Uplifting Journey

Chapter 310: Hands-on rules operation tips, world background and old acquaintances

Except for the initial SCP Foundation world that entered at the beginning, its underlying rules and environments are completely consistent with its internal domain, and other places have their own anomalies more or less.

Although the difference between the rules of the SCP Foundation's parallel worlds has not reached the level of 1 + 1 = 3 in Cheng Bin's experimental world, theoretically, the world with a little difference in the underlying physical rules should not have the height of life and civilization in the world A similar situation.

But these worlds are really extremely similar on the surface.

Here, the twisted rules or containment items that are entangled at the bottom of the world like a net have played a great role, almost in a delicate balance, forcibly and deliberately creating the same appearance of the world's surface.

Just like the inner domain and the vitality world, obviously the material laws at the bottom of the world are completely different, but humans with highly consistent structures appear on the surface of the world. It doesn't feel like the rules contributed to the birth of humans, but for the birth of humans. Intentionally weave the rules of fit.

If the SCP Foundation ’s human civilization releases restrictions and technology continues to climb, they will find that after deepening the microcosm, the technology tree between different parallel worlds will be distorted in different directions, unless they can overcome obstacles and let technology touch The true form of the rules of the world's bottom can return to unification like Baichuan returns to the sea.

It's a bit like seeing mountains as mountains, seeing mountains not as mountains, seeing mountains or mountains.

However, no matter what kind of world, the rule net that is entangled at the bottom is extremely unfriendly to the development of civilization.

In the inner world, Cheng Bin can also successfully complete the technological upgrade of the co-working unit, creating a true four-dimensional substance as a white carrier, allowing it to acquire four-dimensional perception and interference capabilities, and the possibility of continuing to develop until it touches the underlying rules.

But in the world around the SCP Foundation, the distorted rules are like severe barriers, and they will only make all civilizations that rely on conventional scientific research to upgrade come to nothing, which is a desperate civilization.

Cheng Bin quietly tried to make white splits before. If he did not rely on his strength or other high-dimensional interference forces, the path of iterative upgrading of science and technology would reach the four-dimensional offset and the zero vacuum energy. Keep going, no matter what kind of research method, don't try to be effective in the face of unreasonable containment.

It is impossible to influence the physical rules without the ability of the depth of the unified field, but it is impossible to penetrate the unified field without removing the obstacles of the rules. This is a civil limiter that is far more terrible than the Chakra ideology.

"It's so lucky not to have been born in this world ..."

After returning to the original SCP Foundation parallel world, Cheng Bin silently observed the exchanges and cooperation between Bai and the SCP Foundation, using the old version of co-working, and then turned his attention to the first containment that he came into contact with—SCP- 173.

In the restored metal room, beside the reinforced concrete puppet still standing in a weird posture, Cheng Bin's avatar appeared again.

After looking at the big head sculpture with clear style, Cheng Bin stretched out his hand and put it on his short round arm for a moment.

After a dull crackling sound, SCP-173's arm was broken by Cheng Bin. He looked at the ordinary section of concrete and the reinforcing steel on the body of SCP-173's body. He looked back and looked at the number of biological necks that he had broken. Short arms.

SCP-173's immeasurable and indestructible rules have been completely cracked and deleted by Cheng Bin.

After thinking about it, Cheng Bin did not use the power of the ontology to interfere with the rules, but mobilized the mind and used a simple cognitive method that has not been tried for a long time, carefully weaving the setting on the reinforced concrete pillar at hand-restoring defense And loaded with a 200% elastic efficiency similar to SCP-018.

Theoretically speaking, even if Cheng Bin has already analyzed the operation form of the underlying rules of the world at the physical level, it is very difficult to achieve a surface characteristic by applying extensive and extremely complex rule distortions to material loading. There is a lot of trouble here Things need him to debug a little bit or even help.

But if there is no problem with the data observed during the parallel world crossing, if you have the knowledge of physical rules, use the idea of ​​essentially high-dimensional interference to set it ...

With a smile on his mouth, Cheng Bin slowly released the five fingers that grabbed SCP-173's broken arm, and at the same time slightly sideways into the four-dimensional space, leaving only a projection in place.

