Uplifting Journey

Chapter 270: Anthropology and Juvenile Jiang Qing

After a long period of template debugging and a huge search project, Cheng Bin finally found some reliable information structures in this world. It can be determined that it is the local intelligent life.

In these intelligent lives, Cheng Bin found two types of life with slightly higher complexity, which can be slightly identified and understood and interfered.

One is that there are some bizarre existences like Bai's binary life, but the number is too small and the matching is unstable. Cheng Bin just tried to interfere with it, and it was all gone.

And the other ...

Cheng Bin carefully observed the main goal at hand-

Because it is only an information-level match, these goals themselves will change slightly, and the analysis template will disappear from his perception. Therefore, the goals that can be stable for a period of time are hard to find, let alone try to interfere. Not going away.

Therefore, every time he encounters such a target, Cheng Bin will always be careful and careful, and will not touch it easily, try to conduct a comparative analysis first, and then start direct contact until there is no way.

Cheng Bin now has such a valuable object of observation.

Cheng Bin identified different parts and links in the object's information structure such as perception, memory, logical processing, etc. Although the specific information content is still being explored and translated, from the observation results of these overall structures, we can say with certainty that--

"This should be what the system calls humans. It's hard to imagine ... a completely different physical environment can give birth to intelligent life with the same information structure ..."

Is this a coincidence? Although the system has the existence of human beings as one of the matching conditions when matching the target world traversed, but ...

High-dimensional world intelligence accumulated in the past has confirmed that human race has high-dimensional life.

Judging from Samer's situation, this kind of power is so powerful that it can spread its information to countless worlds in infinite space and time. The possibility that its authority is "human" itself is quite high.

Then, humans appearing in any world may be caused by the invisible interference of external forces.

Therefore, a world with different material rules and even molecular atoms with a basic structure that is different from the inner domain can only give birth to a shape and information structure that are basically consistent with humans in the inner domain.

The thought of Cheng Bin here suddenly moved--

No no no, if you think about it from another angle ... are the humans in the inner world really the original human appearance?

The material structure of the molecular atomic proton quark in the world number zero, is it really the standard material structure naturally produced by the universe without external interference?

You need to know the physical coefficients of the world, which affects the whole body. Every physical constant in the zero world fits perfectly with each other. It just happens to give birth to that kind of environment. It just happens to promote the birth of human beings. With a little change, it is impossible for humans to appear in the world.

Is this natural?

In the past, human civilization has often chosen to explain this question using the principle of anthropology. It is believed that the reason why humans exist is because the material laws of the world just allow humans to exist, so humans can raise this question alive ...

Looking at it now, I am afraid that it is not that there are really "people" in it "choose" ... Is there really a physical law that regulates many worlds, so that the life form that I expect is in a different world? Is there a chance that China will be born?

Cheng Bin, who had a routine run and drifted away, thought about it and then came back to it-even if these problems really exist, he is still a little far away from the current one, and it is not the time to care about these.

Looking at the information body that drives the fog a little like a 3D minesweeper game, Cheng Bin is getting more and more curious ...

If it were human, what would your eyes see? What will the ears hear? What will the skin feel? What exactly is the carrier of information?

The interference that Nianqi can produce on the air-to-air information level is still too small. In this case, Samael eroded the wisdom life from negative emotions and transformed it into his low-dimensional hand-eyes to further expand material awareness. Those methods of interference are good textbooks ...

But after all, the strength and content of the two sides are different, and the role and content need to be adjusted ...


Somewhere in the physical world.

A sparsely covered and uncovered hillside is now shrouded in a cold atmosphere, and a thin layer of mist is spreading around, making the evening hillside more and more blurred.

Here is a mass grave post.

Buried are unclaimed corpses.

In the past when the world was still working, there was also a Yizhuang under management. At least the basic burial operation was there, and the Feng Shui Qi Mai was also rationalized, so that there would not be any epidemic or dangerous and strange changes.

