Uplifting Journey

Chapter 332: Uplifting mystery and 3 obstacles

The systematic discourse was unexpected by Cheng Bin, but it was reasonable.

Since acquiring a large amount of knowledge and experimental data in the SCP-related world line, eventually creating a quantum avatar and splitting it from the high-dimensional information body in the inner region, Cheng Bin has a little understanding that the relationship between himself and the system in the inner region is What kind of relationship.

Especially after killing Samuel by creating a divine pit, Cheng Bin, who has verified a lot of high-dimensional intelligence by the way, has reached a conclusion.

From then on, he knew very clearly that the core will in the high-dimensional information body must be unified and unique, so the system hidden in it and capable of mobilizing high-dimensional interference is definitely more than just boarding.

If the system itself is the controller of the high-dimensional information body in the internal domain, then it is actually Cheng Bin, a high-dimensional in the internal domain, but its birth is probably in the Jiang Qing brain of the original world with Cheng Bin, and it was created as a carrier. The process of the second personality is similar, and both are interfered by external information.

Regardless of whether it is pure or not, the close relationship between the system and the current Cheng Bin cannot be changed.

Therefore, Cheng Bin is very clear that as long as he starts the dimensional upgrading project one step forward, he will inevitably become the original high-dimensional Cheng Bin or the **** of the system, and the war that goes deep into the soul and cannot be avoided will start between the two, until One side was completely wiped out by assimilation.

Therefore, after Cheng Bin ’s quantum avatar cluster came to the outer region, he just extended a trace of power into the inner region for single-point interference. For his own body upstream of the time axis in the inner world, he also tried to control not to go too deep. The purpose of erosion transformation is to avoid full contact with high-dimensional information bodies in the inner region.

All the conclusions about the system are drawn logically with the accumulation of information and the accumulation of knowledge, so Cheng Bin feels that the amazing facts told by the system are still reasonable.

What Cheng Bin felt unexpected was the system's behavior and current choices.


On the cold roof of autumn night, two identical dark-haired young men looked at each other silently.

After confirming that this level of contact had no negative effects, Cheng Bin took over the current body that was originally part of the system.

Then he looked at the figure in front of him, and sighed: "Kill you? Should I say that it was a congregation of my parallel individuals? Do you say that gives me a strong sense of sight ..."

"Do you mean the experience of killing parallel ego in World No. 2 World Arena?" Smiled the system with Cheng Bin's face. "For the specific content of those prohibited matters, you naturally come to the killing process. Will know. "

Cheng Bin snorted: "So you have done so many things in order to cultivate a substitute that can kill you? How big is the difference between you and me after being upgraded? So confident that I can do what you do Something less than that? "

"Have you mentioned it before?" The system shook his head. "The terminal as an outsider was initially equivalent to a high-dimensional life that was resonated through parallel world information. It has a root record at the level of cosmic time. It also lacks complete bottom-up cognition of the universe, and naturally it is me as its creation. "

"But along the way, you should have all the knowledge I have obtained, right?" Cheng Bin said with some confusion, "With your control over the inner region, create a suitable multi-world and time experimental environment. Shouldn't it be difficult to show my quantum incarnation? On this basis, it is not possible to distort the algorithm and downgrade the soul. Is it possible to re-upgrade? "

"Hahaha ..." the system laughed abruptly, "Cheng Bin, aren't you saying what you are now? Aren't you part of what I used to be? Isn't it just going up the road of upgrading?"

Faced with this exaggerated and contrived physical movement, Cheng Bin's face turned black: "Don't leave the subject casually, you know what I mean."

The system smiled and rolled suddenly on the spot. The whole person turned into a little black cat again in the dark. It stretched a lazy waist and squatted there with a dead fish's eye, and said, "It seems in your consciousness In China, there is still a gap between us, and you still ca n’t fully agree with our unity, so I ’ll use this style that you are more comfortable with ... ”

After a pause, the system black cat shook its tail slowly and said, "I know what you want to say, and you want to ask me why I don't want to find a way to live, and have to have an endless father-son bureau with you. This is actually the same as before I'm on the SCP side to discourage you from touching the dimensions of the quantum bubble outside the world ... "

Cheng Bin, who looked down at the cat, touched the back of his neck, sat down with his knees crossed, and listened carefully with his hand on his chin.

