Uplifting Journey

Chapter 220: The mystery of human birth and the attack that seems familiar

Cheng Bin grabbed a person from the space doors leading to the different subspaces.

After a short pause to finish the analysis, Cheng Bin threw the figure in his hand into the space-time cage next to him. He looked at the mini plant around him and complained: "Skull, this is not the same as saying, you said that the monster would not Then take the initiative. "

Skeleton, who was going to sleep to death but was forcibly awakened by Cheng Bin, replied angrily: "I also said that it still retains the stress mechanism when facing injuries and enemies. Before, you rashly destroyed some of it. Carat, it caused it to act. "

"Ahem ... this is a communication problem, we should communicate in more detail."

Cheng Bin leaned his head a little guilty and looked at the flashing space door in front of him--

A key point in his previous 4D and subspace related experiments progressed. When he experimented with subspaces to build a convenient space channel across the anchoring range, he used the induction direction provided by the skeleton as an experiment for the coordinates. The opposite monster split dragged over.

At that time, Cheng Bin did not think too much. After separating the part of the chakra, he pinched a black hole surface and destroyed the monster chakra.

However, I did not expect this action to be like stinging a horse honeycomb. The Chakra sensor that had previously been pointed at its body suddenly dispersed widely, and diverged into countless different spaces.

Cheng Bin realized that it was not good, but could not bear the current progress of the subspace experiments. He had to constantly open the space door for detection, find the chakras in the skeleton induction, and grab it directly across the air to seal it.

In order to avoid more accidents, Cheng Bin intends to concentrate on one-off solution after all the arrests.

Fortunately, Cheng Bin didn't respond slowly. By now, most of the monsters that have spread out, Chakra, have been captured and sealed by him.

There are also some problems with the process bin

In the vast space, the monster Chakra basically uses things like ancestral trees, **** trees, and ten tails as shuttles.

As soon as they landed, they eroded the carrier of the same origin, and began to contact the human-shaped intelligent life, and parasitize it as the subject. Instead, they led the parasitic host to do things instead of acting on their own.

Cheng Bin had no idea about this, but for the time being, no matter who you were parasitic on, he opened the window and caught something.

When opening windows in countless spaces, Cheng Bin went to verify a previous conjecture--

Conjecture about the cause of human birth.

After opening so many windows, Cheng Bin confirmed that there is a human being in all the parallel subspaces he is in contact with, and its birth and exhibition are almost the same except for the time point.

This is obviously no coincidence.

The subspace and the civilization process in it are promoted by Chakra, and it can be seen that the exhibition of humanity is carried out in Chakra's attention.

The humanoid creatures, including the Datongmu family and ordinary people, did not evolve naturally, but were catalyzed in various situations after monsters suspected of high-dimensional skeletons destroyed plant civilization.

Taking the main space as an example, the humans there were the biological weapons manufactured by the monster side during the war between the skeleton and the monster, and the skeleton also produced various fighting creatures that used its natural energy under control.

Judging from the data recorded by Shi Chengbin in the main space, the creatures on the side of the skeleton are basically the ones that were transformed and debugged by the original creatures on these planets, including those snakes, toads, and tadpoles in the three holy places of Naruto.

The humanoid creature from the monster's side is genetically incapable of finding a local shadow, indicating that it was created out of thin air from a template outside a Naruto world.

Then the question comes-

Gao Weisu and Chakra are hostile. Gao Weisu created human beings, but after the plant civilization was finished and Gao Weisu's interference disappeared, he turned his head and started to fiddle with humans in all parallel subspaces as he had maintained the plant civilization. ?

And now, the scattered monster Chakra is looking for people when the shell is on the head to do things ... this ...

What role did humans play in this high-dimensional war?

Cheng Bin, who was slightly eye-catching about the background of the world, felt that he was in the mist again.

