Uplifting Journey

Chapter 359: The lack of herdsmanship in the battle method bow, the boss who fights back to the blo

() After the red dragon showed a vigilant posture, Lacey standing on the ground also trembled, and suddenly a few dim red lines erupted across her radius of more than ten meters.

The magical power that has been deteriorated by the erosion of the blood of the Dragon family, the generated red line is far more powerful than the thin line with a substantial carrier before Lacey. From the kinetic energy transmission to the high-temperature cutting, there is no discomfort. Large trees are neatly broken behind the slender red line Collapsed, and a gap was cleared in the woods.

In the vibration caused by the large tree falling to the ground, a silver-haired elf with a two-handed sword was slowly coming out of the edge of the gap in the forest. He looked curiously at Lacey's sloping body, and his eyes were on his chest and There was a long pause between the legs.

At the same time, a blue two-footed flying dragon broke through the clouds and hovered high, staring down at the red dragon below.

At the top of the hill hundreds of meters away, a large number of long bows extending from roots to erode assimilated trees were slowly pulled away. A large area of ​​trees crunched and the trunk slightly twisted as the bowstring moved, and a branch flickered. The metal arrows of the faint lines are aimed at the red dragon floating in mid-air.

The dangerous breath swept through like a tsunami. The red dragon suspended above the treetops manipulated the panorama to sweep in all directions, and then he suddenly turned his eyes aside and saw the huge bow and arrow that was hard to see with naked eyes on the distant hills.

At the moment when the red dragon looked away, Dior, a heavy book with suspended pages turning fast in front of him, emerged from the twisted air in the air. He raised his hand and pointed at the red dragon. The colorful magic pattern was The book flashed in front of it.

The suspended body of the Red Dragon was a slight meal, and he felt that the inert elemental flow that created gravity around him was gathered near him, and the gravity that penetrated into each cell immediately began to rise rapidly with this focusing process.

At the same time, the red dragon is covered by a black curtain, not only the five senses are completely lost, but even the ability to sense and interfere with external elements is greatly weakened. The air seems to become a viscous liquid, which requires a little movement. It takes several times more effort.

On the distant hills, while controlling the bows and arrows that are constantly accumulating strength, the magical blessings of the eyes looked at the red dragon floating little, and his eyes could not help but cast a little doubt.

However, unless Red Dragon starts to run away at a speed beyond common sense, otherwise he needs a long and high-speed attack that cannot be launched easily.

At the moment of playing, Dior superimposed a series of Debuff magic on the Red Dragon and glanced down at the front-line soldiers who should have kept up with his rhythm, and then angrily shouted: "Garrot! What are you looking at ?!"

"I think this elf ... is probably more important than the red dragon above."

He confronted Garlott, who was obviously hostile, and responded to his companion. Then he pulled out the simple sword from his back. Then he whispered to Lacey, "You're Lacey, right? You think Betray his own people and help this red dragon? "

As a former elven king, Garlott, who had a keen sense of dominance, was attracted to Lacey at the first sight. In Lacey, he saw the possibility that the elves could reproduce between the sexes, involving the national foundation of the population. Things are indeed more important than the possible harm of a red dragon ...

It's a pity that now the arrow has to be fired on the string.

Lacey's eyes recognizing the silver-haired warrior flashed, and the dragon's blood erosion allowed her to establish a mysterious connection beyond the animal partner contract. The will of the red dragon can be felt by her and influence her, if she can She didn't want the Elven Kingdom to clash with the Red Dragon.

After all, the red dragon has not caused any damage to the kingdom so far. As long as you put down prejudices and suspicions, this peaceful red dragon may not be a friend of the elves ...

Just as Ryan wanted to speak, Garlott suddenly burst into Ling Ling's momentum as if the blade was facing him.

At the moment when Lacey was forced to breathless by this sudden pressure, Garlott had passed through the air between them silently.

"You can guess what you want to say in your eyes, but sorry, only the dead red dragon is a good red dragon."

Garlott, who whispered at high speed, sideways avoided the magical thread that Lacey broke out under the crisis instinct, and gently stabbed behind the brain with the side of the big sword. The small high-frequency shock followed the body of the sword. Into Lacey.

While Lacey was stunned and fell to the ground, Garlott jumped to the treetop without stopping in the companion's urging, and the figure bypassed an arc like a cloud of water, and then the sword in his hand was raised high, following the abnormal gravity The edge of the area accelerated towards the root of the red dragon and cut it off.

