Uplifting Journey

Chapter 328: The cage of time of disintegration and the embodiment of civilization

It is easy to shake and eventually change the course to join the Sami who is on the side of the Sin and Mobius civilization. After all, it is still a minority in the cage of time cycle.

If there were some problems when contacting the Devourer of the World and resisting erosion, Cheng Bin, a guy who has not yet achieved the demon, accidentally glanced at some of the core authority and carried out a targeted attack. After experiencing the Lord of Countless Hells, Samer's will is far less fragile than that manifested in a cage.

Although there has been a great change in ideology, the information of the father of the **** Sami Melby at the level of demon authority is not large. In addition to the content of the spiritual life and spiritual activities that resonate and match, Neither the overall architecture nor the mode of action has changed.

So I want to simply rely on my mouth to persuade all the original Samuel in the cage to give up self and assimilate and merge, that is simply thinking too much.

Physical persuasion is more reliable.

Originally, Samuel accumulated a lot of knowledge about the magical system. After persuading some of the past selves to come here, the Mobius civilization, which was quite successful in memory and mental manipulation, was based on The special disciplines of the mind soon began to grow.

After combining the magic system with the original technology tree, the Mobius civilization began a new round of technological explosion between inspiration and technology complementation.

With a high level of technology, the gap in combat power is huge.

The rapidly expanding Mobius civilization quickly penetrated a large parallel world nearby. With the time difference created by the containment objects across the world line, they eliminated the negative effects of time reset in the cage to the greatest extent. Fighting with the Crusaders is in full swing in many worlds.

In this battle that spans the world and time, at the beginning, the Crusaders can still rely on Samer ’s vision to take the lead in technical climbing, creating a paradoxical heaven and **** system in the world, crushing and destroying the blockbuster. The core tasks of Dr. T in the world of the Mobius civilization, and even in the early civilizations, were all converted to cross teaching by brainwashing.

But the containment that spans the world and time blooms everywhere, unites until the unified Mobius civilization spreads seeds everywhere to create space, guerrilla warfare with crusaders in the multidimensional depth of time and the world, and continues to seize opportunities for experimental projects improve technology.

If Samer is not limited by the low-dimensional carrier and has a little knowledge and power of the high-dimensional ontology, he can reproduce a complete army from research to logistics in minutes, ensuring ease and ease. The Mobius civilization car was broken into pieces.

But there is no such thing in the cage. Unless Cheng Bin is certain that the **** Sinmeier can completely defeat his father, he will not let go of the cage of time to suppress and restrain the high-dimensional gods and demons.

So Samuel of the Cross found himself in an extremely embarrassing situation—

Relying solely on his own set of concepts to study divinity, the speed at which the Crusades accumulate and climb is much lower than the materialistic Mobius civilization, which also has its own leadership but has more participants.

If the restrictions on ideas and believers are let go and the Crusadian side has established a climbing mechanism similar to the Mobius civilization of the national researcher, the speed of power increase will increase, but ...

Cheng Bin is extremely sinister. He built a glimpse of a somewhat idealistic divine system based on quantitative control of the materialistic mind.

If Samael continues to run along Cheng Bin's baton, he may study how many believers at a high depth will betray himself and invest in the theology research department of the Mobius civilization.

At this level of the war, even if you want to abandon the magic and rebuild a climbing system through experience and containment, it is too late. If you are slightly relaxed in the competition of climbing speed, the advantage of the battle will collapse like an avalanche.

At a time when the development of Crusades is slowing down, the Mobius civilization united across time and space is still striding forward.

The current Mobius civilization has been able to expand its control range to less than half of the Milky Way in a short period of time in an arbitrary period of time in the expansion of a time cycle of more than half a month. With huge amounts of material support and With the cooperation of divine magic, various research projects in the research department have made rapid progress.

Curvature energy storage, one-dimensional transmission, bizarre quark, data universe, personality quantification ...

Many Cheng Bins were too late to develop or even think of technology when they were at the same level. They were born in the hands of the Mobius civilization, supporting them to recover their inferiority a little bit in the entanglement with the spiral rise of the Cross.

The quark, which is so small to the naked eye but unmatched in strength, is dominated by warriors who keep data in sync and think beyond AI in countless virtual worlds, flooding into the parallel world as the front line. This subspace fortress was torn to pieces.

