Uplifting Journey

Chapter 249: Adam's Hand and Waiting for Reincarnation

"So, human ..." In a dark room, the leader of SEELE sighed to the gray-haired boy in front of him. "Cowardly, autistic, selfish, and distrustful, we have too many flaws ...

期望 "I hope that you can stop the rebel who is trying to invade the realm of God outside, and you will complete the final baptism, clear our sin of stealing the forbidden fruit, and let us return to the original Garden of Eden."

Atonement? Who believes ...

Yun Xun's face kept her smile and nodded, but she shook her head gently at the bottom of her heart.

He and SEELE have been together for so long. Where does he not know the details of these old guys, these people are all human rulers who have discovered the amazing power of the Dead Sea and learned the eternal hope.

Look at what they look like now. Except for the flesh and blood related to the core of the mind, the whole body is all artificially manufactured machinery and biochemical tissues. The body has become alienated and sensitive enough to move the nest.

In order to live to the moment when humans have made up, they can be considered enough.

After dealing with these old immortals, Xun Xun left the core area of ​​SEELE, walked out of the dark and dull underground base, and arrived at the preset battle position on the ground.

A large number of human advanced weapons are laid on the mountains and the nearby plains. The firepower is not much worse than the final fortress at the NERV headquarters. In addition, there are two huge red EVAs standing quietly on the temporary parking racks.

Seeing human beings to some extent was a battle to protect themselves, Xun Xun sighed softly, and for some unspeakable selfish desires, human divisions and internal strife also cooperated with his apostles such as those that can destroy humanity. Really ...

SEELE thought that this apostle who had been raised and raised by them from isolation was so simple that he was blinded by their words.

This is really an underestimation of his ability. If it wasn't for his slightly confused meaning of his life, he wouldn't follow the arrangement of SEELE so that life would be easy.

Not to mention that Xun Xun mastered a lot of knowledge on his own. Seeing many things, he would also have relevant information in his head because of his immediate sense of sight, just as he had contacted to know those things.

Speaking of which, this phenomenon has become more and more frequent recently, and I don't know why.

There was a loud noise in the distance, and Xun Xun looked sideways, and found that a blond twin ponytail girl wearing bright red tight-fitting driving clothing under the feet of red EVA was arguing with the army people about some maintenance issues with red EVA.

"Are the EVA No. 2 and its driver Asuka? Haven't they shipped to the NERV headquarters? Also, at this point, the EVA mass production machine hasn't come out yet ... Hmm? At this point?"

Xun Xun pondered over some of the thoughts that suddenly came to his mind, then shook his head and walked to the black EVA on the other side.

This is the EVA No. 3 machine just completed by the second branch of NERV. The overall start-up is very reluctant, and even the driver has not yet been selected.

However, this is no problem for Xun Xun, who has Adam's soul. He does not even need to actually enter the body to drive to drive this EVA copied from Adam's body.

乘坐 Decently took the lifting platform to the top of the EVA, and Xun Xun lay into the driver's seat with the bolt and entered the EVA.

I said, the one who was approaching in a straight line in space came to kill him. He should fight for his life ...

But I do n’t know why, Xun Xun felt that the whole person couldn't get nervous. He couldn't raise any hostility and vigilance against the young man named Shinji who had never been seen before, and he had been integrated with the first machine.

He could not help but sighed intricately: "Shinji ..."

"What kind of nasty tone do you have? Do you know the second generation who was swallowed up by the apostle?"

Xun Xun looked at the red girl who was also lying on the driver's seat in the communication screen.

Are you swallowed up by an apostle? Is this what SEELE said to the pilot of No. 2 aircraft? Speaking of this girl named Asuka and other troops, probably the most deceived.

"Second passer ... wait to protect yourself first."

"What do you mean? Are you looking down on me ?!"

Xun Xun hangs up the communication and looks at the cloudless sky with EVA's eyes, where there is already a bright flare that is constantly flashing.

嗣 "Shinji ... this feeling, will you have the answer I want?"

Uh ...

The purple unicorn giant fell to the ground under his feet at a steady speed.

武装 Attacks from space armed satellites and high-level atmospheric defense weapons from SEELE's army followed.

A large number of N2 bombs burst into a dazzling light ball in the silent space, but the bombs that can equalize the island nation could not shake the first machine that devoured too many apostles, and they could only let it fall into the atmosphere.

The green eyes of the No. 1 aircraft glow red, and Shinji can see that the way to his destination is full of human armed forces.

