Uplifting Journey

Chapter 242: Female bump man with shadow behind myth

After exchanging some data, Xun Xun began to reexamine his soul, Cheng Bin turned his eyes to one side and suddenly stopped attacking the EVA test machine covering his head and hitting the wall everywhere.

Although it is possible to despise the opponent in terms of combat effectiveness, it is necessary to pay attention to any unknown in scientific research. Cheng Bin's analysis of this EVA has never stopped.

碇 How did the only human who thought with his brain transfer the core of his thinking to Lilith's soul buried in the human body, and how did he react to the flesh and soul of EVA Lilith?

相关 The data related to these things are very useful for Cheng Bin who is trying to crack the internal structure and working process of the apostle soul.

At least he now knows the external interface of some apostolic souls, and at the same time, it can be determined that the apostolic souls are built around a miniature space-time funnel similar to a black hole. This funnel can also be accompanied by the apostolic souls to split and merge at will.

This part of the data, and those obtained by Cheng Bin during the black hole collision experiments in the world of Naruto, indicate that the mystery of the apostolic soul's extraction of the vacuum zero energy lies in the fact that its core extends along the fourth dimension all the way to the invisible spacetime Structurally.

Rubbing the mini black hole by hand and keeping it from evaporating quickly is not difficult for Cheng Bin, but so far he has no way to explore and manipulate the black space core to the extreme time and space-no matter how small the black hole is.

But the apostle soul can do this kind of thing, and it can also extract endless vacuum zero energy.

"Same as Chakra ... I want to create this kind of thing, it must be constructed in the positive and negative universe of the theory at the same time. It is impossible to operate only at this end without the opposite cooperation. The construction of a straight tunnel requires a lot of coordination and precise coordination ...

"But the existence close to the black hole will freeze to the end of the universe in a distorted space. It is impossible to reach the anti-universe through a four-dimensional hole in the center of the black hole, and the four-dimensional offset of the subspace wants to cross the extreme point to the negative one. On the one hand, it is not enough to fill in the material energy of the entire universe ...

"So how did the apostle soul build up in the fourth dimension of the universe of the positive and negative universe?"

With a strange hotbed structure like the black and white moon flashing in his mind, Cheng Bin temporarily put down the problem and looked at the EVA that was standing still after struggling frantically.

"Has Yun Wei's spirit reached its limit? He actually chose to sleep instead of crazy ..."

Xun Wei, who made sacrifices under the triple identity of researcher, mother, and ambitionist to become the inner soul of the EVA test machine, Cheng Bin, as an indirect enabler, would not mind helping her return to her original appearance.

He can restore 碇 Wei this human based on the previously recorded information, or he can transform this flesh giant into a human appearance.

Both of these are considered resurrection, and Bu Chengbin is obviously more interested in the latter.

"You will get the divine power you desire as a human being, but when you find yourself surpassing and incompatible with humans in all aspects, in what perspective and identity will you survive?"

After Cheng Chengbin pondered for a moment, the neutron star battle body suddenly exerted force, and his body was blurred in the air for a moment.

The majestic force that can shake the stars penetrates the EVA's body through the resistance of the AT force field crushed by time and space, and is delicately divided according to its different functional structures.

The flesh-blooded giant immediately exploded into a pool of blood, and quickly gathered together to form a blood cell, which gradually reduced to the size of an ordinary human.

While rebuilding the human body for Xun Wei, he helped her build a subspace to store her excess flesh and core.

In addition, Cheng Bin added sub-space use, body change control, multiple shelling modules, and other instincts to his experiments in accordance with the interface of the apostolic souls accumulated through exploration.

This setting is quite sensation-think about it, an ordinary human woman who looks ordinary and suddenly turns into a big tens of meters high in critical moments. The core of the chest emits infinite energy and releases various The beam blasted the enemy to the **** ...

"His ... isn't this bumpy man?"

After Xun completed the remodeling experiment with enthusiasm, Cheng Bin looked strangely at the newly born female Ultraman Xun Wei.

Mr. Cheng always felt that something was wrong. Cheng Bin thought about it, and then made a suit plus a researcher's white gown for him, and added a skin mimicry and clothing manufacturing module to his instinct.