The overall advantage of the cross in many worlds in the cage of time began to disappear little by little.

With the fact that the situation of Samuel Gaowei's demon stalemate with Cheng Bin has become somewhat unsatisfactory, he has to remove a little resistance, risking the acceleration of the growth of Gaowei's evil and increasing To the impact on low dimensions.

In the part of the world line where Crusaders is at a disadvantage, the surging Mobius civilization suddenly found that the containment refreshed in the time cycle became extremely sinister—

In some worlds completely occupied by the Mobius civilization, the triggered containment directly caused the distortion of time and space, as if the foundation of the world building was removed. The wave of destruction at the level of the law suddenly collapsed the whole world to zero dimensions. Whether it is a star or a human, nothing exists in the world.

This wave of destruction even spread across the time dimension to all time points on this world line.

In the battlefield of the frontiers of the Cross and the Mobius civilization, those members of the Cross who have completed the low-level angelic rituals have distorted their lives and ideologies by revelation, taking certain qualities from themselves and their strengths. Culling.

Due to the sudden weakening of the Crusadian forces and taking advantage of the Mobius civilization, the frontline troops have not had time to be happy. A containment that transcends common sense has appeared, and it has targeted the destruction of all the cognition of intelligent life in the world Things involving the number "7".

Under the attack of this incredible mathematical law weapon, technology products with a size of 7 were completely scrapped. From the name to the height, humans with 7 body data died on the spot ...

The most terrifying thing is that the written record and the 7 in the memory thinking are also within the scope of this containment. The affected Mobius civilization was completely destroyed from life to spirit, and even the accumulated mathematical knowledge was distorted into one. This weird look of 7 does not exist.

Some people who are curious about the strange self-reformation of the Crusaders survive fortunately, but only 012345689 are left in their consciousness, as if the strange jump in the scale of all things is taken for granted ...

The progress of the Mobius civilization was suddenly disrupted. After self-reform, there were no shield members from the life form to consciousness. The members of the Crusades counterattacked and pushed the multi-dimensional front forward.

For this kind of behavior that lifts the table when things don't look good, Cheng Bin is helpless.

After all, destruction is far easier than construction. Cheng Bin restrained Samael and did not try to get him too far into a targeted containment that was unilaterally biased.

Regarding Samuel's actions, Cheng Bin, who slightly reduced the pressure on hand, laughed: "Dying and struggling, as long as you can't kill all the Mobius civilizations in the world at one time, these things will only help the development of civilization. The better the research materials are ...

"Fell your fate, Samuel, after all, that **** is yours, but it is just a slight change in authority, and it is not a distortion of memory and personality. Is it necessary to resist it?"

Samer yelled, "Suicide completes others? Why don't you try it?"

"When we first met, didn't you use authority as a tool? You also said that there is something wrong with the brain of a person who solidifies the road to the core of the soul? Authority is not your life, or even your core pursuit. You ca n’t talk about suicide with the tools you use? ”

After a smile, Cheng Bin leisurely said: "Furthermore, personality distortion and adjustments, I haven't tried it ... But I haven't been uplifted, I don't have the authority you have, otherwise I really want to make my **** Sin study it. "

Thinking of Cheng Bin's past behavior of wantonly copying and distorting himself in the EVA world, and then thinking about his large number of copies of quantum avatars on these world lines of SCP and relying on agreements to consolidate a new self-unified will, Samuel felt for a moment Speechless.

Samuel shut up and tried to sense the wickedness derived from the authority, trying to establish a high-dimensional connection and struggling with the guy's weight, but as usual, this action failed under Cheng Bin's strict defense.

Knowing that he was gradually going to ruin, Samael sighed inwardly, and turned his attention back to the cage of the time cycle.

As Cheng Bin said, unable to kill the blow of the Mobius civilization in one breath will only make it stronger.

After making a lot of sacrifices, the Mobius civilization finally grasped the characteristics of the latest batch of vicious containments.

After the targeted distortions modified the isolated citizen memory warehouses in some parallel worlds and made special adjustments to the technological theories and products in those worlds, the Mobius civilization avoided the harm of the weapons that threaten the laws of mathematics the most, He slowly gained a foothold in the eroded battle.

