Uplifting Journey

Chapter 306: First entry into the world with Euler Euler Euler SCP-177 ...

As soon as Cheng Bin came to the new world, he was startled by the chaos.

Because the environment of the whole world's laws is completely consistent with the internal domain, Cheng Bin's eyes have not been covered because he is not familiar with them. Therefore, he saw the abnormal existence that flooded the bottom of the world at a glance.

That is an extremely chaotic and complex distortion of the rules. It is still chaotic and orderly, and the world as a whole can operate stably between overlap and influence.

Cheng Chengbin felt a little hard to understand this kind of chaos for a while. After all, the probability of this situation is too small, which is rarer than a monkey pressing on a typewriter and successfully typing it.

“No one in this world ’s unified field is at the same depth as me, so the way these rule distortions are made is not the same as what I have mastered. The makers ... are they mostly high-dimensional creatures?”

Cheng thought about Cheng Bin for a moment, and tried to use the methods he had mastered in the experimental world to investigate the causes and operating principles of these rule distortions.

But what Cheng Bin didn't expect is that when he touched these tangled complex rule distortions, these things would blow up like bubbles, most of the rule distortions disappeared and disappeared, and a small part was out of the entanglement state. Can maintain its own existence.

The only good news is that the world as a whole has maintained its smooth operation in the face of such drastic changes in rules, which surprises Cheng Bin 啧啧 in case he is ready to maintain stability.

"Who is locked in the normal operation of this world? Countless different shades of rules distort the changes, but they just piece together a stable environment. In the experimental world, I can only achieve this kind of thing by forcibly manipulating the micro control by hand. How is this fully automatic response achieved? "

Cheng Bin, who had been pondering for a while, decided to find a relatively independent rule-distortion phenomenon, and carefully observed it. So he turned his attention to the material surface of the world's surface, observed the general situation of the world, and quickly found the earth in positive space. human civilization.

After a careful look at the earth and analyzing the astronomical digital information intake, Cheng Bin found the SCP Foundation that exists on the back of human civilization and saw the huge subspace that is one of the core bases of SCP.

"Four-dimensional space-shifted subspace technology. Does the humans still on Earth have this level of technology? No, it is done through containment. This application method is quite flexible. It just ... maintains subspace energy consumption. Where did it come from? "

After visiting some SCP files that are easy to explore, Cheng Bin knew that this sub-site 62, which is connected to different parts of the world and divided into countless independent spaces, has different access methods and space-time scales. It is SCP Developed by the Foundation through SCP-004 "Crossing the Rusty Key Door".

The appearance of SCP-004 is very different from that in the data records. It seems that it has been strengthened and transformed by other containment objects. Cheng Bin has no doubts about its ability to open up anchored subspaces and intervene in time and space. After all, he had the ability to far surpass this containment in the latter part of the Naruto world, and the only constraint was only energy.

However, after Cheng Bin's repeated explorations several times, he had to admit that he could not understand this subspace maintenance method at all--

越 The deeper the four-dimensional offset, the greater the energy consumption. No matter whether it is powered by matter or directly affected in space-time, it is impossible to leave Cheng Bin unable to analyze without leaving traces, but this door ...

Combining with the phenomenon of distortion of the rules at the bottom of the world, Cheng Bin reluctantly gave up the attempt to crack the analysis for a long time. Is it the above? You have to find a thread that is convenient for research, otherwise these rather fragile things will not work at all ... "

"Research subjects are best to be guided. The changes should correspond to changes in the underlying matter and rules, so that I can compare the data ..." Cheng Bin toured the SCP Foundation's containment in other spaces connected to SCP-004. Object, and then discovered a problem that I hadn't noticed before-

In an isolated space area, in a completely enclosed ultra-thick alloy cube box, Cheng Bin saw the SCP-173 "statue" known as the original in the inner world, as the origin of the SCP series.

The deformed reinforced concrete puppet SCP-173, with its large head and short limbs, is a corporatization of the 123 Woodman game. In theory, it should not move like a dead object.

However, when Cheng Bin turned part of his attention to it, it still made various flash-like high-speed movements in an unoccupied enclosed space, but it was strange and did not bring the slightest wind pressure, and its occasional scraping would be tough. The alloy walls and the ground have rolled various dents, and there is still a lot of disgusting brown-red material on the body and the alloy surface-it is said that it is 173 feces.

原来 "That's true, because I'm not a normal creature like humans at the moment?"

Cheng Chengbin thoughtfully thought for a while.

