Uplifting Journey

Chapter 324: The Son and the Prisoner, Samer finally biting the hook

Because in the cage of time cycle, the total population capable of inheriting memories across time cycle is limited, so even if the intensity of war between crusades and human federations has been reduced, they have not given up to continue other battles in order to **** more populations. Resources.

When it comes to the strength of the cannon, the scientific discourse of the human federation is always justified and convincing, but these things are meaningless to zealots who regard God as omnipotent and all-round.

After all, although knowledge and technology accumulate in a continuous cycle of time, the cage of time itself is the largest unknown shadow on the human head, and those terrible and unreasonable containments have repeatedly challenged the laws of physics and scientists. nerve.

Among them are some weird things that completely subvert the existing scientific system. In the face of these unreasonable unknowns, many people with insufficient will turn around and put into the arms of God.

Coupled with the time cycle's suppression of the promotion of the industrial foundation, human organizations that adhere to the rational and scientific way have a little lack of confidence in the struggle with the population of the Crusaders.

After all, compared to the divine system based on the devout degree of the believer, which can be used immediately after the resetting process of the time cycle, the industrial adjustment and transformation work required by the technology side is more troublesome.

Moreover, it must be said that, compared with zealous and united believers under the watchful eye of God, there is indeed some water on the side of the human federation that frequently generates internal contradictions, which has caused the human federation to once fall into the disadvantaged position of passive beatings in the battle with cross religion .

However, whether it is a new population or a rapid reconstruction of the latest industrial system, the Human Federation has related projects that are slowly advancing research. As long as the results are achieved, this bad situation can be reversed.

The new population manufacturing plan based on memory operation technology also needs an industrial system that can be quickly rebuilt to support it. Fortunately, the latter has seen the dawn of light recently with the help of a new batch of containment items, and the time to produce results should not be far behind.

Prior to this, the main energy of the human science and technology side was focused on the adjustment of their own organizational structure. The loose union of the remaining countries was no longer sufficient to cope with the situation. They needed to truly smash the old and inefficient organizational structure and build a new and complete Efficient country.

Prior to the emergence and maturation of thinking transformation and acceleration technology, the information system as the core of this high-efficiency country could only be built around the intelligent program white with exceptionally strong performance and able to cross the time cycle with the help of Dr. T.

But to really reverse the situation, we still have to find a solution to the crucified saint who has become more and more difficult in the unknown time cycle ...


At the beginning of a time cycle, in an ambulance speeding down the road.

The look of the driver holding the steering wheel changed slightly, and a huge amount of memory was loaded and reorganized in his mind in an extremely short moment.

The driver who was brought back to this point by the cycle of time did not shake or hesitate. As it has been repeated many times in the past, he took over his driving work with great skill, and turned gently after passing through successive curves. Park your car by the road.

Around this ambulance, pedestrians who changed their expressions at the same time as the driver approached, and there were excited and happy people running out of the buildings on all sides.

An endless stream of people quickly blocked the road, and dense crowds surrounded the ambulance. Only a circle of open space was left next to the ambulance.

In the flow of people, some people looked strange, and fled in the opposite direction at the same time when the abnormality appeared, but as some people nearby murmured, these non-following guys were all in the sudden cross-shaped sacred light. Into nothingness.

Circles of people surrounded the ambulance, but the sound of breathing was unheard of in the dense crowd, and everyone looked at the ambulance with a frantic expression, making the scene look strange and horrible.

Surrounded by more and more crowds, the back door of the ambulance opened wide, and a woman in a strange costume with tattoos and hair dyed came out with a holy smile that was incompatible with her appearance.

There was a hint of humility in the frantic expression of the onlookers, who fell on their knees and bowed down to the pregnant woman with the doctrine of God's only gift.

The pregnant woman worshipped worshipped and knelt down on her belly.

The next instant, a small, tender hand penetrated her skin and clothes, and a fetus ripped apart the pregnant woman's abdominal cavity in the flesh and crawled out, standing on the road and tore off her umbilical cord.

Within a few seconds, the fetus continued to squirm all over the body, and the body's structural changes expanded while growing golden hair, turning into a white boy the size of a few years.

Throughout the **** horror process, no matter whether they are kneeling zealots or pregnant women with severe pain, the look in their eyes has not changed at all. They look at the boy born on the earth in a non-human way, and the look is full of happiness and worship.