A young man with bare feet in pajamas sits on a cold windy rooftop with a small black cat and talks to the sky. If this weird scene is seen, it will be regarded as mental illness ...

"The most critical issue here is that when life is uplifted, there will be a soul shock from the roots of the universe, and the nature of this shock ..."

The system that has not finished speaking, the black cat thought for a while, stared at Cheng Bin and continued: "Using your current accumulated knowledge, this shock comes from the existence of quantum bubbles on the outside of the world, those connected to other quantum bubbles Dimension. "

Cheng Bin frowned slightly, a kind of conjecture suddenly appeared in his heart.

"I think you should have guessed it," the system black cat sighed. "The underlying units of the universe seem to be discrete, but through the common dimension of partial warp, they are closely related and form one, whether parallel. Individual information resonance or world search is based on this ...

"When you try to uplift your soul to occupy all sides of the quantum bubble, you will inevitably involve this dimension of association, so as to contact all quantum bubbles in the entire universe, please keep in mind that it is' all of'."

The system black cat took a deep look at Cheng Bin: "Do you know what this means, Cheng Bin?"

"The ascending soul will be overwhelmed by the entire universe's incalculable information ..." Cheng Bin nodded solemnly, and then hesitated suspiciously, "but the information bubble caused by the interaction of this quantum bubble, Enough to destroy any form of soul? How could there be high-dimensional life? "

"So the real situation is not so serious," said the system Hei Maofeng. "From the perspective of my actual experience and other high-dimensional life observations, these curled dimensions are more like search engines in essence. According to your input, Yes, feedback is all associated with it. "

Cheng Bin said arrogantly: "So the more complex the structure and the more extensive the soul is, the greater the impact it will face when it is uplifted ... No wonder Samuel said that I am too greedy and will inevitably face uplifting Unparalleled danger. "

"To some extent, the concepts and practices of Samuel ’s gods and demons are very correct," the system black cat also nodded, "their so-called 'authority' is essentially detached from themselves to have a certain Feedback intelligent self-derivative soul core ...

"Just like drawing a set of genes from humans, genes cannot represent the entire person, but as long as there is a suitable environment and method, the original appearance of the owner can be reproduced, then only the information structure needs to be as simple as the dead. When the soul genes are upgraded, the risks they face are naturally extremely low. "

Silly and thick black steel columns are naturally more durable and durable than ingenious pocket watches. Cheng Bin still understands this.

Then Cheng Bin nodded thoughtfully: "So, the gods and demons that can be uplifted by this method, the things that they can enter in the" search engine "are naturally limited by their weaving soul authority. What they can sense in the universe 2. All things made of quantum bubbles can only be associated with their authority. "

"Yes," the system black cat affirmed, "So Cheng Bin, do you understand? Now those high-dimensional life you meet, although as much as possible, intelligent interfaces have been left in the soul core for upgrading, for easy identification Control and information exchange, but in essence they have not brought their own complete memories and thinking to upgrade, or their memory thinking is specially compressed and encrypted. "

Cheng Bin groaned for a while and asked the system: "So, why did you train me to replace you because it is irreversible?"

"You respond quickly," System Black Cat nodded approvingly. "This radical transformation of the soul form that takes place in the shock will fundamentally completely distort the senses and thinking processes of life, and complete the life after upgrading. In essence, the low-dimensional life in the world is completely split into two different levels ...

"Like the same stream of binary data, it is nothing but a change in the voltage of the material, but after transformation, it can be turned into pictures and sounds that humans can recognize. It has richer information because the perspective of the perspective is different. The universe in the eyes of high-dimensional life and the universe seen in low-dimensional life are completely different. "

Cheng Bin recalled how it behaved when he first contacted the system, and could not help but nodded: "That's why you said at the beginning that the terminal and you knew nothing about the operation details of the low-dimensional world."

