Uplifting Journey

Chapter 312: Quantum Bubble Observation Program and the following communicators

Although the bottom-spitting system is a big news at every turn, Cheng Bin knows the status quo.

Intervening in the core battlefield area of ​​this high-dimensional war, although extremely dangerous, the rich harvest can be expected.

Regardless of other potential purposes of the system, to continue to push forward the process has not shaken the stagnant dimensional upgrade process, this main goal must be indispensable.

As far as the knowledge, data, and intelligence collected by Cheng Bin is concerned, the basic goal of mastering the interference tactics of the laws of the world's physics has been achieved. It is only a small head. What is most valuable to him is actually the battlefield itself.

Of course, this value is not the high-dimensional world that the three guys are constantly investing in and assimilating the world matrix. Cheng Bin has no interest in migrating the twisted and tangled world lines back to the inner region to enhance the spirit. He really cares. It is a unique environment born here due to the high-dimensional war.

Cheng Bin's distance from the ideal state is only the last two hurdles. At present, if he wants to go one step further, the biggest problem is how to go deep into the bottom of the unified field and actually touch the quantum foam of the bottom unit of the universe.

Since Cheng Bin has mastered the ability to freely weave physical rules, the microcosmic scales in the inner region that are deep in Planck scales are no longer insurmountable, but even if Cheng Bin can flexibly use the large unified field and rule weaving ability to go deeper into the bottom , There is also a great obstacle to overcome-

The world itself is just a combination of sideless bubbles in certain dimensions. It is impossible for him to observe the true appearance of quantum bubbles in a world.

Even because the observation behavior itself is carried out through the large unified field constructed by the common attributes of the quantum bubble, and the single unit is too small, Cheng Bin's behavior will cause very obvious chain disturbances to the observed object, and he even has no way to This one-time process records valid feedback data for comparison.

Except, in multiple worlds and time points that are closely related and extremely stable, find and lock the plural sides that belong to the same quantum bubble, and complete the simultaneous analysis in one breath.

In the context of the universe, this is an almost impossible task, because the multi-dimensional complex interactions between quantum bubbles will even trigger an explosive derivative division of the world line, and even many sides that are close to the information will enter In the broken and chaotic realm,

The so-called chaos domain is a place farther than the unknown domain. Essentially, the multidimensional side puzzle of the quantum bubble is incomplete, and it is impossible to form a complete shape and time axis of the world fragment. From the perspective of the multidimensional information volume of the quantum bubble, the world But it is an extremely rare accidental miracle. The chaos domain is actually the most extensive area in the universe.

In this infinite evolution, even the most basic stable experimental conditions are not available, let alone to actually try to observe quantum bubbles across time and space.

Besides, how do you know which quantum bubble belongs to this side without observation? After the observation is determined, how do you lock the observation target that produces a chain of unknown changes after being disturbed?

But these problems do not exist in the parallel world cluster on the SCP Foundation's side.

First of all, the high-dimensional three-parties fighting each other completely locked the possibility of the world's evolution and division, creating a world line that is more stable than the vitality world and even the Cheng Bin's inner area, and the connections between these parallel worlds are also because of various kinds of spanning The effects of the world and time containment objects appear to be extremely stable. Even without observation, Cheng Bin can find different sides of the same batch of sub-bubbles at the split point of the upstream world line.

Moreover, as for the containment crystallized by high-dimensional forces, as long as it is used reasonably, Cheng Bin can build a multiple observation system across time and space without upgrading the dimensions, which solves the later "Unfinished experiments cannot be upgraded, and dimensions are not upgraded." You ca n’t complete the experiment. ”

So after listening to Samuel's advance payment, Cheng Bin realized that this was a rare opportunity--

In the eyes of the entangled three-dimensional world, he temporarily became a fragrant, because although he is a pseudo-high-dimensional life that can only interfere with a single point, the depth of power in the world can crush all existence.

Why do they not show traces in the world to fight the low-dimensional foundation of the immortal lizard?

Because if you put too much power into the low-dimensional world, you will lose it. After all, this war zone has a limited scope. High-dimensional life slowly injects costs or the world matrix at the level that belongs to them, while trying to **** the overall information control. That is, there is no time to go to the world to dry out the low-dimensional parts of the enemy's high-dimensional nodes. This investment is far greater than the return and the cost is very low.

