Uplifting Journey

Chapter 340: Demon-like monsters, non-homologous high-dimensional interference

The development of cloned civilization is much faster than normal civilization. Even without the help of Cheng Bin ’s spirit, relying on the spirit of solidarity and the continuously upgrading scientific research system and industrial foundation, a large number of new technologies will spring up like bamboo shoots. Like the new electromagnetic rifle that Cheng Bin tested before.

Because the cloned civilization of this world has the complete scientific and technological tinder that Cheng Bin brought from the radiation world in the past. Although the technology on the radiation side is a bit offbeat, both experimental data and theoretical guidance are extremely valuable. This item of material formulation has saved countless years for the human civilization.

And the related technologies of primary intelligent AI and nuclear fusion battery have already entered the final verification stage.

For such a cloned civilization, what does the Zerg's so-called heroic unit have extraordinary powers mean?

It means that it is something far beyond the current technology, and even the radiation of the future technology.

The clones of the research department even determined that even the Zerg who had stolen some of their scientific and technological knowledge in the first round of surprise attacks could not understand the capabilities of their hero units.

That kind of ability is like the spirit seed ability inherited from the mind control department, like Cheng Bin ’s thoughts.

It is certain that the Zerg can compete with the cloned civilization against the rate of climb of science and technology under the environmental disadvantage, and rely on this extraordinary ability to assist in research and development.

From the analysis of the development trend of the Zerg biotechnology, the clones can describe the form of the extraordinary ability in general-it should be a kind of strength that depends on the flesh and specializes in cells and genes.

And when Cheng Bin witnessed the huge monster rising from the ocean and could not be compared with any conventional creature modeling, he knew that the speculation of cloning people was correct ...

The huge monster mixed with dark and dark red clings to the coast like silt. Regardless of the life and death of the remaining zerg, when it comes in contact with this unidentifiable monster, it is swallowed and digested in an blink, even sand and metal debris are no exception.

The most terrifying roar since the beginning of the war sounded in the battlefield, and before the sound wave was transmitted to Cheng Bin's ears nearby, the huge artillery shell propelled by electromagnetic force was deeply embedded in the body of the giant monster.

Theoretically, even if the monster is purely made of solid steel, the new electromagnetic gun can break it through.

However, in reality, the monster just appeared a huge pit in the central body. Not to mention that it penetrated the wound, not even scars and flesh fragments were seen. The electromagnetic cannonball disappeared with the restoration of the monster's body. No trace.

After seeing the power of monsters, the coast itself exploded constantly. After the focus of human heavy artillery fire was raised to a level, it was directly turned into a swelling light and fire.

At the same time, a small cluster of precision guided missiles carrying highly toxic biochemical weapons crossed the arc from a distance and plunged a body dragged by monsters under the water in the distance.

In the short moment when the heavy artillery cluster ceased to fire, many experimental weapons began to greet monsters with a small size in the smoke-filled space, but neither the high-energy laser nor the shock dissociation device could cause obvious damage to the monsters.

The cloned soldiers are made of templates with the most determined minds and abilities in a large number of spiritual seeds. Seeing such a desperate situation for ordinary people, they can still maintain the normal operation of the line of defense.

But the contrast of power is already very obvious. Monsters that have resisted a round of various types of weapon attacks with a sonic boom ejected a large number of tentacles and nailed them into the cliff. The upper body squirmed forward toward the fortress cluster.

Bathed in the aftermath of various attacks such as flames and shocks, Cheng Bin has been quietly strengthening his strength through his advanced vision. After watching the monster's performance in a round of attacks, he could not help but draw: "Kinetic, thermal, potential energy ... Can even electromagnetic radiation absorb and transform? It can also disassemble and restructure molecular-level substances ... "

After indirectly observing the monster's body organization and operation through mindfulness, Cheng Bin was able to confirm that although the monster's ability is different in the specific application focus, but in terms of its basic form and foundation design, it is in line with his current mindfulness The body of war is exactly the same thing.

Even the monster's conversion and utilization of various types of energy are comparable to Cheng Bin's primary electromagnetic warfare in the past, but fortunately, the monster completes these operations by forming special organs through cell clusters with different functions. It is similar to the never-ending sci-fi dragon, and does not yet have the precise atomic manipulation capabilities of an electromagnetic warfare body.