"So, what you call downgrading and upgrading is meaningless to high-dimensional life, because most high-dimensional life does not even have the ability to observe itself, let alone downgrade."

The system shook his head helplessly: "Even if you have the ability to control your high-dimensional soul, the so-called downgrading will destroy the soul algorithm. Just like the space where three-dimensional matter is reduced to two-dimensional, it will be completely destroyed. No aspect will be left for analysis of reorganization. "

Cheng Bin sighed: "No wonder in the high-dimensional battlefield over SCP, no one except Samal is interested in my quantum avatar. Even if they disobey the distortion of their core authority, they wo n’t be able to strengthen their actions. My fundamental high-dimensional soul, the high-dimensional life of the high-dimensional life is purely a hammer trade ...

"Unless ... you cultivate a **** like you to kill and replace yourself, they can re-correct their high-dimensional soul ..."

Having said that, Cheng Bin could not help but shook his head-this kind of pure suicide behavior, under normal circumstances, obviously no one wants to do it.

——So, what do you think of the system that is willing to step out of the grave excavation step? Is the mission entrusted by the Yao civilization terminal really strong enough to drive an eternal, high-dimensional life to voluntarily die?

Cheng Bin thinking so, looked at the black cat's eyes more and more delicate.

The system did not want to control Cheng Bin. The black cat licked his paw and continued, "So if there is a latecomer's authority that is highly similar to the existing high-dimensional life authority, and the 'distance' between them is very close, then War is bound to erupt between the two.

"In addition, no matter how clever, as long as the intelligent life wants to keep consciousness alive after being upgraded, its authority gene must contain the core information of its existence, then it will inevitably affect all the existences associated with it, and It is also accompanied by the derivative effects of the operation of the universe, so ... "

The black cat looked at Cheng Bin and said to him word by word: "The greatest enemy in the upgrading of intelligent life is always himself ...

"Unlike the ordinary high-dimensional war, there is no external force that can intervene in this memory and thinking level to fight, and only the person who wins in the end can control the power to upgrade."

Cheng Bin is silently right-this is the root of the connection between the sin and the father.

At this point, Cheng Bin understands the three obstacles he needs to face after getting out of the last and most critical step of upgrading.

One is the information shock of the whole universe after connecting the common dimension of the quantum bubble. This can only limit the things involved in high-dimensional souls while adjusting the ability to deal with information scouring on high-dimensional souls.

The second is that the content of the authority function spreads to other high-dimensional existence, and triggers a "priesthood" type of war. Although the system has ambiguous unknown limits that refer to "distance" ~ www.readwn.com ~, it goes to serious aspects Imagine that Cheng Bin's information genes are likely to attract the attention of some extremely powerful high-dimensional life, such as—

An ancestor of man, who may be at the root of the universe, can broadcast his information to thousands of worlds, and even indirectly affect many high-dimensional life.

The third is the deadly battle between the system, the thought wars between Cheng Bin, a parallel world, and the offset Cheng Bin born in the shock of information. It is unclear in what form it will be carried out. Obviously, this is not something that can be avoided if it voluntarily dies.

Cheng Bin couldn't help but sigh secretly--every obstacle can't be easily overcome ... and the high-dimensional enemies that he has come into contact with will take this opportunity to take advantage of the fire and rob, that is really unpredictable. ..

"Cheng Bin, the only advantage you must maintain in this battle for maintaining the dimension is your objective knowledge and control of the universe, especially your own existence in the universe. Keep this ability in the process, instead of setting it up like a high-dimensional life in general, then you are half done. "

Systematic Black Cat looked at the youth in front of him and said with emotion: "Even if the construction of the ideal high-dimensional soul fails, I hope that you, like me, are willing to sacrifice yourself to create a stronger next-generation **** Sin, until the birth of 'Cheng Bin' can open up a vast future for wisdom and civilization. "

After a pause, the black cat's figure slowly distorted and dissipated.

"Then go to war, to take everything from me-your parents, your life experience, the world and time in the region, the knowledge of the terminal and all the secrets I know ...

"I don't show mercy."

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