They are not like the Grand Unified Field, which itself penetrates into the bottom of the world like Cheng Bin. Even if it does not use high-dimensional interference, it has a strong enough ability to obliterate the existence of the rules.

Therefore, Cheng Bin did not come out to fight against him for a long time, basically because God and the Immortal Lizard tentatively contacted him and regarded him as a pivotal chess piece that can affect the situation It is for this reason that Samer tries to trade with him.

As for the third high-dimensional existence, that is, the master of the infinite behind the new-type containment of low-dimensional parts, the familiar and suspicious style of the infinite ... Cheng Bin has not been in direct contact with the conclusion.

"Cheng Bin, how are you thinking?"

Although knowing the existence of this level of Cheng Bin can complete complex thinking and measurement in a blink of an eye, after completing the intelligence statement, Samuel politely waited for a while before continuing to say: "After hearing this, you should also Knowing that working with us is the best option, don't care about the details in the past, and ...

"You don't want to let the world destroyer like the indestructible Lizard flow near your hometown after the end of the battlefield collapse, isn't it bigger than us, and in order to retain a glimmer of hope, we will completely disintegrate and spread the core information. It is almost inevitable that the seeds will escape to you along the trace you left ...

"Don't you care about life and civilization? The existence of this chaos is our common enemy. We must completely kill it here and not leave it a chance to rise again."

Cheng Bin had to admit that Samer had a good grasp of his character. The prepaid information not only established the basis for the transaction, but also gave him important reasons to complete the transaction.

After being silent for a while, Cheng Bin nodded and said, "I need to research and confirm the accuracy of your information, and there are other things to do ... if you say it is true, I and the monster are natural It's the enemy, and I will try to deal with it depending on the situation, so the transaction is here for now. "

"Of course, time in the world is meaningless to the gods and demons in the upper world." Samer said indifferently, then he waved his hand and had written the devil's contract of dense and chaotic runes with quill and ink bottle, It disappeared as soon as it took off into the desk drawer.

Samael stood up from the throne, he nodded to Cheng Bin, his silver-haired boy's image gradually distorted and blurred, changing in countless virtual shadows, but his eyes remained on the young man in black in front of him.

——Cheng Bin, it's really interesting ... I really look forward to what will happen after you become a god. Maybe you can really break the shackles on us ...

Samer once gave Cheng Bin an angelic method of ascending and becoming a god. He thought that this demigod who insisted on controlling the world with materialism and knowledge as the foundation of ascending and dying would break his head when he was plundered. Blood flow, in that case, its broken consciousness will inevitably produce a new angelic seed in the infinitely derived world line ...

But what he didn't expect is that Cheng Bin, who met again, seems to be going through this most difficult and complicated road ... Although this still doesn't change the difficulty of becoming a god, but from the characteristics of his soul Look, maybe there is really a little bit of hope ...

In the multiple ghosts of Samer, a man wearing a red and gold business suit, a beautiful and charming woman, a huge pink rabbit ... finally turned into a serpent like a galaxy, staring at Cheng Bin completely disappeared in an instant.

Almost at the same moment that Samael disappeared, Cheng Bin suddenly saw that a huge four-footed monster occupying most of the containment room appeared in front of him, and bite SCP-738, which was protected by regular features, into his mouth. , Quickly chewed and swallowed, leaving only the high-back chair under Cheng Bin with Erlang's legs.

Cheng Bin, who was facing the giant monster's pupil, said in a subtle tone: "Do not destroy the evil lizards ... are you talking about the line? Do you want to be so accurate?"

Through the investigation of the ontology, Cheng Bin can confirm that the monster in front of him is not a temporary projection, but a regular-level solid containment that is woven again at the bottom of the world, but the way of appearance is a bit strange, not knitted from scratch, but more like It was suddenly transferred from another level ... Is it time shuttle?