"I remember that many of the SCP Foundation's containments in the settings are directly related to ordinary humans, either they can identify the specific thinking processes of humans, or they are specifically aimed at humans at work. It can be seen that there are some deep secrets ... Maybe the high-dimensional creatures behind this world are related to humans ... "

After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Bin started to make an avatar that is similar to ordinary people in all aspects: "It is a good starting point to detect the ordinary people's thinking operation. Anyway, these containment items are impossible for my current world body. React, be an incarnation of an ordinary person and experiment. "

Creating an avatar with independent independent thinking ability, but matching with the ontology, Cheng Bin has accumulated a lot of experience in the past, without any difficulty or sequelae.

Soon, a young Asian man with dark hair and yellow skin, wearing ordinary black casual clothes, appeared in SCP-173's cage out of thin air.

Uh ...

In a completely closed but brightly lit cage, Cheng Bin curiously looked at the motionless deformed statue SCP-173 in front of him, stepped forward and knocked on the rough surface.

After half a circle around SCP-173, Cheng Bin shook his head and sighed: "I have to say, it is really ugly. If there is a producer of this thing, his taste ... oh, although there is nothing in appearance What a meaning. "

After observing the appearance, Cheng Bin took a look inside, and unexpectedly did not see any singularities: "It is really made of reinforced concrete, there is no internal structure and intelligent features ... just ..."

Cheng Chengbin tried to use his fingernails to pull out the material from the reinforced concrete figure in front of him, but found that the ordinary concrete was tough and unimaginable in the detection.

Although it is the body of an ordinary person, Cheng Bin also maintains the same tune with the body, and can always mobilize the body of the world to interfere with the support from the bottom of the unified field. This power is far more powerful and flexible than the vacuum zero of the co-working unit. .

The power contained in Cheng Bin's hand gradually increased. From the beginning, he cracked the rock, enough to knead the steel bars, and then lifted the mountain with his fingers. Cheng Bin's micro-controlling power did not leak out on the deformed statue.

At the back, Cheng Bin realized that even if there was a white dwarf in front of him, he could pull it apart from the top, but this ordinary concrete building was still motionless, completely contrary to the common sense of physics, and maintained the original material structure at the atomic level.

However, the forces are mutual. Cheng Bin has seen some abnormal data from SCP-173's resistance to his own power-this resistance is not directly weakening the energy generated by Cheng Bin's hands, but the statue's Corresponding energy is generated at the material level for hedging annihilation.

How much power Chen Chengbin used, the contact point of the statue produced the corresponding power, which in turn neutralized.

There is no phenomenon that Cheng Bin cannot understand in this universe. He traced the generation and operation of this resistance, and soon realized the origin of its birth—unexpectedly, it is related to the phenomenon of distortion of rules at the bottom of the world. .

However, after careful observation, Cheng Bin's face couldn't help but show a slightly surprised expression: "Twisted with extremely complicated rules, to achieve a simple effect that can be achieved with a little energy ... source..."

Looking closely at the changes in the Grand Unified Field, Cheng Bin's expression seemed a bit subtle: "How does this feel like the strange kinetic energy stove of Heiyue ..."

After groaning and observing the experiment again, Cheng Bin determined that he did not make a mistake, and provided SCP-173 with a large amount of energy to resist the distortion of the rules of external interference. The operation process is indeed similar to the unreasonable kinetic energy furnace at the core of Black Moon.

To say that SCP-173's defense is some kind of energy action, is actually not right ... to some extent, this is a variety of rules twisted at the bottom of the world to anchor the physical properties of the concrete puppet, like The time, space, morphology, and energy level of a group of atoms locked are described in the same way.

In this case, Cheng Bin interferes with the normal material energy reaction channel. Unless the density and magnitude reach the level of the bottom layer, which is close to the end of the world's reincarnation, it is impossible to shake the locked matter.

但 "But the power to maintain this lock-in must exist objectively ... The kinetic energy furnace at the core of Black Moon is essentially a semi-high-dimensional interference device involving multiple world lines ..."

After thinking for a while, Cheng Bin gradually raised a conjecture in his heart: "I think, I kind of understand the principle of this kind of things, but what are the characteristics of these containment items made for? The input and the harvest are totally disproportionate .. . "

After Cheng Bin thought about it, he slowly closed his eyes that were staring at SCP-173.

