Uplifting Journey

Chapter 257: Unexpected new ability and unparalleled demon

If a world is compared to a book, the positive space is the cover of the book, and the negative space is the back cover of the book.

Normal, three-dimensional matter-dependent substances exist in the form of the contents of the book on the front, back, and pages.

In the three-dimensional space, the extra space dimension of the curl is shifted by four dimensions, just like the stickman painted on the cover is lifted and transferred to a new book page.

This can extend many space-time application technologies, such as staggering the space jump of the connection point of two pages, distorting the space submergence of the page form, destroying the space tearing of some pages, etc ...

Regardless of the technology, the deeper the offset and the more pages involved, the better the specific effect will be, but the more energy it will consume and the more difficult it will be to manipulate, it will increase exponentially.

This energy consumption peaks on the middle page of the book. After exceeding this extreme value, the source of resistance to energy consumption will change from the front cover direction to the back cover direction.

If this book in the current world is a super-head of a high-rise building, the usual space-time warfare offense and defense and space jump are just one or two pages shaking back and forth, and the general subspace technology is just in-depth Just a few pages.

The four-dimensional shock brought by the merger of the black holes in the core of the Luohe system can be said to be a slight flip of the book. In this case, the ability of the four-dimensional offset depth to have no large amplitude of shock will have a great impact.

In the war between the Angels and the Apostles in the current battlefield of the universe, this aspect of time and space is also vividly reflected—

If you do not try to reach the depth of the enemy's four-dimensional offset, and you cannot push the opponent to the cover, all the detection and attack and defense capabilities will be useless.

It can also be seen from this how audacious that the apostle civilization burned half of the book unilaterally from the back cover and forcibly burned a hole directly to the cover.

In comparison, the second positive and negative space penetration operation organized by Cheng Bin has a much smaller impact. It is like using a sharp and slender drill to align the two sides of the front cover and start a small hole carefully while drilling.

Now Cheng Bin, who has completed the transformation and transfer of thinking cores, is preparing for the third more accurate and smaller cross-border experiment in order to make the first attempt to construct a four-dimensional warfare body.

Before the experiment, he spent a little time adapting to the idea that the performance slightly changed and the power rose—say it increased the power, but compared with the current knowledge and technology of prying vacuum zero energy, the strength of the idea is still negligible.

However, it is also a good thing that the hand that controls the tool becomes more powerful and flexible, although Cheng Bin has rarely relied on these hands after constructing a neutron star battle body that has been out of mind ...

"When it comes to Nianqi, there is still a problem left over from history ..."

In the experimental subspace, in order to improve the ability of calculation and analysis, Cheng Bin temporarily put on the information state apostle shell and tilted towards the intelligent program personality, and turned to a long-deep item in his to-do list——

At first, due to the deviation of the World Lottery No. 0 in the Inner Domain, it began to show signs, a test item of new ability to arouse completely after his neutron star body was successfully constructed ...

控制 While controlling the gap between the energy generation, convergence, and storage of a large number of door openings, Cheng Bin reexamined this project that he has not tried to achieve results in the past.

I now think of it. In the past, the reason why he has not discovered new forms of qi is probably because he was influenced by the habitual thinking that has always focused on objective material logic.

Cheng Nianqi was in Cheng Bin's hand. From the beginning to the present, he has always played a tool of observation and physical interference, but after seeing the special ability of Samuel ... Cheng Bin had a hint of inspiration.

His imagination and test direction of new ability of thinking should perhaps be a little more exaggerated ... To break away from the habitual limitation of the current logical knowledge system,

Samel started with emotional information and distorted souls in ways and channels that are completely beyond common sense. So why ca n’t you perform bold operations on this level?

You must know that the signs of the new ability awakening have touched the migration of the world line, although it only changed a lottery number ...

However, for Cheng Bin who is used to this, this kind of headless fly-type sensibility test is a bit difficult. If he can study the specific process of Samuel's ability in depth, it may have some effect on this matter. help...

