Uplifting Journey

Chapter 389: Environmental change trends and novices who have never been absent

In the astral space where structure and form can only be described by mathematical language, a giant red dragon with a length of nearly 300 meters hovering there quietly with open wings.

The red dragon in the demigod realm has broken through the common sense that the dragons classify by age. After obtaining higher domain knowledge and mysteries from real gods, the dragon body, which is the strongest weapon and tool of the red dragon, has once again ushered in an upgrade and revision. The improvement in their ability in all aspects far exceeds the increase in length.

The elves with crimson dragon pupils are extremely small on the back of the soaring red dragon, which is almost impossible to find at first glance.

The demigod's consciousness has gradually begun to shift to the level of the godhead. When Cheng Bin was driving this huge red dragon body through the godhead and his real name, he had a bit of memory to support the feeling of driving various versions of the war body.

Looking at the constantly changing and distorted space around his body, Cheng Bin said with emotion: "The warp and extension of the space dimension on the astral side is really fierce ... I do n’t know what astral travel looks like in the eyes of other life, it is really hard to imagine There will be life that instinctively feels able to move here. "

Probably the kind of life in this activity is similar to the human who raises his hand by feeling in the inner area. Most people do n’t know how many complicated processes the hands raise from thought to action, and they do n’t know this complicated The ability is engraved into the gene by how many years of accumulation and coincidence ...

From this point of view, as long as the laws of the world can provide matching conditions, it is possible for humans to control life with strange powers like humans' hands and feet, even if there is no behind-the-scenes fine-handed control of that world.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for such a natural and extraordinary person to appear in a legal environment similar to that in the inner region.

Along the four-dimensional channel at the intersection of the planes, the red dragon moving along the torrent of elements soon reached the first plane after leaving the dwarf city.

However, instead of staying here, or even deepening into the plane barrier, he adjusted the spatial changes around his body and continued to move in the direction of the torrent of elements towards the next plane.

Compared to the kind of astral teleportation of the first experiment, it is very convenient and fast to cross the plane along the channel of the elementary torrent, regardless of the difficulty or efficiency.

The only trouble is that you can only choose one element associated with the plane to advance the torrent current. If you want to use this method to parallel the plane on the venation, you have to go forward step by step to find the nodes that are connected. Switch the venation and then go retrograde. For one lap, in this case, it is more efficient to directly jump to the astral teleport.

Bu Chengbin's goal is the trunk area of ​​the World Tree where all the contexts converge, so he just has to drag along the current channel.

Cheng Bin, who has learned some divine skills, can already control his influence on the soul of the devout believer, so he set off to upgrade Lacey ’s body by hand and upgraded some precision functional modules involving real names, so as to improve her strength and improve the star power. The ability to travel in the world has greatly increased, and it is easy to avoid "motion sickness".

Lacey was a bit mentally uncomfortable with various organ reforms in her body, but Ivey looked more open. She thinks that although the style of the reform is a bit problematic, it is essentially the same as those born naturally. Or there is no difference in the rune moire inscribed the day after tomorrow, as a magic special effect.

Because of the unstable time scale difference caused by the spatial distortion, Cheng Bin did not know the speed of time passing in the plane during his flight. Judging from the biological clock independently timing in his body, he probably flew to the dwarf side with the sun and moon. For about half a day.

It is estimated that the red dragon wings that are close to the destination are shocked, and they break away from the four-dimensional element channel in the suddenly disordered space, jump to the six-dimensional level of the astral space, and overlook the starlight that is everywhere, and then follow the curls again. The space plunged into the torrent of elements.

Lacey, startled by the sudden action of the red dragon, returned from meditation. After glancing at the chaotic dimension outside the stable space around the red dragon, she patted the red-red dragon scale larger than her head. Asked, "What's wrong? Did it arrive so soon? Didn't the dwarven shrine say it would take a long time?"

"Maybe my car skills are too good," Honglong turned his neck and looked at the small point on his back, and smiled casually. "There is another way to verify the distance-do you feel any physical problems? Is there a lag in magic operation? "

Lacey lowered her head to find out the line of soul, and randomly extracted a little elemental energy from the red dragon scale armor she was sitting on. After practicing several types of magic tricks at hand, she looked up and said, "No."

