Uplifting Journey

Chapter 423: Lord of Hell and the Devil

"God of Shadows !!! You ..."

Hearing this resentment with an incredible roar, the enchanting woman wearing only a layer of light translucent veil stopped in a huge palace built like a giant, and tilted her head to look like a square to her. The side of the corridor.

She stared through the tall guard who was restless because of her sight, with red wings around her feet and hoofed feet, and enchanted woman. She saw in the void some familiar **** kingdoms that were shaking and collapsing.

"Is there really a problem with the God of Shadows? Fortunately, I am sharp enough and get out early ..." Daphne, the former fallen god, sighed with one hand on the chest.

At first, the powerful contract that restrained the evil gods to achieve a union came from the devil. Daphne, who has an unclear relationship with the devil, would naturally be ready to get rid of the contractual constraints before signing the contract. Now she has completed her reincarnation and has become a member of the devil camp. Naturally, the limitations and negative harm of the devil's contract are easily avoided.

I looked at the kingdom of the evil gods that collapsed under the siege of many gods in the void. Daphne recalled the horrible red dragon that had forced her to reincarnate and her wings covered the plane.

Daphne was only a little confused about the source of the shadow gods at first. She didn't think that the lonely **** of shadows could detect the accurate information better than the devil who specializes in this way, so she left a heart to test. After a moment of red dragon Casa, she acutely discovered the subtleties in her attitude, so she decisively gave up the kingdom of God and reincarnation and walked away.

Now judging from the corner marks of the war of gods, the **** of shadows is probably not just a source of information ...

After Xu shook her head, Daphne turned back and walked deep into the huge palace.

At the deepest part of the palace, after crossing a layer of space-time sensory barrier, Daphne saw a handsome red-eyed man lying sideways on a golden seat.

"Welcome you to Hell, Daphne, my fallen King ..."

With the words of the devil that can easily pollute the mortal soul, a pair of men with dark red short horns grew slowly on his head. He was holding a ruby ​​scepter, and a red and black luxurious coat on his body. He patted him, then walked towards Daphne slowly.

"Asmotils," Daphne said with a raised gaze as the man approached, smiling, "It's not a good habit to let the lady keep her head up."

的 Devil Lord, who is several times taller than Daphne, smiled with a pointed finger: "As a former fallen god, I think you can quickly adapt to the size of the devil."

"Oh?" Daphne glanced at the waist of the taller man who was taller than his own head.

"I won't gossip anymore," Asmotils, who came close to him, stopped and touched his clean chin and asked, "You actually give up the kingdom of God yourself and downgrade to a devil. This behavior But it's a little different from the fallen **** in my impression, and it's different from the previously negotiated plan. Can you tell me what happened to you? "

"Flee from the desert," Daphne waved. "You have seen the scene in the void before, right? If I don't take a decisive point, I now think it has become a **** for playing."

"Wonderful ambush, but that's all," said the Lord of the Devil, looking at those gods who had begun to pull off the skin in the void. "Those who are not in the stream, even the shadow gods of medium power are considered strong, And this handful of 'strong men' are still the biggest traitors. They are easily slaughtered by a group of gods led by Tyre, the pinnacle of powerful divine power ...

"Since you have noticed this trap in advance, then you can avoid it. Why would you choose to reincarnate directly?"

"I was aware of some problems and began to prepare for reincarnation. After handling the petitioners and divine power, I found an excuse to test the red dragon ..."

After being questioned about her most lingering experience, Daphne reluctantly said, "I wanted to see the situation and sell those guys with problematic brains to see if I could access the secrets of Red Dragon Casa, but I didn't expect ... anyway That's it. "

"Is that the **** of knowledge?" Asmodeus nodded, "Don't you dare to test her, you can survive even if you are lucky ..."

What does 意思 mean? If you believe that the Red Dragon is so strong, why are there any strange plans for the source of the Holy Light discussed with me?

Daphne, hesitant, asked, "It sounds like you know her?"

"The Red Dragon has already proven her ability, hasn't she?" Asmotils replied casually and groaned, then continued seriously, "... Okay, you completed the reincarnation ceremony, It really became part of the power of hell, and I can also tell you some secrets that the Devil King should know. "

Daphne took a moment's breath, then took a deep breath, and listened to the secret in the mouth of the powerful being who has lived from the beginning of the world to the present and stood at the top of the world.

After thinking about it, Asmodeus asked: "You should also know that the **** of knowledge comes from outside this crystal wall system, right?"

Daphne nodded her head: "I have obtained this information from the God of Shadow and other sources. Although the God of Shadow has problems, this information should be true."

"Just know," Asmodeus wandered slowly and slowly in the vast hall with his scepter in his hands. "No one can actively cross the existence of the crystal wall system. No one is weak. The **** of knowledge has surpassed The power of common sense is not surprising, the only thing I wanted to verify before was his level ... "

After a pause, Asmodeus grabbed the scepter and waved it, Daphne abruptly took a step back from a headache, and then she found that various phantoms began to appear in layers in her mind. Purpose The dragon soars in the sky.

Asmotils looked at Daphne who was immersed in one of his memories and said, "You were born relatively late. If you experienced the scene where the dragon **** Io created the dragon family to erode everything in the world, you would not seek knowledge How surprised the power of the God of Casa. "

Daphne, stunned by the spectacular sight of the dragons crushing the astral space and the void, returned to God with difficulty, and she said with some shock: "Is the dragon **** Io also from outside the crystal wall system? Such existence ... "

"There are many such beings," Asmodeus shrugged, "but less is known to the gods, and the strength of outsiders is also hierarchical.