However, the monster's ability is just like the conjecture Cheng Bin originally wanted to verify. It is a high-dimensional interference force at the same level as Nian Qi. The Zerg indeed has a deeper shadow behind it.

However, for Cheng Bin, who is currently merging this parallel entity, he can still see more things from the monster--

Where did the original design of Nianqi War come from?

Seeing the monster's performance, Cheng Bin unconsciously remembered the original World No. 1 world—the flat-stroke bin possessed the ability to interfere with cells and genes, and finally accidentally created the Z virus and destroyed the world of human civilization.

Recall what was in that world-the fungus blanket, all kinds of mutant creatures, tentacle monsters, and ... the flesh and blood giant incarnate by Dr. Cheng.

The archetype of the mind-fighting warfare itself is Dr. Cheng, who specializes in biology and medicine in the world. For the extraordinary power transformation plan developed by his body, Cheng Bin just integrated his various thought-breathing modules based on this thinking and basis. Before researching and developing his own exclusive version.

The idea of ​​fighting for improving the adaptability of life and environment and the efficiency of energy conversion and utilization is the beginning of Cheng Bin's non-human transformation. In this world, he saw another evolution of its prototype. Naturally, his heart was a little complicated. Emotion.

"It corresponds to the traces of the Zerg science and technology tree analyzed by K country before ... So, is this mysterious Zerg origin closely related to Dr. Cheng from Outland One World?"

Cheng Bin speeded up the adjustment and optimization of the current mind-strength fighting body, strived to find a chance to come in direct contact with the monster when he was behind, and calculated the data he needed through the reaction of mind-strength and the opponent's unknown ability.

The monster that is constantly eroding and assimilating the available elemental matter on the beach has been growing in size. During the cycle of consumption and proliferation, its top has surpassed the cliff where the human fortress is located.

Due to the limitation of the speed of energy conversion, the monster's huge size slightly slowed down its agility, but the increasingly large targets attracted a lot of firepower, covering a large number of swarms from other directions.

But in terms of danger, the monster should far exceed other swarms, and the artillery fire allocated to it to inhibit its speed cannot be turned away.

Relying on the strong meat shield of the giant monster, the surging insect wave gradually crossed the long road in kilometers.

After the distance between the insect tide and the giant monster and the fortress group approached the cordon, the sky again ignited a cloud of fire, and an area of ​​flying zerg emptied. Then a huge missile passed through the gap at ten times the speed of sound, before the insect group reacted Fall vertically towards the silt monster.

In the next instant, the dazzling light formed the second sun. After a huge wave of radiation swept through the wilderness, the flame ball rapidly expanded and spread, swallowing up and erasing the swarm of insects in a wide area.

Raising his hand and closing his eyes to block the dazzling light generated by the nuclear explosion, Cheng Bin put down his hand after the peak of the radiation and looked directly below the nuclear explosion point. Unexpectedly, the monster was still alive.

The bottom of the towering mushroom cloud formed by the air suction, the slime monster shrunk from the ground grows out of the ground-not to say that it got out, because it seems that the monster itself is created under the ground touched by the body There was an underground passage containing some limbs.

The nuclear bomb exploded on the head, and the monster only shrank downwards like a lightning, so that part of the body avoided the core area with the highest lethality of the nuclear explosion.

The monster who re-stretched a huge body rolled the tentacles and rubbed some material elements into the body, and soon resumed its normal shape under the ability to support it. Seeing its performance, as long as it has not been completely destroyed at one time, it will not be affected at all. Material harm.

If you want to completely destroy this monster, unless the nuclear bomb detonates at zero distance, or the bombardment of a large number of nuclear bombs that may trigger a nuclear winter, which is enough to smash the line of defense, this is based on the other party staying on the spot as a target.

The feedback from the panorama tells Cheng Bin that the 8861 in the defense line is really discussing with the rear whether to abandon this defense line and use destructive means such as nuclear bomb washing to kill seemingly rare elites, but they are discussing Before the results came out ... 8861, who knew the details of the panorama, had been sending Cheng Bin a signal to let him go quickly.

None of the 8861 clones who backed up the memory at any time were afraid of death. Anyway, if they lost a little bit of time to back up the memory, they could be resurrected from the assembly line to continue to work, but Cheng Bin, a key person with thoughts, could not go. Take a risk and try something like this.

In this regard, Cheng Bin just shook his head and replied his plan to 8861-he would evacuate, but before that he had to contact the monster directly or get some flesh and blood to see it.