At the moment when the deformed statue disappeared from Cheng Bin's sight, the huge reinforced concrete building moved with high contrast and flexibility, flashing behind Cheng Bin at high speed without a sound of wind, and two short thick arms were facing Cheng Bin's Neck up.


After the low-pitched noise, Cheng Bin's cervical spine shattered on the spot, and his head was suddenly twisted to the back by a force that ordinary humans could not resist.

For ordinary people, their heads are twisted to 180 degrees and it is absolutely dead. They ca n’t die anymore, but Cheng Bin is obviously not among them. Even if the current body is an ordinary human body, the power from the body can be seamlessly connected. Into every corner from the fingers to the brain, the powder and bones are okay, and the broken head is nothing.

斌 Cheng Bin, with a distorted attitude, looked at the concrete puppet who was no longer moving because he was looking straight at him. The body under his neck moved his feet in place and turned 180 degrees to reconnect the broken neck.

He distracted and analyzed the SCP-173 action data collected earlier. Cheng Bin thought for a moment and closed his eyes again: "Try again."

的 The deformed puppet who acted according to a specific law would not be polite to Cheng Bin. It flashed to Cheng Bin's back again, and he wanted to unscrew this human head when he raised his hand.

But ... it won't work.

If this room has an energy counting device, its value will probably burst in the blink of an eye ...

Because SCP-173 was unable to twist Cheng Bin's head after the initial force was exerted, the kinetic energy generated by SCP-173 began to continuously increase in orders of magnitude, and it instantly switched to attack modes such as tear, hammer, and shock, and it flickered. The figure even made Cheng Bin's body around his eyes closed, creating an afterimage that seemed like an avatar.

The gimmicky and short-handed sculpture flashed high frequency around Cheng Bin with a rather ridiculous gesture, but its increasingly horrifying power made it impossible to laugh at all.

The tadpole seems to have broken a limit. The mechanism surrounding SCP-173 to suppress its own traces of movement ceased to function. The wind pressure caused by its high-speed movement suddenly struck the metal wall in all directions like a tsunami.

The compound metal room, which was more than ten meters thick, groaned under the terror of the force and began to distort. The internal cube-shaped space instantly appeared densely dented in the air waves caused by SCP-173's attack on Cheng Bin, and floated around the floating Cheng Bin quickly expanded and deformed into a ball.

-SCP-173, which moves and attacks at countless times beyond the speed of sound, if it is placed outside, it is only a low-level passing that can tear up an urban area.

Seeing the completely wrong attack posture of this painting style, even his eyes were completely obscured by the afterimage of reinforced concrete limbs, Cheng Bin unconsciously added a section of Euler Euler's BGM to his brain ... but ...

"Is there an upper limit to the power that can be used for an attack? This energy scale is too far behind the defense and it is too far ..."

Perceived that SCP-173's power does not seem to increase to the limit, Cheng Bin, surrounded by countless attack ghosts, began to adjust the body's thinking operation, trying to describe the judgment mechanism of SCP-173's identification of witnesses.

Without opening his eyes, he simulated all the perception and thinking processes that witnessed SCP-173 ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cheng Bin found that his attack had not stopped.

Opened her eyes but twisted the light path with electromagnetic interference, allowing herself to observe SCP-173 indirectly. Cheng Bin found that her actions had not stopped.

It seems normal to witness SCP-173, but the signal transmission behind the eyes began to smooth out perception and thinking response. Cheng Bin found that he did not stop acting.

Continuously modifying the conditions, Cheng Bin, who tried a little bit, finally terminated SCP-173's attack response in the vicinity of normal human sightings.

The heavy reinforced concrete statue stagnates suddenly in Cheng Bin's vision, and then falls on the potted arc floor along with gravity.

"It's not just identifying people's perception and thinking, but even including the physical and chemical reactions associated with the normal transmission of electromagnetic waves and eyeballs ... Is the trigger mechanism 'direct sightings' involving all aspects of behavior?"

Cheng Bin, who was floating next to SCP-173, frowned slightly, and was quite perplexed: "Although it is said that this kind of information was originally selected to match, I still feel a little absurd after seeing it ..."

While Cheng Bin was standing in an unrecognizable near-collapsed metal room, sorting out various physical and regular phenomena involved in SCP-173, analyzing and integrating observation data, a middle-aged thin man in a white coat suddenly appeared in Cheng Bin's side.

The man with strands of white hair smiled and looked at Cheng Bin with no unexpected expression, bowing slightly: "Again ... welcome to the SCP Foundation, Mr. Cheng Bin."

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