Uplifting Journey

Chapter 294: Bai Xue scene with bipolar shot

Although there are complex reactions between the yin and yang energies around the pores of the world to generate other derived energies, but due to extreme environments, these qi are not very stable and can only exist for a moment.

Therefore, even if they are standing on the top of the world, they can rarely reach the confidant of this world by using the magical powers that roam the world.

But this does not include the Lord of Haotian Palace and the Lord of Moyuan.

For those in the practice world, the roots of the yin and yang energy in the sun and the moon are called celestial world and demon sphere. Does the role of Haotian and Moyuan play more in this?

Strictly speaking, the positive and negative space filled with infinite yin and yang energy, and the hole where they meet, is where the influence of Haotian and Moyuan is the most powerful. They are in the world at all times. Kong this entangled confrontation, saying that this is their front line and hometown can not be overstated.

Except for the two, no one has been here for a long time, so Cheng Bin and his apprentices just broke through the fault and came to the vicinity of the Sun and the Moon, and they were noticed by Haotian and Moyuan. After dragging their hind legs, they will appear a little faster.

Dissolve the body between Haotian Temple and Moyuan, embed this part of the consciousness into the world into a state of complete union, and then re-separate again. In this way, Haotian and Moyuan have instantly crossed distant distances and obstacles. At the core of the sun and the moon, the potential consciousness and power entangled in this area were gathered up, and the body was reconstructed with ubiquitous dense vitality.

Later the two ignored Cheng Bin's presence and focused on Jiang Qing's body at the same time.

"Actually, in the blink of an eye, from refining refined gas to refining God and returning to the void?"

Recalling the information that was sensed when the consciousness returned to the world, Haotian frowned, and asked the Lord of Moyuan in the consciousness exchange: "Don't tell me you didn't notice this ... Assimilation is beginning to happen, what if 'it' is awakened by this demon? "

The Lord of the Moyuan is indifferent—how about refining the gods to return to nothingness, neither of them wants to be affected by the power of time and space, but they will not give up using various means to try to control indirectly. The tossing up of the Void Array should be safer, as long as this little guy does not get rid of the demon identity, then he always has a chance ...

Under the watchful eyes of two practitioners at the peak of the world, Jiang Qing felt great pressure. The yin and yang energy in all directions gathered under the **** of Haotian and Moyuan, and almost condensed into a substance, with ultra-high density. The imaginary vitality of all began to bend space-time.

Even the vitality that constitutes Jiang Qing's body and the power of the Yuanshen began to faintly show uncontrolled signs of decomposition and assimilation to the underlying yin and yang.

Cheng Bin, who was observing Haotian and Moyuan, looked back at his apprentice, stretched his hands and patted him on the shoulder. A ray of four-dimensional thought ignored all obstacles and penetrated into his body. The neat energy level perfectly offsets the offset.

——Although I don't think the strength of these two guys who rely on shortcuts to practice is high, after all, the nature of refining the virtual path has not been fully studied and understood. It is true that Jiang Qing is directly facing the world's top pathists. Risky ...

After thinking about it, Cheng Bin simply flicked his fingers, and after exploring the world's architecture, the four-dimensional space-related application technology that has undergone localization transformation appeared for the first time in this world, and Jiang Qing's space was swung in the four-dimensional direction.

Beside the hole of the world, when Jiang Qing disappeared inexplicably by an inexplicable method, the sensed Mo Yuan and Haotian were alert at the same time and carefully re-examined Cheng Bin who was standing in place.


The feedback of his spatio-temporal talent has brought unprecedented changes in time and space beyond common sense. Jiang Qing still had time to react in the future and took a moment to find out that he had instantly returned to his residence in Wuxingmen Station- The two did not know how long it took to fly before, but he was passed by in an instant.

Jiang Qing marveled: "This is based on the four-dimensional space, the real space jump?"

Knowing that his master has successfully participated in the world completely, Jiang Qing was surprised and regretted later—the struggle between two of the world ’s strongest practitioners of refining and ablution, and the master of incomparable strength, cannot be witnessed in person. It's a pity.

However, Jiang Qing is still a little conscious, knowing that his family can't bear the attention and attention of others, so he doesn't think too much.

"But I met Haotian and Moyuan in Riyue. I do n’t know if Master told others about this. I ’ll go and tell Master Li to make them more vigilant.”

