Uplifting Journey

Chapter 347: My dead clean and resurrected Wenwen

In a cloudless blue sky, two people with exactly the same face are facing each other at a high-speed exchange, and the communication agreement is not unexpectedly perfect without negotiation.

After the world-fighting arena, Cheng Bin experienced a lot of things and spent an extremely long time in the different time and space, but the description of the overall experience is only a few hundred thousand words. Using electromagnetic waves The language of narrative communication is quite fast.

Anyway, Cheng Bin, who had his soul downgraded, was not able to restore those more detailed memories.

After listening to the description of his future experience, the young man in black was silent for a while, and then sighed, "Isn't this the real world here? Since you are going back to the inner area to perform the dimensional improvement ... What about my parents now? Alright? "

"The statement" now "is a bit inaccurate. After all, in the high-dimensional field of vision, the souls of our parents are linear. It does n’t make much difference whether they are longer or shorter, but we used to want to achieve a miracle to restore the tragedy. His wish has finally been fulfilled, although just reverting that is just letting parents grow on the timeline for decades ... "

Faced with a complex-looking young man in black, Cheng Bin shrugged and continued:

"As far as I know the latest information, in the real Inner Zero World, because I had deliberately pushed the world line before, their existence has been following the progress of civilization and technology and extending downstream of the time axis, although it is not a big rich It's expensive, but because the lucky value of curing is not low, it can be considered fulfilling and pleasant. "

The young man in black nodded. He was not surprised by his future choices, because his family has always liked this bland happy life. After all, the higher the level of people, the more things they need to contact and worry about.

However, the changes in the three perspectives in the future really made young people in black feel a little surprised.

The car accident that once made you feel heavy and grief is only an optional task in the other person's eyes. It even twists the world line and creates time shocks. This kind of behavior that affects countless lives and completely changes their life trajectory is simply in the future. Is an understatement worth mentioning.

Although in terms of detailed experience, this change seems completely reasonable, after all, the soldiers and generals' perceptions and considerations of victory, defeat, and casualties must be on a completely different level.

In theory, young men in black can understand all their future choices, but in terms of emotion, young men in black cannot identify with them without any emotion in their hearts.

——Data-based soul and emotion, and even the personality plan of data-based personality, whether it is the effect of self-recognition and self-control, or the impact on future choices, is really more terrible than the most exaggerated expectations in the past ...

Cheng Bin, who was aware of his feelings from the young man in black, was silent for a while, then sighed, "This is one of the reasons I came in to see you. It seems that our differences in all aspects before and after the completion of the heart plan are still obvious. . "

"This kind of thing is unavoidable. Even if your current thinking medium is similar to mine, the difference in thinking mode is already very big, not to mention that the medium has become a four-dimensional war body or even a quantum incarnation ..."

The young man in black shook his head slightly, throwing away the useless sorrow in his heart, and asked the future self in confusion: "But you almost killed me before, what is it for? I can feel that you really killed me for that purpose Fighting at full force. "

"In front of you, I do n’t have much room for water. Although my experience is higher, but after all, I ’m not as good as you in terms of strength and depth. If you catch the gap between me and Zhu Rong, I will be very good. Headache. "

Cheng Bin shrugged, and then stated another purpose of his entering the arena: "I want to try to what extent the strength of the Cheng team can play, and, at the beginning, he easily gave up his life here to complete my life and let me A little care, although there must be a systemic influence in it, but ...

"I still want to try it here. After experiencing the true pressure of death, can I just persuade myself in the past to sacrifice myself like Cheng Cheng after relying solely on information and intelligence?"

The young man in black said with a black line on his face: "After all, you still want me to die?"

"No, no, this is our war on the concept of life and death," Cheng Bin shook his finger, "I must find a way to persuade you without interfering with your memory and thinking, and let you accept my concept of life and death. On this basis Let us reach an agreement before sending you to death. "

"Are you kidding me? Is there a difference?" The young man in black looked even more subtle.

Cheng Bin's face became serious: "There is no difference, but if I want to maintain a complete consciousness upgrade, I must do this-I am just the result of the demotion of a quantum incarnation. Each quantum incarnation is like I have a complete core of consciousness like this ...

