Uplifting Journey

Chapter 338: Decide on the end of samsara, the cloned kingdom and the zerg

It may be because the quantum avatar cluster is researching outside and trying to exert influence on the system, or it may be that he has experienced too much resistance and Cheng Bin in the virtual world of information finds that he is becoming more and more awake. .

From the experience of chaos and involuntary self-consciousness, to the implied indifference, to gradually having the power of interference in the information flood, Cheng Bin retrieved the initiative from the prison cage constructed by himself in parallel.

While suggesting, guiding, and assimilating various parallel selves, Cheng Bin also kept feeling "the world is big, everything is strange".

The number of individuals in the parallel world that have been experienced so far is far from comparable to what Cheng Bin experienced in the past.

Among them, Cheng Bin doubts the parallel individuals of life, whether it is memory or character, deeds and behaviors are so different from him. If he resonates with the soul algorithm theory, he really cannot believe that these guys will be parallel individuals associated with himself.

However, after Cheng Bin recovered a little off-site interference, he followed his long-standing plan and built a personality coordinate system based on the perceptual element data split.

Overbearing and ruthless, cruel cold storage, indulgence in love, rational knowledge, pedantic hesitation ... the positive and negative, ordinary extreme, no matter what kind of human-derived personality has been digitized, positioned on this multidimensional personality coordinate system .

After completing this project in intermittent cycles, Cheng Bin can quickly analyze and locate the current individual situation according to the accumulated parallel personality data, and naturally complete erosion and assimilation.

After maintaining complete consciousness throughout the successive reincarnations, Cheng Bin realized that the endless choice of reincarnation is about to reach its end. No matter what the purpose of the system is, he will not let him hover here anymore.

The actual situation did indeed change completely as Cheng Bin thought, but ... the result of the change completely exceeded Cheng Bin's expectations.


In an information imaginary world constructed by the No. 6 world material, an unrecognizable seaside cliff on the African continent was transformed, on the edge of a metal fortress cluster.

Cheng Bin, who has just completed the erosion and assimilation of the current parallel individuals and obtained all of his memory thoughts, frowned slightly. He subconsciously reached out to take over the electromagnetic rifle handed by the person around him, and extended the muzzle to the gap of the metal barrier. At the trigger, the muzzle of light and fire suddenly ejected a warhead far beyond the speed of sound.

The electromagnetically propelled trait warhead stably passes through straight lines and spans a distance of kilometers. It will make a beach on the beach below the cliff comparable to a large dog, extremely sensitive, and has a huge unnatural shell and fangs and claws. The bug's head burst directly.

"Good marksmanship," Cheng Bin admired the person watching the beach beside him. "925, you can still be so sharp away from the front line for so long? Wouldn't it be cheating with your ability?"

"8861 ... The new model electromagnetic rifle shoots in a straight line at this distance. Is it strange that you can't hit it?" Cheng Bin with a bar code on his face, squinted his eyes and looked exactly the same as himself but with more faces on his face. The man with a few scars returned the electromagnetic rifle with a square pistol in the square of the pistol and the coil outline at the back.

I took the rifle and hung it on the lock behind the body armor. 8861 took out a cigarette from the lower back and swallowed it. He said vaguely: "The bugs are very keen and their movement trajectory is difficult to predict. Judgment, it is amazing that you can hit the first test shot ...

After a pause, 8861 subsequently played soot, looking at the skin, which was far worse than his rough Cheng Bin asked, "Did you not always use the research department's ability to cooperate with the rise of technology? Why suddenly think of the front line to see?

"Your value is much higher than that of a guy who is alive and dead. I am dead and can roll out on the cloned human assembly line and continue to do things. Can you clone your spiritual seeds and retain your ability? But it ’s really only God knows, what if those disgusting bugs find you here?

