Uplifting Journey

Chapter 335: Past and Impact Preparations for Inland 2 World

I don't know if the experience of the cemetery changed oneself or whether Dr. Yang Mingyuan's hypnosis therapy had a significant effect. Cheng Bin felt that the shadows of the hallucinations that had troubled him in the past life were no longer so dazzling.

Although he felt a little sorry for his attending physician, Cheng Bin still did not give up his stubborn thought-he always thought that the hidden visions and hallucinations at that time were something that actually existed.

Therefore, Cheng Bin still began to collect a large amount of information to learn about the human audiovisual organs in accordance with his own plan. At the same time, he began to pick up the scientific knowledge that he had fallen in the past from high school textbooks, in an attempt to be accessible in the future. The essence behind the exception.

In the past, Cheng Bin would not do such a thing that the future is not good for life. He would at best learn some of the latest programming knowledge and try to find a new job-although I do n’t know if I can still do this. Discharged.

But after making up his mind at the cemetery, Cheng Bin felt that his whole person's mental appearance had changed qualitatively.

Learning is a very painful thing, at least for Cheng Bin, who is not high in learning ability.

Compared to a game where you can get instant feedback with a click of a mouse, it is always so boring to learn such things that do not see any changes in a short period of time. People ca n’t feel how their ability has grown because they have learned a formula theorem. How many.

——If you can let people immerse themselves in studying for a while and look up to see how much their future test scores have risen, many people ’s enthusiasm for learning will explode.

Cheng Bin originally thought that the mental pain he had in immersed in his studies and the confusion about the future would surely make him think of slackness and abandonment, but unexpectedly, he himself showed much tolerance and patience in the process. Beyond past performance.

It's almost like being changed.

Perhaps it is because this pain dilutes other feelings. The annoying vision and hallucination in the past is getting lower and lower, and even less and less.

Cheng Bin's feelings on this matter are quite complicated. If it is a good thing, this is somewhat contrary to his original intention of exploring the abnormal nature, but if it is a bad thing ... If one day these things completely disappear, is it for himself? Can I be discharged after returning to "normal"?

——Speaking of it, should I give priority to learning something that will enable me to find a living position after being discharged?

Cheng Bin just learned while he was treating, and unconsciously, it has been over for almost a year.

I thought that this kind of daily life would continue until he returned to society, but what Cheng Bin didn't expect is that the development of reality is even more bizarre than the novel.

The anomalous reappearance started when the mysterious secret of Chen Fatzi found him.

Chen Pang Chen Fat man, a patient who is said to have a large family background, and Cheng Bin has known each other for a long time.

Although Cheng Bin began to indulge in learning, the most common channel for contact between the two parties-playing black games-has been completely gone.

But after knowing Cheng Bin ’s whimsical pursuit, Chen Fat did not know why he was so enthusiastic. Anyway, the two of them often ran into each other in the hospital. Chen Fat also often came to visit Cheng Bin to study, and the friendship between the two sides improved a lot. .

The news brought by Chen Fatzi made Cheng Bin feel a little bit astonished—the anomaly really exists. Both Chen Fatzi and himself may be psionicists, and the state has set up a department to deal with this kind of problem, and the relevant personnel have just arrived. Go to the hospital and prepare for a final "interview" with the two of them.

Feeling strange and a little excited, Cheng Bin soon received a notice from the hospital and met with representatives of the relevant state departments in a private chat room.

After asking some questions from young women on behalf of the relevant national departments, she mercilessly removed Cheng Bin's scars and informed him that the car accident two years ago was not an isolated case, but a large number of abnormal accidents that occurred in the same second of the world in the same second. portion.

Some memories and emotions forgotten by Dr. Yang's hypnosis treatment were dug up again. Cheng Bin re-experienced the bad feeling that the original illusion of the shadow caused the car accident and killed the parents.

At this time, a sudden change occurred in Cheng Bin's body. The shadow that originally lingered in Yu Guang and the murmur in his ear completely and completely disappeared. The ballpoint pen flipped by the fingers of the young women in the relevant departments was kept by Cheng Bin. His eyes fly away from nothing.

Thinking about motivation, awakened Cheng Bin, the only person in the world who can perform obvious physical interference, and was quickly convinced by the personnel of the relevant department. Chen Fat, who was on a plane with the ability to synchronize his emotions, went straight to the base of the relevant department. .

