Uplifting Journey

Chapter 214: Private subspace gameplay and locked civilization

In a small private space of a small size, a wooden leaf village that was almost exactly the same as before the emergence of Rengelian was located on the edge of a mountain.

At the top of the cliff face depicting four huge heads of Naruto, a red-haired oil paint is painted under the eyes, and a white-haired middle-aged man in a black loose bathrobe is sitting barefoot on the flat rock near the cliff, holding it A wine glass leisurely looked at the leaves of people coming and going.

He is the origin of Naruto's main world, and one of the most representative high-ranking members of the Ninja Federation.

Suddenly, Zi also turned his head to look at his side in doubt, the stone ground spiraling around him, and in a blink he formed a young man in black.

However, Cheng Bin intruded into this subspace, and directly manipulated the co-working units in the space to reconstruct the human body.

Looking at Cheng Bin's familiar appearance, Zi Lai frowned. "This is a private space. Isn't it too impolite to invite him? Anyway, please knock on the door?"

It's not surprising that Cheng Bin's return came after all. After all, based on the importance of the feedback information of Bo Feng Nazi before, he has gone through it a long time ago.

"Uh, sorry" I felt the wonderful feeling of the human shell and ordinary human body. Cheng Bin turned his head and looked at Zi Ye, "but this is said by you guys who often peep at women's baths. It ’s really unconvincing. You fictionalized such a wooden leaf village, wouldn't you want to resume your old business? "

He raised his hand to drink and almost didn't hesitate. His face was reddish, his eyes were coughing and he coughed twice: "What is said is just old nostalgia."

You're all reacting to this, right?

Cheng Bin stared at Zilai silently. Speaking of Niigata ’s super-strong social monitoring outside, some people with special hobbies basically could only squat at home to entertain themselves.

For example, Zili also has enough contributions to exchange for private subspaces and supporting facilities. It is actually a very small number of people who reconstruct a 3D pseudo-real world to perform various high-end gameplay to satisfy selfish desire. It is said that the emperor's ancestors are ridiculous and nobody cares about you.

Since this guy, it seems that he has been expecting this kind of thing since he was thrown into the fantasy experience before.

After looking at Muye Village, which has a high degree of recovery, he looked at the delicate magpies in the village that seemed to be no different from living people. Cheng Bin pulled the topic back.

"Since, what's going on with those of you who are good friends, Dashe Wan?"


Zi Lai's expression was a bit subtle, and after thinking for a while, he said, "After the faction of Dashemaru gradually guided the research department to deviate from the direction of replacing Chakra, many people inexplicably expressed their opposition.

"There is an optimist who thinks Chakra is a gift, a naturalist who thinks Chakra is a natural rule, and a shrink-head who fears the owner behind Chakra. Anyway, many people suddenly jump out of opposition for various reasons, fierce. Sometimes even tends to fight

"After the study of the Dashe Wan series, it was believed that Chakra created these murmurs. In order to avoid human chaos under the guidance of Chakra, they simply erased the records and hid them in the unknown subspace. Anyway, with their ability, they broke away from tolerance Certain rules of the League of Legends may restrict the development faster, let's say "

Zi Lai also looked at Cheng Bin with a complicated look, and then slowly said:

"People who know that you and Bai exist, not all of them can tolerate everything around them, and it is understandable to find a clean place to develop."

He also drank the wine in the glass, sighed while looking at the small cup at hand, and then sighed with his fingers, crushing the cup in the invisible chakra waves, and even crushing all the intelligent atoms that make up the cup .

Cheng Bin watched the co-working reactions that constituted the liquor disappeared in Tap also knowing that it should be worn away by Chakra, he shrugged:

"This is no way. For me, Chakra is a thing with unknown risks. When pushing Chakra civilization forward, it must always ensure that it has sufficient strength to deal with possible problems. Naturally, we cannot open co-work to direct contact with Cha. Carat you, I wouldn't say anything if you were able to crack the co-working unit yourself. "

"So my patience, honesty and patience, will end up in this position."

Zi Lai also stood up with a touch of emotion, and Chakra waved slightly on her body, and the entire Muye Village suddenly turned into countless particles and merged into the sub-space platform.

"So, what else did you do to come to me on purpose?"

Cheng Bin took a closer look at Lai Ye, and confirmed that he had indeed separated from Chakra ’s state of consciousness, as in the record, so he gradually replaced the role of Chakra with co-working without affecting most social functions. The plan has been explained to Zi.

He also frowned.

"To be honest, I don't support such things."

Since then, he has also turned his mind to the information network, looked at the current latest social data of the huge Ninja Federation, and then said to Cheng Bin seriously: "Those civilians are fine, anyway, they enjoy more than contributions, no Right is not able to tell what the essence of the technique is usually.

"But for most citizens, analyzing and understanding Chakra related technical knowledge and flexible design and development techniques to solve problems has become a daily routine. It is impossible for them to detect Chakra being replaced, let alone those in the research department. Guy. "

After he paused, he continued with some hesitation: "I don't know if my current thoughts came into being under the guidance of Chakra, but I think this should be the true thought in my heart-

"The peaceful life now is hard to come by. It is the right way to steadily study and improve the overall strength of civilization. It is unnecessary to do these things to stimulate Chakra's response. It is too risky."

Cheng Bin was silent for a while, then nodded: "I understand your concerns, but I'm actually not in a hurry, but

"Based on my observations and statistics ~ www.readwn.com ~ Your civilization has been brought into the ditch by Chakra. It should be no problem to continue to improve the strength of civilization, but I did not see even a little bit of cracking and abandoning Chakra. The possibility

"Look, how long have your thinking-related versions of the arts changed qualitatively? Similar ones include artificial intelligence, advanced energy, and micro-exploration. All the technologies that can get you out of Chakra's reliance are oblivious. There is even a call for Chakra to return to himself

"You have gone a long way in the application of Chakra. I have learned a lot of new knowledge of Chakra application from you, but in fact those technologies that are most critical to the change of civilization, you are completely locked by Chakra. This spiritual intangible shackle will only get tighter over time

"Many of you can't stand the existence of the latent co-working unit, but can endure the control of civilization by Chakra? Do you think this is okay?"

After listening to Cheng Bin's words, he also frowned, thinking for a long time.

After a while, Lai also frowned and smiled helplessly: "Thank you for explaining this to me, but even if we old guys refuse, you intend to enforce it directly as planned, right?"

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