The red dragon who had not restrained curiosity and spent some time in-depth observing the effects of magical operations around his body returned to his thoughts. He pondered what the silver-haired elf warrior had said to Lacey, glanced at the side and wondered what he was preparing. The magical Dior, then the huge magic overflowed out of the body, exquisitely stirred the power that restrained him.

Through Lacey's description, Red Dragon knows that using magic and using magic are completely different, but the effect of the process of magic going through the position still falls on the elemental matter itself, so as long as the eye is fast, it will be carried out in the final part of magic It is not impossible to confront or even exert influence.

The gravity that originally locked the area where the Red Dragon was located, gathered like a funnel, was temporarily deflected for a moment, and the center of the funnel fell on the silver-haired warrior holding a large sword at this instant.

The sharp sword of Jian Feng could not be seen, and the body of the silver-haired warrior suddenly sank. His skin was pulled and deformed by the drastically changing external force. He glanced at the distance and the same eyes opened up. Dior looked, and then the slammed dragon wings fanned his face along the gravity.

The mass of the dragon wing swung sharply during the acceleration of the squealing acceleration, and the Garlott, which received more than ten times the gravity, crashed into the air like a meteor.

As if a small earthquake erupted, a ring of visible earth undulations spread far away with the roar, and an inadvertent silver-haired soldier was deeply embedded in the earth in a pit.

"What a terrible element of control, can actually counter magic with meticulous control ... Is this really a red dragon?"

The red dragon's counterattack made Dior cold all over. He couldn't care to observe the state of the former elven king. While reinforcing the negative effects on the red dragon, he stepped up to complete the high-end magic that took a long time to prepare at any time-anyway. The legendary warrior can't easily die because of its thick skin.

Taking advantage of the temporary deflection to open up the negative magic, the Red Dragon ascended at a rapid speed while staring at the distant hills identified by the panorama, ready to rush to the side where there was a huge threat feeling, but it seemed to lock his body, Negative magic soon covered him again after a brief disturbance.

The process by which these magics work is unknown. The Red Dragon has no clue to unlock the effect except for the slight confrontation. His body, which was close to the speed of sound, stagnates after appearing to entangle his vines, and then dives down from high altitude. The ice dragon sprinted near in the tweet.

The cone-shaped ice breath spewed out from the air of Yalong to envelope the red dragon, and the conflict between ice and fire suddenly burst into countless magic flashes.

The red dragon, who was silent in the tingling of his whole body, rushed to the nearest with his breath, and intended to attack with a strong bipedal claw. He shook his head and lost the upgraded version of Longwei.

After a lot of battles and training, the dragon with high mental toughness and theoretically able to resist Long Wei, stiff and out of control in an alternative fear aura, was bitten by the red dragon turning his head.

The juvenile red dragon is less than half the size of the dragon, but this steel clamp almost bit the dragon's neck completely.

The magic power of the dense dragon body transformed a huge amount of kinetic energy in the high-frequency explosion. The red dragon who had a faintly enlarged neck and skull, shook his head and threw the two-footed dragon out after hearing the sound of bone fragmentation. He smashed the dense forest in a spiral tumbling, and stopped his twisted body until he shoveled a trench.

Seeing that his animal partner, who was not weak in melee, was crushed in a face-to-face, and Velen's eyes drew in the distance. He almost couldn't help shooting the bow and arrow that was getting heavier and stronger.

But the Red Dragon dragged a string of Debuffs and could still act so sensitively, so that he didn't have much chance of hitting, unless the accumulated power was more, or ... the Red Dragon's ability to change direction was weaker, it is best to stand on the original Let him shoot ...

This idea is not an unrealizable fantasy in the case of a legendary mage as a companion.

The lengthy reading process without any light and shadow effects at the end was finally over. Dior looked at the red dragon in the sky without trying to counter his pre-spells, and then released the magical version of exile.

Exile has magical effects on elements, demons, and other life that are closely related to certain planes, and can be expelled to their hometown easily.

But ordinary banishment is not very useful for the legendary creature that survives independently. However, the banishment released by Dior combines the characteristics of stopping magic for a part of the time. It can temporarily separate the hit from normal time and space and exile to another. In the layer of time and space, depending on the opponent's magic resistance level, decide the return time.

The re-entry of the exiled person into normal time and space is regarded as a state of time cessation, and when he returns, he will come to the origin before exile.

The dragon's magic resistance is generally not low. If you stop the magic with ordinary time, Dior is not confident to use the spells preset in the short pause to effectively kill the red dragon. Conversely, it is effective to use it as a control spell.