"Only if every quantum avatar like me voluntarily unifies the will according to the agreement, treats self-sacrifice as food and drink, and operates as a part that can be replaced at any time in the cluster, can the quantum avatar cluster have the power of high-dimensional life .. .

"Cheng Bin, ask yourself, can you do that now? Are you willing to sacrifice life and even yourself to achieve a stronger‘ I ’?”

The young man in black was speechless.

Even after the baptism of the unruly cloned human kingdom in the No. 6 world of the Inner Domain, the three views of the young man in black still have not changed fundamentally. The future of his own hesitation, unequivocal will, unless he has completed The mind plan controls the process of the birth of every thought, otherwise it will not be possible.

——No, even if you have completed your mental plan, you ca n’t do it without any psychological obstacles. Create more and stronger yourself and transfer the initiative or something ... Suddenly I am curious about my own detailed experience in the future. With the experience, the dry description alone is not real ...

After flashing his eyes, the young man in black suddenly said, "You are now almost the same as me. You don't have the powerful self-control ability after the completion of your heart plan. Why can't you Do it with any emotional distractions? "

"Who said that I have no emotional distractions?" Cheng Bin asked back, and then he smiled again, "but these miscellaneous things can't affect my decision, after all, even ordinary people can do it for all kinds of justice and ideals. Give blood, why do I have to plan my mind rationally before I can do it? "

"This is also ..." The young man in black nodded, and then said with emotion, "ideally, it should be the root of the unity of quantum avatar clusters ...

"... I still remember the inexplicable touch when I first flew up into the night sky with the air and saw the stars. Indeed, if I fulfilled my original desire to restore tragedy, I should be chasing this unknown ideal. Go ahead ... "

After groaning for a while, the young man in black dressed up and said, "If you think about it, will a weirdo like me do what you say for this ideal? It should be ..."

After a pause, the young man in black looked up at the boundless sky, and sighed slowly in his heart.

"There is systematic participation and supervision, then all of this is true ..." After taking a deep look at the future self from the sky, the young man in black murmured, "I can understand why you The Cheng team and Wen Wen will choose to die cleanly. It is impossible to know whether they can do it without actually doing it. It does n’t make sense to show more determination ... ”

Within a short while of Cheng Bin, the figure of the young man in black dissociated into fragmented high-energy atoms in the nuanced electromagnetic changes. All the energy contained in the electromagnetic warfare was released along with the drop of the electronic energy level, destroying everything Guanghua pierced the atmosphere and extended to the starry sky, then disappeared abruptly in the overlapping phantom of the world on the edge of the Earth-Moon system.

he died.

Cheng Bin froze for a while, then sighed slowly looking at the sky: "I am really clean and dead ..."

"However, if you can only persuade by words like this, it is estimated that you have only experienced the self who has experienced the baptism of the world ’s cloned country in the No. 6 world?"

Cheng Bin reviewed the long reincarnation experience in the virtual realm of information, recalled the various thoughts and behaviors of parallel individuals, and finally completed the method of soul fusion and synchronization by himself. He could not help shaking his head and said, "A gentleman can deceive others. But there are too few gentlemen ...

"It is indeed more important than actual ideals that are vain ideals, but for me in the past, practicing ideals is an interest in itself, and for other parallel individuals, things that have practical help in their current lives The value to do ... "

——The individual who desires justice will gain strength and direction, the individual who desires eternal life and power will obtain the ladder of progress, and the civilization that desires unity of consciousness encounters the heart of the swarm ...

In the world that is gradually blurred, contemplative Cheng Bin finally figured out a key point.

"In this case, after the upgrade, the specific content of the high-dimensional soul must be adjusted. Is it more advantageous than a high-dimensional platform that is self-cognitive and self-adjusting? It is a good textbook for information. Ah ... system, is this what you want to tell me--

"Compared with the assimilation of thinking algorithms, the pursuit of common ground in the same direction is more effective and the audience is wider ...

