Uplifting Journey

Chapter 343: The meaning of life and true alive, reincarnation and bite ...

Although a lot of knowledge and data were manually deleted in the process of soul downgrade, in order to maintain the stability of the soul algorithm, Cheng Bin has saved all his memories--

Although the most ambiguous place, it is basically only the extent of the novel's general description.

Cheng Bin, like this, does not have much omissions in his knowledge of the universe and high dimensions. Naturally, he will not forget the name of "Infinite Lord" in Dr. Cheng's mouth.

In other words, when the name Infinite Lord was accidentally heard from Dr. Cheng's mouth, the information in Cheng Bin's mind was touched by the association of the blockbuster, allowing him to guess the truth of various strange things in the virtual realm of this information in an instant. .

The Lord of Infinite, the guy born in the remains of Yao Ming's exploration terminal, is, theoretically, a brother of the system that was also created by the terminal in the same area, and is also the biggest enemy of the system.

The relationship between the two is not as close to the inescapable father-son situation between the devil and the evil, but it is also extremely close and difficult to get rid of, whether for his own benefit or the mission entrusted by the erosion of the Supreme Holy One. , The Infinite Lord will continue to hunt down the system until it is completely destroyed and devoured.

The life form of the system from the beginning is Gao Weicheng Bin.

Recall the performance of the Infinite Lord in the high-dimensional battlefield over the SCP world line cluster--

Cardinals cut into the battlefield later, and on the spot, they separated the invincible lizard from the world devourer suppressed by the Lord of Heaven. Then they intervened in the heaven to induce the rebellion of Samael and let its backhand awaken the world devourer. The lizard completely forced its camp, and finally pulled the **** Lord Samer.

Leaving aside some of Cheng Bin's roles in it, the Infinite Lord seems to be very good at dividing children from a high-dimensional life or power, and training them to belong to their own subordinates that are irreconcilable with the parent. .

In short, the Lord of Infinite is very good at it, and he also likes to deal with other high-dimensional life by creating gods.

Combined with the process of system manufacturing Cheng Bin's divine iniquity, think about it, the infinite master and the system's high-dimensional authority must have something to do with the derived divine iniquity.

In this case, Dr. Cheng, who is essentially a part of the high-dimensional Cheng Bin of the system, can completely imagine his experience—

The Infinite Lord wants to capture and locate the targets in the defense system of the inner region by creating Cheng Bin's brother and systematic gods by parallel individuals captured in the outer world parallel world.

And Dr. Cheng's next words confirmed Cheng Bin's guess--

"... After that biochemical crisis, I, who survived on my ability, survived the destruction of the world and time, and gradually became a lunatic who only knew to find Z virus antibodies and to save everything."

Dr. Cheng looked at his hands and looked deep into the cells of this human body, watching the double helix gene murmured: "Infected with virus, modified body ... I finally turned from a lunatic to a monster, but I still can't find it The way to get everything back to normal, but just then ... "

Dr Cheng, who was immersed in his memory, looked up at Cheng Bin with a glance of unreality in his eyes: "A broken computer display in my near-abandoned laboratory actually appeared a Prompt window——

"[Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to be real ... alive? Yes / no]"

Jingjing listened to Dr. Cheng ’s face slightly changed—in the inner world, has he seen Infinite Stream novels in the past? Is this the spread of information between humans and crusades?

——Wait ... the omen picture provided by the black moon and the symbolic image of the infinite Lord displayed on the SCP doomsday fault are white planes and big **** of light ... the main god?

---- Infinite Lord who is good at making gods, low-dimensional parallel individuals of high-dimensional life that is concerned by the Infinite Lord, reincarnation who is thrown into various world lines to perform inexplicable tasks, and those who change the world than improve their strength The line is more like a plot mission in twisting the soul consciousness of the reincarnation ...

——Did I discover something incredible?