"But there is a power limit for the power of qi in a world. Is this monster the same as the first outcropping monster in Asia? If it is, it's fine, if not ..."

If not, it means that a flesh monster with special abilities can be split and disintegrated into zeros. To be honest, it is not difficult to deal with the sludge monsters, but if they can be transformed into ordinary ones while retaining their current abilities. The Zerg or disintegrate directly into spores and invade the rear to fight guerrillas, then the threat must rise by several levels.

At this moment, the monster that had emerged from the nuclear explosion had crossed the boundary, and the supersonic tentacles ejected by it opened a large hole in the nearest fortresses before humans reacted. In front of the tough tentacles, alloy barriers are actually no different from plasticine.

Cheng Bin, who flashed past ten times the speed of sound to the rear of the monster side, snorted--

Nian Qi can also directly analyze the transforming material's resistance to deformation when distorting the material, so that the effect of attacking another shield with the other's spear can be achieved. It is no problem to achieve the level of attack strength of the monster, but between him and the monster I am afraid that the ratio of strength scale is not much worse than the ratio of the size of both sides.

Cheng Bin's actions seemed to stimulate this huge monster that can almost fill the eyes of ordinary people. It suddenly stopped the attack on the fortress group, stagnated for a few seconds after retracting the tentacles, and then broke into the air like a mountain-like body. Bin attacked, and the tentacles, which had soared several times in speed, burst out from all sides of the body and came out of the siege.

The tentacles encircled by seemingly acquaintances made Cheng Bin's face look subtle.

Not afraid to rub the bullets at will, Cheng Bin traversed the complicated trajectory in the tentacles cluster that deformed and reoriented, pulling away from the monster while keeping away from dodge, and determined that one of his tentacles had stretched to the end of the strong crossbow, and then carefully pulled in. Distance waved to cut a bit of meat from the tentacles.

However, this bit of meat does not need to be further studied. At the moment of waving and cutting, Cheng Bin has verified his conjecture-

The cell organization of the monster does have similarities with the flesh giant in World No. 1 in the outer world, and it is indeed a high-dimensional force on the same level that conflicts with its own thoughts. The most important thing is that this kind of power and thoughts are not Belong to the same source.

"This is interesting ..." After verifying the suspicion, Cheng Bin who escaped with all his strength flew for several kilometers in a blink of an eye. Monsters that had fallen behind due to body problems were blocked again by numerous gunfire and desperate clones in the rear, and then carried A supersonic fighter with a large number of tactical nuclear bombs flew over Cheng Bin, and the infinite light drowned the coast behind him the next moment.

"According to the system ~ www.readwn.com ~ Information imaginary is not much different from the ordinary world in the eyes of real high-dimensional life. The idea I use here is essentially the high-dimensional interference provided by the system. , What about the power of the flesh monster that is different from the thought? "

Cheng Bin, who was moving at a high speed, pulled up his flying height and looked back at the tragic battlefield after the dense nuclear explosion along the coast.

The monsters that had previously attracted attention by Cheng Bin have been completely destroyed. The cloned soldiers who survived the nuclear explosion were protected by exoskeleton armor with a prototype of powered armor, and were killed by the swarm in the harsh environment brought by the nuclear explosion. Radiation, shock waves, and high temperatures can't stop them.

8861 When they ordered the nuclear explosion, apart from warning Cheng Bin, there were no other major actions, and they did not inform the legion of the retreat. On the one hand, the fighter jet was fleeting, on the other hand ...

From a practical point of view, the resources consumed by the retreat along the way may be many times more than the resources consumed by resurrecting directly on the clone production line. It is really not cost-effective for the cloneless people, and it is better to spend more time Points may be reimbursed for ammunition.

"In short, the purpose of my coming here in this world is to achieve ... the next question, go back to the research department first, and even if you want to join the human-worm battlefield, you must find a way to restore a little strength, otherwise, it is pure what."

Cheng Bin always remembers that the reason why he experienced these information imaginary worlds is that the system wants to see his choice on some key issues, so the choice that parallel individuals in the world feel hesitant is his most important thing at present.

After testing the Zerg anomalous units, Cheng Bin vaguely guessed what happened in this world. The hidden driving factors behind the war between humans and insects are probably more serious and terrible than the conjecture of the past of the human civilization.

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