Uplifting Journey

Chapter 279: Open a blue and white information pack and reverse 5 lines

There are many wrong names in the world, but very few have wrong nicknames.

The hundred monsters, as the name implies, are really a twisted monster made of one hundred huge human skulls.

Unlike the countless ordinary people who were killed and killed by him and used as mana carriers and experimental props, the hundred heads of the hundred monsters were derived from their original human skulls.

When the practitioners reach the realm of refining and gasifying the gods, they will begin to explore the mysteries of their own gods. The practitioners of different sects will use various methods to strengthen their spiritual power, and use mana and spiritual knowledge. Tightly combined, in the end, the world's only unique mana is cultivated completely.

Infinite mysticism emerges in this step-by-step transformation-endless life, lawful spirit, rebirth of blood ... It can be said that the practitioners in this realm can be regarded as truly extraordinary.

Hundred demon princes were born of wild practitioners who did not inherit. When he first explored the method of refining and gasifying the realm of God, he accidentally caused an accident that caused the split of the mind. He simply gave up on himself and took a lot of heads to study. The door copied its own special method to strengthen the power of the primordial spirit.

Mana has been inclined to the spiritual level, and in the accidental hits and collisions, he has more than a hundred times the power of the Yuanshen who has surpassed the equivalent practitioners, and has gained a fighting ability far beyond the realm.

However, the mental chaos and conflict caused by the extra skull also made him extremely distressed. He had to stay in an extremely cold place all year round, and gradually smoothed out the extra skull's activity with the help of the natural cold air pressure in the world.

However, when it comes to spiritual battles, the hundred monsters are very confident.

I have seen countless natural disasters, and even seen the world collapse when the Lord of the Mochi shots, and I have collected infinite grievances on hand. The hundred monsters consciously cultivated a deeper existence than him can not be on the level of God's mind. Defeat him in the battle.

So after realizing that the mana of the avatar was drawn into the mind world, he just followed the path without hesitation and was on his way, and the mana transformed into pure divine thought followed the vibes in a short distance and passed him. His real body is connected with the split body, and he is going to wash this guy who is going to make a mess.

Then ... he saw an incomprehensible and ridiculous scene ...

In the mental world of the hundred monsters and Jiang Qing colliding with each other.

Standing on the ground, the giant, consisting of countless rolling heads, looked around blankly.

The fragmented ice field, which was almost completely supported by the power of his primordial spirit, began to expand infinitely into the distance, and the dark mist surrounding the ice field was scattered a little, exposing more and more scenery.

The memory of the ice field, the impression of other areas outside the ice field, the recognition of this spherical land ...

Infinite memory information flowed out along the mechanism of the mind-like world. The power of the Yuanshen of the One Hundred Demon was madly consumed by fiddle with one of his hands. His own strength and knowledge were easily extracted by the unknown existence. To gradually light up this hazy world.

Shocked, flustered, and then frightened.

Hundreds of demons can feel this invisible power from the new born demon flying in the distance, and even he can clearly feel that the power is extremely weakly limited by the foundation of this demon.

But he still has no resistance-the resistance has been discerned by the unknown existence before he has just started, but he just stirs up the conflicts between the multiple gods and easily resolves and wrecks his mind.

In terms of quantity, this power can be said to be weak, but qualitatively, in terms of strain and insignificance, the realm of this power has exceeded the understanding ability of a hundred demon kings. You can casually integrate the elements that are highly integrated with your mind. Divided into the mana to manipulate and use.

The hundred demon kings who were crushed in their best field can only watch the earth of the world of the mind-like world lift up in the distance, and gradually expand to form a vague spherical shell. He is far more than the power of the primitive gods a hundred times. Gradually became empty in this crazy extraction manifestation.

An unknown existence whispered in the bottom of his heart: "The cognition of the world only ends in this land? Even the spherical shells that are flattened by space cannot be understood by hearsay? Gravity and time and space ... only the knowledge of the gravity and the distortion of the void ?

"Well? Dongfu? Demon Realm? Not bad, continue to use your imagination, at least you must find a way to see my true body ..."

The earth began to slowly rotate, and a huge and fuzzy celestial body appeared in the center of the spherical imaginary world. The rays of yin and yang took up half of the celestial body, releasing an infinite amount of sun and moon rays, slowly rotating away from the rotation axis of the earth.

