Uplifting Journey

Chapter 394: Dazzling color camp aura and spree from the gods

Cheng Bin has heard from Morrigan that some gods who have mastered some destiny forces are very interested in him.

In Morrigan's mouth, the gods who noticed his existence have not had much movement for the time being because they are concerned about the identity of the red dragon he is currently attached to, and the unspeakably strong dragon **** Io behind the dragons. attitude.

As for the dignified forging and the furnace **** who recklessly passed over and spurred back ... Considering the face of the gods, Cheng Bin did not discuss with Morrigan in this aspect.

One plane is a starlight crystal, and the world made up of thousands of stars is called a crystal wall system by some insiders, and the creator of the Dragon tribe is an existence from outside the crystal wall system.

It also comes from outside the crystal wall system, and also bears the form of the Dragon tribe. It is impossible to say that other gods have not doubted that there is some connection between Cheng Bin and the dragon **** Io.

In this world ruled by the gods, it is not uncommon to cross the crystal wall system in the long history, but there are only a few that have the ability to actively cross the crystal wall system.

Cheng Bin, the red dragon, is obviously such a person with an unknown powerful force.

The behavior pattern of the dragon **** Io has been roughly understood by the gods in a long time, and the appearance of Cheng Bin is a new and huge variable for the gods who have been planning for a long time to prepare for the alternation of the epoch. .

So after waiting for a while, some of the gods started to act and tried to contact him. Cheng Bin was not surprised.

It's just that this way of contact made Cheng Bin somewhat strange.

"Say hello to me on behalf of the Source of the Holy Light ..."

Cheng Bin whispered a careful look at the vigilant young samurai not far away, and the shadow of the angel hovering behind him.

The so-called source of the holy light is actually a synonym for the core of order-sharing shared power.

The holy light and its various powers, aside from the interference of divine power, are similar to the venom blood infused into the incarnation of the demi-god vampire Reinhardt in terms of elemental structure and magical properties.

That is a highly targeted form of energy. It is terrifyingly poisonous for the existence of magical spirits impregnated with evil spiritual traits. Among them, a certain type of orderly inverse entropy Holy Light variant and the chaotic demonic power that Cheng Bin encountered before Can be called natural enemies.

After going through the characteristics of the power of the Holy Light System and the operation form in his heart, Cheng Bin's eyes penetrated the barrier of solidified magic and personal magic in the young saint warrior, and observed the process of thinking activities in his soul.

The young paladin, Arthur, who was watched by the Red Dragon, didn't know that his thoughts had been seen through. He relied on the blessings of mental divine arts, struggling to think about countermeasures and conducted a round of prayer in a short time.

Relying on the sheer sacred light and quantity and quality that are astounded by many predecessors, they can fight against an evil red dragon that transcends the realm of legend. Arthur, who has not yet taken the path of legend, is not without any victory. hope--

The premise is that this guy in front of him is like most ordinary red dragons. He is not good at magic and does not like to use magic.

After a round of silent prayer, the glow of Arthur's white armor turned bright, one by one the magic fixed on the body and the armor was activated, and the rounds of increasing physical strength and strengthening resistance perception were shrouded. His body and mind.

In a very short period of time, Arthur, who had applied all kinds of powerful buffs, held the hilt of the large sword behind him, and still did not pull it out.

Although Arthur has a high affinity for the Holy Light, he can get a lot of divine feedback every time he prays close to the saints of the gods, but after all, he has insufficient realm, and there is a limit to the power he can exert ...

Even if he used the technique of descending with great side effects, he did not have the confidence to control the situation and not affect the innocent.

Arthur, who was facing the red dragon who was staring at him in front of him, looked at the flow of people in the vicinity who was still walking normally with some doubts—

The potential pressure coming from the Red Dragon is obviously increasing. His hand holding the sword is almost like a torch, but the pedestrians around him seem to be blinded collectively, without even realizing it. Abnormal atmosphere, not to mention the initiative to escape.

This weird situation is naturally interfered by the master of soul magic.

Cheng Bin also glanced at the pedestrians who ignored the situation of the two under the disturbance of his own soul. He felt the thinking circuit of constant sacrifices in the saint warrior's heart. He shook his head with a chuckle and a flash came to the saint warrior. .

Arthur's reaction speed is not slow under the blessing of many divine magics, but in front of Cheng Bin, who specially enhanced the space-time magic after entering the main plane, he only had time to turn his eyes and was slaped by Cheng Bin on his head. .

