Uplifting Journey

Chapter 308: SCP-682 Immortal Lizard and SCP-I ...

The observation of the laws and related experiments at the level of the unified field are ontologies. The incarnation as the experimental guide and feedback trigger point is actually not that important. Even if you leave the test that requires the participation of ordinary people, the ontology can not be completed in a short time. The calculation and analysis work needs to be done, so it doesn't make much sense to have more avatars.

Cheng Bin still controlled the incarnation and went straight to the cell of scp-682. Anyway, looking at the information, he could only communicate with the other party by ordinary biological methods.

scp-682 "Immortal Lizard" is a reptile with a huge size and unknown origin. It looks similar to a dragon lizard. It has extremely high intelligence, and can even work with the intelligent program scp-079 whose thinking speed cannot be measured. Perform extremely complex ultra-high-speed communication.

In the records of the scp foundation, the immortal lizard showed an aversion to all life, especially the hostility to human beings, and it had repeatedly breached containment measures for massacres in the early days.

And like its title, it has extremely terrible immortality. So far, the scp foundation has tried to destroy it using methods including, but not limited to, cutting, blasting, high and low temperature, and time and space tearing, but all have failed. return.

The scp Foundation even tried to destroy it by bringing it into contact with some extremely dangerous containment. There are crystals that can assimilate all matter, can swallow all the existing black shadows through shadow contact, and can use voice commands to control biological actions. Acoustic programs, people who can distort reality with consciousness ... and so on.

Even includes scp-173, which Cheng Bin completed the test research before.

Well, it ’s worth mentioning that the immortal lizard ’s face when it faced the reinforced concrete deformed doll, shrank directly in the corner during the test, stared at scp-173, and did not dare to move. It was shot by Foundation agents. After losing sighting ability, he was severely hit by scp-173.

之后 But after that, special eyes with various protection and detection capabilities grew all over his body and continued to stare at the reinforced concrete puppet, causing SCP-173 to stall, and the execution test could not continue.

In a series of execution experiments, the Immortal Lizard showed familiarity with various containment items it has not seen in the SCP Foundation, and has a strong ability to adapt and evolve, and can even gradually resist other containment items. And its immortality refreshes the cognition of experiment participants.

From the beginning, you can swallow and transform everything to repair the body, and then you can modify the body structure and life form at will according to the situation ...

Until the SCP Foundation opened the containment involving the deep secrets of the world and destroyed most of its body, the Immortal Lizard even directly demonstrated the creation of a mini wormhole out of thin air, extracting the vacuum zero point from the sea of ​​Dirac through the four-dimensional space to shape the body. Ability...

Afterwards, the scp foundation did not dare to carry out execution experiments easily, and even did not dare to use too exaggerated means to contain it. They were afraid that the immortal lizard would adapt to a more terrible environment and evolved their ability to cope.

But in the execution record, there are still some absurd and extreme experiments in the follow-up, such as contacting the immortal lizard with a small black hole with a control device ...

However, those lessons that have occurred on other timelines have been adapted from the extreme containment with unsolvable immortality, and it is profound that the scp foundation has to go back to the timeline to adjust its behavior.

After carefully reading the records of the SCP Foundation's execution experiment on the Immortal Lizard, Cheng Bin, who turned his attention from the database, looked at the cage in front of him with a stunned look.

It was a five-meter-long cube container constructed of antacid materials. The interior was filled with high-concentration hydrochloric acid. Cheng Bin, who was standing in the observation room, could only look at the puppet monster in the liquid through a projection transformed from the detection data. .

Cube container and hydrochloric acid, etc., may be useful to the non-evil lizard in the early days, but now it seems that it only uses the natural habit of the non-evil lizard to suppress its activities, and the effect may be equivalent to Simmons and Anhymn?

What really can achieve a certain containment effect is the isolated space-time itself, but this containment method is not insurmountable to the immortal lizard that has adapted to evolution many times in the execution experiment, or the scp foundation has not found it yet. Can permanently control the immortal lizard.

Cheng Chengbin didn't care much about the immortality or other abilities of the Immortal Lizard. Anyway, it looks similar to the principle of scp-173's unsolvable defense ability, which is a physical layer mapping under some kind of rule distortion.

What he cares about is his familiarity and adaptability to the rules and characteristics of other contained objects, and looking at the data files, the scp foundation contacted the scp-343 God and asked him how to execute the slaying lizard ...

