Uplifting Journey

Chapter 282: The Problem of Double Life and the Dawn of Analyzing Matter

A broken, soaked stone forest in the lake.

Countless broken and collapsed stone pillars were submerged under the water, as if in a stone forest that had been damaged by the storm and tsunami. On a smooth stone pillar, Jiang Qing and Sun Lang sat cross-legged across a small wooden table.

Jiang Qing ran into Sun Lang on the way to visit everywhere.

For the sake of the Keqing Token, Sun Lang, who had once formed Jiangzi with Jiang Qing, was not an important guest who would slap his face and neglect the teacher's door.

In an unfamiliar environment, Sun Lang, an acquaintance who has been arrogantly (interrogated) with him for a long time, has a touch of intimacy to Jiang Qing.

Anyway, he estimated that he would stay at the Five Elements Gate for a while. Liang Zi had the best exposure, so he proposed a friendly discussion with Sun Lang, who was under the heart, and set aside the contradiction in a man way to make friends. Everything is written off.

Sun Lang, not smiling, nodded and accepted the proposal. After taking Jiang Qing on a tour, he took the newborn demon to the place where he usually cultivates. This small lake has a ready-made familiar water law. Array is available.

Sun Lang, who is flexing his muscles, is prepared to take advantage of the geographical advantage, and take out the evil spirit that Jiang Qing sneaked into the uniform and lost two weapons.

He managed to practice a lot at the Five Elements Gate, and he was much better than Jiang Qing, a new-born demon who was full of flaws, not to mention the external power of magic array tools.

Then Sun Lang was hanged all the way, suppressed from beginning to end, and ultimately had to helplessly surrender.

With bare hands, Jiang Qing, who had nothing but a shallow time and space mana, won quite easily.

These lakes, as well as the stone pillars with amazing quality, which are carved in the lake, are Jiang Qing's best weapon at hand.

Before the mass breaks through a limit, the influence of the space curvature on it is close to absolute. The higher the mass itself, the stronger the gravitational force generated by the same space curvature.

Anyway, ignoring the air resistance, the fall acceleration of the feather and the steel ball are the same.

In this case, Jiang Qing's high-quality stone pillars and large-scale lake water have formed an unreasonable attacking prop with unreasonable power and strength.

It only takes a little mana to create a space curvature that is twice the normal gravity, and you can freely control the movement of matter in a wide range.

Fully driving the wooden line flag can only cut off a stone pillar, Sun Lang, faced with a hand to pull up a large number of stone pillars uprooted, destroying the above magic circle, but also caused a tsunami Jiang Qing, naturally aggression.

Under the circumstance that the magic demon's spell has a low effect on Jiang Qing, and the mirage spells of the mirage type have no effect on gravity induction, the output power is far inferior to Jiang Qing, and the flexible maneuver can not take advantage of the surrender.

Although it was hard to say in his heart, Sun Lang's defeat this time was really convinced, and the depression that was exploded without real strength in the past was also dispersed.

So the two who didn't know each other just sat down and talked. Later, Sun Lang moved a table from his residence and brought a bunch of fruits that he usually eats. He filled himself with Jiang Qing who felt a little hungry.

There are no storage props for Sun Lang. Although Wuxingmen can create the empty cave house of the current residence and it is not difficult to make storage props, maintenance and use require certain repairs, and at least it must be able to use special properties. Earthly spirit.

Sun Langxiu's practice for still shallow is the waterway mana that has nothing to do with the void, and the kind of storage props he maintains is too precious, so he naturally doesn't have that kind of thing.

For Sun Lang, who brought out just one bite of this sweet, crispy and kernelless fruit, he could not identify the type of **** and was very happy.

These aren't fairy fruits that have special effects when they are eaten. They are just modified plants that have been researched and developed with the support of some wooden practitioners' hobbies. In fact, they have good yields and are more delicious for ordinary people.

If the practitioners of refining and refinement of gas do not deliberately spend their energy to cultivate the valley-clearing ability by using special methods, they are not as good as those of the deep practitioners of refinement and refinement of gods. This type of food is still very marketable.

After all, there are few people in this world who have the talent to be able to take the path of the practitioners. There are even fewer true practitioners who can be promoted to the realm of refining and gasification, and most of the five elements are still The role of the pyramid at the bottom of the refinery gas phase.