Under the meticulous control of the silver-haired elf, the saint warrior ’s divine magic system, which is full of light around him, is analyzed layer by layer by the delicate magic. At any time, the magic of various subtle rune arrays to release the magic of the spell penetrates all protections in a blink of an eye. , In conjunction with thinking interference, gently touched the divine art related to space-time defense.

There was a sudden flower in front of Arthur's eyes, and the flow of people around him disappeared instantly. The avenue under his feet also switched to a pure white cloud.

The instinct formed by long-term exercise allowed Arthur to complete the smooth movement of sword drawing and slashing in the space upheaval. However, he only slashed the holy light sword to the cold wind at high altitude, and his spirit still did not return from shock and blankness--

It can be immune to mazes and even advanced magical protections that stop in time. In the face of this compulsory space transfer, it has not played any role.

The next moment, Arthur was restored with a little slack spirit. He stepped on the clouds under his feet-this vast white cloud was flowing and undulating, but the faint thin edge was easy to carry like a hard stone He was covered in armor.

The Angel Wings will be able to provide a certain flying and realm home. The art of magic will not be released. Arthur tempted to take two steps to adapt to the unique balance of the terrain, and temporarily let go of his concerns about the undulating "earth".

A shadow twisted and expanded in front, Arthur looked up at the sun, and saw a huge red figure gradually covering the sun.

Cheng Bin, who no longer covers the body of the red dragon, stretched his wings lazily--

Maintaining a high level of deformation in the environment of the main plane, for someone like him who likes to install various inscriptions in his body, it still takes some energy to maintain, but the body of the red dragon carries him to this place. All the research accumulated after the world, even a dragon scale has preserved the research results of cracking the dragon's natural magic pattern. He would not give up changing his body shape easily.

In front of the huge and unusually red dragon, Arthur was almost like rice grains under human feet, and looked very small and pathetic.

——Ignore the magic power of the magic protection ... No old red dragon will have such a terrible figure ... Is today my day to go to the kingdom of God?

With his head raised to almost ninety degrees, Arthur could see the angular jaw of the red dragon. He took two deep breaths and was ready to die in his heart.

But as a believer in the God of justice and courage, even if he died, he had to die on the charge.

In the sigh of the illusory angel, an inexplicable impulse runs through Arthur who witnessed the body of the red dragon, and his intense and fanatical emotions such as mission, justice, and sacrifice occupy his soul like an explosion.

The light flashed in Arthur's eyes holding the sword with both hands, and behind him, a pair of wings of light suddenly extended in the burst of strong light. He lowered the sword to his knees and bent slightly, tearing the air as the wings flew forward. .

But just two steps out, Arthur's pupils shrank, his soul suddenly calmed down as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water, and at the same time, he saw his wings flapping in the twisted clouds and stopped unexpectedly. Figure.

Originally prepared, a series of special divine magic against evil attributes will be released, all stuck in the hands of Arthur, originally planned to use a variety of weakening and amplification of divine magic to fight the strongest breaking evil cut operation has not yet begun Has died.

At the same time, Arthur launched the solidification magic in his eyes. The gaze originating from order and justice will apply advanced detection of evil to all targets in front of him. The evil targets that are identified and marked will have their body composition and magic characteristics analyzed. , And was targeted by a series of follow-up chain spells, and finally cooperated with the magic power gathered on Arthur's Great Sword to complete the final blow.

However, Arthur's eyes did not represent the dark and aura of evil.

The red dragon swept by the detected divine magic did not have any spirits at first, but after a round of rainbow-like multicolored light flashed, its huge body was enveloped by a bright and pure light.

It was purer than any paladin that Arthur had ever seen, and represented a light of order and kindness.

The power from the Holy Light cannot hurt such beings.

Arthur, whose abilities are almost exclusively used to judge the evil one, his hands holding the big sword are trembling-the magic is deceived? Or am I doing something wrong? What happened to the two extreme changes in the soul before?

When Arthur was standing still, the huge red dragon examined the magic light of the body around him and nodded thoughtfully, and then the dragon wings that could almost obscure Arthur's vision waved gently.

Barely flat sea of ​​clouds was suddenly distorted and reshaped. Where Arthur stood, he was squeezed back and raised. He stabilized his body during the sudden change, and found that he had been placed in a place where he could see the red dragon. Position of the complete contour of the upper body.