"It's bizarre and ridiculous, but do I have a choice?" Dr. Cheng stared at Cheng Bin and continued to talk to himself without waiting for his answer. "Of course I didn't. The last human became a monster." On the earth, my horrible soul couldn't find a way forward, so I joined the reincarnation space of the Infinite Lord and became a chosen person, or ... a **** eater. "

"Taking care of you, Cheng Bin, I got some special treatment. I also learned a lot of interesting information from the Lord of Infinite, and I knew what it means to be" the meaning of life "and what it means to be truly alive .. . "

Dr. Cheng looked at Cheng Bin's constantly changing expression, and seemed to be thinking about what Cheng Bin was then. Then he shook his head with his hands on his back and paced back and forth:

"Ordinary reincarnations are all those who have the potential to show signs of high-dimensional demon in the river of time, and the so-called selected God Eater is the captured high-dimensional life that has not collected low-dimensional individuals. Or low-dimensional individual information cut directly from the root records of high-dimensional life, the purpose of the infinite Lord to do so, presumably need not say more, right? "

Cheng Bin nodded silently-the name of the God Eater has everything, it is nothing more than trying to isolate low-dimensional daughters and cultivate divine evil in turn to erode high-dimensional gods.

After thinking about it, Bu Qibin still asked tentatively, "It looks like you already know something about yourself and Gao Wei. Have you ever thought about getting out of the control of the infinite master?"

"Control? Hahaha ..." Dr. Cheng smiled mockingly, then pointed at Cheng Bin, "I have no control and parallel me, I said, I have no choice, I volunteered to join His Majesty the Infinity Lord, in order to save Everything that I lost in the past, in order to know the meaning of life, 'real life'. "

Cheng Bin frowned: "After becoming Gao Wei's life, can you save your past life? Who on my side shouldn't mind helping you? After all, you are also part of him, why must you choose hostility?"

Dr. Cheng smiled and rubbed his hands with his hands, then lowered his hands and stared at Cheng Bin with a mad look: "Well, that's it, this is it! Then the question comes-

"If I come back to you and become part of Gao Weicheng Bin now, then is it your life or my life that will be saved?"

Cheng Bin hesitated, and then said, "Did you have any misunderstanding of the existence form of high-dimensional life? Not occupying your world line will not have any impact on life at that level."

"There is no misunderstanding. The Infinite Lord is uneasy, but it never lies. After all, it only needs to use the truth to achieve all its goals. Why use inferior deception?"

Dr. Cheng, who was getting more and more intonation, restored his calmness in a blink of an eye. He took a deep breath and slowly said, "I know what you want to say. Low-dimensional individuals with high-dimensional life can retain everything in life, but The problem is, as long as I don't give up my identity and personality of Cheng Bin, I will inevitably be affected by Gao Weicheng Bin due to the resonance of soul information ...

"If I don't know, at most I will think that my dream-seeking personality is gradually changing naturally, but now I know, do you think I will tolerate myself gradually being replaced by other people?"

Dr. Cheng stared at Cheng Bin and said word by word, "Do you think I will tolerate you taking my life away? Domineeringly occupy my relatives and friends and the world?"

"Ah, you've already done this, my home, where is the world line to which I belong?" Dr. Cheng said in an aria tone, "has been merged into the inner domain ... in that high-dimensional course Bin, or under the control of the system? If I do n’t kill him, how can I regain my life? Tell me ?! "

Cheng Bin is speechless. He knows that what Dr. Cheng is talking about is a fact. The ascension of life will erode the assimilation of all parallel world selves, just as he did in the information imaginary world, even on the surface. Let the parallel ego exist independently, but still have the power of life and death at the root.

Even Cheng Bin himself, if he wants to regain his own life in the Inner World, he must also kill the system and grab the Inner Domain. From this perspective, he and Dr. Cheng, the reserve **** of the Lord of Infinite, have no essence. On the difference.

"I actually know you, the special Cheng Bin ..."

After the hormone and neural response of the human body was regulated, Dr. Cheng's excited mood regained his calmness. He looked at Cheng Bin with interest and said, "You have been to my world and twisted its timeline to make it The excursion returned to the inner area and restored the tragedy that happened. This is good. I thank you so much ...

"Can you please give me thanks again, eh?" Dr. Cheng spread his hand, "For example, give up his life and path, and give me a way to survive in the battle for Gao Weicheng's subjective control? Look at the clones Record of civilization, don't you advocate self-sacrifice?

"For me, for your parallel individuals, can you sacrifice it for a moment? Since you feel that there is no problem in occupying my life, is it OK for me to occupy you?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Bin laughed-first a chuckled chuckle, and then he laughed loudly two times.