After filling the stomach, Jiang Qing suddenly looked, looked at the fruit in her hand, and threw it into her mouth with an expression of first attempt.

Under Sun Lang's weird gaze, Jiang Qing frowned slowly and swallowed the fruit, then sighed.

——No wonder Master said that when he first made the panorama, he did n’t like to open it in his daily life ... eating in the panorama, it ’s like chewing wax and getting a string of data description is really too disheartening Now, I do n’t know how Master is always used to staying behind ...

Sun Lang looked strangely at the huge fruit basket on the wooden table, and asked Jiang Qing, "What's your expression? Did you eat something bad?"

After Jiang Qing was silent for a while, he said to Sun Lang: "You said, what kind of feeling is it for a powerful practitioner like Li Zizhu Li Men to eat? In his eyes, the spirit of refining God returns to the realm, food But is it a polymer of different vitality? "

"Oh, you say this." Sun Lang waved his hands indifferently. "We haven't reached that point in our spiritual practice, don't worry about these."

After thinking about it, Sun Lang also sighed: "You haven't accepted the complete inheritance, and it's normal to be confused about these issues-the path of practice, which is anti-natural and far away from people ...

"The so-called 'cultivation is not self-cultivation, practice the first disease', the mind can not keep up with the changes in life form, even if there is no attack by the last extraterrestrial demon, sooner or later people must become idiots or directly destroy themselves. Besides, in this world, the mind has potential In itself, it is the biggest limit for a person to be able to embark on a spiritual path besides his constitution.

"Although our five elements of spiritual cultivation are not as complete as those of the Taoist denomination system, it is not a problem to deal with the current practice. You will get all the relevant information after you have the Keqing token."

Jiang Qing nodded, and ate another fruit after closing the panorama. He felt the sweetness and crunchiness between his tongue and said vaguely: "It is really hard to imagine how a practitioner of that level can enjoy life and stay happy. of."

"Enjoy?" Sun Lang shook his head with a smile. "At that level, how to control yourself from being indulged in" enjoy "is the hardest thing. Do you think that the physical stimulation of the body is more endless than that of the Yuanshen level? What about pleasure? "

Sun Lang spread his hands and said with some helplessness: "The practitioners in the realm of refining and gasifying the gods understand the heart, build the primitive gods, and fuse with mana. As long as they are willing in the later period, they can be immersed in joy far beyond the sense level of mortals. Feelings, pain, hatred and other emotions are the same ...

"Honestly, I ’m stuck in refining and refining the gas slowly. The main reason is that my master thinks my mind needs to be polished. He hopes that I will spend more time to adapt to the material needs and mentality of the spiritual practitioners. Laying the foundation of my will and continuing to deepen, I don't know how long this process will continue, and I am desperate. "

Having just finished speaking, Sun Lang's head plummeted, but Li Zihao who suddenly appeared behind him slaps him: "Little cub, you talk a lot, you haven't settled the last time you ran away. If you do n’t want to worry about it, are you going to turn it around? Get me out and ask Sun Daquan to get the penalty. "

Sun Lang evacuated from the scene with a low eyebrow and hurriedly went to find his master.

Withdrawing his eyes from the departing Sun Lang, Li Zihao turned his head to show Jiang Qing's affable expression, and after greeting him kindly, he urged him to shout Cheng Bin—the consultation of the Five Elements Gate has ended, It's time to start doing business.


Although the master of the Five Elements Gate has a lot of authority, other high-level elements of the Five Elements Gate are not furnishings. Although Ke Qing hangs the word “outer gate”, he has very high authority.

It is the gatekeeper's right to be quick to act and be arbitrary, but if an explanation can't be convinced afterwards, such a major decision may also be overturned at a high-level assembly.

However, the leaders of the many branches of the Five Elements Gate watched Jiang Qing's situation with the help of the Five Elements Gate. After listening to Li Zihao's description of Cheng Bin's existence, most of them nodded in agreement with the master's treatment.

The rest of those who have opinions and concerns are basically in two aspects-

The first is Jiang Qing's demon identity. It is not that they have any discrimination. It is that Jiang Qing, a unique demon, must have already attracted the attention of the demon. The hundred monsters are a big evidence. The risk behind this If Wuxingmen wants to bear it, it may be necessary to communicate with Zhengyi faction and Haotian Temple.

