Uplifting Journey

Chapter 326: Twisted Authority and God's Sinner

In the cage of time cycle, a certain world line that is not known how many times is quite special for the prisoner, time is reset.

The country of Mobius is 300,000 kilometers away from the Earth's lunar base. Outside the super laboratory with severe spatial distortion, two people in the busy central control room are standing in front of a public projection and talking in a low voice.

The middle-aged man, Dr. T, still wearing an old-fashioned white coat, stared at the rapidly refreshing data on the projection screen and sighed: "The accuracy and intensity of the new curvature interferometer have improved dramatically ...

"... Looking at the experimental data and optimizing and adjusting it again, the space-distorting gravitational probes can complete the nuclear strong interaction force command gene implantation plan, and the biggest limitation of the time cycle on the development of civilization will be eliminated."

After the successful development of the nanomechanical unit and the loss of the Holy Son in the Crusaders, for Mobius civilization, the biggest obstacle in the development has become the huge amount of energy required to restore the industrial system after each time reset.

Dr. T can carry the latest model of technology carrier and huge amount of information back to the beginning of the time cycle, but he cannot bring back a complete set of nuclear fusion energy system. Rebuilding materials by nano-units alone, most of the time in the cycle has to be Fill in this meaningless repetitive project.

Therefore, an intelligent atomic plan capable of simple and convenient mass energy conversion and element reorganization is imperative.

Only by creating a strong atomic nucleus that can spontaneously release itself, without external energy, it can sweep all materials to self-replicate, and perform atomic species conversion at the proton and neutron level, reconstructing intelligent atoms for all technological products, can Mobius be able to Completely liberated in a short time cycle, stepping out of the earth into the starry sky.

Hearing Dr. T ’s emotions, a blond white man wearing a nano-dress and staring at a public projection also looked up and said, "In the final analysis, the power of the devil ... Can it be made? "

Dr. T groaned: "It is theoretically possible to reverse the process from the result, but it must be a very large and long project ..."

The blond man glanced up at him, and snorted softly: "After that? According to Cheng Bin's technology tree implanted in your civilization and adapted to the laws of this world, the vacuum zero energy behind intelligent atoms, the four-dimensional space, the Great Unified Field technology, Can you do it alone, humans? "

Dr. T thought for a while, then shook his head with a bitter smile: "Although I really want to say that if there is enough time and space, a civilization with an exponential growth rate can do this sooner or later, but I still dare not take the lead in using the containment Conclusive ... "

After conveying the control instructions for the end of the experiment through nano colonization, the blond man turned his eyes away from the projection and stared at Dr. T. "In the final analysis, Cheng Bin skipped all the technological climbing through various high-dimensional means and opportunities. obstacle...

"... He can certainly point out the way when he stands high, but I don't know how he should go, how wide he can go, whether he can reach the same level as him."

Dr. T looked at some weird and disdainful blond man and then couldn't help but ask curiously: "Why do you want to participate if you think so? Don't you think that these physical laws based on technology climb, for the world Is the law meaningless in a fragile real universe like a bubble? Wouldn't it be bad to continue to follow the path of divinity, even if we were to study Cheng Bin's body of the world? "

The blond white man, or the Samar of this world line, heard a word of silence and then sighed, "Because ... I'm going to die."

"Huh?" Although Dr. T knew a little bit about the background of the cage, Dr. T was still aggressive when he heard the amazing words.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast. This is a vicious trap ..." Samer, who had a noticeable change in character, looked down at his hands wrapped in nanocells, and couldn't help recalling all these subtle changes. Passing

The complexity of the information of the body of the world is far beyond Samuel's imagination. After studying the part that was eroded by angelic rituals for a while, Samer consciously wants to control his mystery more deeply and clearly, he must study it clearly. Cheng Bin controls all soul core algorithms.

Just like the part of the power shown in the divine magic system, the power system and the soul core of the original form of Cheng Bin's body of the world are related to the human civilization implanted in the prison of time at a high dimension.