"No," Ivey, sitting on Lacey's shoulder, frowned and looked at a flower in her palm that was born with magic. "My magical operation has been obviously negatively affected, and I can feel Lacey in you. There are minor changes to some permanent magic, and you should double check. "

"Oh ..." Lacey, who was so good at her, took a closer look at the operation of the power system that she had imitated by the Red Dragon, and then hesitantly said, "The changes in the elements motivated by magic and runes did become ... well, should Is it said that inertia has risen?

"But the response caused by the material nature of the element itself has not been affected, and there is no problem with the change of the element directly controlled by the power of the real name of the soul. No wonder I didn't realize it before ... Is this ..."

After observing the details of the changes inside the body of Lacey and Ivy, the red dragon retracted his eyes and turned his head to face the front, and at the same time nodded slightly: "Is it different in the realm of strength, this should be the field type brought by the increase in elemental torrent density Influence, there are also reasons for the element properties to gradually change after flowing through many planes.

"Looking at the plane close to the trunk of the world in this way, the gravity derived from elementary torrents should also rise to some extent.

"This trend of change should become more and more obvious as we move forward. At the focal point where the torrents of thousands of elements converge and the core of the world's tree trunk, this suppression will reach its peak."

Lacey nodded his face suddenly, thanked the Red Dragon and said thankfully: "No wonder the direction of the previous body transformation was a bit strange, and the function and efficiency of some rune formations have been weakened. It was originally to avoid The damage caused by this suppression. "

"Yes," Cheng Bin also took a moment to look at his red dragon's body that has not been adaptively adjusted to maintain the speed of the astral travel. "Our kind of solidified rune arrays on the body and use magic to support the running life In that environment, the operation of power will be strongly suppressed ...

"If this suppression affects the core system of power operation and even threatens our lives, it is necessary to change the key aspects of subsistence to be maintained by the real name or the nature of the element itself."

According to the prompt, Lacey took a closer look at the complex operating system in her body, and soon found the corresponding control points. Then she suddenly thought of something and covered her mouth with a sullen smile and said to Red Dragon: "What about you? do?

"If the gravity and suppression effects are too strong over there, will your body be affected more strongly? Look at this trend. Changes like deformation are the most affected by magic, second only to plastic energy. Magic, would you be crushed to death by your own weight? The first demigod in history to be crushed by your own weight, haha ​​... "

Cheng Bin glanced sideways and glanced at the elf on his back who smiled and trembled. He didn't think he smiled and calmly replied: "The magic classification of the magic net is a good overview of the changes of runes and magic. But a lot of places are stiff and inaccurate ... I will adjust my body structure in advance ...

"Although my dragon body, which also serves as a computer, laboratory, tool, and weapon, has many core systems to maintain, but relying on the real name power that is completely liberated by the demigod realm, there will be no major problems after adjustment. Non-destructive space-time magic will in turn receive high-intensity field gains like gravity, and there are still many ways to bypass suppression damage. "

I do n’t know what picture I was thinking of for a while. Lacey saw that the Red Dragon was not stubborn. She nodded and said yes, then she simply made a soul contact with the Red Dragon through the connection of faith, borrowed huge computing power from him, and meditated At the same time, the control method of body and strength under high pressure environment was deduced.

After all, for lives like Lacey and Red Dragon that solidify a large number of abilities, improper control without adapting to the environment is not a matter of how much power can be exerted, but rather a serious problem of whether arms and legs will be damaged Already.

The journey resumed calmness, and Ivey, sitting on Lacey's shoulder, hooked her obviously affected magic and supported the body of her friend in meditation.

She glanced at Lacey, who was constantly changing in breath, and looked at her miniature body that was temporarily present, depressed. Lacey is getting stronger and stronger, but she has not become a legend. If this gap cannot be closed, she There is no way to strike a balance and regain independence from Lacey.

