Uplifting Journey

Chapter 370: The study of paragraph 1 and the twigs of the tree of the world

For Red Dragon, the greatest gain from the promotion of the legendary real name authority is not the enhancement of power that ordinary people care about, but the high-precision, interference-free perception and interference of all things in the world.

In this virtual world, the existence of real-name authority in the form of high-dimensional interference allows the Red Dragon to overcome the nature constraints of elemental matter itself and observe the specific changes between everything intuitively and clearly.

Using this transcendental perspective, combined with the manual and the data of the elven tribe, Red Dragon quickly came up with a localized periodic table of elements with missing content but a complete frame structure, unifying the laws of the operation of elements at the material level.

This means that the Red Dragon has reached a state similar to the dismantling and reorganization of the internal nuclear, and he can arbitrarily create and modify things that do not involve the level of runes and real names.

Although the magic based on the language of runes can easily do this kind of thing, it is not harmful to know more about some things.

The red dragon obsessed with research, relying on the magic of the destiny soul after the promotion of the legend, drastically modified the structure of his already discovered soul and real name, and used the unique environmental magic of the half plane to change out a kind of time-like magic that distorts the time scale. , Pushing my thinking and calculation speed to the limit.

Using magic and mentally expensive time-stop magic to increase the learning time, the behavior of the Red Dragon in the eyes of some aspects of the mage, I am afraid it can be described as heartbroken.

However, the red dragon who understands the law of the elements draws enchantment energy from the elven king city fan lock connected to the half-plane to supplement the magic power. It is not too easy to handle the spiritual level of pressure. For the soul itself is legendary magic, he can also shield and delete it. There are no objective restrictions preventing him from learning.

Huge amount of knowledge was digested and absorbed, and Red Dragon's knowledge of this world continued to evolve. He only consumed the real world for a short time, and greedily accumulated and consumed all the data of the elf family.

The data kept in the file is very representative, but it also means that it is not complete. In the minds of every wizard, there must be more side branch knowledge waiting to be discovered.

The time warp of the half plane was released, and the red dragon returning to the normal rhythm was trying to talk to other elven mages, and suddenly found that the energy source supporting the half plane was cut off, and he could only use his own power without the convenient magic supply pipeline. Prepare to release your magic to stabilize the half plane structure.

At this moment, a familiar magical atmosphere eroded in, took over the support and control of the half plane, and a slender and small figure suddenly appeared beside the red dragon feet that had restored their original appearance.

This is the legendary mage Dior, because the divine interference and intense energy extraction appearing in the half plane shocked Wang Cheng Mi Suo, so he realized that the situation was not right, and hurriedly transmitted.

Dior teleporting into the half plane first looked around vigilantly, then turned his doubts to the Red Dragon, and asked directly, "What are you doing here? The magical enchantment of the entire city is shaken. Now ...

"If it weren't for my hand quickly grabbing control, Master Wang Ting would come to block the door and split you along with the half plane into exile into space and time."

"The countermeasures are so fierce?" Red Dragon embarrassedly described what happened before.

"That dwarf deity?" After hearing what happened before and after the promotion of Red Dragon, Dior frowned a bit with a headache for this Red Dragon who kept tossing about things. "That one should want to be with you when you are promoted. Establish a connection and try to develop you into a god-lover or even a future slave ... "

I knew from the high priest Nadio that the red dragon may be a level outsider with the dragon **** Io. With reference to the current status of the dragon tribe across all planes, the dwarven **** shy to dare to plant the **** directly on the red dragon. Big.

But it is good that it does not develop into a direct conflict with the gods.

Although the speed of the Red Dragon's progress is very high, and the large-scale interference of the gods in the real world is quite limited, Dior does not think that the current Red Dragon has the ability to confront the deities.

Just as soon as the legend is promoted, it can attract the attention of the gods. The entanglement with the red dragon is bound to touch the high-level dangers that many elves don't have to face. It is better to let the uncle leave, but the high priest's prediction. ..