思 While thinking and guiding and controlling the increasingly large energy that can easily vaporize the stellar system, Cheng Bin suddenly received a warning signal from the apostle civilization—

Angel Fang's ultimate boss, Samer, broke away from the huge angel legion, and came alone towards him.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives ..."

Cheng Chengbin watched through the front through several lines in the information, and went straight to the Sameer who was at the core of his apostolic civilization.

However, after careful consideration, Cheng Bin realized that in a universe-scale war, his role may not be much better than that of a small army. He simply skipped some less important links as much as possible and raised the experimental area. Time flow rate, push forward the door opening and four-dimensional warfare construction experiments.

The current battle can only be delayed by apostolic civilization.

"It's a bit weird ... doesn't Samal have more ability hidden? Otherwise, it would be too unwise to fight alone and the army with its previous performance ..."

Uh ...

The dark demons of the twelve wings, or the fallen angels, did not cover their whereabouts at all.

The shape of a small planet is inconspicuous in space, but its magnificence cannot be ignored by the apostles.

A galaxy cluster-level anxious main battlefield was unfortunately on the path of Samuel. After it passed by the edge of this vast battlefield, most of the apostles were directly annihilated, and the rest were transformed into angels. The entire galaxy cluster The huge amount of material was captured by the Legion of Angels.

The daunting Samael crossed an arc in the four-dimensional fissure, and soon crossed a fairly wide starry sky, approaching the position of the apostle base camp.

I should know that neither the apostle base camp nor the experimental area where Cheng Bin is located is not fixed in a certain position.

Under the action of a super-gravity monster constructed by a large number of black holes like a six-claw octopus, several core areas of the apostles, together with some central legions, have been moving dynamically in the universe.

The extraordinary detection ability shown by Samuel means that the current strategic situation of angels and apostles is the result of their deliberate indulgence and cooperation, and the original strategic plan is no longer appropriate.

The operational commanders of the Apostle Civilization immediately made a decision to activate a large number of reserve hidden forces and gathered together to surround Samael.

If this malicious outsider can be completely eliminated, it will be a matter of time to clear all the angel legions. For this reason, it is necessary to give up some of the frontline battlefield advantages.

In a large number of temptations and sacrifices of life, the apostles quickly figured out several abrupt distances in which Samuel's ability effect has leapfrogged, and then a large number of troops began to target the roads of Samaire.

Uh ...

Ignoring the self-destructive sacrificial apostles that burst into dazzling flames and ripples of time and space on his body, Samuel pulled the distant spherical apostle as the commander of this unit into the air.

The apostle, a giant sphere comparable to a star, was sharply shrunk in the distortion of time and space, and was then swallowed by Samael.

杀 Instantly killing the last unit close to it is not difficult for Samuel, but currently he is a little annoyed and he chooses to kill them bit by bit.

Because in the distant area outside its direct sensing range, a large number of apostles converge into various arrays, waves of simple and rough four-dimensional space-time shocks are created by the apostles with infinite energy, and they are superimposed on the star area where Samal is located. bombardment.

These attacks are too rough, even if the superimposed layers are abnormal, they do not pose any threat to Samuel.

But this greatly slowed the pace of Samael's advancement—even if it was as powerful as it was, the offset depth in the fourth dimension was not comparable to the amplitude of the four-dimensional shock created by the legion-level space-time interference. A large number of spatiotemporal faults generated by the change.

By delaying Samuel's pace, the Apostolic Corps was able to lock in more accurately, and then attempted to distort space and time in the siege area to create a black hole that exceeded the conventional size for a more practical attack.

This is one of the few tactics currently being explored that can cause damage to Samer.

The large number of apostles, mainly based on puppets, which have been used by Puppets to test, have proved that conventional attacks such as high-energy lasers, particle bombardment, and four-dimensional strikes do not show any practical effect on Samuel.

Samuel looks like a demon body with a complex structure, but it is essentially a whole, without any internal structure and functional organs.

According to the observations made by the apostles, the body of Samuel's **** is just a quark aggregate that resembles a large neutron star core and is purely linked by strong interaction forces.