After pondering and catching monsters everywhere, after capturing all the scattered monsters back, Cheng Bin split these chakras to the left and right, and threw the cage, and began to pay attention to the remaining monsters.

"Why did these guys get together?"

Looking at Skeleton's induction results, Cheng Bin scratched his head with some doubts. After a complicated time-space calculation at the bottom of his heart, he began to try to open the space door in the subspace where these monsters gathered together.

The door encountered unexpected resistance. It seemed to be a deliberate space-time defense. However, Cheng Bin, who recently opened the door smoothly, did not have too much time to think about it. He gently passed the defense layer like crushing glass. , Opened the space door.

With both hands supporting the edge of the space door, Cheng Bin looked at the probe and was taken aback by the complicated situation in front of him--

A level-like mechanical creation comparable to a large star floats in the center of the subspace. A creeping monster and humans parasitized by the monster are fiercely hitting the metallic planet in the unstable subspace.

There was also a familiar signal from that metal planet.

"This signal is the standard protagonist of the protagonist that I pinched out and experimented with when constructing the neutron star battle body-the space ring ... Is this the site of the Ninja Federation?"

At this time, Cheng Bin realized that his own behavior was not right just now-he crushed the space-time interference defense mechanism from the metal planet, and now all the monster legions with all kinds of space-time capabilities immediately invaded into the interior of the metal planet.

"Uh ... theor1d!"

The situation was so critical that Cheng Bin ended the experiment here without a word, with the help of the neutron star ring in the distance and his own subspace connection to start the time stop.

The world is frozen, everything is still, the endless artillery fire that fills the entire subspace is stagnated in mid-air, and the mechanical planet and the monsters everywhere are still.

However, this kind of relative time stop is not unsolvable for those monsters that have the ability to interfere in time and space and are within close distance of the time stop plateau.

A lot of monsters instinctively twisted their entire space and time to isolate themselves to gain room for self-protection, while some monsters with strong space and time ability turned and climbed up the time plateau on Cheng Bin's side, invading Cheng Bin's time and space and attacked him. .

Cheng Bin only needed to split the time to divide the battlefield, instead of relying on this time to stop fighting. He estimated the bearing capacity of the space gate that turned into a vast cliff in the space-time plateau, and then set off to meet it.

The first few deformed monsters that did not parasitize humans, Cheng Bin flew over and crushed them into nothingness.

With the terrible strength of the neutron star warfare, you can destroy almost everything within the scope of Cheng Bin's understanding with just contact, and you can wipe out the monster's Chakra with a little effort.

Subsequent humanoid monsters followed.

"Spots, bands, feathers, huiye ... many familiar guys, are people who have been in contact with reincarnation and the power of the ten tails more likely to be parasitic by this monster Chakra?"

Cheng Bin rushed over a band who wanted to attack him with the sword of Daoyuhua shape, and then silently resisted a spot like a laser-like ninjutsu against him, and swiped his finger to the cliff of the space-time plateau. Let him be broken in the chaotic time and space.

"This battlefield is still using ninjutsu. Before you saw that you could climb up in the stoppage and thought you had any reliable skills ... It seems that your human habits have not been completely obliterated by those monsters Chakra. .. "

After observing the situation of the metal planet and the subspace here ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cheng Bin grabbed a few humans parasitized by monsters and studied it, and then shredded all intrusions with the help of space and time under three fists and two feet Monsters in the plateau of time and space.

Later, he began to continuously calculate and adjust the time and space in the time zone. At the moment when the time zone was released, time and space distortions were superimposed on the positions of all monsters scattered inside and outside the metal planet, forming a large-scale but precise instantaneous gravity drop attack.

At this moment, relying on the human-specific full-information associative thinking mode, Cheng Bin suddenly felt a part of his memory touched, and he murmured to himself somewhat unexpectedly:

"Is this kind of attack I compiled now similar to the‘ that ’described in World Record Zero? It ’s really interesting. It seems to go back and verify if it ’s true ...”

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