Uplifting Journey

Chapter 218: Plans for the next world and attacked bases

Fortunately, the body of the skeletal body was still quite strong. The monster that dominated the body had not completely disintegrated and scattered in countless different places in the spatiotemporal chaos generated by the previous four-dimensional collision and multiple subspace collapses.

After all, a small amount of Chakra could not survive in the fiercely twisted space, so Cheng Bin's workload was not too much, only the monster's main body and some large pieces of debris.

But counting the seeds and ten tails of the monsters that have divided into countless parallel subspaces over a long period of time, it is a bit troublesome, but those things do not have the consciousness of this skeleton, and can be passed on by Ninja Leather Why ...

"Speaking of it, I do n’t know what ’s going on in the Naruto master world? I do n’t know if the split has gone back, oh, I should have been thinking a little bit outside the split just in case ..."

Unlike the skeleton that has never touched the complete main world and has gaps in space-time research, Cheng Bin has done so many experiments there. Even if he does n’t know where he is floating in the chaotic time and space, he confirms the main world. Bearing return is just a matter of time.

Bin Chengbin is not planning to set off to hunt down monsters, verify his conjecture, or return to the main world. After all, his dynamic balanced subspace exhaustive experiments have advanced the boss, and he has explored some clues to the improvement of temporary space. It is natural that he would not want to start afresh and change the space-time environment again.

I glanced at the skeleton that was no longer responding except for coordinate guidance. Cheng Bin waved back the material on the surface of the simulated planet around and concentrated on studying the subspace experiments ...

The four-dimensional platform created by the skeletal skeleton and the monster under various coincidences was not the final result that Cheng Bin wanted.

Probing the deeper laws of the space dimension, allowing himself to grow from a low-dimensional painting to a high-dimensional book-turner, and constructing a body that is normally in a high-dimensional space, which is what Cheng Bin expects.

However, after a period of research, Cheng Bin had to admit that it is unrealistic for him to achieve this goal.

The normal world has only a three-dimensional main space in the ground state. All other dimensions that Cheng Bin reduced to the fourth dimension are tortuous. The three-dimensional subspaces shifted a little in the fourth dimension require a lot of energy to open up and maintain.

According to the knowledge accumulated by Cheng Bin, it can be seen that the space-time is discontinuous and discrete. Under the Planck scale, which is one billion times smaller than Cheng Bin's current finest detection accuracy, space-time is unknown in the form of existence. The units are separated one by one.

In the case of not having a lot of intuitive impressions on the fourth dimension, based on Cheng Bin's current accumulation, in order to complete the resident space upgrade, two conditions are required--

Endless, can plug the universe's energy, and the ability to manipulate space-time to the accuracy of Planck scale.

Only when these two conditions are met can we open up and manipulate countless subspaces that are truly adjacent on the physical level, build a four-dimensional space that can stably exist, and then complete the space upgrade on this basis.

I'm kidding ... If Cheng Bin really has that ability, he can destroy Xingyu with his fingers and rebuild the world. It doesn't matter what space is up and down.

I still settle for the second, honest research reproduced the previous temporary four-dimensional platform, slowly explored the knowledge of the fourth dimension, and found a simpler way to upgrade the dimension.

"In terms of the Planck scale at the bottom of the universe, I want to analyze it is far away, but in terms of energy ... It seems that I have to find a way to extract the vacuum zero energy, although it is the lowest energy level of the ground state assumption, but after all Theoretically, an atom-sized space contains zero point energy that is comparable to the sum of cosmic matter ...

不过 "But Chakra's technology has a good black box packaging, it's a bit difficult to crack ..."

Cheng Chengbin adjusted the direction of the subspace experiment, abandoned the unrealistic space upgrading under the current knowledge accumulation, and prepared to get simple four-dimensional detection, defense, and attack capabilities, and then cleared away those monsters that had been differentiated from the skeleton.

"Vacuum zero-point energy, as well as subspaces and dark matter that seem to be related ... Perhaps, consider the next world's Dirac Sea for quantum vacuum to match ..."

Uh ...

The puppet is anchored at the subspace boundary of the main world Naruto planet, which is filled with a large amount of nanomechanics and matter, and is almost a solid fortress.

With the dark space cracks spreading, a monster smaller than the circle seen by Cheng Bin forcibly broke the boundary of the space-time warning and defense layer.

The body of the puppet monster and its similar body suddenly burst into a huge amount of chakra flames, eroding into the spherical metal shell close to the space boundary.

的 The shell eroded by Chakra is distorted and deformed under the control of the monster, a large number of sophisticated devices and instruments are easily destroyed, and a huge hole squirms open in front of the monster.

The monster creeped into it without stopping, marching all the way to the depths.

But the essence is an outer defensive shell that is constantly accumulating material reserves. Its thickness is much larger than that of a monster. For a while, the monster cannot invade the area where the real base is located.

The silent alarm signal quickly spread to all locations in the huge spherical subspace with a diameter several times larger than the outside sun through the network of quantum communication nodes.

In this horrible spherical fortress that is high enough to easily form a black hole, in the central control room surrounded by a large number of curvature interference devices, the big snake pill that received the alarm signal came back from the research at hand.

"... can trigger this alarm, the intensity of the attack is not low ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the first time today ..."

After glancing at the "snake pills" that are all busy and have the same appearance but different dresses around the eyes, this snake ball from the main world of Naruto turned his attention to the internal network and gave instructions to the old men through thinking instructions. Asked:

"Do, where are you from this time?"

"Master Snake Pill," the combat command center glanced at the realistic three-dimensional projection in front of him, while dispatching various resources and defense weapons, while replying, "defense weapons can attract the enemy's attention and guide its trajectory, it seems This time the enemy has no clear target. "

After briefly asking a few words, Obuchi hung up the communication, looked at the refreshing data stream of the combat department, confirmed that the enemy was not dealing with the problem, and turned his attention back.

Opening the records of the research department, Dashe Wan frowned as he looked at the historical research project on Chakra: "Strange, how did these monsters find here ... When they attacked the base before, they went straight to the place where Chakra's related equipment was located. Location but now ...

"All Chakras in the base have been sealed to other subspaces in isolation, and even the research project to crack Chakras has been temporarily suspended. These guys can actually accurately capture the dynamic coordinates of our base ...

"Is Chakra really intolerant of human development ..."

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