In order to gain the core secret and full control of the body of the world, and thus usurp Cheng Bin's high-dimensional resources based on it, it is necessary to penetrate to the lowest level in both the eroded and uneroded parts of heaven.

Without a high-dimensional vision, Samael could only honestly observe in the world the thinking evolution and scientific and technological progress that promoted human civilization. To this end, he also stopped the predominant crusader war behavior.

Samer originally thought that the invasion of Cheng Bin's forces would definitely happen, so he prepared a lot of countermeasures, and other carriers outside the cage were intensively preparing for the new ontology manufacturing work just in case.

But what he never expected was that Cheng Bin made no secret of revealing all his knowledge and thoughts in the two technology trees, and broke it apart in detail and showed it to everyone. .

Although a little surprised, Samer will not stop his pace of erosion. Anyway, how to compile Cheng Binai, the system below the laws of the world, is his own business.

But as the excavation and erosion progressed, Samer himself changed little by little.

Cheng Bin's strength, Cheng Bin's thoughts, Cheng Bin's path ... To understand for the sake of control, try for the sake of understanding ...

From devout believers and divine feedback, to the Research Institute of Divinity System ... from the religious divisions of the old and new theological thoughts, to the fall of the Son into Mobius ...

From the beginning to the habit of succumbing to mortals easily and kneeling, to the disgust of the cowardice without autonomous thinking and research spirit.

The simple truth of two by one was gradually imprinted in Samuel's heart, and he began to seek to train people who had a positive effect on his work, and even actively participated in the transformation and progress of the Mobius civilization.

Relying on the time cycle to get rid of low-level tastes and subsistence needs, the vast majority of citizens have participated in the Mobius civilization of science and technology climbing. With the personal participation of Samuel, it has continued to grow at an increasing speed.

Artificial intelligence with super-computing processing capabilities, brain-domain technology for manipulating memory and thinking, nano-mechanics capable of self-replication and reorganization, nuclear power stations providing huge energy fusion, gravitational well generators that interfere with mass and curvature, and intelligence that is about to take shape atom...

Although he does not have the complete memory, senses, and strength of the high-dimensional ontology, Samuel has consciously experienced a lot. He must have seen many such scientific and technological civilizations in the past. In theory, he should not have any special feelings.

However, after personally participating in the development of a civilization that once felt like a touch, Samir's contempt disappeared unknowingly. He can deeply feel the implication of the development of civilization that Cheng Bin has been pursuing. Kind of stuff ...

Something that completely contradicts his past perception of the universe.

Between the slightest shake and the blank, Samael suddenly found that he could sense the negative emotions that dominate the intelligent life, and thus interfere with the demon's original authority of the soul of the opponent, and deteriorated.

I do n’t know when it started, and Samaer, who had used his power between the tide, suddenly found that what he sensed was no longer a familiar negative emotion, but a trace of curiosity in the heart of the intelligent life and a wave of curiosity. The will to keep climbing.

It was then that Samer came to his senses-the ultimate trap does not exist in the deepest part of the bottom of the world, but the way to the end itself.

Cheng Bin cannot imprison and kill real high-dimensional life like Samer, but Samer himself can--

The son of God, the offspring derived from the authority of the demon, has an unavoidable close relationship with his father, and has the ability to completely kill the other party and usurp all the other party ’s power.

In the continuous loop of time cage and the infinite division and evolution of the world line, Samer's trace of greed and greed for Cheng Bin's power has cultivated a child who agrees with Cheng Bin's path.