An arm without SCP-173's original erasure characteristics dropped to the ground, then the speed increased suddenly and bounced obliquely. After touching the corner of the cubic metal room, it swept away toward the ceiling like a shell ...

Every contact with the wall of the room will make the irregularly shaped solid concrete arm bounce more violently. After a small amount of collision, it will get a terrible speed that is enough to appear as an afterimage in the eyes of ordinary people. Faster speed means More collisions, which made its total kinetic energy soar like a rocket.

Increasingly denser impact sounds converged to form Hong Zhongda Lu's continuous sound waves. Cheng Bin's body like a phantom was repeatedly penetrated by reinforced concrete blocks that scrambled around. SCP-173 has been used several times. After blinking, he was completely crushed by his arm, and the tough alloy room filled with pits began to deform uncontrollably.

"It's much simpler than my hands. It's a perfect intelligent feature. It seems my guess is correct. This is the real trick to operating physical rules ..."

Before the expansion and distortion of the alloy room completely broke, Cheng Bin sighed and raised his hand to catch the elastic reinforced concrete arm that turned into a plasma flame, canceling its characteristics and turning it into powder.

Looking at the dust scattered in the fingers, a thoughtful look appeared on Cheng Bin's face.

After observing the different regular characteristics of the contained objects in many parallel worlds, Cheng Bin has gradually figured out how it works, and understand a lot of questions that were originally puzzled.

The high-dimensional life behind the containment obviously did not reach the bottom of the world of the Grand Unified Field, so how did they achieve the flexible rules of Cheng Bin? Even the investment is disproportionate to the harvest, using extremely complex changes in the bottom of the world to maintain the strange properties of a surface material.

The answer lies in the core of the black moon and the vitality world-by consuming the possibility of division and evolution of the world line, to lock in the probability tendency of some underlying changes in the world, and forcibly realize the future that sets expectations.

This is the process of writing information into the deeper layers of the world through high-dimensional interference, formulating a result in advance, and then letting the entire world's deeper related things evolve towards a fixed result, a kind of interference ability for world line migration.

High-dimensional life did not do a lot of work to maintain the unsolvable defense of SCP-173 like Cheng Bin did, but first fixed the innocuous result of SCP-173 in the possibility of infinite world line evolution, and then transferred all The probability of the related matter ends, and the world moves towards this only result.

A simple general analogy, tossing a coin to the front or back, or standing upright, will itself produce different world lines. For people in the world, this is a matter of probability, but high-dimensional creatures can exert influence in it and let all the world The part of the line where the result appears later is completely superimposed on the front of the projected core to form a convergent node, thereby creating a coin or containment that is positive regardless of the result of the projected throw.

Specific to SCP-173, it is the unbreakable unsolvable defense force under the rules. As for the disturbance on the bottom from the division and evolution mechanism of the universe, an energy is generated to stop the destruction of SCP-173, or Suddenly, the ups and downs of the quantum vacuum devour the attack, and these specific defense processes are secondary.

"With the possibility of the universe approaching infinity, it is actually possible to exert the power of 'information' to this extent. Isn't this tantamount to playing rogue and letting the universe take care of it? The average high-dimensional life is not capable of recognizing the low-dimensional world, But as long as the body is sufficiently informative, can he go into the rules of the world in this way and do whatever he wants? "

Cheng Bin, who had been groaning for a while, quickly wanted to understand the potential uses of seemingly messy meaningless containment in the SCP-related parallel world—

It consumes a lot of the possibility of differentiation of the world line, stabilizes the existence of the world, and suppresses the cosmic evolution mechanism, preventing the infinite expansion of the world line.

In addition, these containments may have a more important purpose-making home.

Although it looks messy, the distortion of the underlying rules caused by some containment items maintaining their own characteristics is consistent in style. If the rules of the world are distorted and replaced under the influence of a large number of containment items, then the guy who made these containment items in this world Obviously, he will get a great home court advantage, and he can even directly bring this world into his core area to facilitate various operations.

Compared to this distortion of the world's laws transforming the behavior of the home field, intelligent units such as Chakra, which the world encountered in the past, are simply weak.