Not everyone has the kind of unreliable material pants of the Hulk, who can easily transform without streaking.

Xi Xun, who watched the whole reconstruction project, leaned in, and he had no special thoughts on Qi Wei's reconstruction.

After all, in the past study period, he was not used as experimental material by Cheng Bin, and he was considered immune to these things.

"What are you thinking?"

Faced with Xun Xun's question, Cheng Bin answered with a quizzical look: "I was thinking about whether or not human Adam would contact Wu Yuantang. I do n’t want to implant Adam embryos once or twice in the reincarnation, and ... "

Pointing at Wei Wei who is slowly waking up, Cheng Bin said queerly: "Wife Wei Wei has become a bumpy man. In case Wei Wei still wants to preserve human behavior, accidentally break Wu Yuantang when he is living a private life Isn't it ... "

"Don't joke ..." Faced with Cheng Bin's bad taste, Xun Xun's face did not change her color, "Lilith's soul has not been separated, I'm afraid that the contact between Adam Wei and Adam's embryo is close to awakening. You are going to do it directly. Experiment? "

Cheng Chengbin sighed with regret: "Well, just talk about it. The restart cycle has a range of tens of light years. How can that kind of experiment be done further?"

已经 Waking up at this moment 转 We instinctively controlled the AT force field to float out of thin air, and looked at the two people in amazement in amazement: "You ..."

"Spoken people can speak, it seems that the instinct adaptability of the implant is no problem."

Cheng Chengbin touched his chin and said to Wei Wei: "Recall carefully, I have put some information in your mind."

When Xun Wei received headaches and miscellaneous information in her head, Xun Xun asked strangely, "What did you tell her?"

"The status quo of her own body and the basic situation of reincarnation, indicate the position of the enemy and me so that she will not desperately try again. Isn't she the core of deified awakening in many reincarnations? Pulling her back may have unexpected benefits."

Cheng Bin paused and continued, "In addition, based on the data of the apostle soul you obtained from Jinji, I moved my hands and souls on her soul--whether all human-made Lilith's souls in reincarnation are remodeled or continued, next Can be verified on her. "

"I don't want to have the" next time "again," Xun Xun shook his head. "In countless reincarnations, it is very rare for humans to escape the threat of apostles and live a little more safely for more than ten years. If they can escape from reincarnation this time. .. "

"It's hard to say. In order to get rid of reincarnation, I always have to touch it back," Cheng Bin sighed after looking at Xun Xun subtly, "I don't know what is the situation of the reincarnation, how much I reversed the earth to save humanity. No use at all ... "

At this moment, Yu Wei finally came back, she glanced at Cheng Bin intricately: "Is human being just a thread puppet that repeats the same action and can be manipulated at will? But ... thank you ..."

Wu Wei's current mood is quite complicated—surprise of rebirth, shock to know the truth, unconsciousness of the senses ... especially the latter, which makes her quite confused.

She is physically and physically close to the apostle, and the apostle's observation of external things is completely different from that of human beings. She mainly uses the AT force field instead of the five senses to obtain information.

Refer to Xun Xun. If Xun Xun would understand the world from a human perspective and senses, he would probably not have a basic relationship with Shinji.

Apart from nothing else, the apostle did not have the concept of gender.

He can maintain calmness in the strange and distorted perception scene, and gradually discern the corresponding appearance of things in the original human senses. He Wei's mind and will can be regarded as powerful.

After confirming that there is no problem with the quality of his experiment, no warranty is required. Cheng Bin nodded: "I have no intention of interfering with your next behavior, so you can do it yourself. If things really develop to the point of reincarnation, I hope you can understand And support ... "

That's what he said, but he still has the backdoor to stay. He can get the key data of his own product at any time and even directly control it. In case Wei Wei really touches the core of reincarnation, the data is missing and not collected. Isn't it blood loss?

After the words were finished, Cheng Bin no longer wasted time, took Xun Xun to jump into the four-dimensional slit, and sneaked into the distant starry sky.

碇 Wei 抛, who was left in place, 愣, then looked at his palm, and then controlled the AT force field to repel obstacles and flew up.

I do n’t know when the reincarnation of the two populations will come, and I do n’t know whether I should believe this statement or not. I feel an invisible sense of urgency.