"Even if the cause is my shake and hesitation, the in-depth contact at the level of authority is two-way, and the essence is a war between soul consciousness. It seems that my will and path are far less firm and far-reaching than Cheng Bin, as long as the possibility of self-splitting Not zero, so sooner or later, a world line will happen in the cage of this cycle ... Is this also a kind of growth? "

After describing to Dr. T what happened in the cage of time, Samael sighed helplessly: "As long as Cheng Bin unlocks the suppression of the cage, then there must be one of me and the other of me to die-of course I I don't want to die, so naturally I can only kill me. "

Hearing about the weird mechanism of high-dimensional gods and evils, Dr. T rubbed his temples: "Compared to you in the time of the Son, you are getting along better now. Is there any way to improve your winning rate? "

Samer thought for a while and later said, "I was originally a high-dimensional life, and I couldn't follow Cheng Bin's path to re-upgrade. The foundation of authority has not changed much, and the strength is not much different from the original me. , Then it is the amount that determines the outcome ...

"... In this time-cycled cage, or in a petri dish, it is not a good idea to expand power through authority. We can only compete for the power left by Cheng Bin and the power of various containment objects. To put it bluntly, we continue to climb. Technology, and crusaders looted containment, with little change in action. "

At that moment, Dr. T's face moved, and then weirdly said, "No, there will be great changes-I just received the‘ revelation ’, and there will soon be containments in the time cage that can cross the world line.”

Samer sneered, and then shook his head, "Every reincarnation of reincarnation is the crystallization of the power produced by Gao Wei and Cheng Bin in the battle for the World Devourer's heritage. Its characteristics represent high for us. Keeping up with some of their ideas, it seems that the original I was aware of was something wrong. "

After Dr. T mobilized the information about Cross religion in his mind and looked at it, he hesitated: "You mean, the cross churches of other world lines cross the world to hinder the development of all Mobius civilization?"

"To be precise, it is to try to reduce my share of power after the cage was broken. In this regard, Cheng Bin can't help me. I can only rely on myself to fight ..." Samer shrugged and started through nano colonization. Arrange various experiments with some radical adventures, "The war is about to begin. Before that, we'd better make intelligent atoms, otherwise I'm afraid we will suffer a lot ..."


In the cage of time, the beginning of the time cycle on a certain world line.

As everything on Earth returned to its original state in the time shock, billions of cross-shaped rays roared and shone, dispersing the clouds and completely illuminating several continents.

At the first moment of time reset, under the action of rebuilding the divine power network, the believers of the cross who completed the collective self-explosion and sublimation gave the Mobius civilization a heavy blow.

And the sacred light converged to the sky, quickly condensing a naked body of a blonde white man out of nowhere, and then the human body in the air quickly disintegrated, turning into a few hundred meters in height in a blink of an eye, with an unrecognizable number of light wings The pure white giant holding the Great Flame Sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ The anger turns into a substantive light. As the giant's sword waving gesture sweeps the whole earth, the remaining human response is completely evaporated by the energy flood before it is too late Even the Earth itself was split into two halves by the narrow convexity of space and time.

Gravity re-impacted on the converging earth, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes ... infinite natural disasters spread wildly, completely destroying the last complete trace of civilization.

The dazzling glaring sword pointed at the earth, and the sword lingered on the chaotic earth for a while, as if searching for something.

As several beams of light that pierced the atmosphere flashed through, the key creatures that brought Mobius back to the beginning of the time cycle were destroyed by the light, along with the carriers.

Then a large number of invisible forces rose from the earth beyond recognition and merged into the body of the giant angel. Several items containing strange powers flew into space and fell into the palm of the angel's open hand.

The fragment of the World Devourer's power, called the Containment, was instantly resolved in the Angel of Light as an instinct-like divine spell, and according to its different functional characteristics, it began to slowly integrate into the inner operating system of the giant angel.

"Cheng Bin ... I admit that I lost this game, but want to kill me with a new god? You are dreaming!"

The item containing the strange power finally merged into the lightsaber and disappeared with it. The light wings behind the giant angel suddenly turned into half black, and the light body of several hundred meters high was recompressed and gathered into a dense human shape with its golden vertical pupil. It seems that there are endless human souls floating around.

The blond man with a magnificent black and white light wing snorted coldly. A small hole suddenly appeared in front of him. He immediately retracted the light wing, drilled with both hands, and then completely disappeared from the world together with the hole.

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