"Isn't this just right?" Cheng Bin spread his hands and looked around inside the metal fortress. "In terms of defense facilities and strength here, those guys came to fight an annihilation battle. The exchange rate of war here is so small. Gao will not be defeated, but he will suffer. "

Obviously, Cheng Bin is very similar in appearance, but from the expression formed by the movement of the muscle groups of his face, it can be seen that 8861 sucked up the cigarette in one breath, then dropped the cigarette **** from the window, and then spit out a few cigarette rings, and then muffled "I know you're strong, but don't underestimate the bugs ...

"... Have you received the news? A bastion city in Asia has been destroyed. From the residual records, it is likely that there are already hero units in the worm that have more power than common sense."

"Actually ..." Cheng Bin sighed while looking at 8861. "I came here because I got the news that a signal similar to that in Asia was detected here. Some things must be verified by myself. Or there is no way to persuade them to give up the 'mind network'. "

"Fack," I heard that there might be bugs on my side. 8861 could not help frowning. "Just to persuade those who squat behind the security for granted, is it worth your risk?"

Cheng Bin shook his head and said, "After all, is this pie of" mind network "something that our cloned nation has been pursuing, and it can bring too many benefits, even if it has been studied from the suspicious Zerg, but now the pressure of war is too Big, trying to refuse to give up good things is still a test of will. "

8861 was silent, and then sighed helplessly.

Cheng Bin turned his eyes to the open firing mouth, and looked at all kinds of strange creatures emerging on the long coastline. While watching or charging or hiding, these guys bloomed flesh in the invisible weapon attack, while in the heart. Ignore the anomalies in this world.

There is no doubt that this world is closely related to the Inner Domain No. 6 world that Cheng Bin has experienced in the past.

According to Cheng Bin's past experience in the Inner World No. 6 world and the memory of this individual, we can see that there is not much change in the earlier history.

Hua Guo Cheng Bin was killed, and Cheng Bin, who awakened the ability of spiritual seeds, used this world ’s more advanced cloning technology to replicate his revenge, and later went to remote Africa to solve ethical and practical pressures.

The subsequent individual sacrifices, the birth of several generations of clones, and several national wars did not change much.

At the time, Cheng Bin crossed the inland area, and the appendage defected to the American cloned prisoner 925, and with the pursuit of the troop returning to the African cloned country, he actually kept it intact in this world.

This is something that has never happened before in a cycle of choices.

But later things are even more bizarre.

A parallel individual who retains similar consciousness and ability as Cheng Bin, the fifth generation clone 925 of the world's original Cheng Bin, was freed from the experimental bench and the prison cage after conducting political review and undergoing multiple evaluations by the mind control department. According to the experimental data left by the traverser Cheng Bin in the past, he restored his mind and spirit and participated in the scientific research progress of the country.

Even if it is impossible to travel across the world to obtain the most needed knowledge and technology to make up for the shortcomings of development, the 925 with imagination ability has still greatly helped the development of human civilization. In a few years, it is contrary to mainstream ideas. The cloned country, which was resisted by a large number of countries in all directions, surpassed the original hegemon and reached the top of the world.

Just need to wait for some short boards that need time to complete and the foundation to be complete, and the country is ready to begin to seize the world's right to speak and lead all its counterparts to march toward the stars.

Just then, the Zerg appeared.

A sudden attack on human research institutions shocked the world and shattered the peaceful daily life of human civilization.

The highly intelligent attackers not only killed most of the cutting-edge scientific researchers in human civilization at one time, but also plundered a large number of the most advanced scientific and technological reserves and valuable research and experimental data.

It is precisely because the troops invested in this shocking world attack are basically small creatures with structures close to insects, so humans call this sudden emergent wisdom race the Zerg.

However, in the follow-up fragmented battles and research on capturing individuals, humans also found that their names are really not wrong--

This intelligent life really has some characteristics of those zergs in human fantasy works, such as the bee colony thinking that the number of individuals is stupid and rises with wisdom, such as the authoritarian rule of the soul through the creation of the main brain, such as a jaw-dropping alternative Biological Technology.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the apparently problematic Zerg is not the kind in fantasy works. The horror of the universe-level technology tree is contained in the gene lock. Although these guys emerging from the earth have extremely high intelligence and combat effectiveness However, the initial level of its various biotechnology-based technologies is not too high, and it needs independent research and development and climbing like humans.