Genesis-like magnificent mind-like center of the world, where the sun and the moon are located, has an invisible channel extending out. According to the conjecture of a hundred monsters, it is connected to two other spaces filled with extreme yin and yang atmosphere outside the spherical world.

And beyond these three spherical spaces, the hundred monsters finally touched the source of the power that disturbed his mind. In his emotions full of shock and stagnation, an existence that surpassed the world, in his recognition Knowledge comes out.

That indescribable and unrecognizable existence turned into an immeasurable amount of chaos in the world of the mindfulness of the hundred demon kings, and I saw that the devil slowly raised his hand to hold the three spherical worlds in the palm, and then lightly Just a pinch ...

In reality, a skull monster floating on a rocky mountain that was lifted to the ground instantly exploded into fragments and scattered downwards, and in a distant place, the hundred monsters who came here were blown off at the same time by ninety Nine precious heads.

Perceived the bad one hundred demon kings, they gave up their own power of ninety-nine to forcibly cut off the spiritual connection with the world of the mind.

"How can there be such a powerful existence in the world ... No, that existence is definitely beyond the practice of cultivating imagination, you cannot think, you cannot remember ..."

Forcibly erased the information of the experience of the mind-like world from the destiny, and the only remaining skull reluctantly returned to the tide of resentment scattered uncontrollably, and the solitary demon survived with a trace of danger. Fortunately, he did not hesitate to turn into a dim black gas and flew to the side--

He did not dare to continue to the place where the mission target was located, to face the incomprehensible horror existence, and did not dare to return to Lao Chao to face the blame of the Lord of the Demon Plains, and only escaped into the deserted area without people.


When Jiang Qing, who had left the world of the mind, came back to God, he was sprayed with flesh and blood falling from the sky.

After two beeps, he remembered the mana shock, using strong gravitation to expel the contaminated foreign bodies on his body. However, due to the inability of the soul and the hands, the shock accidentally shred his clothes, making him feel Quite awkward.

I rummaged into the old nest that was messed up after being opened, Jiang Qing put on a coarse cloth again, and then tentatively shouted: "Master? Did you grab any good things?"

Cheng Bin, who obtained the information through high-speed analysis of the ontology, replied with a little spirit and replied: "It's okay, this guy who is more infiltrating than the demon knows a lot of information, but his practice is a wild road, and his vision is not different. Many things are specious. It ca n’t be used directly, it ’s okay to use it for reference. ”

After a pause, Cheng Bin sighed and said, "This guy lived so long in vain, and I worked so hard to guide him. As a result, the memory information in his mind could not spell a sound world view, which could turn me into a four-dimensional battle. I think I'm drunk as a giant. "

"Uh," Jiang Qing said after a hesitant moment, "Master, why don't you take over his body? Haven't you completely defeated him in spiritual contact?"

Although I have accepted this mysterious Master, but someone lives in his own mind, Jiang Qing still feels a bit uncomfortable-after all, this Master has no pressure to peep into his mental activity, and some and embarrassing problems always make people feel uneasy.

"You ... Forget it, we are still in short supply of common sense ..." Cheng Bin reluctantly said, "I was able to interfere with my mind. Only the part of your spirit that is connected to the mind world is through the mind world. The natural interface itself connects to affect that guy.

"That guy walks farther than you on the path of spiritual practice. Life and mental form are completely different from your ordinary person. I ca n’t analyze it and apply his thoughts to his spirit. Otherwise, you think he cuts the connection. Can you survive? "

Glancing at the scattered flesh and blood scattered from high altitude, Jiang Qing recalled the countless head shapes of the monster before, quite a bit offensively: "That monster is still alive?"

"The intercepted and cracked information is very sparse and few. I don't know how many breaths that guy has left. Anyway, he's probably far away now."

Secretly determined to repair this kind of inhuman monster in the future, Jiang Qing picked up some fragments in the ruins, and while learning to practice those spells designed by his master for the mana of time and space, he flew away. .

Before the twentieth demon's avatars, a mountain was lifted and shattered directly. How big is this? I don't know how many practitioners would be interested to come and investigate, Jiang Qing, a demon, would not dare to stay here for long--

The monster, seeing the intercepted information is called the hundred monsters ... he died for himself, and wanted to brainwash Jiang Qing's uniform and directly use the divine thoughts to generate the world of mind-like images that led to tragedy. Other practitioners may not be all like this Frankly, it ’s really hard to say how much power Master can borrow from the body of this newborn demon.