Dr. Cheng coldly said: "Are you funny? Do you think this behavior is incorrect and unjust?"

"No, no," Cheng Bin smiled and shook his head. "Since you talked about self-sacrifice, I wanted to understand something ... self-awareness, hehe ..."

"If you apply Dr. Cheng's three perspectives and self-awareness, I would have sacrificed death and been replaced by other self countless times ..."

After a pause, thinking of his quantum incarnation cluster, which is entirely dependent on consciousness and sacrifice, and whose power is comparable to high-dimensional life, Cheng Bin lamented: "You know how the ancestor of the world ’s cloned civilization died, the original flat trip bin Is it?

"He took the lead in hardships, took the lead in battle, and finally fell to the forefront ... he sacrificed himself, so why did he sacrifice?"

Staring at Dr. Cheng, Cheng Bin slowly said, "He is to keep the cloned people who have copied themselves as a template to maintain unity and cooperation, so that the cloned civilization can develop smoothly in this self-awareness, and live more and more. it is good...

"For the individual named" Cheng Bin ", sacrificing this kind of thing can only be done by the sacrifice, and we have no reason to ask others to sacrifice for ourselves if we don't do it."

Dr. Cheng sniffed and said, "Oh, then we, parallel individuals, have a reason to be sacrificed for Cheng Bin who was uplifted?"

Cheng Bin said without change: "I don't know what the authority of the system is, but after I upgrade, I will only help all parallel individuals and guide them on the right path of infinite climb for knowledge and truth. To me, this is not a sacrifice. "

"It's really tall ..." Dr. Cheng mocked. "Do you think your path is absolutely just and right? It's good for them to be followed by parallel individuals? Too arrogant?"

"This question has been questioned in the past ..." Cheng Bin shrugged. "My path cannot be absolutely correct and just in the vast universe. It is a drama for those chaotic lives outside of normal logical cognition. Poison is evil, something that will kill them for no reason, but ... "

After looking deeply at the post-doctoral Cheng, Cheng Bin shook his head and said, "You were born from the same source as me. Before the anomaly appeared, your pursuit of scientific knowledge was stronger than mine. You must have recognized this path? "

Dr. Cheng snorted coldly, unconcerned.

"No matter what you think now, chasing the infinite and unknown dream is better than the deliberate negative guidance of the Lord of Infinite?" Cheng Bin asked, "You cannot accept the common channel path implanted by high-dimensional self-resonance, but it is acceptable. The Infinite Lord's consciousness is distorted? What exactly did you experience during the reincarnation? Now you who wantonly slaughter humankind ~ www.readwn.com ~ How is it different from the original you? "

"Are you trying to convince me?" Dr. Cheng grinned. "You'd be too underestimated by Infinite Master? Do you think that I, who has been selected in countless possibilities, will be shaken by this problem? "

"Don't you also plan to persuade me to make my own decision before?" Cheng Bin hesitated. "We met here because of the indirect contact and promotion of the system and the infinite master. This kind of behavior must be meaningful. I don't know if you have What gains, anyway, I feel a little clearer about what I want to do. "

After shaking his head and smiling, Dr. Cheng's body suddenly collapsed into a pool of flesh and blood and merged into this abyss nest. At the same time, a large human voice echoed in the room: "This meeting ... at least let me know that you didn't So hypocritical in my imagination, since consciousness cannot be shaken, everything will eventually return to killing ...

"The winner takes everything and the loser disappears completely. This is the truth of the weak and strong in the universe."

"Do you think you have a chance to win?" Cheng Bin frowned. The electromagnetic warfare was running at full power at once, and it was seen that all invisible electromagnetic waves were absorbed and transformed. The surrounding area was frosted because the heat was drawn infinitely.

Dr. Cheng ’s sneer passed to Cheng Bin ’s body, who turned into a shadow: “Here, my opponent is not you, but the so-called cloned civilization, and ... you think we can truly be in this illusory world Kill each other? Don't be kidding, we can't all exert the true power of the ontology ... "

After a sigh, all the energy of the abyss mother nest gathered around the room, Dr. Cheng's words drowned in the glowing light: "The war between the road and the soul is extremely long, and we have time ..."

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