"From the perspective of the style of the containment corresponding to the underlying rules, in the parallel world related to the SCP Foundation, there should be three ... no, four forces-local anomalous containment such as the Undead Sinner, God should Biblical shelters such as hermit gatekeepers, new births such as Dragon Ball Death Notes, and me ... "

After looking through the data he has explored everywhere, Cheng Bin already has a clear understanding in his mind-he is absolutely forced to step into the high-dimensional battlefield under the guidance of the system, and is still one of the core areas of the extremely fierce battlefield.

"It's really suffocating ..." Cheng Bin snorted and began to think about the countermeasures afterwards.

At this moment, Cheng Bin suddenly received a white rumor in this world. While upgrading the communications information containment previously bound to Bai ’s side, he read the report sent by Bai again.

Cheng Bin's main task to Bai is to cooperate with the SCP Foundation, while completing the agreed conditions to help the SCP Foundation control the containment, and carefully explore it.

The big shock brought by Cheng Bin at the beginning of entering the world destroyed many of the contained objects, and caused some changes in the nature of the contained objects, but the number of existing contained objects is still tens of thousands, not to mention the new batch of contained objects, Bai It is impossible to deal with these things with various strange characteristics with the Foundation.

In addition, Bai has some things she wants to do. In addition, she also has a proposal, saying that she wants to try to carry out dimension-up experiments with various containment objects and parallel worlds. At the bottom, she can come up with a set of ordinary Life is transformed into a pseudo-high-dimensional life like Dr. T.

However, due to the differences in the underlying rules of each parallel world and the intricacies of the forces involved in it, Cheng Bin did not dare to allow Bai to use the latest version of the co-working carrier involving the unified field of the four-dimensional space matter and the underlying layer. She can only be put on hold for a while.

But another important thing mentioned in Bai's report, Cheng Bin had to pay attention to it-Bai found a special containment SCP-738 in the containment opened for testing by the SCP Foundation. Some of the information characteristics shown in the test are very similar to some of the special data recorded by Bai that had a great impact on her growth.

The curious Cheng Bin disbanded the incarnation, the line of sight floated to the material layer and swept the earth through the nebula, pinpointed the isolated containment in the white report, and created a new one in the containment room by using the method of anchoring the new information and the characteristic information of the new society. A new version of the human incarnation.

After appearing out of nowhere in a room surrounded by high-energy explosives with a large number of mechanical arms, Cheng Bin nodded to the white body waiting.

Smiling Bai Dui Cheng bowed slightly, and then used no data to manipulate the control system of this containment room, lifting the containment measures for SCP-738.

The flexible robotic arm took out various ordinary and ordinary parts from the sealed containers on the inner wall of the room, and restored a set of mahogany furniture in the dazzling stitching-

Arranged neatly in the furniture in the center of the room, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com includes a table, a high back chair, and a magnificent office chair-style "throne", all of which are equipped with brass ornaments And royal purple velvet padding.

Cheng Bin looked at the high-back chair of the two chairs placed across the table. After reading the report, he knew that as long as there was a tester sitting on this chair, there would only be a tester on the opposite throne. The invisible existence that can be seen does not show the same appearance in front of the tester, but all have an irresistible affinity.

At this time, parchment paper, quill pen, and ink will appear in the desk drawer out of thin air, and fly to the table to arrange it. Then the invisible existence on the throne, known as the devil or the devil, will entice testers to trade with them. The transaction content is ever-changing, but the total In other words, it means paying psychological or physical pain in exchange for what you really desire.

It is worth mentioning that the SCP Foundation tried to use this thing to execute SCP-682 Immortal Lizard in a certain timeline, but the demon refused to trade on the grounds that "you cannot afford this price", and even later No further response.

Recalling SCP-738's characteristics and related test reports, Cheng Bin came to the high-back chair in the middle of the room with a quirky smile and slowly sat down.

The moment Cheng Bin sat down, a strange figure appeared on the throne across the table in front of his eyes—

A winged serpent that apparently occupied only the space of a chair, but gave a sense of infinite bulk, was staring at Cheng Bin sitting on the high-back chair unexpectedly with the star-like vertical pupil.

Countless low-level detection data is fed back into the ontological consciousness. Cheng Bin, with his legs crossed, glanced at the analysis results, and shrugged his shoulders in front of the snake in front of him:

"It's really an old acquaintance ... it's been a long time, Samuel ..."

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