However, not long ago, the mortal kingdom nearby fought a chaotic battle. Yizhuang, who was rarely involved, was unfortunately affected, and even a splash did not fall into the war.

The victorious general hurried away the corpses to a nearby pile, gathered a large number of untreated corpses together, and gradually produced various abnormal changes.

In this world, there is a possibility that even plants, birds, birds, and flying birds will feel angry, let alone human corpses that were originally intelligent creatures.

The grieving spirits of war dead, ghosts with fear as food and source of strength are relatively common in this kind of place. If the conditions are suitable, there will even be corpses of physical demons.

These ghosts are worthless for an army with a large number of gas refiners, but they are not something ordinary people can cope with, so the number of people nearby is becoming scarce.

And in such a treacherous and dangerous environment, a thin and thin little figure was lingering in the filthy atmosphere.

A teenager with long black shawl like semi-coagulated blood, pushed a large stone with half embedded in the ground with his pale white arm wrapped in coarse cloth, looked at it with a broken sword in the gap after picking it up, and then shook it. Shake your head and throw it away.

Glancing at the broken corpses and scattered meat foam organs looming from the ground around him, the boy's throat rolled slightly.

It's not nausea, but some talk.

As a ghoul that turned into a demon, although the boy somehow got rid of the magical instinct of engulfing the corpse of the living creature and strengthened his power, he slightly recovered some memories and wisdom of his life, but in the face of food on the ground, he still I feel a little hard to suppress the instinct to swallow.

However, it is not possible to continue eating the corpse. Although the contents of the corpse can enhance his strength, he will also lose his mind and return him to the bad mood.

"My name is Jiang Qing. It turned out to be an individual and a medical disciple ... I came to find valuable things and research objects, not to eat ..."

Holding his head in a low voice and whispering for a while, the young man or the monster Jiang Qing suppressed the body's instinct for desire and continued to wander around.

After a while, cut open the wooden straw mat with the sharp-looking but sharp knife-like nails to check the buried corpse, and then rummage the odd and odd bits and pieces in the junk pile. Jiang Qing was in the mass grave. Wandering.

The faint mourning and killing sounds echoed from the young man's ears. He knew that some grieving spirits were working. If he was a man with a weak heart and lack of courage, then this illusionary voice would erode him a little. The power of his senses and resentment will continue to amplify in his fear, eventually engulfing his soul.

However, for the new generation of ghouls, Jiang Qing, who has struggled in human thinking and demon instincts and had a wonderful situation, there is nothing to be afraid of in this world. Naturally, he will not be afraid of murmurs.

Just wandering a large circle in the mass grave post, Jiang Qing who was still empty at hand could not help but sigh slightly: "Is it too late?"

After the war, if the corpse clusters have not been dealt with seriously, there are still a lot of valuable things. Those who are interested in these things are not just demons like Jiang Qing. The first time they visit are the high practitioners. , Especially the magic path practitioners.

There are always a lot of guys who like to collect grudges.

After encountering this kind of incident once in the period of irrational ghouls and survived with luck, in order to avoid those guys who were up and down, Jiang Qing always deliberately got late before entering the field.

But the danger is low. After a round of looting by the dead guys, the chance of picking up the leak is naturally low.

Jiang Qing has some regrets, but the overcast stars in the sky have begun to transform into the sun, and the cold moonlight is stained with a touch of golden awns. His demon-dependent demon could not be exposed to direct sunlight until it became strong to a certain extent. Too long to live, can only quickly retreat to the temporary nest built by himself.

However, on the way back, Jiang Qing had an unexpected gain—a newborn ghoul seemed to be a strong ghoul transformed from a gas fighter. I do n’t know whether it was born here or smelled from a distance.

The mutated corpse appeared to be muscular and entangled. Jiang Qing was as thin as a child in the face of a monster that was twice as tall as his body, with dark skin and blue-faced fangs.

