Uplifting Journey

Chapter 289: Accelerated research and practice

After the old Taoist priest Zhang Ren took his heart to say goodbye to the three and hurried back to his family's gate, Jiang Qing did not encounter any accidents on their way back. It seems that Haotian Palace has temporarily suspended the incident.

Although a bit strange, they couldn't manage things that far. Sun Daquan and his two juniors rushed to the road, and returned to the Five Elements Gate that stood on the top of the mountain the next night.

In the cold wind on the mountain, Jiang Qing looked up at the sky when Sun Daquan opened the passage to the Zongmen Station, and the strange moon and moon that could not judge the distance and size with the naked eye at all dropped countless negative vitality, although the demon's constitution was different After the change no longer depends on moonlight, but he still feels unusually comfortable.

"What secrets are there in the sun and the moon?"

Jiang Qing sighed lightly, then stepped forward while Sun Lang waved and greeted, and walked into the five elements of the distorted void.

——Although there are many things in the world that I am interested in and want to explore, the current situation is really bad. I want to come and stay in the Five Elements Gate for a long time before completing Master ’s request. I do n’t know when the next time I go out Now ...

After crossing the aisle to the Wuxingmen station, Jiang Qing showed a somewhat surprised expression, because the feeling of passing through the aisle this time was a little different from the last time he went in and out, and he was next to Sun Daquan and Sun Lang who came in close together. People disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Standing in front of the huge lintel square where Wuxingmen usually enters and exits, Jiang Qing greeted some disciples of familiar Wuxingmen, and looked back at the lintel similar to the top of the mountain, and realized the strange feeling before. origin of--

Similar to Master Baidicheng ’s time-scale twisting ability, Master Wuxingmen seems to have been transformed. When crossing the passage, not only was the docking of space but also the synchronization of timescales. The time flow is artificially accelerated ...

"Sun Lang, they disappeared for a moment, because they were two steps back and forth, and they experienced a long time than me, so did not wait for me to leave?"

At this moment, Jiang Qing's head Li Bin came up: "Yes, after the experiments and a period of research before you go out, a relatively stable large-scale time warp matrix has been successfully launched under the support of vitality annihilation energy. After the Five Elements Gate is closed, we will have a lot of time to implement key plans ...

"Those guys outside will be pleasantly surprised by our speed of development. Hurry up to the experimental area. The research on Thor and your spiritual practice must be hurry up."


Thor's research work in the half-step refining the state of Xuhe is not very smooth.

There are very few ways to observe Thor in a stagnant state through space-time faults. The most reliable one is Jiang Qing's talent induction. However, this induction can not penetrate the most subtle level of vitality. Therefore, it is still difficult to confirm the current status of Thor of.

In the end, Cheng Bin had to try to cut a trace out of the stagnant Thunder avatar for research.

Not to mention the complicated verification process. If you look at the conclusion, Thor's subjective consciousness really exists in this thundering body. The additional thunder energy is not used by Thor's induction, and the special thunder mana split by Cheng Bin performs in various environments. With a high level of intelligence, after a little absorption of vitality, there are signs of thunder gods being restored.

The strange thing is that after the seal of the Thunder Mana, the mana that was re-segmented later showed a stepwise change in intelligence, and there was also a strange phenomenon of active crowding regardless of obstacles.

After statistical calculations, Cheng Bin found that there is a law of the unifying essence of Raytheon's assimilation assimilation to a certain extent that is not affected by his subjective consciousness. The specific manifestation is that his subjective consciousness will fragment. When it is destroyed, it will transfer between Thunder Incarnation, Thunder Mana, and Thunder Vitality according to a certain priority.

Because previous research has opened a gap in the time confinement, if the Thunder God has been trapped here, compared to the world's Thunder system, this part of the consciousness will be frozen and scrapped, so that in other places in the world with Thunder energy Regenerating the missing part, Thor will gradually replenish consciousness and resurrect.

It is unsuccessful to crack the ideology of the amalgamator, but at least the amalgamer of this level has been identified. The consciousness has the same material carrier as the ordinary practitioner, but it has an alternative backup record at the root of the world's vitality.

It feels like Thor is static data that exists on the server and can be downloaded to the designated client at any time to handle the operation. If there is no running client program in the world to provide feedback to the server, the server will automatically generate a client To download the data and process the running steps.