However, God, who has always been very kind and patient, who claims to be the creator of the world and all things, has a rare irritability when the scp foundation staff mentioned the immortal lizard, and bluntly stated "This is not me Made! ".

From the information provided by Dr. T before, Cheng Bin already knows that scp-343, whether it is the God who created the world or not, is at least a pseudo-high-dimensional life that touches the time dimension. After contacting Cheng Bin once, This world line slips away.

Since the low-dimensional individuals used to contact humans have shown such an attitude towards the immortal lizard, it can be seen that this large lizard is fundamentally different from other containment objects, and it is likely to involve the deep secrets behind the world.

Anyway, in the matter that the SCP Foundation asked Cheng Bin to help, there is the project of executing the Nine Lizard to make this ability bottomless, from time to time, it has breached containment, and those who are deeply hostile to all life survive. Too dangerous.

As Cheng Bin thought about the next way of action, the unshaven Lizard in the projection suddenly turned his eyes and aligned with Cheng Bin's observation, which made him slightly surprised that the foundation's detection equipment was not Camera stuff ...

The next moment, a vortex-like distortion emerged in the air, and Cheng Bin was twisted into flesh without saying a word.

"It's really irritable ..." Without the slightest energy reaction, Cheng Bin, who became more and more familiar with the characteristics of the rules, completed the remodeling of his body in the blink of an eye.

He looked at the slightly unexpected vertical pupil of the immortal lizard, Cheng Bin thought about it, raised his hand and hit a ringing finger: "theworld!"

The space-time interference ability far surpasses SCP-004, allowing Cheng Bin to usurp the space-time dominance of this area. The invisible space-time ripples spread out, covering the immortal lizard's place, and the stinging dragon from the main space After being stripped, he left the hydrochloric acid room in the stillness and came to the space-time plateau that Cheng Bin opened up alone.

"In this independent region, which is highly compressed on a time scale, we should be able to communicate without interruption ..."

Watching the immortal lizard swaying its head, sniffing around in the dark space-time plateau of time and space, Cheng Bin said a little strangely: "Speaking of which, you can accurately break through closed space-time Why is my body still controlled by such a humble space-time cage? "

After a roar of unknown meaning, the Immortal Lizard said in a low, vague human language: "Is there any difference between staying in the containment room and staying elsewhere? Get out of the Foundation's containment, but from a small cage I walked into a bigger and stronger cage, and at least I can see a lot of interesting things here. "

A bigger cage? Does Cheng Bin mean that this immortal lizard refers to this world?

"I thought the newcomer would be a favorable variable, but I did not expect that it would still be a disgusting human ..." The creepy dragon looked at Cheng Bin with a very vicious look. "You nasty, self-righteous standing Parasites at the apex of evolution ... "

"Huh?" The indomitable lizard knew he was a newcomer coming through?

Cheng Chengbin looked at the huge lizard standing upright on his hind legs with interest: "It looks like you really know a lot of things ... why are you so hostile to humans?"

Although it is more intelligent than scp-173, the immortal lizard is also a regular projection phenomenon of the same. Cheng Bin could not find traces of the existence of memory and thinking from him, otherwise he would have been Unpack it slowly and analyze it slowly.

Speaking, the perception and thinking process of the immortal lizard is very similar to the core of the dark moon that can correctly input and output without calculation.

For Cheng Bin's question, the immortal lizard said coldly: "Why should I answer your question? Human beings are always so arrogant ..."

"Uncooperative ..." Cheng Bin frowned slightly, and the attempt to dig deeper into the regular characteristics behind the Undead Lizard on the side of the body failed. Compared to the underlying logic of scp-173, which exists in the world, the Undead Lizard It seems that the rule feature also involves multiple world lines, and the possibility of completing the analysis in a single world is extremely slim.

"Don't waste any effort," it seems that he noticed Cheng Bin's behavior, and said indecently, "If I can understand my essence so easily, can I live to this day?"

Cheng Bin looked at the main task of the Immortal Lizard with an eye on it. Although the information of the world background is very curious, but sooner or later, he will know that it is entangled with this distortion of the rule that is extremely hostile to humans. Means nothing...

Anyway, after researching, he has a certain understanding of the nature of this world's containment objects, and he can already distinguish them from the rule-like characteristics of the bottom of the world. Try it without any loss ...