In this way, Jiang Qing took out the Keqing token that Cheng Bin did not need, and contacted Li Zihao through this.

At this moment, Li Zihao and Sun Daquan are receiving some good fellow practitioners in an independent hospitality space. After hearing Jiang Qing's news, he was shocked—

After all, Haotian and Moyuan have stood side by side and have revealed a lot of problems. You must know that in the past, you have not explored the sun and the moon without curiosity for the advanced person. At that time, you did not see Haotian and the magic. What kind of reaction does Yuan have? Is Qing Qing's talent more special than he expected? Or has Cheng Bin's identity been exposed?

Responding to Jiang Qing, Li Zihao asking about Cheng Bin's current situation pondered for a moment, and then looked at several practitioners sitting in this hall—

Under the pressure of Haotian and Moyuan, there are some connections between the Taoist sects of the Tao of Taoism, both light and dark. The ones who are sitting here, including the Zhengyi faction, are closer to the Wuxingmen.

Li Zihao invited these people in through the town ’s magical five-element gate on the top of the mountain. The ones with the weaker relationship are still outside, but because the time scale here is much larger than the entire station, many things can be done first. Discuss with these friends slowly, and then face other people, this time difference will be compressed very short, without much problem.

I was about to discuss things about Haotian and Moyuan, but Li Zihao and Sun Daquan both stood up suddenly.

The alarm came from the pivot in the Five Elements Gate array. The powerful defense mechanism and the space-time distortion layer outside the station were actually penetrated and penetrated by people in a very short time. All the people who stayed in the hall felt a trembling around for a moment. That was the scale. The aftermath caused by the distorted space-time synchronization with each other.

Notify all the gatekeepers to enter the combat state, and at the same time, Li Zihao took out the main command and assisted the five-element gate array to suppress the slight confusion, but then the space outside the hall was torn out of a crack in the air, one wearing light white socks The slender calf straddled the obstacles of time and space and stepped on this hospitality place independently outside the Wuxingmen station.

Seeing a young girl with black hair in a white skirt had no one intruded, Li Zihao, who had transferred a large amount of information in the practice world, could not recognize the identity of the strong man.

He held down Daquan Sun, who was just about to move. After apologizing, he looked at a few colleagues around him, and said to the young girl seriously, "This ... girl ... uninvited, but also broke through. It is already serious. "If you do n’t give an explanation and go to war, you will blame me for leaving no room."

"Are you the master of Li Zihao? I'm sorry," the smiling girl leaned on her knees with a pleasing gesture and bowed slightly, "but I have urgent matters concerning the fate of the world, life and death that are at stake. Today, there are too many people knocking on the door, and your five elements have not responded, so I can only do what I can. "

With a headache, he looked at the crevices behind the girl. The strange practitioners, Li Zihao shook his eyes and sent Sun Daquan outside the gate. Then he coughed and asked the girl with a mild relief: " Why are you here? "

"I'm here to find someone," the girl glanced around, "Is Jiang Qing in?"

The young girl was naturally looking for her father.

At first she didn't want to forcibly break in in this tough way, but why she and a group of practitioners who came to communicate were blocked outside the Five Elements Gate, but at this time Haotian's backhand buried in her body was activated Already.

The thread head buried in white body is similar to the kind of thunder **** subordinate to Haotian Palace, which was differentiated by Haotian himself, and can push the practitioners with a certain level to the position of refining the virtual realm.

Through this, Haotian can control some of Bai's movements, and can also call Bai directly back to his side through the unique teleportation of the apostle when needed.

And through this thread of fusion of many gods, Bai also faintly felt the situation on Haotian's side, I don't know if he was going to fight with the Lord of the Mochi, Haotian had already called her, but Bai could detect Hao. Sky is currently in a long environment pulled by a certain time scale, so she can persist for a while without being summoned.

So after seeing the Wuxingmen pulling away some people blocked outside, Bai, who was thinking and reacting much faster than humans, simply traced the traces of this transfer and forced intrusion.

Without destroying the Wuxingmen Township Faction, it is not too difficult for Bai to follow the traces and penetrate, but it cannot be done without causing movement and induction.