After receiving the signal from Dior, and knowing the exact time when the red dragon turned into a ghost and solidified in the air, Weilun took a deep breath and planted the ground deep into the surrounding plants like a fixed battery. The glory of the giant bow shone, and the bowstring pulled by him virtually absorbed the power of plant elements in a wide range.

Similar to Ivey's ability, but far stronger than Ivey's strength, all the plants near the hill shrunk and even showed signs of plant death.

After a round of explosive recharging, Velen's eyes sharpened, and he loosened the bow string woven by countless transparent filaments.

The huge ripples visible to the naked eye exploded from the top of the hill. The broken and broken rock and the branches flying around were solidified in the mid-air, using the slowness of its own staticity to set off the light, which was directed at the red dragon's arrows.

The elite archer's ability to capture timing reaches its peak. The red dragon returns from static time and space, and the dragon's body shadow turns into a substantial moment. The tip of the costly enchanted long arrow just pierces the eye of the red dragon.

In the face of the speeding arrows that suddenly appeared in front of the frame and pointed directly at the nucleus in the brain, even the precise soul of the Red Dragon, which was comparable to a computer, had too much time to think.

The next moment, a huge piece of hot blood exploded in the air to form a huge flower, and the arrows that penetrated all obstacles tore through the sky, broke through the clouds, and disappeared into the sky.

Seeing the mid-air head shell instantly smashed a small half of the red dragon, standing on a fragmented hill covered with huge fissures and protruding roots, backed by the aftermath of the bow and arrow, the back of the severely injured Velen was sinking--through The arrow trajectory of the dragon's head has a significant deflection.

The Red Dragon, who has a certain understanding of the world's time and space structure, mobilizes the magic in his head when the arrow is approaching, and actively reduces the small half of his head in the orbit of the arrow with the mass reduction to avoid being caused by direct hits. The range of kinetic energy impact was expanded.

In the previous research on the body size increase and decrease of mass conversion, the brain and crystal nucleus of the red dragon changed many times. He has recorded the shape of the carrier of his soul long before he improved his observation ability. Naturally, he also changed or transferred the shape and position of the carrier. Try.

With this preparation, the brain was partially blown away without affecting the consciousness of the red dragon. While trying to reduce the flesh that comes in contact with the arrows, he was also using the magic to deflect the space coordinates of the arrows' orbits. In the end, the arrows contained The vast majority of the forces were released into the air.

Partially over the broken head of the brain flower, Honglong swept away the state of Velen with his left eye, confirming that he couldn't immediately turn his attention to this next attack.

"Don't underestimate them, it is much stronger than the people who killed Casa in the future ... almost forced me to give up the killer of Dragon Soul form ..."

The deep micro-control of the direct access to the cells makes countless blood-colored foam appear on the head of the Red Dragon, which is enough to rebuild and repair the severely injured skull of most legendary species in the breath.

Dior, who was reading a difficult maneuver, saw this scene cool down, and then shouted after the red dragon fell on him: "Garrot !!!"

It is the soldier's job to fight against the enemy at the forefront and fight for space and time for his companions.

Before Dior's shout passed to the ground, the former Elven King, who had been shot into the ground by Dior and the Red Dragon in an accident before, had jumped back into shape and shone with red light around his body. With the help of the scale armor, he briefly walked through the air and rushed to the red dragon who hit a circle of air waves in the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two sides that surpassed the speed of sound were opposed to each other. The much smaller silver-haired elf was not weak in sound.

Immediately before the collision, the simple sword that cuts to the red dragon in the elf's hands suddenly exuded a delicate pattern, and its density increased rapidly in the transformation of the huge power hidden inside.

Red Dragon noticed some familiar elemental reactions on the sword, and completed the analysis of this more complex elemental change in an instant. On the basis of the original, he mastered the method of mass filling without changing the body shape to increase the limit density of the material.

The red dragon's magic that applied to his application was transformed in large quantities, and the mass of the dragon's body faintly narrowed rapidly, and then collided with the elf warrior who constantly changed to lock his forward direction.

In the suddenly rising elemental brilliance, the highly squeezed air shattered a large fissure like a solid, and Dior's body not far from the protective barrier trembled, and the bleeding from the corner of the mouth almost interrupted the reading.

"Dragging so many negative states can still gain the upper hand in the frontal collision with the Elven Sword ... It is a terrible monster, if not even ancient war weapons can do nothing about it ..."

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