The huge red dragon, even if the neck is lowered and stretched a little far apart, makes Arthur feel a sense of oppression in front of him.

Red Dragon looked at the paladin who was placed on the peak of Baiyun, and whispered like a thunderous thunder, and whispered to him using the universal language of the soul: "Detection of evil magic is quite interesting ...

"The power of the gods can peep at the thinking and past experiences of others through their real names, but this is useless to me ... Besides, it is not difficult to temporarily become a kind and orderly existence. The magic and the special atmosphere of the soul It ’s better to change it. Divinity is very convenient, but do n’t rely too much on it. ”

Is it really that the magic is tricked? Is the opponent a master of soul manipulation? Some strange spiritual changes before him are also the other party's handwriting ... Arthur settled down, relied on religious beliefs to eliminate distracting thoughts, and resumed fighting spirit.

"No, no," explained the red dragon of the paladin's strength system a little bit, and shook his head at the thought in Arthur's mind. "The inexplicable enthusiasm before was nothing to do with me, and it was me who was forced to calm down later. What I did, I'm suppressing your inexplicable impulse that originated from your real name ...

"There are obviously some problems with your brain circuit. Please remember if you have any similar brainless charge experience in the past."

What's wrong with going forward in the face of evil? The words that Arthur had come to his mouth, swallowed back under the stimulation of the good order and aura of light around the Red Dragon body.

The unusually smooth thoughts made Arthur quickly recall the detailed experience of traveling around in the past, and he found that he did have some unusually brave and even shocked teammates when facing some enemies.

If you think about it, those enemies are ... non-human evils.

While Arthur's face was changing, Cheng Bin observed the change of the soul core of the paladin on another level.

At the first glance of the young saint warrior, he realized that Cheng Bin, whose real name interface exchanges a lot of information, thought that he was a **** saint on earth, but if he looked closely, he found that the performance of this guy in some places, and Lacey That connection of faith is very different.

Some changes and characteristics of Arthur's real name are even more complicated and profound than Cheng Bin himself.

"Is the real **** ..." looking at the samurai with a strange look, Cheng Bin had a new understanding of the guts over the source of the holy light, "Actually, he put an unguarded, mortal form of the **** into How dare I do it in front of me ... "

After the mortal achieved the deity, the subject of thinking moved to the real name with greatly expanded functions and authority, and moved to the pure spiritual world, but this does not mean that the deity cannot return to reality again.

Whether it is the world-class turbulence generated by the alternation of the epoch, enough to break the divine consciousness out of the reality of the godhead, or the **** himself re-transmits the ontology transcoding, the deity's main consciousness can be downgraded to reality, and there is no difference The saintly human beings of essential difference.

In this way, the deities in the form of saints will lose most of their authority, and ... unlike the state of the body in the kingdom of God, which can ignore all the damages of the actual incarnation, if such a deity is killed, it will really die.

Now that the epoch alternation has not yet arrived, Arthur the Holy Warrior is obviously the form in which a certain spirit proactively gave up his authority and came to this world, but he does not know why he has not retained his memory as a god.

At the moment when he knew the true identity of the saintly warrior in front, Cheng Bin's understanding of the special life of the **** was greatly improved. At the same time, he gained a lot of gains and also learned that it had interfered with Arthur's thoughts and gave him inexplicable fanaticism The source of impulsive power—mostly the influence of some priesthood.

"This big gift package came too suddenly, how can you say that ..." Looking at the experimental samurai Cheng Bin ~ www.readwn.com ~ almost the ring of pure dragon guard The kindness and glory of the order cannot be sustained.

——But what are the gods who sent me this gift package to the source of the Holy Light? The other party is so friendly, I have to give something back.

Cheng Bin pondered for a while, looked at Arthur with his help to get rid of the inexplicable enthusiasm and completely returned to normal, and looked at the imaginary angel behind him, remembering the words he said when he said hello before that day.

"Please guide me ... Let me see, the saintly warrior who practiced the way of justice, lost his way in the trance brought by the social system ...

"I want to test my senses about a stagnant society? No wonder those guys are connected with Morrigan's **** of productivity. The thinking circuit is very close ...

"But how does this guide me? Do you really want me to give him a wave of red ghosts? In this world, I will not be convinced ...

"Why the world has always been this way, as the root cause and the supreme representative of the minority over the majority, is it not clear to the gods themselves? To solve such problems fundamentally, hey ..."

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