Uplifting Journey

Chapter 233: Civilization variables, high-dimensional interference, dark moon stance

When the black moon information was found in the blue star tombstone of Mars, what was the rhetoric of the system?

I seem to say nothing.

So Cheng Bin looked a little subtle in the eyes of the black cat.

The system knows nothing about Black Moon?

This is the inner area with the strongest system control! The world is under its control from beginning to end.

投放 Before the terminal was put into the system, in order to be able to control the development situation in the inner area, but in one fell swoop, the nearby world line was destroyed.

After obtaining the relic fragments, the system can detect the specific situation of the outer world. If it does not know the role of the dark moon in the inner world of the inner domain and the current dynamics, Cheng Bin can only be right.

"Host, this system knows what you care about most ..."

The black cat paced back and forth in the starry sky and slowly said, "If you think that if the black moon will conflict with you in the near future, and it has developed into an unimaginable state in these ten million years, then this system will choose You?"

Alas, no one who is destined to hit the street ... this is the same, but ...

Cheng Bin said with some confusion: "Listening to your system, you seem to be sure that there will be a battle between Heiyue and me? Looking at the information of the Blue Stars, Heyue seems to care only about whether the civilization has undergone a sudden change of mind? Looking at it in white, humans should No chance to touch the mold of the dark moon. "

"There must be a battle? It's the host. Sooner or later you will find it ..." The black cat crouched in the air and turned it around, unwillingly, "But ... host you are so active in the solar system, even picked it up A planet is stowed away, are you sure you won't be spotted and knocked in by the moon? "

Cheng Bin chuckled at this: "Just jokingly, as far as physics is concerned, I have no clue about the phenomenon of out-of-domain crossing, which is far more mysterious than using gravity and subspace to transfer a planet. With the level of black moon technology, it requires It's really kept under surveillance, and it should have surfaced as early as when I first landed on the moon.

就是 "I just don't know how the sudden change of civilizational thinking was detected by Heiyue Judgment, and why it's doing so ... Do you know the system?"

"Well, the host, you actually know the answer ..." The black cat raised his claws. "Just now you mentioned the moon landing, then you remember that when the first outer region crossing was performed on the moon, this system chose the world's That condition? "

条件 "Conditions?"

Cheng Chengbin dug out all the memories of the moment.

"The choice of the outer world No. 1 ... the inner domain is split and the potential is low ..." Thinking of the most critical conditions, Cheng Bin could not help but sink, "... the world with few variables?"

The black cat nodded and said, "Again, in addition to the magical inverse entropy logic system-intelligent life that can resonate with parallel world information, what else can be called variables in this world?"

"So, the monitoring and interference of the sudden changes in the thinking of civilization by Heiyue is a kind of behavior that specifically suppresses the increase of world variables?" Cheng Bin frowned. "What's the point of doing this? The increase and decrease of variables should only be. .. 啧 ... "

"Host, you realize it too ..."

In front of the tortoiseshell cat, there is an image familiar to Cheng Bin. It is a horizontal inverted tree, and it is also an infinitely different river of time and space.

Paw clicked in front of the figure used to metaphorically describe the nature of the evolution of the universe, the black cat said seriously:

"Only high-dimensional life will care about variables, especially pseudo-high-dimensional life. Any variable that is not under its control will continuously dilute and weaken its control over the world line that it has bundled, threatening its power and even To life. "

Looking at the high-dimensional tumors that are constantly entangled with other branches of time and space on the screen, Cheng Bin thought of a lot.

In terms of the development of human civilization on earth, the speed of civilization progress is constantly increasing, and under normal circumstances, it will only be faster and faster.

Humans have been monkeys for hundreds of thousands of years, but they have established a brilliant civilization in thousands of years, and then broke out of the earth in just a hundred years.

In the past ten years, the growth rate of human productivity has exceeded the sum of previous human history countless times.

During this process, the number of humans and the complexity of human thinking are constantly rising.

From the beginning of the information age, human knowledge, vision, and communication volume have grown at an explosive rate.

The rapid exchange of information between people and the spark generated by the collision of thinking and thinking pushed the possibility of human beings to an extreme.

If you then perform memory manipulation, mental communication, thinking optimization, etc. on this basis, it will lead to sudden technological changes in thinking.

There is bound to be a leap in the variables of puppet civilization, completely entering another level.

文明 This civilization is simply a nightmare for those who do not want to see the increase in variables.

Not to mention, a civilization composed of countless individuals can itself be regarded as an extremely complicated super life.

If this super life is uplifted ... how terrible will its variables be? How terrible will it be? How widespread can it be?

Puppet high-dimensional life who is in direct contact with high-dimensional civilization, don't they have to sit on the spot?

This can understand why almost all the civilizations that Cheng Bin encountered seem to have a bright future.

The motive of the dark moon everywhere looking for a civilization that wiped out sudden changes in thinking seems quite obvious.

I can't ...

Cheng Bin asked the system in confusion: "Isn't the inner area our base camp? Is there any other high-dimensional life? And ~ www.readwn.com ~ Black Moon's technical content is far worse than Chakra, but not like It is the handwriting of high-dimensional life. "

宿主 "Host your problem ..." The black cat smiled and squinted. "The former is prohibited."

As soon as Cheng Bin's face fell-I knew that this system was not reliable ...

"As for the latter ..." The black cat leaned his head and said in a weird tone, "How can you confirm that the black moon must be on the side of high-dimensional life?"

"?" Cheng Bin froze, and then instantly wanted to understand the meaning of the system-

骤 The sudden change of civilization thinking will lead to the interference of high-dimensional life. The depth of black moon technology is not the same as that of high-dimensional life. Then the reason for the sudden change of the thinking of ordinary civilization ...

Is it to make this world avoid the sight of high-dimensional life?

Cheng Chengbin frowned and pondered carefully—thinking this way, Heiyue's position is actually a bit subtle ... it must know some high-dimensional situations, and it is not behind a civilization composed of plural individuals.

Cheng Chengbin does not have a good opinion of those high-dimensional lives that wantonly obliterate the future of civilization. From this standpoint, the black moon doing the same thing is even a friendly ... but ...

Cheng Bin said to the system after a short whisper: "How do you feel that the topic has been unknowingly unknowingly? What I wanted to ask at first was the current level of technology and true power of Heiyue, no matter its position, it ’s The threat of human civilization is real ...

而且 "And, as a pseudo-high-dimensional life you made out of the system, wouldn't Black Moon have any special thoughts for me? You don't explain these issues clearly in the system, and my next plan is not well arranged."

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