The boy opened his eyes in the crowd's kneeling, and when he passed the crowd with a halo of pupils, he showed a trace of boredom and contempt.

No one dared to speak at this moment, and the naked boy had grown a few years out of thin air. He got a little taller and looked back at the human being who was theoretically his mother in the pool of blood.

Then the boy frowned slightly, looking back and watching his hands murmured: "The starting point of this cycle is before the body was born yet? Huh, Cheng Bin's strength has increased .. . "

The boy popped up a little golden man, and the crowd around him and the dying woman behind him were assimilated and wiped out by the golden halo that was spreading like explosions, and countless ghosts of angels with wings flickered in the field.

As the golden light that swept through the town dissipated, all but the boys in the large town disappeared.

Sensing the state of those false angels that were transformed into an energy state and integrated into the divine network, the boy snorted softly: "... but after I entered the world, from the perspective of the absorption efficiency of the containment, my enhanced power should be Much more than Cheng Bin. Why on earth is he doing this? "

The boy's original name had long since been obliterated, and now he was named Samer.

That's right, the original Hell Lord, Satan the Forbidden Name, stabbed God here and usurped the back door of heaven to himself and set up Samuel, the only god.

In this weird time cage, to the lips of those zealous believers, he is the Son of God on both sides of God's oneness-although he has never changed the name of his own Hell.

After all, the fundamental principles and classics of cross religion have long been beyond recognition in the cycle of time.

Anyway, the theological system that Cross religion relies on was originally perfected by Samuel's integration of his powers that could influence control.

Besides, God originally controlled the **** Lord's division of light and dark bipolar indirectly, but now Hell Lord in turn controls the personality of God, and there is no logical problem in saying that Samer is the only **** in the Cross.

It's just that it's limited to the time cage made by Cheng Bin. If the true Lord of Heaven knows what Samal is doing now, it will be hard to say what will happen.

But Samael couldn't wait for such a distant thing. As the real and only prisoner in the cage of time cycle, he must increase his strength as soon as possible and try to figure out Cheng Bin's true intentions.

The generation of the time cage began after Samael and Cheng Bin cooperated to capture all the paradise-related containment on the axis for a period of time.

Samael, who reconstructed the body of the demon, and Cheng Bin shared the World Devourer's heritage with him. Unexpectedly, Cheng Bin, who was surrounded by the SCP shell, appeared angelic because of his deep contact with the heaven system. sign.

Through the previously usurped and modified backdoor, Samael realized that he could observe and even interfere with this part of angelic Cheng Bin deeply, if he pushed it when he was entangled by the angelic ritual ...

In doing so, at least he can also take advantage of Cheng Bin's chaos in the process of dividing up and take away the big head. The more ideal result is that Cheng Bin's power was directly torn by him and he was usurped the back door of heaven. He turned into an angel family.

Think about it, Cheng Bin, this strange fellow, has not been strong enough in terms of the world before he has passed through the robbery of God. If it can be brought under his control, even if it is maintained, it will be a great gain. Various powerful mysterious words for its powerful power ...

After being greedy, Samer weighed the gains and losses and the risks, and then sold his teammates decisively. When he shared the strength of the containment, he stabbed another back and threw it on Cheng Bin.

In Samuel, the worst result was just being swallowed by Cheng Bin in turn, losing all the power that can be harvested here, which is not a big problem that hurts the fundamentals.

Anyway, Cheng Bin has not achieved the demon. Although the power is not bad, many demon methods are unavailable, just like heaven can block the possibility of the World Devourer and the core authority of Samuel ’s soul spreading out of the battlefield. Can't do it, let alone actually imprison and kill a demon.

Then Samael would have to give up the reconstructed body on Abel's side, and find a new carrier that resonates with authority to walk and develop-his authority is not jealous, if some conditions related to the restoration of power are ignored In theory, an intelligent life can be his carrier.

Then things went completely beyond Samuel's expectations.

Cheng Bin, who was stabbed in the back, did not mean to prevent the angelic ritual in the slightest. In addition to shifting away the core strength of the related thoughts, this related body housing the strength of the containment was directly given to Samer.