"Because if we want to achieve the goal of reaching the root of the universe and controlling all variables, we must unite all those who can be united. In the future, it is possible to stand on the side of Gao Weicheng Bin, but it is not just 'Cheng Bin'. .. "

In emotion, the figure of Cheng Bin turned into nothingness along with the world, and the illusionary world line established using the records of the roots of the universe returned to its parent.


Outer World No. 2 World Line, which once deviated from the inner domain, was in a coffee shop in Earth China at a certain point in time.

In a semi-isolated booth in the corner of a warm cafe, a thinly-dressed young man sits opposite a woman in a white crew neck sweater and a long ponytail.

Both parties, like couples dating, are talking about things that will stun ordinary people-

The young woman's delicate facial features were full of complex looks. She supported her chin with one hand, and gently touched the cream on the coffee with a spoon with the other hand. You of these world lines can completely close my existence, why do you intentionally keep my independence and memory? Cheng Bin? "

After a moment of silence, the young woman raised her eyes strangely and looked at the man across the table, but saw him returning from a daze and saying: "Sorry, Wenwen, I just received a lot of interesting information, um, and Information about the arena we were talking about before. "

As a parallel instance of Cheng Bin in World No. 2 World, Wenwen tapped his own cup on the table with a spoon, watching the smoothie and cream inside change with his speed-sweeping ability that dominates the vector. This kind of modeling, repeated the previous question casually.

"What is this? On the one hand, it is to fulfill the promise that I received from the shining speed knife in the gladiatorial field. All the world lines that I touched, I have restored to normal according to my past wishes."

Cheng Bin thought about the information fed back to his ordinary human brain from the quantum avatar cluster, and then smiled, "On the other hand, I think that it is not the right way to kill all parallel ego with different consciousness. There is no big difference in the pseudo-high-dimensional life that keeps overlapping overlapping world lines to remain unique. "

Because he is on the verge of upgrading, Cheng Bin has some understanding of the cosmic dimension of authority and information resonance, and can also exert a certain influence in these places, so he does not need to worry about the negative effects of a lot of information being known by his parallel individuals. Regarding prohibitions, he and his parallel individuals can talk openly and honestly about many issues.

"But willn't it indirectly affect all the existences associated with you after you upgrade?" Wen Wen put down her spoon and sighed. "In that case, what's the point of this practice now? And ..."

After Wen Wen thought about it, he suddenly smiled and said, "Are you not afraid that after I know these things, I will continue to climb and try to upgrade to replace you?"

Cheng Bin smiled and shook his head without answering ~ www.readwn.com ~ but whispered: "Do you remember the vitality world I mentioned before?"

Wen Wen nodded after recalling, "Ah, that spiritual world? To be honest, before I used to awaken, I really wanted to live in that world."

"In that world, every way of vitality can be uplifted, but the high-dimensional genes formed after the uplifting are not complete," Cheng Bin said slowly, rubbing the cup in front of himself, "only all the ways of vitality have people. After being upgraded, all high-dimensional genes will exchange information through a preset interface and assemble into a complete high-dimensional soul ...

"This is a high-dimensional authority with self-awareness, but because of coincidence, this consciousness surfaced on the surface, which made Bai ’s usurpation of power extremely smooth. After she became Hongjun, she could not erode all through information resonance. A low-dimensional self is also for this reason. "

When Wenwen heard this, she suddenly smiled indifferently: "Is Bai Bai a little girl? You have met so many people. As a result, she first seized the opportunity to upgrade, you loli control!"

After the laugh, Wen Wen conceived Cheng Bin with a wink, and said quietly, "Master Cheng Bin, can you keep this kind of good thing for me next time? Do you look at me?"

Cheng Bin couldn't help raising his hands and wiping his face, and said angrily: "You haven't changed the bad taste ..."

After a pause, Cheng Bin turned back to the topic: "About the issues you mentioned earlier, the process of forming Hongjun in the vitality world, and the strange heaven and **** system of Samuel and God have given me some inspiration. In my profiling research, I found something very interesting ... "

After thinking for a while, Cheng Bin said mysteriously, "A parable in a well-understood way-do you know the" God "in Western fantasy novels?"

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