Uplifting Journey

Chapter 353: Magic modified Long Wei, the natural contradiction between the red dragon and the elve

Limited to the simple observation and interference tools made in the past, Cheng Bin has the deepest level of knowledge and control of the current Red Dragon body only at the level of cell clusters.

If you reluctantly look deeper, there is a huge difference between the structure of the red dragon cell and the organisms in the inner world, and Cheng Bin cannot judge whether there is something like a gene composed of more microscopic units such as molecular atoms inside.

But through the violent experiment of the fire element, he can confirm that the body material is also another form of the element. Everything in this world is essentially composed of the same thing.

In this process, it was indirectly verified that the red dragon-like organ in the body of the dragon had the function of partially converting between elements and substances.

Cheng Bin once captured some rare wild animals that can affect elements for anatomical experiments, trying to figure out how such organs involving elements affect matter and elements, but after research found that the specific reaction process is much smaller than the cell scale. There is no way to observe reliable data.

Therefore, Cheng Bin has so far only been able to perceive the interference fire element by relying on the talent element induction that comes with the Red Dragon. There is no way to recognize the true form of the element from other objective perspectives.

In the same way, Cheng Bin ca n’t carefully observe the objective material changes of his brain, crystal nucleus, and elemental soul field. In this case, even if he has a strong ability to control his own thinking and cognition, he cannot be as relaxed as the world of Naruto Decipher the connection between biological thinking and the mysterious power Chakra.

After all, when Cheng Bin headed to the world of Naruto, his cognitive control of matter had penetrated into the nucleus, and he knew the objective material structure corresponding to information such as memory and thinking in the human brain, and his research foundation was too solid.

However, it is OK to parse some shallow things according to the picture ...

Standing next to the decaying tree, the tips of the **** gripped the skeleton with limbs like a camera. The red dragon savored the spell-like spell that the skull had thrown on his head again, and thoughtfully groaned: "Hypnosis Forget it, this phobia ...

"In terms of operation mode, it is very similar to the electromagnetic radiation version of the fear and aura that I once made in the inner area. Speaking of which, don't dragons generally have Longwei? It is worth trying ..."

Combining past experience with the elemental wave form analyzed in the previous panorama, Red Dragon brought the skull to his eyes, and after a while of brewing, he stared at it fiercely, and a ray of fire turned into ripples and swept across the skeleton's body.

After being hit by a red dragon-like spell-like spell, the skeleton with slow overall movement after losing its limbs did not have any extra response.

"Uh, I guessed wrong? Can't I use this kind of spells with soul and fire? Or is it useless for something without a brain?"

After Long Wei shook his head for the unfavorable teacher, the Red Dragon dropped the inoperable skeleton, his hind legs stood upright, stretched his neck and looked around.

Because of the dark atmosphere and the emergence of the dragon, the living creatures around him had fled for a long time, and the red dragon glanced around and found no experimental item.

The red dragon, who was about to fly to go farther to find animals to try, had just opened its wings, but the body that was about to fly suddenly stopped, and then he tilted his head to the side.

The delicate panorama draws a clear outline of the humanoid figure hidden by layers of plants.


Not too long ago, not far from the open space eroded by strange forces.


Wearing a slender green armor that is purely woven from leaves and rattan, carrying a slender figure carrying a short bow without carrying any arrows, jumped from the giant purple and black cheetah, patted his partner's neck with doubt Looked forward.

This beautiful blond-skinned sharp-eared elf is one of the elite rangers of the elven kingdom, and is currently operating at the border as a special investigator for overlapping planes.

"What's wrong? Ivey?" Another black-eyed blue-eyed elf with a long scabbard driving the other cheetah stopped beside him, asking his teammate strangely.

Watching the distance obscured by plants, the elven Ivy groaned and said to his companion, "Lacy, do you feel it too? It should be connected to the shadow or necrotic plane ...

"For such highly erosive planes, guys who can flow over the plane barriers should not stay in place now, and their breath should not be so weak ..."

Lacey, whose muscle profile is much clearer than Ivey's, leapt down from the cheetah, let the two animal partners hide together, and then raised his hand to adjust the handle on the back to the most convenient position. "My elemental sense is not as sharp as you ... maybe it just happened to bump into other powerful creatures and was injured in the battle?"

