former subordinates, using his usual hoarse, eerie voice: "Hehe, pocket, you are now the first-level owner of Ninja Federation, like me. No need to be so respectful. "

"It's all grown up by Lord Osumaru." He said this wholeheartedly.

He was originally an orphan. He became a spy who traveled under the threat of the Muye Tuanzang. However, he was discovered by Dashemaru in Xinxing Yinni Village. He brought it to the present point and revived it with his contributions. Dean of the orphanage who had been murdered in a group plot.

So I respect your own superior and academic teacher Dashemaru.

Da Snake Pill smiled, then walked out of the laboratory with Dudou, and turned to seal the door of the laboratory with many of the latest Permanent Shadow avatars with permission, so as not to be spit out after being hit by the avatars.

The Confederate Revolutionary Union has a rule that has been criticized by the endurance and developed by Cheng Bin, which is to elevate the use of avatars. It is forbidden to use avatars to replace other people's jobs on a large scale and for a long time.

Although the Ninja Federation has reached consensus on the avatars, such as life, mind lock, and the peculiarity of native humans, developed by Cheng Bin, it is also common to use such a convenient avatar technique.

In particular, some unscrupulous researchers, in the latest version of Shadow Avatar to unlock the mind lock, shadow Avatar release authority in the situation of the avatar is still unbridled avatar, completely disregarding the consequences, or really the consequences He will rejoice when the detached mind drifts and becomes independent.

Snake Pellets, Pellets, and Pellets ...

Fortunately, those who can contact and be eligible to use the new version of the avatar are all ninjas with high authority and knowledge. Their understanding of the pre-explanation of avatar is quite deep. So far, no avatar has been raised.

However, after all, there are rules and restrictions that cannot be used in a grand manner.

After leaving the delicate laboratory area, Dao She Wan and Tudou completed the transfer application in a blink of an eye, and a space jump came to the Loulan ruins full of gullies and tiankeng.

Honestly, after experiencing the attacks of six troops, the ten-tailed cluster, and Cheng Bin's body, the so-called Loulan ruins are now rare to find even a little artificial building debris.

On a horizontal metal ground cleaned up by ninjutsu, the intricate seal pattern is being engraved, and the big snake pill and pocket appear beside this array.

The two of them greeted the members of the six troops stationed next to each other, and then checked the specific data of the French array again.

After a while, Dashe Wan said with emotion: "There is no problem in theory, so just wait for practice ... It's really curious, parallel space, another one or something, haha ​​... but before starting the experiment ..."

Dashe Wan opened the Chakra network and retrieved in his mind some advances in certain projects of the Ninja Federation.

After the Loulan war, the Nigerian Coalition, conscious of the seriousness of the problem, convened a conference and immediately abandoned the original plan and let go of some of its concerns.

Human forces, led by mines and Turkey, who were still outside the League of Legends, were defeated and overwhelmed by six troops overnight. The entire human kingdom was forced into a group in the face of the general science and technology of the League of Legends. Then began the large education and planet colonization program.

Benefiting from the plant civilization of the Dyson Cloud planetary system, it is not too difficult to transfer space between the nearby planets, and the environment is basically suitable for human habitation, and a few are not suitable for survival. First, use targeted curing on the human body. Coping is enough.

Fortunately, the original tyrannical ruler Datongmu on other planets was almost killed by Tao and Cheng Bin, and the NPP ’s civilization spread and fire protection plan proceeded smoothly.

So now they can conduct some experiments on this sparsely populated planet with some risks.

"Connecting parallel spaces requires a lot of chakras as a basis."

He dug through the relevant information and data left by Fan Chengbin, and then signaled to the six members of the army next to him.

成员 The member immediately turned on six modes, burning Chakra flames, and took out a black sphere covered with white seal lines from the space attached to his reincarnation eye.

The ten-pointed chakras of filaments permeated from the black ball like marks.

Relying on the delicate operation of Chakra, the seal ball was unsealed in the eyes of several people.

In the little black ball, a sudden giant monster of several kilometers was rushed out.

Then before there was any time to scream, the monster was captured by the activated matrix, and it was swallowed by the matrix method in a blink of an eye.

The crowd of onlookers remained indifferent.

"Is a ten-tail enough?" The ninja who released the monster looked at his superior pocket much younger than himself.

The former six troops were in the Loulan ruins, and the new ten tails were continuously captured through the space-time loopholes set by Cheng Bin. Although the refresh rate and number of the latter ten tails are not known, why they are getting less and less, but the six troops still have a considerable accumulation. Ten tails of reserves.

This situation continued until the Ninja Leather Federation created a subspace space-time seal that replaced Cheng Bin's neutron star ring.

"It's enough in theory," Nodded his head, "Even if it was originally a place where the **** tree was planted, the remaining Chakra could not be more than a complete **** tree incarnation-ten tails."

Dashe Wan took a black ring from his pocket and put it in the embedded slot reserved by the matrix. After checking the seal array after adding Chakra, he looked up and said, "Let's get started."

The seal array method, which has been prepared for a long time, is activated in various defense circles, exuding delicate space-time ripples.

Under the attention of the six troops gathered together and all of them entering the state of preparation, a circular space door suddenly opened above the formation. The nearby air was first sucked vigorously, and then it suddenly stabilized.

It seems that the opposite side has been connected to a place with similar atmospheric pressure.

Launched all kinds of detection instruments that were already prepared. It didn't take long for them to confirm the situation of the space opposite them.

Almost identical planetary system, the position of the space gate is the Loulan ruins of the opposite world.

"Interesting ..." Dashe Wan controlled the energy-intensive magic circle to close slowly and browsed the previously detected data.

Although the time is relatively short, Dashe Wan took people to sort out the collected information, and reconstructed a very detailed three-dimensional image of the new world.

The New World seems to be a fairly peaceful world, full of cities and dense high-rise buildings, which is unimaginable during the period of war in Ninja Wars—the kind of dense high-rise buildings that are casually wounded with casual use of ninjutsu ~ www.readwn.com ~ After seeing the iconic building of the wooden leaf-the rock wall carved with the head image of the previous Naruto, Dashemaru gave out a meaningless laughter.

"Seven avatars ... The fifth generation is Tsunade, who is also a three-bearer, the sixth generation is Kakashi, a disciple of the fourth generation of Naruto, the seventh generation ... is that nine-tailed pillar-powered ghost?"

I thought that he was still attached to the position of Naruto Naruto ... but now, hehe ...

"Naruto has reached the seventh generation, and depending on the level of technology and population, it is similar to the future world. I don't know what I am in this world."

After thinking about it, Osumaru said to the other side who was also browsing information: "Dou, you find some suitable people in the army and discuss with the education system. We need to build a team with sufficient affinity and combat effectiveness. Teams, or even a specialized department, to explore and deal with the parallel spaces found later ... "

This department should be called the Parallel Space-Time Administration?

Bian Dashe Wan remembered some of the jokes that Cheng Bin mentioned casually when discussing issues with Cheng Bin before, and he shook his head with a subtle expression.

"Because independent members and human clones are opposed by most members, and the newly established Ninja Federation has not been established for a long time, the population within the knowledge and authority system has always been a major problem that restricts the development rate. Now, I think we have a good solution Method..."..

But before that, we must first ensure that Ninja Leather can eliminate the monster known as the ancestral tree that lurks in the planetary system. Let's experiment with this world ...

Dashe Wan looked at a planet in the image of a huge plant in the planetary system, his eyes flickered dangerously.

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