Dior, hesitating for a moment, shifted the topic: "Compared to the power of the gods stored in a little divinity, your previous fierce extraction of Wang Cheng's locked energy is more dynamic. In order to avoid the trouble behind Wang Ting, you better Go see the high priest now, and quickly leave the city and even this plane. "

Red Dragon, who knew a little bit about the prophecy, glanced at Dior, in fact, he was very interested in some of the secret methods and other side knowledge that the Elves did not keep here.

But he has already received too many benefits. If it is too much, it will not be very friendly. Wait a moment to come up with some technical products that the elves can't refuse to trade with them.

Then the figure of the red dragon began to distort and blur, and in the blink of an eye, it became a silver-haired elf with a holy sword on his back. Then he nodded to Dior and directly cracked the mystery of the defense system of the half plane and the elven king city. Already.

After the red dragon disappeared, Dior looked around at the half-face that was damaged everywhere, and couldn't help but sigh slightly-he was better at dealing with the blame on Wang Ting's side than repairing the aftermath.

After all, there is a problem with the identity of the Red Dragon itself. If you change races or even just another dragon species, you have to deal with a lot of things. The grudges between the elven clan and the Red Dragon species cannot be resolved by words in a short while.


The magic fan lock defense system of the Elven King City is extremely meticulous. Even if the Red Dragon peeped at it secretly, there was no way to go without disturbing anyone.

So after teleporting to the three-dimensional street outside the World Tree Shrine group, he switched to walking in and stepping inside.

Although the World Tree Temple has a high status among the elves, in terms of the nature of the elves, there is no such thing as high-cold guarding and no traffic. Red dragons can see sparse elves along the road. Walk around.

However, compared to the guardians on the periphery of the city, some priests wearing uniform white robes here recognized the elven holy sword carried on the back of the red dragon. They were generally aware of the status of these national treasures, and they all showed some surprised expressions, but they did not Who really stepped forward to stop the Red Dragon and asked why it was not in Garlott's hand.

But there must have been a priest who was close to Wang Ting to summon there.

But they have come here, and the Red Dragon is not very concerned about the problem of the holy sword.

Because of the real name-related authority, and a little real deity, the Red Dragon, who has a basic understanding of the gods, was curious about the elaborate world tree beliefs.

From those priests, the Red Dragon did not find any signs of attachment to the real name of the deities like a connection to the faith. These priests are not so much clergy as some special magicians. They usually use magic rather than divine magic.

After continuing to go deeper, Red Dragon saw real juvenile elves. Unlike those juvenile elves seen outside the city of Wang, the original larval form of the elves is not yet large, and it hatched directly from a fruit. .

Meng Meng's larvae are playing with various mini-items on a special wooden table full of hidden magic circles, communicating with each other with meaningless babbles, which looks very interesting.

Although curious about the process of plant fruit to flesh and blood creatures, the red dragon restrained not to touch the most sensitive inverse scale of the elves, and he looked at the newborn elven larva being taken care of by some priests. Continue to move towards the World Tree Temple.

Not far away, the high priest whose temperament is obviously different from that of other elves is standing at the gate of the World Tree Shrine, nodding and smiling at the red dragon approaching slowly, waving his hands sideways as a sign to invite in.

Watching some elves who were curious about the strange behavior of the high priest, the red dragon stepped into the gate of the World Tree Temple.

Then his gaze was drawn to the simple little altar weaved by arabesques in the middle of the hall.

The high priest who activated the isolation and protection of the World Tree Temple and walked in behind the red dragon saw his heart move slightly, tentatively walked forward to the altar and turned his silver-haired elf back to him and asked, "You can see the altar Is the branch of the world cricket? "

"The branches of the world tree?" The red dragon groaned and shook his head. "I can't see it, but there is a kind of induction from the real name that tells me something is here."

"That is also a sign that the World Tree is willing to let you perceive," the high priest walking to the altar smiled. "Our elves only the priests of all ages can vaguely see the outline of that sacred thing. You really are a Special existence. "

The Red Dragon glanced strangely at the high priest: "Don't you think that the World Tree is the world itself that carries thousands of planes? Do you believe in its own will? And a world puts a part of its body in its own body, Don't you think this is strange? "

"As long as you come into contact with the revelation of the young branch of the tree of the world and indirectly witness its great posture, you will not doubt it ..." The high priest sighed, "As for why it exists in this form, It ’s not something I can understand and understand. "

"You and Diaw really have a very different perspective on the branches of the world tree. Unfortunately, my concept is closer to Dior."