Ivey glanced at Lacey and leaped up onto the tree branch. "The problem is here. There is no residual breath except the weak guy, but there is a sense of depression and danger surrounding it."

After looking at the surrounding terrain, Lacey shrugged: "It would be very disturbing if the perception is too high ..."

Ivy hummed, and threw down a sentence, then leaped forward among the branches: "So, let me investigate, you take the resonance flute and wait for my signal, if the situation is wrong, you will withdraw , My animal companion, you do n’t need to worry about it, it will measure what to do. ”

"Hey!" After seeing the companion, he flew far between the branches. Lacey lifted his hand halfway and let it down. After touching his hand, he touched the props placed against the skin in the inner pocket of the waist Sighing, "Okay, okay ... be careful with yourself ..."

There are all kinds of plants in the jungle, and the blond elves who leap forward during it have not caused any obvious movement.

Every time they fall, every time they make a hand, every time they pass between the leaves and vines, the plants will actively cooperate with each other.

This kind of instinctual plant affinity, or a special element dominating ability, is possessed by most elves in the elven kingdom, but only a few outstanding people can play it to such a relaxed and natural level.

Ivy walking comfortably in the potentially dangerous jungle soon approached his goal. He gradually slowed down to reduce the movements caused by his actions, and finally stopped at a limit distance to look into the distance through the looming gap. That unnatural open space.

The ground corroded by the shadow energy and the spirit of the necrosis makes Ivi's heart beat slightly-seeing that level of corrosion, the level of the monsters appearing here may not be low, then why ...

After changing the two angles and finding a place with good vision, Ivey finally saw the source of the inexplicable sense of depression in the environment-a dragon with red-red scales standing in the decaying and fallen ground of the trees.

"This is ... the red dragon in adolescence? There are some differences compared to the picture book ..."

Recalling the record of the red dragon in the rare creature illustrated book, Ai Wei frowned slightly, and could not help raising a hint of hostility.

Changing to any other creature, or even to any other dragon, Ivy would not produce this kind of apparent hostility. As long as it is confirmed that the harm caused by the overlapping planes will not spread, he is also happy. Seeing wildlife help reduce his workload.

But Red Dragon is an exception.

For the elven kingdom, although the dragon with high attack, high defense and high mobility is difficult to entangle, it is not an irresistible enemy-testify with various dragon materials in the strategic reserve of the kingdom.

The intensity of the Red Dragon theory is not the top of the elves' cognition, but when it comes to the contradiction, grudges, and the disgust of the elves against the elven kingdom, the red dragon is definitely on the list, even the top. .

Because elves are a race that coexists with nature and plants, the red dragon's favorite thing is to set fire.

Most areas of this plane, especially the area where the elven kingdom is located, are basically covered by extensive vegetation, and only the plants where the elves gather have artificial resistance to various elements, and they can naturally resist naturally. There are very few plants in the flame disaster.

In this case, like the high-temperature environment, irritability, and irritability, swallowing the red dragon that ignites a large area of ​​forest, the existence of the elves is a kind of evil to the elves: the dragon's breath caused by the fire element The fire was not so good.

And there are physical dragons, far more difficult to deal with than pure fire elemental life.

Not to mention that after some talented red dragons grew to the top smoothly, they were even strong enough to form a ring of incineration around the body, which is a moving flame disaster.

In past history, there have been profound lessons more than once, which made the elves who had seen the scorched earth hate the Red Dragon.

Although this is the first time that Ivey has witnessed the Red Dragon himself, it is also normal for him to instinctively hostilely under the influence of the environment.

However, this kind of hostility has not distorted Ivey's sanity as an elite ranger.

"Why can't I feel the elemental response of that red dragon?" Although the young red dragon's power is not strong in the records, Ivey still carefully observes in the dark, "No, this extraordinary creature should be able to Instinct emits elemental aura ...

"Doesn't it need to absorb elements from the environment at any time? It can also control every element contained in the body? Impossible ..."

After pressing his hands on his lower back and sending a message to his companion, Ai Wei took a moment to take a breath, then took the wooden short bow behind him and held it in his hand.