甚至 He even saw some familiar shadows--the soldiers who killed all the friends he knew in NERV under the direction of SEELE in some reincarnation.

Of course, there are two EVAs that are red and black, both give him a familiar feeling.

Asuka ... 渚 渚 ...

The girl who once lived under the same roof as him ... once the apostle who voluntarily died in his hands and gave human hope ...

The No. 1 aircraft suddenly accelerated, in the atmosphere like a meteorite wrapped in flames and rushed to the ground.

Endlessly blocked the line of fire in the sky, and crushed the bones on the black force field around the first machine.

"This AT field strength is too foul?"

的 Asuka sitting in the second machine complained, positioning her as an excellent driver with EVA, and had no good opinion of the purple giant who had taken all her work.

"I hope this weird thing is really as magical as the description ..." The red four-eye machine 2 broke off the docking station, squatted open the memory next to the building comparable to it, and turned a black spin with two pointed tips. The long gun was raised in the hand.

Machete, giant axe, big shield, moon blade ... The black spiral spear changes into various cold weapons under the rusty control of No. 2 machine.

"Is a high-level replica of the gun of Langinus?" 渚 Kun glanced sideways, "It can be transformed at will ... human wisdom ..."

肯定 He must not be allowed to touch this thing easily. He with Adam ’s soul, if he touches Adam ’s super weapon, even if it is a replica, the ghost knows what will happen.

The black No. 3 machine took out a simple high-frequency wave spear from the weapon box on the side and waved it.

Just as the EVA was preparing for combat below, the first aircraft had broken through the firepower net of air defense weapons and reached the strike height of other weapons on the ground.

Facts have proved that in the face of the black absolute field that has evolved to consume light, conventional weapons can only play a role of harassment and attract attention, and humans in the atmosphere do not dare to use too much N2 bomb.

But this does not mean that humans have no weapons that can threaten the first aircraft.

Walking on a nearby hill, on a huge electromagnetic ejection track, the silver-grey shuttle was launched by electromagnetic energy in the form of an electromagnetic cannon.

七 There are seven same weapons nearby, and seven shuttles approach the purple giant in a blink of an eye.

The first machine, whose vision was almost completely obscured by various explosions brought about by conventional firepower, did not seem to detect these attacks.

The metal shuttle suddenly hit the light black polygonal ripples, and its metal shell was distorted and disintegrated instantly, exposing the 黝 black spikes of similar organic material inside.

The dark spikes automatically twisted and deformed in the fierce conflict with the AT force field, turning them into seven spiral double-pointed spears, and then easily penetrated the AT force field of the initial machine.

核心 The core members of SEELE, watching the real-time battle images, stood up excitedly: "It's done!"

Although those used as ammunition are inferior imitations of Langinus's guns, they are still used for the AT force field. The first machine hit by seven long guns should be sealed with the ability to operate. I did not expect victory. It will come so easily ... uh ...

Twenty-seven puppet guns pierced through the smoke and fire, and penetrated the body of the first machine as if they were phantoms, and disappeared into the sky along the flight track.

After avoiding threatening attacks through four-dimensional sideways blur, Baiman flashed in the eyes of the intact first machine.

Twenty-seven cross beams of light rose from the ground, and the seven small hills that had previously fired the pseudo-lance gun were evaporated in a single blow, leaving a huge basin.

的 After the cross bombardment, the first machine glanced around, and a bunch of high-energy particles swept through all the weapon positions that attacked him. A large stream of fire light burst instantly on the ground, and the human attack weapon immediately stunned.

Facing the purple giant with an iris above her head, Asuka in the second machine felt a little nervous. She took a deep breath after the other person fell to the ground, and then rushed up with a gun.

The performance of the second machine is much stronger than the first machine in theory. It emits the AT force field visible to the naked eye. After approaching, it leaps sharply, and it is ready to use gravity to align the two-pointed spear on the first machine Go on.

Asuka ...

The giant purple man looked at the second machine leaping towards this side, his green pupil shrank, and then opened his right hand and raised it.

The fierce AT force field conflict radiated a dazzling light around the fuselage of No.2, and the space-time curvature near No.2 was forcibly twisted and turned.

Asuka, who was in sync with the second machine, felt only a light body, and felt that the whole world seemed to be inverted. She had jumped with all her strength, and flew farther and farther. She did not mean to fall in accordance with gravity.

