Uplifting Journey

Chapter 377: Dragon Warlock Family and Dragon Crash Conflict

The bulging mountains and the not-so-broad rivers form a nearly vertical line. At the intersection of these two lines, the mountains cut off a huge gap. A city that has experienced a century of wind and frost is built in this gap.

河流 The river passing through the mountains is close to 90 degrees cliffs on one side, and rugged city walls and messy docks on the other.

At the moment when the sky's light was gradually dim and the night was approaching, the brightly lit wharf was empty on weekdays.

As the sky grew deeper and the shadows of different contours began to sporadically appear in the sparse woods on the side of the mountain, gradually wandering near the city that glowed a little light in the night.

This bustling city can be placed in the middle of the back of the first-class ancient city on this continent. In a castle that is isolated from the outside by a towering wall, several bonfires surround a small square between the castle and the inner city wall. Burning.

Even though servants kept adding fuel to the bonfire, the square still seemed a bit cold in the cold wind, and in the middle of this small square, which is more flat than other places, a naked young man named Angel Lying there in large letters, his unfocused pupils stared at the gloomy sky quietly.

The complicated ritual is slowly under the auspices of brightly-dressed humans around.

Suddenly, the dull sound came along with the faint trembling on the ground. Angell turned his eyes slightly in several sharp screams, and saw a box dumped on the side of the square by the trolley that was pushed over. The shiny metal and precious stones of the human eye fell to the ground.

That's a huge fortune, equivalent to the city's balance of one or two years, and there are still many same boxes on the trolley.

Sensitive Anger, even heard the sound of some people drooling around the square under the greed.

The sound of whipping came with the hum of the servant, and Angel regained his sight from the property that was gradually being removed from there, looking at the other side of the body.

On the ground not far from the left hand, an irregular and tough square plate twisted and fused by many black dragon scales is placed there in a ring of many lines converging.

Between the strange object and Angel, there are thin grooves connecting them in the gap between the runes and lines.

Looking at the strange object passed down by his ancestors, there was any complicated emotion in Angel's eyes, but he was suppressed by inexplicable power in an instant.

安 When Angell sighed silently and turned his eyes back to the sky, there was a commotion and noise outside the castle walls. There were several entrances and exits of the castle, and it seemed that the whole city was astonished.

If you turn your eyes to the side of the city facing the upper reaches of the river, you can see an extremely chaotic scene-a vicious beast, a goblin with a simple weapon, and a cannibal with a small tree magic...

Various creatures came out of the sparse forest, and chased each other while rushing towards the city, and even mixed with some human figures shrouded in hazy darkness.

"Did it finally begin?" Hearing the faint roar from outside the city, Angel knew that the city was about to face a crisis that hadn't happened for a century.

As a member of the sorcerer family that controls the city, even though the bloodline is not high, Angel is still aware of information that some civilians cannot know.

The wave of monster corps outside Lucheng City appeared after a sudden natural disaster in the distance.

At first, only a large number of fleeing creatures searched for food everywhere, and unknowingly approached the mountains in the opposite direction of the natural disaster. However, there seemed to be followers of evil gods participating in them to induce them with evil spells, and finally created the danger facing the city now. .

If replaced with monsters of this level decades ago, there would be no way out of this city where Dragon Warlocks sit.

But as the bloodline gradually became thinner in the lineage, the warrior family members who became crazy in their minds did some less secure experiments, which caused the family members of that generation to suffer heavy losses. The strength of the family itself has deteriorated in recent years.

By the time of Angel's generation, except for a little physical and sensory improvement, even the one with the weakest bloodlines had not even awakened a spell-like ability, let alone other dragon vein powers.

Such a family is indeed quite powerless in the face of the monster army mingled with violence and conspiracy outside the city-the other party even tried to block their channels for foreign aid.

But Anger doesn't have to worry too much, because before the crisis hit him, maybe he was already dead--

As the sacrifice of the ritual currently held in the small square, he will be drawn from the blood to condense a trace of dragon vein essence, combined with a contract uploaded by the ancestor to generate invisible resonance, and try to use a large amount of wealth as a reward to call the real giant Long.

If it ’s not the strongest warlock in the family, it ’s weak. As a result, the cast ability is insufficient to use the blood sacrifice to gather them together. In fact, Angel does not need to lie on the ground as a sacrifice.