The red dragon shook his head, and then coldly said, "The high priest of the elven tribe, are you willing to let go of the resistance on the soul level, let me see what the branches of the world in your eyes look like and the enlightenment it brings?"

For the red dragon who uses soul magic as a legendary talent, it is not difficult to analyze a soul of life and learn all its memory and thinking. Even if the person being analysed is unwilling, he can get the soul core around his real name. All information except.

Neither the law of the elements nor the power of the real name can find the objective existence of the branch of the world. The Red Dragon is curious about this magical thing, but the high priest would not easily agree with his indirect observation method.

After all, this kind of thing is extremely sinister for normal life-that means that in addition to life and death, even memory and personality are dominated and played by others at will, as long as the other party has a bit of evil thoughts, they will be distorted. A lifelong obedience.

For most of the strong in this world, twisting the mind is a far more terrifying threat than death—refer to those guys who are angry at the gods but are “persuaded” to convert to the gods in a blink of an eye.

When most intelligent life chooses faith, it is necessary to see if the doctrine of the gods does not conform to his three views, right? This kind of forced distortion of the mind will never be liked by anyone with an IQ online.

Although there is no malicious intention in his heart, Red Dragon still knows too much about his proposal, but the world tree branch looks very critical, and he can only use some of the current accumulated data to prepare for the current stage. The technology that can be developed is traded with the high priest--

For example, the elven mother tree transformation scheme that can increase the reproduction speed of the elven population, the magic furnace that draws energy from the torrent of inert elements in the background and other things.

In terms of scientific research, with the soul core carefully constructed by the quantum avatar cluster, Red Dragon has enough confidence no matter in which world. His ability to expand unknown and technical products based on known knowledge is that the current scientific research and production system is still in the The elves of hand-crafted workshops are unimaginable.

The elven mother tree transformation plan still stays on paper theory, but the magic furnace is prepared by Red Dragon to equip itself. The previous analysis of the internal source of power of the ancient war tree has come up with a framework. After obtaining the knowledge about the real name, the final element There is no obstacle to the transformation of energy into the magic of life.

However, to the surprise of the Red Dragon, the high priest only smiled peacefully, and immediately nodded and agreed to the excessive request of open soul defense.

——Pure prophecy can make the high priest pay such deep trust? Or did his bottomless power make him choose to yield?

Although Red Dragon had some doubts about the reason for such a decision by the high priest ~ www.readwn.com ~, in any case, such a choice of life and personality deserves his respect.

The silent red dragon raised his arm, and the countless slightly indistinguishable words of runes entangled in his hand, and disappeared as soon as his index finger reaching for the forehead of the high priest was lightened.

Facing the high priest who opened his soul, the Red Dragon did not touch the deep secrets of his soul, but merely separated the high priest's perception channels according to the soul structure read out by his legendary mechanical mind and magic.

The power of magic and real names erodes the soul, infects nerves, and usurps facial features. Using the eyes of the high priest, the red dragon saw the silhouette of the translucent unstable branch on the altar.

To be precise, the red dragon captured the trace left by the unknown disturbance in the high priest's soul perception channel.

At the moment of seeing the shape of a branch with a few emerald green leaves, among the deepest cores of the Red Dragon soul, an interface that could not be touched by any external force was lightly touched before twisting and breaking the Red Dragon soul.

That's the hint of a cluster of quantum avatars that grows in the infinite world and time-this branch is why some elven magician will be stared at by the infinite master in the future.

But even if there is no reminder, the Red Dragon knows that this thing is not easy, because the branch seen by the high priest and the staff used by the reserve God Eater he saw in the space-time corridor are exactly the same except for the absence of a spar.

Some unexpected red dragons sighed inwardly: "Similar to the relic fragments, or the things involving high-dimensional interference in the SCP world containment ... the original Lord of Infinity is not focusing on that elf, but The branch of the world tree in that elven ... "8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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