Although she became a half apostle, the human emotion still remained in her heart. Although it didn't take long, after experiencing life and death, she couldn't wait to see her family.

Uh ...

I have done a lot of learning, and I can make my own spatial jumps, and I can understand the time and space changes in this transient process.

So in the face of Cheng Bin, a super four-dimensional submarine that was far beyond his imagination, Xun Xun's calm face undergoing reincarnation practice was a bit stretched.

It's like a snail that has been moving slowly, suddenly loaded with a jet engine, all the way, and it feels ...

Is simply incredible.

After arriving at the target point and falling back into three-dimensional space, 渚 Xun Xun's face has been irritated by the drastic change of time and space. If he was not an apostle, even if Cheng Bin was protecting him, he would be blinded by the flood of information.

Persistently observing the drastic changes in time and space, Xun Xun came back to her, and looked at Cheng Bin with an incredible disbelief: "Here ... how far is it from the earth?"

He estimated an approximate value, but couldn't believe it was true.

"About 20 million light-years, a detour in the middle ..."

Because of the long-awaited Gonggong and Baiyan Road providing energy support and temporarily constructing a four-dimensional "high-speed channel", Cheng Bin ran away in a hurry and directly reached the experimental star area created in Bai An.

区域 This area seems to be the same as the ordinary starry sky, but it is the most suitable place for the distribution of celestial bodies found by Bai Qingsou Xingyu. There are a lot of things that can be used together, including dense material resources and some stray black holes.

Around here, Bai ’s hidden experimental starship lineup is comparable to the last black hole test. This is still not enough time for co-proliferation.

"Twenty million light years ..." 渚 Xun Xun murmured at the furthest space jump that did not exceed one light year, "You are really ..."

"Stop that," Cheng Bin hasn't worked with Xi Xunti to confide in things. Cheng Bin turned his attention and raised his hand to take out a strange thing from the subspace. "What will happen to this thing if it comes in contact with you? You Have you tried it in past cycles? "

Glancing at the deformed embryo floating on the palm of Cheng Bin's palm, forcing a feeling of swallowing it or leaving the body to blend in with it, Xun Xun stepped back a little and said, "If Adam's embryo ... if I die, my soul Will naturally return to this embryo ...

"I have taken the initiative to fuse it before, and then restored Adam's light giant ontology, but it will also slowly lose his mind. Wouldn't you still use it for human contact experiments?"

Xun Xun looked around and shrugged to Cheng Bin: "So far away from the earth, who are you going to use for experiments?"

"Neither you nor I are ordinary humans in this world that originated from Lilith. It certainly doesn't make sense to experiment ..."

Cheng Bin set his eyes to the side, where he watched, countless particles of matter moved out of the subspace and merged into a common human body ~ www.readwn.com ~ Every second of the earth, humans come to life, get Isn't it easy for Lilith's soul to lie in the human body? With this most crucial soul, just rub the rest ... "

After saying this, Cheng Bin lost his Adam embryo to the newly constructed blank human.

Under the gaze of the two, the human body in which Lilith's soul was buried was eroded by the moment they came into contact with the Adam embryo. The visible protrusions spread to the entire human body. The big eyes of the Adam embryo half embedded in the human body turned around stand up.

"In most reincarnation, Wu Yuantang can implant and control Adam in the palm of his hand, and his will and ability cannot be underestimated ..."

Looking at the rapid changes of Adam's embryo, Cheng Bin was feeling while recording.

"After all, it was once a secret manipulation of the world, and everyone, including SEELE, played with the existence of applause," said Xun Xun. "In the past, I have not been used by him with reincarnation memories. It is indeed Shinji's father, King of LILIN. "

Li Lin, a human being in the cross, said that in the mythology, after Lilith gave up her spouse Adam, and the offspring born with the devil Satan ...

In this world, Adam and Lilith both appeared, and Li Lin was active everywhere, so who is the devil Satan?

Bian Chengbin glanced at Bian Xun-many things in this world are attached to the cross, whether it is apostolic humans or various phenomena and things ...

Think in the depths of similar religious core classics that have been obtained in various worlds in the past. The water inside is probably unfathomable ...

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