A creature such as a dragon does not normally grow up in a safe place until it reaches adulthood. He can now only perform his scouting role. After completing the investigation, he will leave and leave things to other elves, but if the red dragon is later Disappeared and hidden, after that period, an adult red dragon will rag in the plane.

The adult dragon is difficult to kill without making mistakes. Compared to the future, I do n’t know how serious the loss will be. It is necessary to try to directly solve this big trouble here. No matter what the result, other elves will definitely support him now. s Choice.

——After all, it's just a juvenile dragon ...

Ivy, who had made her choice, calmed her breath in her silent breath, and then slowly opened the wooden bow without arrows at the open space with a lot of plant obstacles.

The green plants in a wide area nearby seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, and the leaves and green leaves swayed slowly with an inexplicable rhythm.

At this moment, the Red Dragon seemed to be aware of something, and suddenly turned the fiercely shaped unicorn dragon head into Ivey's direction.

Ai Wei's eyes immediately gave up concealment, his hands and wooden bow flashed a complex green emerald pattern, and then released the bow string with his right hand.

As if the invisible giant strings rang in the air, all the plants in all directions trembled at the same time, and then the green awns overflowed from the many plants, and gathered in an instant into countless streams, following the inexplicable speed at the speed of off-string arrows The guidance focused towards the center of the clearing.

Thousands of green arrows of light shot from all directions, and the red dragon with super-speed thinking completed the analysis and judgment in the instant of the white horse passing through the gap. The dragon claw lifted the skeleton's residual body to the side, then his body was slightly pressed, and the dragon wings The dragon tail's limbs burst into the fire at the same time, and the tearing air rushed towards the gap where the skeleton had hit.

Seeing the green light gathering and striking together with a circle of explosive flames shining in the open space at the same time, the field of vision was temporarily blocked, the ears rang a huge roar that shakes the heart, and Ai Wei's face shook slightly. A wooden arrow was drawn from the trunk on the upper body side and placed on the short bow.

"This ... how could this dragon have such a high element density ?!" At the moment of the Red Dragon's action, a substantial element of pressure was sensed from his body's periphery, and Aiwei exuded a trace of cold sweat, but his The hand holding the bow and arrow was still not trembling.

"Cold, calm ... as long as it is penetrated with a beard arrow, disrupting its control of the body's power, the high-density violent fire element itself will blow it up."

Ivy murmured, opened her eyes, and desperately captured all the changes in the environment with all her senses, trying to find the figure of the red dragon.

However, before Ivey continued his action ~ www.readwn.com ~ his body suddenly became completely stiff in an unstoppable sense of fear, as if there was a giant lava mouth full of purgatory-like high temperature opening behind him. False bite included.


Cheng Bin hovering in the sky looked at his limb that was hit by a little green light arrow that had not been avoided, and found that under the action of the dense fire element deeply inlaid with the flesh, these light arrows that broke through the dragon scale protection did not give He brought any obvious harm.

If you calculate, even if the light and arrow hit all, the fire element consumption needed to offset its power is much less than the power consumed by the speed burst.

"But the green light arrow is a strange thing, after all, be careful."

With a vertical pupil, he glanced at the elves that couldn't move under the newly released Long Wei, which didn't know how much worse than the original. The red dragon flew to the side, and found the skull that he had used as a shield to observe it. .

From this already weak skeleton, Cheng Bin felt a little bit of the power of the light arrow-at this moment the skeleton had completely lost its ability to move, its gray bones were faintly blurred, and the brilliance of green brilliance seemed like a vine. Vine generally grows on its bones.

The Red Dragon flew back to the open space and glanced at the center of the eroded earth, but saw the dense plants had grown where the light and arrows converged. Except for the place where he started, he still stubbornly emitted the high temperature incineration of the nearby plants. Are covered by these plants.

The red dragon carrying the skeleton fell to the ground, patted its wings and swept away some trees to clear the gap, and then set its sights on the elves who fell aside.

"Well?" Cheng Bin found two unexpected phenomena in the elf. Cheng Bin could not help but whispered, "Long Wei still has this effect? ​​But this elf ... I was in the corridor of time and space. ? "

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