While the No. 2 aircraft volleyed away from the battlefield, a highly focused light flashed from the eyes of the No. 1 aircraft, cutting the tough cable behind the No. 2 fuselage through the sky.

的 The gravitational distortion solidified on the second machine will last about two or three minutes. The time left after the power is cut off is enough for it to fall down and use the AT force field to slow down and land safely. After all, there is no time to come to the battle ...

The various inexplicable knowledge and battles that came out of his mind could make Shinji feel that he can do everything. He turned his eyes to the black No. 3 machine standing still, and he could feel that the goal of his trip was there. No, only half are there ...

Xun Xun's No. 3 unit shrugged his shoulders, tore off the obstructing cables at will, and walked towards the first unit with a high-cycle wavelength spear.

The juvenile smiled slightly from the amplifier on the third machine: "You who devoured the apostle, if you touch the whole Adam again, it will cause disaster. In this case, you will show mercy to the second machine What's the point? Shinji, what are you going to do? "

Xun Xun ...

The purple giant seemed hesitant, but then stepped towards the coming aircraft No. 3 to welcome it.

The two giants, nearly 100 meters high, approached slowly and quickly.

的 The absolute realm of stuffing space collides in advance.

The earth broke directly into a deep canyon, and countless remnants of military buildings and weapons were torn apart by the chaotic force field.

"Huh?" Cheng Bin lurking on the sidelines looked strangely at Xun Xun's side.

In the direct confrontation of AT force field, 渚 Xun Xun, who mastered Adam's soul and derived body, did not show much inferiority compared with the first machine that devoured many apostles.

The absolute fields released by the two EVAs interfered with each other and neutralized, and finally formed an unprepared force field vacuum zone between the two.

Watching the two EVAs begin to kill close-knit melees, Cheng Bin was a bit strange: "Xun Xun's AT field strength actually increased to keep up with the current Shinji, and so coordinated and synchronized ... what is really special between them? Connection? "

It is not surprising that Xun Xun has this ability. Cheng Bin, after all, the things hidden in the depths of his Adam's soul are bottomless. In addition to the accumulation of so many reincarnations, there is also the guy of Samer.

With the exception of the AT force field, the physical performance of the third machine is far worse than that of the first machine that is currently close to the awakening, and the fighting skills of the two are half a pound, so Shinji quickly suppressed the third machine.

After seizing the opportunity to break the torn arm of the No. 3 machine gun, the first machine picked up the high-period wavelength spear attached to the broken arm and inserted it from under the neck of the No. 3 machine, and cut the joint of the rear neck of the insertion bolt. Out of my mouth.

插入 When the plug was pulled out by the initial machine, 渚 Xun sighed and closed her eyes, but found that her AT force field had not been neutralized.

The punch of the No. 1 machine's palm was fisted, and the plug was directly crushed, but Xun Xun's AT force field resisted the huge force of the purple palm to allow him to survive.

渚 Xun Xun, who was pinched in the palm of the giant's hand, looked at the first machine of the face skeptical for a while.

"I always think this scene seems familiar ..."

渚 In the mood of Xun Xun ~ www.readwn.com ~ The first machine tilted his head to look at the entrance to the underground base on one side, and a cross bombardment was directly transmitted to the underground horizontal explosion.

上 The upper layer of the underground base was directly evaporated, and the rocky soil on the top was exploded, exposing the lower layer of the base nakedly.

A huge circular column distributed around the base of the puppet base, relying on many parts engraved from the gun of Langinus, these columns constructed an anti-phase AT force field in an attempt to suppress the power of the first machine.

But Shinji slightly adjusted his AT force field frequency to ignore the interference, and the whole body released a circular light blade to cut down all of these suppression devices.

The light black AT force field crushed the underground base once. Some survivors of the SEELE who survived were directly killed by him. A half-human square restraint device flew from the ruins of the base and fell into the first machine. Hand.

The first machine looked down at his hands, Adam's embryo and soul were at hand.

The SEELE filled with human minds has been destroyed, and all the apostles have lost their threats. If they stop, the tragedies in memory will not happen again.

Alas ... if there is no reincarnation ...

After a few moments in Sugawara, the first machine stood up and flew towards the NERV headquarters.

Lilith's upper body, Li Polis with Lilith's soul, Langinus's gun ... these things are where it all started, where he boarded the first EVA machine.

The time limit for the reincarnation is not far away. He has become the core element of the deified awakening. He can control the remaining key components and wait to verify whether the moment will really come ...

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