After joining relevant departments, Cheng Bin was quite satisfied.

The ability person usually does not need to do the work outside the auxiliary scientific research, and due to the special pursuit and ability of Cheng Bin, the nationally allocated scientific research and education resources are extremely powerful.

Cheng Bin, who is immersed in capacity development and learning research, has continuously increased his knowledge level and practical strength, along with his position in relevant departments and research institutes ...


At a base near the capital of China, Cheng Bin was rubbing his hands at the sink in a public toilet.

Although because of the unusually high precision of the reading power, Cheng Bin basically went to the toilet to squat in that toilet, and he could stand up after a few seconds of qi Shen Dantian-not even paper.

However, some psychological and physiological habits of the past are still preserved. After leaving the cubicle, Cheng Bin will still send his hands that are spotless, not even parasites and bacteria, to the faucet for washing.

If it was n’t for fear of being affected by someone ’s image of being washed in the toilet and not washing his hands, Cheng Bin estimated that even the habit of washing his hands would be ignored ... but if the research institute ’s nanometer unit that matches his capabilities is successfully developed in the future Maybe even the act of going to the toilet is no longer needed ...

After nodding and smiling at a familiar person who walked into the toilet, Cheng Bin shook his hands slightly, shaking the water all the time with the motive power of sticking to the skin.

Symbolically pulled a piece of absorbent paper and wiped his palm, Cheng Bin looked up at the wide mirror in front of his eyes, and then he couldn't help but pause.

I don't know when it started. When Cheng Bin looked at himself in the mirror recently, he always felt that there was something wrong with the virtual image in the mirror.

Just like people who watch too many horror stories go to the toilet late at night and look at the mirror, there is nothing unusual, but the more they look, the more inexplicable the fear is.

It's as if the person in the mirror makes an action that doesn't match him at any time.

——But, after all, this is just an illusion ... Maybe it was the panorama of the integrated perception system that I recently developed, and was too invested in the third perspective? Or is there any psionicist joking with me?

Cheng Bin retracted his gaze from the shadowy figure in the mirror, and then threw the formed absorbent paper into the trash mouth, leaving the public toilet as if walking away.

As Cheng Bin walked, he looked sideways at a group of people on military training outside the large playground. From the unevenness of tall, thin, thin men and women, we can see that these people are new talents collected by relevant departments during this time.

Basic military training lined up, as well as things like uniform dressing, tofu quilts, etc., always put some regular information into the human subconsciousness from the details, and quickly established these people from all over the world to the rules Obedience and collective identity.

The high benefits and subsidies of the relevant departments that are enough to make the middle-class families worry-free are not intended to be used to raise rice worms. They will use a variety of subtle ways to train the physical and mental aspects of the puppets from training to the environment. And knowledge.

However, because of his ability, Cheng Bin, who has special treatment, has been living in the laboratory of the research institute for a long time since he joined the relevant departments. He has rarely had the opportunity to participate in these aspects of training.

"I remember when I first joined, there were less than a thousand psionicists in public records all over the world. Not only have the peculiarities of abilities become stronger recently, but it seems that more and more peculiar abilities have emerged. I do n’t know what it will be like in the future ... If only there were abilities that can improve human intelligence. "

With these thoughts, Cheng Bin, who had been persuaded by a psychologist in the institute for being too obsessed with abilities and learning, returned to the single dormitory he was assigned to, took off his shoes, flew to the bed, and stretched himself waist.

With the surge of motivation, Cheng Bin's clothes and pants were automatically stripped from his body, neatly folded and placed on the side of the cabinet, and the original square quilt also floated out of the air, unfolding like a feather slowly falling on Cheng Bin. On the body.

Just when Cheng Bin was going to take a nap on this, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door, and then a rapid knock sounded.

Using thought power to control air and moisture to deflect light, and to perform operations such as focusing and zooming in, Cheng Bin is already familiar. He sketched the outline of the person outside the door in motion.

"Chen Fatty?"

Cheng Bin sat up with his upper body and lifted the anti-lock of the door with thoughts. Then he accidentally came in and opened the door. Chen Fat, wearing casual clothes, asked, "I remember you aren't you going to work these days?"

In addition to cooperating with research, the talents collected by relevant departments will also allocate some daily jobs according to their abilities.