Fortunately, the Master obtained some currently available means from the 100 Demon Kings and passed them on to him. Although Jiang Qing has not yet refined the gas and has no definitive power of God, he applies these laws to mobilize his ideas. It is still possible to produce a spiritual impact with the magical power of the master. With the help of a trace of the power of Master ’s deity in the visualization, self-protection should be no problem ...

Far away from his previous nest, Jiang Qing was looking for a new place to stay and wanted to learn and master his current mana spells before proceeding to the next plan.

But there is no special spell for concealment and clear traces. With a little distance, it is not enough to escape the sight of practitioners.

After Jiang Qing left for some time, a black and white Changhong appeared in the distant horizon, and instantly came to the top of the rocky mountain that was turned into ruins.

Hongguang condenses and solidifies in the blink of an eye, turning into a young man with yellow skin and dark hair.

He is the yin and yang face in the mouth of a hundred demon kings, and the master of the five elements, Li Zihao, who came to Hua Hong after receiving the letter from Sun Lang, a practitioner who has just broken through the refining **** and returned to the realm.

Divine consciousness accompanied his gaze across the broken rocks, and Li Zihao's gaze stayed on the flesh for a moment.

——Looking at the characteristics of the flesh and the remaining vitality, it is indeed the clone of the hundred demon kings, but it is so complete to die ... Is the Yuanshen collapse? How many people in this world can completely defeat the hundred demon kings in the conflict between the primitive gods?

And ... there are survivors who saw the trace left the ground and left, but the way of flying can not be identified based on the accumulated knowledge, let alone recourse according to the mana response ...

Thinking flashing like electric light, Li Zihao gave a cough and transformed the wooden walking mana to shake a wide range of air and said: "Friends nearby please give me a moment to leave for a while. I need some quiet space to release the spell."

Attracted by the movement of the hundred demon kings, some hidden guys looked at the five-element gate masters at high altitudes, and then one by one they silently pulled away from each other—joking, who did n’t know who was around here Five Elements Gate? Just looking at the flying light of Hongguang knows that this guy has been greatly improved. Don't provoke him.

Li Zihao saw some figures burst out and disappeared into the distance, nodded and raised his palm. A spirit rose from the palm of his hand and turned into a small banner with colorful lights against the wind.

The black and white yin and yang mana emerged from the hands and face of the master of the Five Elements Gate exposed outside the black robe.

Yang Yang tossed the five-element flag filled with his mana into the sky, and the flag instantly disintegrated into five small flags of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil ~ www.readwn.com ~ with the square of the wooden matrix as the core.

A large amount of air began to flow violently, and soon turned into a terrible hurricane. The end of the funnel-shaped hurricane pointed directly at the core of the matrix method. The endless atmosphere gathered into it, and it was directly transformed into a huge amount of wooden energy. It was then transformed into the Five Elements Mana by the Five Elements Array Banner and guided by Li Zihao with Yin and Yang mana.

With only a bit of mana and a magic weapon, the power under Li Zihao's control instantly swelled countless times, far exceeding the total amount of mana stored in his body under normal conditions.

The ability to transform physical matter into imaginary energy is the ability of an orthodox practitioner to begin to reach the top of the state of refinement and refinement, and the five elementary practitioners are particularly good at this kind of theory of cognitive world Application of capabilities.

"It's worth letting the hundred demon kings back into the country ... let me see what happened before ..."

Li Zihao printed the spurs on his hand to urge the spell, which gathered a huge amount of energy, and the five-element flag array changed slightly. He drew a huge circle in a balanced manner of the five elements, and then slowly descended downward.

With the fall of the Five Elements Array Method, all matter and energy in this heaven and earth were captured by the Array Method, and then the endless energy penetrated into every trace of matter and energy with different properties. The complex reaction is in Li Zihao's spells and methods. Slowly produced under the guidance of the array.

The wind stopped flowing, even a trail of dust was still in midair, and the material in a large area fell into a relatively static state of the earth.

Then, everything started to move in reverse under the impulse of invisible forces—

The stream was flowing upstream cheerfully, scattered flesh fluttered into the sky, and fragmented rocks swarmed and combined with each other, gradually splicing into a huge rocky peak ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit the reading school

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