After showing his intentions, he saw that Li Zihao groaned and did not respond, and in a somewhat urgent form, Bai simply mobilized the simulation of the gods, and sent the shapes commonly used by his creators to the past. Incidentally, he collected some of the information he had collected and responded to Jiang Qing. The speculation over the situation overwhelmed together--

It can be as effective as the proof in the prediction ... The relationship between Wuxingmen and Cheng Bin is not clear. Besides, the words of violent fighting on the opponent's site are actually not confident and dare to say that you will win. After all, the time and space exposed by Wuxingmen Technology has far exceeded the normal level of the practice world, it is difficult to say how deep the water is here.

In fact, the same is true. Because of the different laws of matter, many of Bai ’s technologies cannot be reproduced in this world. Compared with the five elements of accumulated material knowledge, the five elements are much worse, and the four-dimensional space technology is limited and restricted. It ’s unavailable, it ’s hard to say whether it ’s a winner or not ...

After receiving a briefing from Bai Zihao, Li Zihao's face remained calm, but his heart overturned the coffee table. He didn't bother too much, and directly mobilized the power of the Five Elements Gate to disappear with white.

After receiving Li Zihao's rumor, the Taoist Zhang Ren stood out a bit strangely, and gave a slight cough and explained two sentences on behalf of Li Zihao to several doubted acquaintances. Then, not long after, a fellow student of Li Zihao's peer ran over to take over. Reception work ...

On the other hand, Jiang Qing had just finished her communication with Li Zihao because of the time difference. He spent a moment and saw Li Zihao appearing in front of him with a cute white skirt girl.

Glancing at Li Zihao holding a jade charm and not knowing what to laugh at, Bai Bai fluttered around Jiang Qing, and his gaze made him feel a little subtle discomfort, and then she sighed rather regretfully: "Why Will it be you? It's me, it's me first, it's me who comes first ... "

"Ah?" Stimulated by the resentment in the girl's words, Jiang Qing asked somehow, "Who are you? What are you talking about?"

"Huh ..." Bai, who looked at Jiang Qing's obliquely oblique eyes, did not answer, but retreated his gaze.

She was put into this world and successfully grew and perfected herself. Cheng Bin, who is very familiar with her soul algorithm in theory, should be able to easily perceive her body of information, but as a result Cheng Bin did not parse and attach to her. On the contrary, Jiang Qing was captured by this guy, which of course made her unacceptable for a long time with Cheng Bin.

At this time, Li Zihao's words had been introduced into Yufu, and through the idea of ​​fixing the function of communication, he disregarded all obstacles to distance and time and space and transmitted to Cheng Bin.


"Hey, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. How did you become a dad? Your abandoned daughter is not far away from home."

Next to the hole of the world, Cheng Bin, who was observing with Haotian Moyuan, met with a fierce stun when he received a rumor from Li Zihao.

daughter? Could it be that...

Cheng Bin turned his attention to the Five Elements Gate, slightly adjusted the spirit-character function attached to Li Zihao's jade aura, and saw the beautiful brunette girl in a white dress and white socks.

"Yeah ... did you get involved in the last attempt? I don't know how much data she kept ..."

With a hint of smile, Cheng Bin gave out a little four-dimensional thoughts and connected to Bai's body, and was suddenly surprised by her current special magic circle life form.

White in Wuxingmen felt something, and then greeted the air with a sweet smile.

A large amount of information was exchanged instantaneously through the medium of thought. Cheng Bin, who was far from the hole in the world, frowned, and Bai, who had relaxed his resistance, disappeared into the collapsed vitality directly in the Five Elements Gate.

After leaving a message for Li Zihao, Cheng Bin turned his attention back and re-examined Haotian and Moyuan, feeling a little surprised in his heart—

No wonder these two guys obviously have the ability to touch the way of time and space, but they have been stunned, but they have a very unusual attitude towards Jiang Qing, and they have created a white-like two-air void array ...

Bai Neng's deepest secret in the world from Haotian Palace really helped a lot. Some of the original plans seemed to need to be adjusted ...

In front of thinking about Cheng Bin, Haotian and Moyuan, who exchanged countless information with each other, finally reached an agreement, and at the same time, they shot at Cheng Bin.

Suddenly, the yin and yang energy that would have spread to the whole world was entangled like life, and focused on Cheng Bin ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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