The second is the mysterious problem of Cheng Bin. From the characteristics of the interference force that Nian Qi produced on Jiang Qing's soul, there is no doubt that Cheng Bin is an extraterrestrial demon, and an extraterrestrial demon whose power is far beyond the historical record. .

From the common sense of this world, the practitioner will only have the chance to encounter the invasion of the demon from outside the country after breaking through to the realm of refining the virtual combination of the Tao. This erosion appears in the original consciousness of the practitioner, except for a firm Tao. There is nothing outside the heart to resist.

No one knows what happened to the mysterious tricks of the two ancient people, Haotian and Moyuan.

It is worth mentioning that Taoist practitioners, especially those who pursue the ascension of the realm and practice as immortals, have a 100% chance of being spotted by the demon outside the region, and they will definitely experience the heart and soul robbing at the end of the refining and virtual path.

The specific reasons for the invasion of extraterrestrial demons are indifferent to the practice world, but the results are very clear to everyone--

Most of the people eroded by extraterrestrial demons collapsed and died, and the rest of them were often unknowingly distorted, serious or even completely changed into another person. People.

No matter how weak this person's original combat ability is, it will become extremely powerful after being eroded by extraterrestrial demons, and powerful enough to crush the whole world, so every appearance of extraterrestrial demons is a terrible disaster.

It was a long, long time ago that the last time someone passed through the Devil to achieve Tianxian's successful ascension.

In this environment, it is conceivable that everyone in the Five Elements Gates has scruples on Cheng Bin.

The peace and logic that Bu Chengbin and Li Zihao showed when communicating with each other, as well as the strange knowledge in their brains, have finally reached a consensus among the senior members of Wuxingmen, and they feel that this risk is worth taking.

So, except for a few high-level executives who ran out to communicate with other martial arts, all the high-end personnel who were interested in Wuxingmen gathered and started serious research after communicating with Cheng Bin.

Speaking of Wuxingmen, it is a wonderful work in the whole practice world. The practice concepts and various pursuits are incompatible with other schools. In Cheng Bin's view, the personnel system of Wuxingmen is closer to a loose academic research organization. Apart from several core studies of Zongmen's survival and pursuit, most of them are guys who are interested in starting a project and experimenting together.

Practitioners in this world come with convenient observation and interference tools, and there is no lack of computing power and speed of thinking after the existence of Yuanshen, so advanced practitioners can complete all steps from theoretical experiments to physical production, except for exchanging inspiration. Not at home.

Therefore, the research work on Jiang Qing and Cheng Bin was unsuccessful at the beginning ~ www.readwn.com ~ Some guys often beat their brains and started researching various meanings by themselves.

After reading the information from the practice world provided by Wuxingmen, Cheng Bin who had studied chaos for a period of time was intolerable. He forced the command and control of the research work and put together the more advanced organizational structures and management methods he knew. Going up, anyway, I accepted the rhythm of doing things differently, and gradually produced some results.

The most important achievement that Cheng Bin is also most concerned about is, of course, his true cognitive analysis and intervention in the material world.

The principle is quite simple to talk about—let Jiang Qing practice to break through to the **** of refining and return to the realm of imagination. At that time, his primordial spirit can be integrated with mana, the mental operation is unobstructed and the material vitality is docked, and it can even be directly converted into the imaginary Aura of Hongfei.

Cheng Bin, who had analyzed Jiang Qing's soul information at that time, could naturally analyze the transformed vitality material. After a little experimental modification, the interference of vitality and energy was no longer a problem.

By that time, Cheng Bin ’s main goal of coming to this world will be hoped to be achieved-exploring the same underlying points of different material rules in different worlds, gaining deeper material analysis capabilities than quarks in the inner world, and finding a unified way between matter and time and space. .

This method is much simpler to find Cheng Bin's ontology directly than waiting for the Wuxingmen and Cheng Bin to study the mystery of the bottom layer of energy and the relationship with the four-dimensional space-time.

However, although Jiang Qing's unique practice method, the Five Elements Gate, has produced some drafts, there are still many problems to be solved in terms of specific implementation.

The most important problem that Jiang Qing needs to solve before going deep into spiritual practice is the dominance of the Lord of the Demon Realm in the field of demons. This requires Jiang Qing to go to the demon empire, or the demon empire under the protection of the demon. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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