However, this difference in body shape cannot determine the strength of the fighting force. Jiang Qing, who is serious, all the information received by all senses flows through his heart very clearly, and he instantly puts together what he sees. Operation track.

The slightly irritable ghoul rushed to his own kind in the light and fragmented sunlight, his hands that can crush the hard rock and stab toward the juvenile chest and abdomen, as if to be embedded in his body the next moment Shred.

Before the ghouls acted, their movement trajectories were predicted through changes in their body parts such as their legs, waist, and shoulders. They looked completely different from each other's face but instead turned handsome and slightly faint. The teenager calmly rushed towards the other side.

Ghoul's arms and frontal body fluttering indiscriminately, leaving Jiang Qing's eyes with countless possible afterimages. These afterimages disappeared with the sharp shortening of the distance between them, and finally solidified into the only possibility. The future will be staged in accordance with the expectations of young people.

In the blink of an eye, the two monsters passed by.

The ghoul, who was a few inches larger, fell to the ground cleanly, its limbs and a large number of joints in the cervical spine were removed, and countless muscles and muscles were distorted and removed, which could not support it to make any large actions.

The young corpse demon Jiang Qing has deepened his understanding of human muscles, bones, and joints to an artistic level, enough to allow him to explode all the power hidden in his body, and easily find and destroy all the vulnerable points of the enemy. I do n’t know How much food as anatomy material has made a positive contribution to his human body research.

"Seeing that he is obviously a martial artist, but he hasn't inherited a little" qi "from his lifetime?"

After observing the ghoul, he found that the other party did not use strange abilities to force the bones, joints and muscles back into place. Jiang Qing shook his head, walked over and leaned up to carry it, walking towards the dense forest in the brighter and brighter sunlight. go with...

After the star in the middle of the blue sky completely transformed into the power of the sun, a ripple of water waves fell from the air into this mass grave, and then the water waves converged, revealing a large two small three standing on the ground. Silhouette wearing a pure black robe.

The young Taoist man standing in front turned around and smiled and said to the young girl with a stiff expression who didn't know where to put her feet in the filth behind him:

"Come and come, the remaining grievances are still daylight. They are already the weakest kind of ghosts in the world. Do n’t be nervous. Take this cleanup task as the first experience. If you are brave enough, ordinary people will be fine. You are all practitioners who have entered the door. They are very stable. "

Looking at the tragic and terrifying scene in front, smelling the pungent odor in the mass grave post, teenagers and girls who have never encountered such an environment have a bitter complexion and nodded to their frivolous brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ An irregular, shady, cave-like shape.

The young man Jiang Qing has a thin shoulder, and the ghoul, who is much taller than his own, walks into the space from the inner wall of the rippled rock.

After placing the full of sand and dirt on the square stone platform in the middle of the cave, the teenager waved a wave of air to wipe off the dirt and odor attached to the coarse clothes around him, and he walked to the side of the cave.

The inner wall of the cave is densely covered with slender mysterious lines, gathered together on the pillars where the juvenile is staying, and a square dish is held on the top of the square pillar.

After examining this small mountain array associated with lighting, ventilation, early warning, and hallucinations, the function is to interfere with light and shadow and manipulate airflow. The teenager pressed his palm on the side of the boxy column, mobilizing the body and not knowing what to call it. Qi from the arm extended, slightly added some energy to the magic circle.

Soft light permeated from every corner of the cave, shining the dark space into a ball of pure white, illuminating the handsome to slightly strange face of the boy.

"When can I pick up this amazing thing again, how does this thing work ..."

After taking a routine look with curious eyes, Jiang Qing walked to the flat stone platform in the middle of the cave, and stared at the trembling ghoul that he was carrying and was still shaking.

Jiang Qing, who was supposed to make a plan and analyze the newly captured experimental subject, had a look of cyanosis for a while, and a slight confusion appeared in his eyes——

He used to be similar to this irrational ghoul, when did things change?

Jiang Qing is in the memory ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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