Thunder God can't be closed for a long time, and the research results of Thunder Mana itself are not much different from the records of vitality accumulated in the past of the Five Elements Gate. Thunder is just like the light of this world, but it is just a virtual form of vitality of different nature. The imaginary energy transformed by plants, stones, and stones is almost the same as the electromagnetic waves in the inner world, and it does not serve the research of the basic force level.

The research on Thor's side has not yielded much, but Jiang Qing's practice progress is still okay.

Because of the unique life form and gifted mana of the world, Jiang Qing could not directly use the various practice methods accumulated by the Five Elements, and could only continuously adjust and try his own practice method with the help of everyone.

As far as the practice of refining and refining Qi is concerned, the biggest difference between Jiang Qing and other practitioners is that his mana is closely related to time and space, but there is no such kind of vitality called time and space in this world.

Space-time and matter together constitute a complete world. At the bottom of the world, these two things are definitely closely related, but at present, although the two affect each other, they are completely different and independent in nature.

The unique vitality system of this world exists only at the material level of the world, which is also inevitable—compared with the inner domain, if even the structural properties of time and space are different, Cheng Bin's four-dimensional warfare body cannot be at all The world is stable.

Therefore, some knowledge and technology related to space and time, such as curvature cutting, time stop, etc., Cheng Bin can find the right method and can directly use it.

The only thing that is still a little tricky is the series of subspace-related technologies related to 4D migration. I don't know why these technologies cannot be used here.

Cheng Bin already has some conjectures on this, but these must be verified when he can directly intervene ...

Jiang Qing, a newly born spatio-temporal monster, derives his talents from his understanding of the entire space-time knowledge system demonstrated by Cheng Bin. He has a strong ability to interfere with space-time, far exceeding any vitality type in the past records of the Five Elements, but It still does not leave the realm of matter.

The most representative ability in the final stage of refining qi—for example, the five-way gates of water-line mana cultivators, they can transform natural water into a complex imagination by relying only on mana resonance, and extract from them the ones that match their mana. The vitality directly absorbs fusion, of course, it is better to use targeted methods and matrix methods.

However, Jiang Qing couldn't do this kind of thing, because there was no vitality resonating with him, and the world could not cross the barriers of time and space and transform the invisible time and space into vitality mana and feed it back to him.

The focus of this issue is not on the increase in the supplement of the magic power, but on the resonance induction of the magic power and the outside world. The induction attributed to the spiritual consciousness is to break through the realm of refining gas and form the foundation of the god. As this kind of spiritual consciousness is the basis, it is difficult to continuously exercise and strengthen it in accordance with various spiritual methods.

Jiang Qing was given the world's spiritual consciousness by only kinetic energy and gravitational or space-time distortion induction, both of which have no direct relationship with vitality. Therefore, Cheng Bin and Li Zihao had to find a different path and try to use various methods to create Jiang Qing's body. The energy that can be sensed by it.

Mana is a personalized product of vitality. It is closely related to life and spirit. It cannot be used as a resonance object when it is taken out. Therefore, Cheng Bin and the Five Elements can only use astronomical digital vitality types to try to create a combination with ginger. The special energy of blue mana comes.

Fortunately, they can also narrow the scope of the experiment by observing the subtle changes in the surrounding vitality during the increase of mana when Jiang Qingxiu's ideas are observed, otherwise the workload is really quite desperate.

After a long period of exhaustive experiments, everyone finally used the special environment of the vitality annihilation reactor to find out the unstable high-energy vitality that can resonate with Jiang Qing's mana, helping him through the most difficult entry stage, making it a A true practitioner of the realm of refining gasification.

Although in this process, ordinary practitioners still need to carry out processes such as the training and accumulation of mana to enhance their capabilities, but this increase in strength is meaningless to the Five Elements that completed the initial vitality industrialization.

Therefore, Jiang Qing jumped all the steps that he could jump on the path of his practice, and he immediately started the practice related to Yuanshen.

There is no accident at this stage of the practice. The so-called primordial spirit is actually a special stateless vitality of the world feedback after breaking through the realm, which itself is the actual carrier of spiritual information, the process of loading information into the mind of the practitioner.