The huge and sulky monster hummed dullly. It shook its head in place, then glanced at Cheng Bin and said, "My core path is adaptation and evolution, and the chaotic lunatic who devoured everything and destroyed it was not the same way at all. "

After putting aside this suspicious sentence, the immortal lizard disappeared from the place without a word, and left with the underlying essence from the current world. Cheng Bin could detect before he left and after the destruction of SCP-173 and other containment objects. The gap left was in contact with the remains.

Immediately after the immortal lizard's front feet left, the next wave of people's hind feet sprang out of the void and landed in the near-broken containment room where the immortal lizard moved its body.

Cheng Bin leaned back on the back of the chair, and looked at Dr. T, who was breathing slightly in front of him ... and the little black cat on his shoulder: "Well, which one are you playing?"

Dr. T glanced at the little black cat who jumped into the armrest of Cheng Bin's seat in a volley, and pointed at it helplessly: "In order to comply with the agreement, I'm half-dead, you kill this world SCP-173 This behavior has caused a lot of trouble. I can only indirectly interfere in the confrontation on the time axis, and I dare not meet the large lizard of SCP-682. "

By appointment? The system has been quiet since this side. What is going on here?

Cheng Bin glanced at the little black cat at hand. The system incarnation was naturally familiar to him. Then he turned to Dr. T and asked, "What's wrong with SCP-173? I don't see the evil lizard taking it so seriously. After a change of research, there are so many parallel world SCP-173, isn't it a big problem? "

"So what about your research?" Dr. T sighed.

"Well ... SCP-173 is one of the core fragments left by the predecessor of the Immortal Lizard, and I have recorded the operating characteristics of both sides."

Cheng Bin groaned slowly and said slowly: "Looking at the bottom-level reaction of the world after it just came here, the power has been strengthened, but the depth has not changed. At most, the field is a little wider. I am in the high-dimensional world. I do n’t know, but unless all SCP-173 in the world line are destroyed, it is impossible for the undestructive lizard to obtain this high-dimensional power crystal completely. "

"It may not matter to you for this strength improvement, but it is a disaster to me ..." Dr. T shook his head with a grin and smiled. "If this continues, even if other existences do not intervene, I will not be able to persevere. , After all, I cannot cut off the natural connection between the insidious lizard and most of its containment ... "

After looking deeply at Cheng Bin, Dr. T said, "This time he will not be allowed to interfere past this point in time when your subjective consciousness is located, and I will do my best. The next timing problem can only be up to you. solved."

——Sequence of subjective consciousness? For the self who has not yet been uplifted, does the discrete multiple ego on the time axis rely on the dynamic connection with the mind to identify the subject consciousness? These issues must be clarified before the experimental plan starts ...

In his mind, Cheng Bin instantly turned a lot of thoughts, and turned his eyes to the black cat by his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ I saw it slowly licking his paw and said slowly: "This system has an agreement with this guy, maintain At the current timeline, the host ’s timing of your consciousness is not affected by the time shock from the past, until the host ’s initial experiment is over. In exchange, the host will help them survive the doomsday fault. ”

After receiving a large amount of information sent by the system, Cheng Bin frowned and browsed it, and knew what Dr. T, who is a time blame, was busy with recently, and what happened to the doomsday fault.

The so-called doomsday fault is actually the section of the timeline where the three high-dimensional life forces put the most. All SCP Foundation-related world lines over there have been completely distorted and overlapped. Currently, the three parties have seized control. And in the midst of violent shock migration.

It is foreseeable that with the continuous investment of high dimensional costs, eventually all parallel worlds of the SCP Foundation will be pinched and overlapped like doomsday faults, forming the only world line that is extremely similar to the current inner world of Cheng Bin.

For Cheng Bin and Dr. T in the world, it is equivalent to the future doomsday fault spreading to all parallel worlds, and starting to climb a little upstream upstream of the time axis, approaching the time point they are in, the desperate shady will eventually Gradually cover all the world and time.

At that time, there was only one high-dimensional battlefield in the world line, and there was really no room for space. The three stale high-dimensional lives reached the last moment when they could see the difference.

After reading the information sent by the system, Cheng Bin also understood the seriousness: "If the battlefield spreads here along the time axis, the next important experiments will not be able to be done. It seems that we must hurry and start the action ... "

But before starting the experiment, there are some crucial issues that need to be confirmed with the system and Dr. T.

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