Because Chen Fat can sense the inner emotions and dislikes of others, in addition to learning about various psychological and human body emotional mechanisms, he is often transferred to help by various departments involving special personnel issues. Cheng Bin outside the busiest batch.

Chen Pang looked at Cheng Bin's naked upper body with a weird glance, and then sighed, "I was there to help the new ability recruiter review, but when I found something unexpected, I quickly came out. I'm looking for you ... "

After a pause, Chen Pang sighed again with a complex look on his face: "Brother, I don't want to hide you either. The organization actually secretly asked me to come over and give you an emergency assessment. You'd better do some mental preparation."

"What the **** is it?" Cheng Bin looked at Chen Fat's expression strangely. This optimistic expression that has always been heartless and heartless reveals such a complex expression that is now talkative and endless.

After a long time of hesitation, Chen Pang whispered the information he had heard at the work office and the information he sorted out afterwards.

When Cheng Bin heard half of it, he became expressionless, and after listening, he contracted his pupils and contracted breathing disorders.

Through the passive emotional synchronization that cannot be turned off, Chen Pang feels that a violent and complicated emotion like volcanic eruption is transmitted from Cheng Bin.

After accidentally biting his tongue, Chen Pang broke free from the complex emotions, and glanced at the slowly floating pieces in the room. He looked at Cheng Bin with his head lowered, and could not help showing his worried eyes.


Some time ago, in the power test zone of the main base of the relevant Chinese department.

A short-haired woman wearing a uniform for military training sat on the sofa in the cubicle, moving her body from time to time, looking a little restless.

She looked a little naive just by looking at her face, but her hair and light makeup seemed to be trying to make her look mature and capable.

There was a man and a woman sitting across a square table in front of her. The woman was wearing serious work clothes with a sign and smiled at her in good faith. The man was a fat man in casual clothes. He squinted at her.

The young woman holding an unknown tablet model poked Chen Pang with a pen. When she saw him sitting upright, she smiled at the short-haired woman across the small table and said, "Liu Xin, don't be too nervous. Your ability is already in the previous session. It has been proven that there is no substantial harm to the creatures. You can release it to me now. I can add some details to your file through my own ability. "

Liu Xin, a short-haired woman who took a deep breath, stared at the young girl across the table, and concentrated her attention a bit rusty to try to use her abnormal abilities.

The next moment, the young woman loosened her hands, and a corner of the tablet computer was gently pinched on the table. She leaned against the sofa back as if she had lost her soul.

However, just a few seconds later, the young woman came back to her. She sorted out her clothes and then smiled at the nervous Liu Xin. While picking up and writing on the tablet, she casually said, "It ’s amazing, I ca n’t even resist it. It was this feeling of the person being affected ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s a bit wrong to describe it with fear and paralysis. Should it be said that the connection between the mind and the body is cut off?

"In the process of ability action, the thing seen by the target ... is a bit like the shadow monster in the DOTA game. Have you played this game in the past?"

Liu Xin shook his head unexpectedly: "I just have a vague feeling, as if something rushed from me to you ..."

"Really?" The young woman looked up at Liu Xin and glanced at Chen Pang, then lowered her head to keep busy, and after a while, she stopped and turned the tablet computer over and showed Liu Xin: " Alas, it's something like this. "

In a short period of time, the young woman came up with a clear picture. In the picture based on the real photo of Liu Xin's desk, a red-eyed demon with a flame-like shape stretched from her to mid-air.

"Fear and paralysis ... spirit and body peeling? Dark shadow hallucinations with blood-red eyes ..." Liu Xin looked at the vivid picture of the young woman and murmured softly in her mouth, then she didn't know what to think Something suddenly turned pale.

"... No, it's impossible ..." Liu Xin, who was pale, stood up tremblingly, took the tablet from the doubtful young woman's hand, squeezed her fingertips to the white side and stared deadly With the picture above muttering to himself, cold sweat and tears could not stop flowing down ...

Sensing Liu Xin's negative emotions that seemed to twitch like a heart, and also because the young woman's drawing reminded of a change in Chen Pang's complexion, he swiftly copied Liu Xin's file on the table and quickly read it again.

Then he stared at one of the pages of the car accident that marked the death of Liu Xin's father in the past, and subconsciously wiped the cold sweat exuding from his forehead:

"That's it ... this is going to happen ..."

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