I just don't know how Samael can intensively release the short-range force on the nucleus scale, which is a strong interaction force, in a natural situation, and strengthen it to release it into the size of a star-like body.

To know the interaction between matter, the strength of the strong interaction force far exceeds the surface gravity, and the gap has reached an exaggerated 38 orders of magnitude.

This means that under the same conditions, Samael occupies an absolute advantage in the physical level of this world in the quality of power, unless the apostles' usual gravitational and gravitational force can precisely superimpose and focus on the level of the black hole at Samael. Otherwise any attack would be a breeze to Samuel.

But with his super high density of strength, Samuel's accomplishments in space and time are not weak, and it is not so easy to trap them in the dangerous place of the core of the black hole.

Now, in the huge range of tens of thousands of light years, Samael is gradually blocked, and the energy burned by the Apostles every moment is an astronomical figure.

At the moment when the Apostle Corps' next extensive black hole surface attack took shape, Samal finally lost his patience because of the speed of the tortoise.

"Annoying bugs ... Do you think that this will bridge the gap between mortal things and demons? You can't even understand my existence!"

The cold and cold Samer did not evade the super-strong space-time distortion comparable to the core of the black hole, and its figure completely disappeared with the wide space of the galaxy in this attack, and the detection equipment of the Apostolic Legion could not find its trace.

While hesitating at the high level of the Apostolic Legion, an inherited apostle who was so excited because he finally eliminated the enemy, suddenly found that his consciousness was gradually blurred.

Angry, jealousy, greed ... all kinds of negative emotions have broken through the suppression of the latest version of the emotion control system loaded on it.

The distorted manipulation of the mind went crazy, a ghost of the twelve wings was slowly weaving in its struggling soul, and the details became more and more detailed and real ...

In the presence of countless spiritually twisted apostles, Samael stepped out of nothingness, struggling to break free of restraint and distorting masses to interfere with time and space, and instantly wiped out the large apostle legions around.

Samael, who showed a new method of transfer, easily penetrated the position before the Apostolic Army found a way to deal with it. A large number of four-dimensional high-speed channels built by the apostles were destroyed by the passing Samael, and the main army chased them for a while. Nowhere.

Samer did not look back to continue entanglement with these reptiles in his eyes. If the apostles could not find a way to stop it, they chose to diversify and continue to replicate themselves to expand the size of the army. The speed of its killing may not necessarily be the speed of the opposite expansion. fast.

交给 The endless battle is just handed over to the Angel Corps. Samal's goal has never been to kill these lower lives.

After passing through a temporary position again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Samael finally saw the huge six-claw octopus where the apostle base camp was located, as well as the densely packed apostles surrounding the numerous giant co-workers in the body of the six-claw octopus. Central Army.

"Big and Inappropriate ..."

Facing this super mobile fortress, Samer sneered.

For a while, the sound of space-time ripples spread from Samuel's body toward the wide space in front, and the most subtle spatial fluctuations were completely smoothed by it.

The apostles who had obtained a lot of knowledge and data from Cheng Bin immediately knew what Samal wanted to do-this was a precursor to the dimensionality reduction blow that their technology was difficult to reproduce flexibly.

The gigantic six-claw gravitational monster in light-year shape gathers the limbs instantly, wrapping the base camp and the legion into the body envelope.

Suddenly, the dimensions of the three-dimensional space collapsed.

The sparse starlight in front of Samuel suddenly closed and approached, and the space within a huge range was pulled away from one of the three tripods and collapsed into an absolute plane.

The chain reaction caused by the collapse of the dimension makes this plane rapidly expand, but in the center of the plane and a three-dimensional three-dimensional space maintains its existence without collapse.

It is not too surprising that the apostles were able to keep their lives under the blow of their own dimensionality reduction, because they had enough energy, and had enough cognition and interference in space and time.

Looking at the gradually recovering space, the six-claw gravitational monster that slowly stretched out its body, was about to seize the opportunity to continue to attack and shatter this giant apostle, and suddenly looked slightly, and looked back at the place where the earth was. Star area.

"It's a bit smart ..."

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