Regarding the near end of life, Angel had no resentment in his heart—the warlock family was chaotic in all aspects for a little blood purity.

His personality is incompatible with the chaos of other generations. In addition, the purity of blood is low. Life on weekdays may not be much better than that of civilians in outer cities, and it is subject to various blood tests. What a terrible word.

Sacrifice In this ritual held to protect the city, maybe it is a good thing ... Although there is no deity in the belief, his soul is destined to be broken and washed in the soul mother river.

As for whether this "voluntary" sacrifice comes from the true thoughts in his heart, Angle cannot know--

In order to avoid the loss of blood and exodus, the Warlock family has everything to do with the control of the clan. From the psychic hint to the control of all kinds of magical abilities and props of mankind, how can a waste wood without magic ability have the opportunity to generate the idea of ​​resistance?

The aimlessly distracted attention was suddenly reunited with a stimulus of pain. Anger tilted his head, but the patriarch in a gorgeous robe cut a blood vessel in his hand with a ritual dagger, letting Wen Hot blood flowed along the groove, gradually connecting with the contract wonders.

Angel's body and the law array under him light up a little light, the pale-haired patriarch with a faint enthusiasm standing at the node beside Angel, preside over the operation of the law array.

The chief of the Dai clan stared at the dragon scale wonders not far away. This article carrying the dragon contract held all his hopes.

As long as everything goes well, then the city that can bring huge wealth can be preserved. His dragon veins that preside over the magic circle will be activated a little bit, and even ... if he finds a way to get a little dragon blood essence from the summoned dragon, then he even has Make sure that the family is restored to its strongest state during the ancestor period.

In the face of these ambitious goals, what is the impure direct descendant of Angel?

I didn't even look at the blood-sucking, long-aged-old relatives who were lying a little bit older. The warlock patriarch silently meditated on the family secrets that only he knew, and activated the Dragon contract with the help of Angel's blood.

A complex magic reaction is generated inside the dragon scale miracle that operates automatically. It carries intangible signals such as plane coordinates, transaction contents and other information, and gradually spreads on the real name level through Angel's soul.

Angela, who was a little bit engulfed in spirit, saw a dark dragon shadow turning around in the chaotic colors, and seemed to smell a bit of sourness and stench between his nose and nose.

But in a blink of an eye, the picture was occupied by a blurred sea of ​​stars. A flame-like red dragon shadow flew towards him, occupying his eyes almost instantly, as if hitting him directly. .

Anger, who was violently stimulated, turned back suddenly. He covered his head with a severe headache and screamed and rolled, feeling that his body seemed to be pinched and pinched by a giant. It was painless everywhere, and his ears were all in one piece. Chaos roar.

The short and terrible dragon groan flickered in the roar, and then the surrounding vibrations gradually calmed down, leaving only a part of the castle's fragmented wall still falling to pieces.

There was a low smoke in the square where the bonfire was blown by the storm, and the servants on the edge of the square trembled slowly from the ground, almost everyone stared at the center of the square and held their breath, afraid to emit too much. the sound of.

The warrior patriarch who exudes light and magical brilliance in his entire body shows his face in the square squarely. He hesitated immaculately, and then silently muttered a few words, raised his hand to release a soft but coherent breeze to disperse the surrounding smoke and dust.

After the smoke and dust had dispersed, a slender figure gradually came up in a pit full of spider webs in the square.

The unlit torches around the castle illuminate this slender outline in the dark, and anyone who can see the other person's appearance can't help breathing.

A humanoid creature with soft long hair and slender pointed ears, her thin and light clothes outline the sloppy curves, and she looks extremely delicate and beautiful with every move.

Any human ornament seems superfluous to this figure, as long as you look at the other person, you will see a natural and harmonious forest.

The warlock patriarch bit the tip of his tongue, stimulating himself with pain to seduce himself from the magical charm. He recalled the family record and mumbled: "This natural will test is the spiritual infestation of the legendary powerhouse. ,strange..."

The Warlock patriarch knows his main goal of operating the contract summoning. In order to reduce the cost and difficulty, he tries to limit the summoning goal to the king of poisonous marshes that he knows, exists in the plane, and is related to their family.