Although maintaining a deep connection to the negative distance, Ivey does not feel any discomfort, but in the past her strength and intelligence have always been stronger than Lacey, and now the feeling of catching up is really complicated.

——Would you like to accept the help of the Red Dragon, directly and independently improve the physical basic ability and increase the chance of promotion? I always feel a little reconciled ... or further strengthen the connection, build a real-name contract, deepen the unity, and achieve an alternative equilibrium, it is also good, at least the strength is in place ...

After Ivy struggled for a period of time, the Red Dragon suddenly stopped flying in the changing time and space. After observing the overall situation of the astral plane again in the high-dimensional space probe, he sneaked all the way deep into the nearest plane.

Soon, the red dragon detached from the torrent level of the element crossed the plane barrier and plunged into the blue ocean that suddenly appeared.

The waves and splashes caused by the violent collision hit Lacey's face. After entering the plane, she lay on the red dragon and blinked. She first looked at the situation of Ai Wei who was disintegrated into her body. Then, with some strenuous hands, he supported the Red Dragon Scale Armor and climbed up: "It's heavy ... Is this the main plane?"

After all, gravity is just a manifestation of elemental characteristics. It can be offset or controlled through various methods. Lacey, who has real name power and magic power, did not take much time to overcome abnormal gravity when she was prepared. She adjusted her body and recovered quickly. Normal mobility.

The body is flashing with various magical brilliance, and the red dragon tangled with dense rune chains is silent, and the huge dragon body floating on the sea is like an island.

After a while, Cheng Bin slowly completed the preliminary body adjustment.

"It is really troublesome, but after one experience, the variables summarized are incorporated into the body management and control system, and it will not be so long next time."

The Red Dragon slowly floating away from the sea turned around and looked around, and then said to Lacey: "This is not yet the main plane, but a little bit more to enter the focus area around the main plane, first in the periphery here It's better to get used to trimming. "

Lacey nodded, raised her hand to care for the hair disturbed by the water, but found that when she touched her head, she was a tree. She turned her eyes and saw a small scalp with fragmented black hair in her palm. .

Lacey, who had been stimulated by blood with her pupils shrunk, suddenly burst out with a large number of soul lines sweeping around, but found no abnormalities.

Cheng Bin, who was aware of Lacey's encounter through belief connection, strengthened his protection and turned around to observe the dragon head.

Looking at the scales that he had contacted with seawater before, Cheng Bin thought about it, lowered his suspension height, lowered his head, took a sip of seawater, and then nodded, "It ’s a problem with the composition of water elements. This plane is all except barrier boundaries This water with corrosive assimilation effect, and there is magic in the water ...

"It's really dark under the lights, because the scale of the magic is too huge and full of eyes, but I don't notice this anomaly."

In the red dragon's spreading defense system, Lacey covered her head and used a spell to heal his wounds. Then he used the power transformed by the soul line to pick up a sea of ​​seawater out of nowhere, and found that the water remained after leaving the sea. It keeps the azure color, which has nothing to do with light, and is owned by water itself.

"Magic power? Isn't it only life? Can't you say ..." Watching the azure water group gradually gelatinize and faintly have a tendency to spontaneously move after leaving the ocean ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lacey's face changed slightly , Thought of a horrible possibility.

At this moment, the distant sea level began to rise little by little, gradually forming a blue wall that seemed to prop up the sky.

Watching the seemingly slow and fast covering tsunami in the distance, Cheng Bin nodded his head and said, "It seems to be your‘ Do you say ’that the miracle of life in this world ’s environment ...

"No wonder that the positioning of this plane is so accurate and suitable for the card around the main plane. It turned out to be fishing ..."

As the tsunami was approaching, the entire plane seemed to tremble, and the water in the waters around the red dragon and the elves changed into a thick fluid, as if to cater to the massive tsunami that began to rise.

In front of the boundless blue, Cheng Bin looked at his in-depth observations and shook his head and sighed:

"A mythical slime that swallowed up all the foreign objects and occupied the entire plane? Hey, the start of the heroic plane adventure really doesn't lack newbies ..."

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