Therefore, Cheng Bin's ontology in the Grand Unified Field suddenly exerted force, accurately stripping and destroying the bottom effect of the world that is indestructible from the entangled rule net, and temporarily filling the rule void with his own interference force, and then slowly The adjustment smoothes.

The immortal sinister lizard in the time-stopping plateau collapsed at the moment of Cheng Bin's hands, and the collapsed body quickly decayed and disintegrated into material debris.

Monitoring the dynamics of the immortal lizard's body involving multiple world lines, Cheng Bin waited for a while, and found that the other party did not try to re-establish his own existence system at the rule level across the world. The prepared suppression can only be used temporarily. On hold.

However, Cheng Bin in the time-stopping plateau unexpectedly discovered that the remaining material particles after the disintegration of the indestructible lizard in front of him stimulated part of the energy under the action of high-dimensional interference similar to the thought, and built an indestructible The ghost came out.

The phantom lizard, which is purely composed of electromagnetic waves and air vibrations, swayed its head. It looked at Cheng Bin with a gloomy mood and said, "Hey, shouldn't you bargain with me in terms of human beings? Why do you start? Say good communication? "

After observing the operation of the interference force that created the ghost image, Cheng Bin said, "Would you like to tell me some information?"

"Trading," said the immortal Lizard that was destroyed in this world and stared at Cheng Bin. "If you can convince the Foundation to let me contact scp-079, scp-500, scp-914, I will tell you this. Part of the truth of the world I can do with any world line. "

Simply speaking, scp-079 is an intelligent AI, scp-500 is a panacea, and scp-914 is a super intensive machine.

But what is the use of these things for the immortal lizards that have a shape that appears with twisted rules on the multiple world lines?

Cheng Bin was a little bit unclear, so Cheng Bin gave a soft sigh: "Aren't you often breaching containment? If any world line is fine, haven't you gone to find so many opportunities?"

"I'm a prisoner, my ability is limited by my own rules, and it's not clear how difficult the scp foundation is." The immortal lizard shook his head and said anxiously, "Moreover, there is no incarnation of the foundation's will O5-1's acquiescence, even if I touched those things, I could not achieve all my goals. "

Cheng Bin shrugged: "In short, these things are good for you? Judging from your hostility and position against human beings, the possibility of the foundation agreeing is very small, after all, I am not familiar with them, let me say They all asked me to kill you. "

"If you can do it, try it," the immortal lizard snorted slightly, and then said a little loosely. "In other conditions, if you can wipe out scp-173 in all world lines, I can also tell you something. .. "

After a pause, the Immortal Lizard chuckled and said, "Of course, it's not just me who knows the secret behind the world. If you can find your scp-343 and his incarnations deliberately, you might know Something ... addition ... "

After a deep glance at Cheng Bin, the imitation shadow of the immortal lizard slowly disappeared, and it finally said: "You can also go to scp-001 'gatekeeper's ugly and stupid trouble ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ There is a lot of interest in the door behind it. "

Seeing that the ghost of the immortal lizard completely disappeared, the high-dimensional interference that maintained its existence subsided, Cheng Bin flipped through the data in his memory

The scp foundation has a plurality of scp-001 projects, which seem to be designed to cover up and suppress what. Some of these projects are real, including "gatekeepers".

An appearance looks like a sword angel with a height of several hundred meters, which is composed of pure white light. Behind it are different numbers of light wings seen by different observers.

有着 There is a giant door behind it, and the door is connected to another space. In the observation records of the Foundation, there can be vaguely seen behind the door that there are many similar existences as scp-001, and there are two extremely prominent huge trees.

This angel of light with infinite energy, standing in front of the door, which cannot be observed by conventional means one kilometer away, is the gatekeeper of the Garden of Eden who has given instructions to create the scp foundation ...

After Cheng Bin carefully looked at the relevant materials of the goalkeeper, he curiously muttered, "I always think this guy is a bit familiar. Does the system say that the extra purpose is ...

"But Dr. T's special reminder mentioned that my contact with the scp-001 gatekeeper may cause the end of the world, alas ... I do n’t know what the relationship between scp-173 and the immortal lizard is. Will happen?

"Well, wait a moment to confirm the evolutionary weight of the relevant world lines of the scp foundation. I have a hunch that things in these worlds are not so simple ..."

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