Not only that, through the exploration of the zero-dimensional weapon, the Mobius civilization opened the door in a different way from the violent apostle civilization in EVA, and finally reduced the dimension. It eventually penetrated the positive and negative spaces of the world on the information level, and finally built a complete A four-dimensional space theoretical model, and created a vacuum zero-energy protocol port that caused a qualitative change in the combat effectiveness of civilization.

At this stage, the defeat of the Cross religion on the multiple world line has been set.

Although with the persuasion and persuasion of the spiritual level, Crusaders did not spend much time on the tentacles that penetrated into the Mobius civilization, and used the bridges they built to establish many vacuum zero-point extraction protocols, but they lag behind on this crucial step The results are fatal.

In less than a month's time cycle, the Mobius civilization that first mastered the vacuum zero-point energy technology can sweep the entire starry sky, and the cross religion that forms a natural disparity with its technology can only move in the galaxy, and ultimately can only be clean and clear. The defeat.

By the time the Crusaders reluctantly caught up, their living space had been compressed to a handful of world lines, and there was no space for guerrilla movement.

Realizing that the crucified members of the defeated crusades have collapsed, no matter how mind control and conscious operation of divine magic, there is no way for them to find a way out in rational thinking, and rely on the system established by faith to let the losers Can't help but wonder about their only god.

The Mobius civilization didn't care what turmoil happened inside the Crusades and what undercurrents they maintained. They maintained their crushing advantage and started the last battle of annihilation in the prison with great care.

Like Tarzan's egg-pressing, the cross religion praying to the gods was crushed into the **** dump of history by the Mobius civilization, and the smooth and smooth war order made countless plans to prevent the cross-fighting Mobius from fighting back. Sri Lankan civilization was puzzled.

But the win is the win. The Mobius civilization, which completely occupied all the parallel worlds and time points in the prison of time, started the rehabilitation and research work while temporarily retaining the war mechanism.

Only when technology ascends to reach the existence at the depth of the Grand Unified Field, can this dispute in the time zone be completely written down.

As one of the senior members of the Mobius civilization, the evil Samir fell behind in his work, and then went to visit the last group of crusaders on earth who had done nothing in the war and were captured and suppressed by the army.

Even at the beginning of the time cycle, when the world was reset and had to be reintroduced to the army for control, these closely guarded high-risk figures showed no signs of struggle.

After letting go of his repression of the past and letting all the parallel world's Samael merge as one, the evil God Samael and his father faced each other, and began the last contest of consciousness.


After twisting a strip of paper 180 degrees, the two ends are then bonded together. Www.readwn.com ~ produces a paper surface with only one surface. Walking along the strip from any point will pass all places. And return to the starting point of the ring of Mobius.

Settled in a cage of time cycle, the civilization under this name has eliminated all obstacles to continuous development and climbing in the cycle of time. With the convenience of multiple world lines and containments, it has crossed various barriers and arrived in a not too long time. The depths of the world.

Under the physical rules that maintain the shape and stability of the world, the Mobius civilization finally found the mysterious existence hidden in the field of grand unification, and came into contact with all the beginnings--the one hidden in the body of the world, the They imprison the great consciousness in the cycle of time.

At this moment, the assimilated Samuel regained the high-dimensional senses, all the containment controlled by the Mobius civilization, together with Cheng Bin's part of the power in the prison, and his past suppression in the cage. All the powers are dominated by the inferior Samer fusion.

The cage of time is completely disintegrated, following the resonance of authority. On the high-dimensional battlefield composed of the relevant world lines of the SCP Foundation, the Lord of Hell, which is scattered in all corners of the battlefield, is eroded by the newborn Samer Mobius. Assimilation and complete disappearance did not cause a wave of waves.

As the proponent of the Mobius civilization's ability to transcend the world and time, the relationship between Samuel and civilization is similar to the relationship between Cheng Bin ’s past mind communication protocol and the body group of the world.

New authority was born in the soil of civilization and knowledge, and the soul carries all the information exchange processes of civilization. Now Samuel Mobius can be regarded as the embodiment of this civilization consciousness.

After the prison of time cycle was lifted, a broader past and future civilization was obtained. With Samael as the medium, he began to talk with the creator and guide who pushed them to birth and went to the present ...

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