"The weakest ones are directly turned into some singular props, which are slightly better. In fact, they are no different from ordinary mortals. They can't even remember why they crossed the crystal wall ..."

After a pause, Asmotils said with a smile: "Being stronger, you can dig out some inexplicable heritage or support from yourself, and struggle a little bit in time ...

"These people can make some achievements even if they do not fully awaken their true colors, and the best of them can even become gods ..."

"As for the stronger one, although I have n’t awakened, I ’m not so sure about its essential state, but the name, image, and development trajectory are basically problematic ..." Asmotils squinted Look at Daphne, said in a strange tone, "For example, the magic goddess Mistral, the **** of justice and courage Tyre ..."

When Daphne's pupils shrank, her heart shuddered a little. How many outsiders are there in this world? Under the surface structure of the **** world, are there still more mysterious and deeper influencing factors?

"To this level, the ability of outsiders is completely based on this crystal wall system. It should still be within your understanding, but what next ..." Asmotils laughed strangely, "A little stronger Yes, those who successfully created 'old' qualifications in the river of time, such as Ogma, the **** of knowledge, such as me. "

What is making ancient qualifications? Daphne opened her mouth with a grimace, but she understood the following sentence: "So you also come from outside the crystal wall?"

"It's not something to be fussed about, you have to learn to adapt ..." Asmotils nodded, and then groaned, "But above me, there are higher level outsiders, they Often have abilities beyond understanding, or even unreasonable, such as the dragon **** Io, such as the **** of knowledge, Casa ...

"So, you know why I said you're lucky?" Asimo Tiers hesitated in front of Daphne, who was very pale, "To be honest, I suspect you haven't escaped at all, and now stand The fallen lord in front of me may not be fundamentally different from the **** of shadows, but it is also good to be a megaphone, do you say? "

After observing Daphne ’s rich expression changes and soul movements, Asmodeus Scepter slaps in the palm of his hand and sighs: "It seems likely that you are not 傀儡, really lucky ..."

"You, tell me this," Daphne, who had undergone a deep self-soul examination due to fear for a moment, felt a little cold all over herself. "I was testing the possibility of me being turned into a tadpole by that red dragon?"

"It's just a little bit," Asmotils bent down and reached out, pinching a narrow slit with **** close to Daphne's pale face, "really just a little bit of temptation ..."

Asmotils, who stood up straight, returned to the huge seat like a bed, and then said to Daphne, who reorganized his emotions, "I explain these secrets to you. Actually, I want you more. Understand the Duties of a Devil King ...

"Many beings believe that the eternal battle between the gods and the abyss has led to the degeneration of the gods and the birth of the devil, but if you know my identity, you should be able to think of **** and the devil as the products of my deliberate guidance. The time of their birth Far earlier than many gods now ...

"As the devil, what we really care about and spend energy to maintain is beyond your past vision. It is essentially a kind of nihilistic, deep balance in the world, rather than some ordinary gods chasing the interests and power. These words do you understand?"

达 After Daphne nodded subconsciously, the entire Devil's main hall together with the humanoid image of Asmodeus began to distort, and the nature of the Lord of Hell gradually exposed to her.

Daphne only saw an immensely immensely great existence that could not be described with words, and said majesticly in her soul: "Since you understand, then don't have any doubt about future orders, go, go Perform the duties of Lord Devil. "

In the presence of the Lord of Hell, where the true power is exposed, Daphne is at the mercy of a puppet. She feels that her body is slowly melting, and gradually fits into the extremely dense system of Hell, and then her consciousness is countless information chains Overwhelmed with feedback.

After observing the performance of Daphne after being completely transformed into the Devil Lord, Asmodeus, who is a **** conscious, nodded his heart: "After all, it is a real name with a medium divine level, stupid, but at least it works .. . "

After arranging all the **** forces of the fallen monarch's line and the subordinates of the devil, tested for a period of time, and confirmed that Asmodeus, the **** system, was unobstructed, and turned his eyes to the source of the light in the void. .

"That feeling just now ... the shadow gods?" After a bit of accidental groaning, Asmotils reset the hall back to normal appearance and sat on the throne and shook his head. "Although gods are very troublesome, But it should have little effect on that red dragon ...

"From getting involved in this world until becoming a god, joining the source of the Holy Light, killing the evil **** ... I really do n’t know what he wants to do ~ www.readwn.com ~ It ’s not like a priesthood to seek justice. ...

"Dragon God Io's intention to erode all life with the blood of the Dragon race was so obvious. Why is this a bit unintelligible this time? But she never comes to hang out, and one day will expose her goals."

After thinking about it for a while, Asmodeus adjusted the various plans prepared for the red dragon for the latest information, and then continued to immerse himself in integrating and upgrading the power of hell. Although the purpose is different from ordinary gods, the power of this This kind of thing can't be made without it.

Under the leadership of Asmodeus, the **** devil has always been low-key. He did not do anything other than gain strength to maintain that inexplicable balance. He did not blend in the ups and downs of the **** of knowledge, Ogmar. He also hoped that the various unexpected developments brought by the Red Dragon would not affect his side.

"But similar to the existence of the **** of the gods, the impact has basically affected the entire world ... if the attempt to communicate and persuade fails, then there is no way ... I hope she will also be like the dragon **** Io Let's do that ... "

If the Red Dragon helps, the abyss expedition of the Source of Holy Light may really break the balance. Although an imbalance of the crystal wall system is not considered by Asmotils, but after all, If you can stop it, you have to try to stop it ...

Anyway, he ca n’t talk about any loss if he fails ...

Uh ...

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