The main task of a practitioner in the stage of refining and enlightening the **** is to strengthen the primordial spirit according to various methods, and gradually engraving his own memory and thinking operation onto the primordial god, until finally reversing the primary and secondary, and taking the origin of thinking from the brain Transfer to Yuan Shen, and make the core of all perception, thinking, and control become Yuan Shen.

In this way, even if the head is chopped, as long as the Yuan Shen exists, the practitioner will not die, and even things like Yuan Shen loosing.

To be honest, Cheng Bin, after deciphering the various cultivation methods collected by the Five Elements Gate, studied the true face of this stage of cultivation, he immediately felt a little hesitant—the process of cultivation during this stage of refining and gasification, and the past experience in the world. Some of the things I encountered seemed a bit like.

Any dragon genes, chakras and the like are, anyway, things that are not good for human subjective consciousness.

However, the original human brain in this world is also essentially composed of vitality. There is a problem behind all vitality. If this kind of practice is a trap, it should have been recruited long ago, and it would not start until the **** of refining gasification begins.

Carefully pondering Cheng Bin's light flashed in his heart, he suddenly thought of a sentence-the same book, the same car.

There are many types of life in this world. The brain is also a complex and changeable way of thinking. However, the primordial spirits formed by different practitioners are completely the same in terms of vitality. The only difference is the form and quantity of the primordial spirit and the soul information carried on it. Can this be regarded as an act of unified soul format?

If this conjecture is true, who is it for? The high-dimensional life behind this world? Speaking of, if there is such a means to transform all the souls of a world into a specified format, Cheng Bin will not have to toss in the infinite darkness for so long when he enters this world ...

And like Samuel's type of ability, in this case, I am afraid that it will be very terribly strengthened ...

However, these conjectures are just conjectures. Even if they are true, they are meaningless to the status quo of the world dominated by vitality ... Cheng Bin gathers his lingering thoughts and continues to help Jiang Qing speed up his spiritual progress.

For the other practitioners in this world, the practice of refining gasification and the later stages is quite complicated and dangerous, but Cheng Bin, who has fully analyzed the nature of human thinking, can provide more help at this stage than all the others in this world. The method of transforming the gods was countless times stronger, and Jiang Qing completed the construction of the Yuanshen quickly and steadily.

It also ignores the development and accumulation process of all kinds of primordial aspects that all practitioners from the outside world will carry out. After Jiang Qing's primordial perfection, he immediately started the next step-integrating primordial and mana.

In this step, the original method of the Five Elements Gate can be used directly. It is purely water-milling. Jiang Qing also passed smoothly and smoothly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The practice progress has reached the gateway to the refining of God to the virtual realm. Office.

The steps to break through the refining gods and return to the realm of reality are a little bit retreat. The objects that the practitioners want to cultivate are no longer things like Yuanshen's mana and vitality, but the minds of the practitioners, or the nature of the state of mind.

Different sectarian gates have different methods and mentality requirements in this step. For example, the righteous faction requires a strong heart and righteousness. No matter what other people think, at least they must firmly believe in the justice of their actions, and then continue to practice on this basis. Adjust and transform your own mind, and indirectly affect the nature of mana.

There are also Jianzong's combination of people and swords, ideal swords, Zijizong's transcendent ecstasy, integration with nature, etc ...

This seemingly mysterious process, in Cheng Bin's vernacular, is similar to his original mental plan-find a starting point to gradually recognize the memory, the birth and operation of his thinking, and understand each of his own The source of the idea, so that you can fully understand your own soul algorithm, take it away from the actual material, and manipulate and adjust it.

Even if this step can be done, the divine spirit returns to nothingness, the primordial consciousness is refined into nothingness, and it is fully connected to the world's material system. It can transfer consciousness to any carrier, and change Hong Fei and the like completely. Existence-shaped magical powers can be cultivated at will.

Moreover, in the inference of the Five Elements Gate, Jiang Qing reached this kind of refining **** and returned to the realm of reality, and Cheng Bin could use his transformation process promoted by the world mechanism to analyze the material of this world and directly interfere with the vitality through the mind. .

But this is only inference, after all, the actual effect will be known only after trying.

But when Jiang Qing was practicing this step, something unexpected and reasonable happened. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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