However, the way of sending is a bit special. Cheng Bin cut off this highly overlapping and constrained world line, and all the contained objects that were gathered were forcibly cut off from the timeline association, and blocked together with the high-dimensional demon body just constructed by Samuel. Into a whirlpool of time that he created.

This time vortex, or the cage of the time cycle, itself comes from the quantum incarnation cluster that Cheng Bin occupies for several days.

Before Samer absorbed the power of Cheng Bin and the contained objects, his newborn demon body did not have the power to fight against Cheng Bin ’s growing and spreading quantum avatar cluster, so he could not escape the cage of this time, and could only stay in it constantly Transformation absorbs all available power.

However, just as Samael had expected, Cheng Bin did not have the ability to ban the core authority of the demon, so he felt a little confused and had no idea what Cheng Bin ’s self-denial operation was for. .

The usurpation of the sole deity status of the cross by the Samer in the world is itself occupying the part of the angelic Cheng Bin's strength. The collection and purification of the teaching party's containment represents the unification of the remaining power of the world devourer.

Judging from the changes in these things involving the high-dimensional world, this time the cage is better to be said to be the cultivation chamber of the Samarkian demon body, which isolates the dangerous environment while also carefully providing nutrition for growth.

Except for being unable to move for a while, losing some high-dimensional senses, and having to circulate in contact with mortals in a cage, Samer did not realize that Cheng Bin had any dangerous actions against him. In the world, he could only guide the development of human civilization. Dr. T and Bai Shu are somewhat related to Cheng Bin.

Because in the transaction, Samer had promised to help human civilization find a way out in the battlefield destined to usher in a wave of destruction, so he was not surprised that Cheng Bin tossed human civilization in the cage of time.

So he didn't care much about these mortal civilizations that would only require a certain amount of magic power to distort the rules, and would completely collapse like a sand castle swept by the tsunami.

But then again, Cheng Bin cannot be a guy who has given himself up for this kind of thing, so he must have any potential plots ... but by virtue of this, Samuel has found a lot of available outside the prison. Carrier, he really didn't understand what Cheng Bin was for the painless and itchy prison ...

Having grown into the appearance of an adult man, Samael made a black robe and put it on. He glanced at the pool of blood next to the ambulance and used the so-called divine magic to teleport to outer space on Earth.

Around the other side of the globe, Samael looked at a part of the continent covered by hazy white clouds. In several large industrial cities, the silver gray that ordinary people can see with the naked eye is spreading a little bit—

That is the new human kingdom "Mobius"-meaning the soil of its own birth-developed by Dr. T and brought back to the beginning of the time cycle of nano-mechanical products.

Since the first generation of nanomachines were manufactured, human civilization in the time cycle can quickly restore part of the industrial foundation in the previous cycle ~ www.readwn.com ~, which greatly accelerated their development speed.

This is also thanks to the grabbing of a space-time containment object in a previous cycle, allowing Mobius to distort the space-time scale and create the first self-replicating nano unit in the time of disguise.

However, the speed of this development is far worse than that of the sealed Samuel who develops the system of cross-knowledge and divinity. He is very surprised why Cheng Bin does not directly teach the mortal knowledge and technology in the world. .

Restricted by his physical power, Samer casually released some divine magic, communicated with the reborn believers, and then positioned the containment objects refreshed in this cycle, and let these devout believers go to search for purification.

Watching the nano-units that are constantly self-replicating and spreading rapidly, Samael groaned: "The angelic body that Cheng Bin left was originally composed of the body of the world in his mouth. Going deeper will inevitably get his unformed The mystery of authority information and the power of the body of the world ... "

Because it was too easy to obtain, after occupying the part of Cheng Bin's angelization, Samal did not act lightly. He has been indirectly observing and analyzing the operation of this part of the power and time cage, without really going deep and trying to completely Take control and even disassociate the forces that influence Cheng Bin's other parts.

But after many observations and temptations, it was confirmed that Samuel, who had no traps, ultimately failed to restrain the puppet of Cheng Bin's soul and power, and began to probe into the core of Cheng Bin's power ...

At the moment of the change of Sammer's high-dimensional information body and the world line in the cage, Cheng Bin couldn't help sighing in the quantum avatar cluster that built the time cage: "I almost thought you could stand it to the end, but the result was hooked. You asked for it, Samuel ... "

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