This is why they attacked human scientific research institutions as soon as they appeared.

Although it was caught off guard by the Zerg's alternative fighting methods to complete the raid, the power of human civilization cannot be underestimated.

In the face of the pressure of racial war, the major nations on earth quickly completed preliminary coordination and union. Monsters named humans slowly adjusted their bloated bodies and began to transform into combat posture.

The vast amount of knowledge accumulated by humans in the past has come in handy. The fighting methods and various weaknesses exposed by Zerg during raids were quickly cracked by humans. The human army pursuing traces of Zerg will soon see all flesh and blood within sight. Destroyed with steel and flames.

However, the zerg that has plundered all the knowledge of humankind has laid a solid foundation in an ocean hard to reach.

Under the high-pressure environment of the deep sea, all the existing weapons of mankind are unable to completely destroy the zerg breeding ground. They can only slow down the development speed of the zerg while throwing special bombs while making special weapons.

However, malicious foreigners deserve the title of the Zerg. After standing firmly, they have been replicating and multiplying at a super-normal speed. Even in the continuous blow of the entire human civilization on earth, they can still slowly Expand your scale.

While the human race was sighing, some of the Zerg races that were catching up with human technology, the next wave of global offensives launched almost wiped out humans—

The zerg, who specializes in biotechnology, is a round of biochemical virus strikes. It can be transmitted in the air and has a lethal rate of 99. 9% of the terrible virus. It destroyed all the unresponsive, non-genetic and Virus-related adjustment technologies that cannot mobilize all people in the first place.

The latent worms that entered during this period and that can change the shape of humans, as well as parasites that can parasitize human limbs, almost completely destroyed the human ability to restore social operations.

At the same time as human defeat, the swarm swarmed from the ocean, occupying a lot of high-yield areas of oil, rare earth and radioactive minerals.

After all, many scientific and technological experiments that have harsh requirements on the environment cannot be carried out in the deep ocean. The Zerg are bound to seize living space with humans all over the land and compete for all natural resources.

If there isn't a strange flower that Cheng Bin clones the human kingdom, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Humans may be dead.

The vast majority of citizens are clones who have experienced self-braining and self-awareness. They have the most efficient operating system in the world. The technology tree has cloned human civilizations that have specialized in memory manipulation and genetic adjustment. Living Zerg's offensive and infiltration, in turn, greatly expanded the scope of activities.

The old country was destroyed, but some of the crystallization of humanity and civilization survived after joining the country ’s system. The country, which took over a lot of resources, has begun to explode if its citizens can enter the work line. It will even explode. The bugs that had reached the key resource point rushed back to the sea.

After all, during this period, the Zerg's frontal combat capabilities were still very weak, the number of legions, etc ... in front of mass-produced ultra-large-scale anti-destructive weapons such as cloud-explosive bombs, thermo-pressure bombs, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs, and three-phase bombs. Meaningless.

And the special Zerg units that are doing tricky things are far from enough in the face of the nation ’s mind-control department of the nation ’s brainwashing, and the cloned citizens who return to the waterline and are born again.

Although some survivors joined the country, they crookedly said what radiation residues, vegetation destruction, environmental pollution, the ice age, and the children of the calamity ... but at the moment of life and death of this tribe, cloned people said these words. The guy just gave him a **** to hold the nutrition bar produced by the chemical plant to shut him up.

The Zerg, which is frustrated on the offensive, actively expands its own scale, explores the depth of genes, and strives to spread the population and occupy the entire ecosystem. At the same time, it maintains a local, low-intensity war with the country that has built a closed ecological fortress and scrambles to climb each other. War technology.

Cheng Bin, who was pulled into the virtual realm of information by the system, was involved in this weird parallel world in such a delicate period.

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