Before that, he did get feedback from the black dragon and saw its figure, but he did n’t know what was happening at the later stage of the call. The black dragon's figure flickered away, and there was a fierce collision like a meteorite on the ground, and ... what's wrong with this woman whose temperament is obviously wrong?

While the Warlock patriarch still had some time to think, the sharp-eared woman out of the pit stopped and whispered softly while raising the short bow in her hand to add preset magic to it.

Anger, who was lying nearby, curled up weakly with her hands and feet, trying to cover her body in front of this goddess-like figure, and heard the pleasant voice in her ear. She seemed to be constantly switching between two intonations, using unknown Language is talking to itself--

"According to the adults, this is a collision? But it's true ... Either the white dragon or the black dragon. Does the adult's family hate it so much?"

莱 "Lacey ... don't forget, Teacher Dior said that the guy you follow is not a real dragon, and historical records have shown what kind of race the dragon is."

"Ivy ... I'm not following, it's us."


After humming, the elf turned his gaze and looked at Angel, who was naked and curled up there, despite the serious blood loss, but still trying to cover his body.

"Master Casa needs to take a moment to study the environmental parameters of different planes, then ..." the wizard Lacey raised his hand to release a magic to stop Angel and asked him, "Are you the one who started the contract? I can help the adult fulfill the contract first. "

After a pause, he looked at the inexplicable look on the pale face of the other person, and the elf Lacey, who closed his short bow on his back, patted him. "Yeah, the language is incomprehensible ..."

The language problem is not a big problem for the legendary soul mage Lacey. She immediately found the universal soul language from the memory, and used her own soul line combined with the real name talent to join Angel's soul. The previous words were repeated on his soul.

I do n’t know if the ritual happened unexpectedly or the woman in front of her moved her hands. Angell felt that some kind of mentality had been cut a lot. After listening to this woman named Lacey, he immediately realized It was a rare opportunity to get him out of the blood of his family.

However, the warlock patriarch on the side has come to him, and he spoke loudly to Anger, who did not understand the Dragon, and tried to negotiate with Lacey. At the same time, he glanced at Anger secretly, and started to control the engraved magic pattern on him Up his actions.

However, the soul line that has integrated many magical effects has spread, covering the souls of everyone around it in an invisible network. Lacey can read these people's thinking activities and some active memory fragments without words.

As the Warlock patriarch approached, Lacey looked around to reveal a stunned expression, and then she shook her head slightly with a hint of disgust:

"Human souls are so ... dirty? Forget it, in terms of the form of soul activity, our elves are actually similar, but there is a wide gap in the depth of choice between inclination and instinct ..."

Between Lacey's thoughts, the soul line transformed by the legendary destiny magic showed substantial physical interference. Except for Angle, who was not distorted, everyone near the square, along with the characters and weapons prepared to ambush in the castle. He was easily suppressed by Lacey.

Subconsciously launch magic items on his body and prepare to use the colorful light shining around the warrior warrior's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the blink of an eye, the invisible thin line follows the magic operation loophole to break through, and then his body and soul also Pierced by the line of soul, all power and spirit are tightly locked.

After subduing these humans with various negative thoughts, the soul thread was woven into a thick bowstring at the foot of Lacey, and it was thrown into the sky in the way she was most used to growing up.

Pedaled on the invisible string string that appeared at any time in the sky and stretched tightly, Lacey turned into a residual image and flickered to the periphery of the city, and fell lightly on the top of the tallest tower in the city wall.

Ignoring the soldiers screaming in horror next to each other, Lacey, who has solidified her perception and expansion of magic, observes the army of monsters in order in the dim environment: "The contract transaction with adults is to solve these guys? It ’s simple ...

不过 "But organized monsters siege ... Do you know at a glance that many creatures are natural enemies? Obviously who is doing something."

A figure in the monster group shrouded in a wide black robe noticed something. He raised his head and quickly met the glances of the elves. Then he couldn't help but whispered, "Damn, where is this?" A pop-up legend? "

"I found it." Lacey blinked in front of her eyes, then she leaped forward, and landed in the monster pile across the sky after a 360-degree spin.

The invisible soul line spread like a serpent. From Goblin to the ogre, all the monsters around Lacey were in a daze for a moment, and then turned their bloodthirsty eyes to their allies ...


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