Uplifting Journey

Chapter 444: Who is crazy? Changes at all levels

"Let me, stop my own madness" Cheng Bin chewed on the information revealed by Asmodeus.

一 After a while of analysis and deduction, Cheng Bin, who reviewed all his experiences after entering the world, sighed to the Lord of Hell: "Although in your opinion, those red dragons that crushed the world are crazy, but"

After a moment's silence, Cheng Bin shook his head: "Forget it, are they crazy or am I crazy? This is really hard to say."

Asmotils is a bit difficult to understand the unusually calm response of the red dragon. It seems that the red dragon here really does not have a direct connection with the other red walled Casas of the crystal wall, as it has concluded before. The twist of the line does not rely on the power of the other Supreme God Red Dragon

But why did the other party not show any surprises or worries after knowing other similar individuals of the crystal wall system and those crazy behaviors that are completely different from their painting style? What does it mean to be crazy?

But Honglong obviously did not intend to explain these problems to him in depth.

The red dragon, who has recovered from his thoughts and has fully materialized, looks at the Lord of the Devil, who even began to collapse, sighs: "Asmotils, thank you for bringing me to the beginning of this world. This made my relatively troublesome plans relatively easy

"I will pay attention to the balance problem you are talking about, so you can rest in the **** kernel forever."

Asmotils sighed silently and sighed with a complex mind, and then this last bit of active thinking collapsed into shape and disappeared into hell.

Wu Honglong finally glanced at the place where the Lord of Hell disappeared, and then re-examined the detailed records of all changes in his soul that he had previously found in the data.

所以 "So, aren't the strangeness and doubts that have occurred before are illusions?"

The birth process of all his words and deeds can be restored through the deduction of the soul algorithm. When Cheng Bin faintly detected a certain mentality change in the past, he tried this detection procedure several times, but the results proved that these changes are in line with logical.

However, in a world where the underlying essence is still unknown, it is impossible to completely control the most subtle variable interval of the material level of the soul carrier. Cheng Bin can be sure that his soul changes are all within the framework of the core algorithm, but he cannot confirm himself. Whether the changes in China are potentially guided by the bottom of the world.

Asmotils' intelligence made Cheng Bin think of many higher-level possibilities, which forced him to readjust his plan.

"In short, taking the opportunity of less resistance at the beginning of the founding period, and burying the chess pieces, after **** consciousness is returned to the anchor point of Asmodeus's supreme god, you should be able to get results directly in the future, and then go out when See what happened to me in other crystal wall systems. "

In theory, the farther upstream the river of time, any change brought by actions will form an extremely large time shock in the long time.

But Cheng Bin, who is constantly adjusting the operating system of hell, is not worried that his behavior in transforming the inner **** core will directly affect everything in the world and cause the alert of other supreme incarnations.

As the master of Hell, who has rich experience in time interference, Asmodeus has already considered the related issues very comprehensively across countless times across the crystal wall system and the river of time.

Hell itself is a relatively isolated and closed system. In order to avoid the unexpected risks brought by the river of time, Asmodeus not only blocked all the changes brought by the coverage of consciousness in Hell, but also researched and created it. Control and simulation system for the information exchange process between **** and the outside world.

The birth node is stuck in the **** of the moment when the main structure of the astral world is formed. In this essence, it is the surface of the world of the information ocean. It has the ability to suppress all the waves caused by internal changes and prevent the occurrence of unplanned butterfly effects.

不过 "However, even if you have the ability to restore the things you have come into contact with, you can't really change nothing? Such a long time"

Cheng Chengbin looked at his soul who was about to stay in the upper reaches of the river of time as a **** consciousness, remembering what Asmotils said about the information, and couldn't help sighing.

If big things happen in the timeline, will Lacey be born? Can they still become gods? How many trajectories of life will be distorted? Even if they deliberately pull away to maintain the existence of individuals in certain timelines, they will not be the same as they were.

"My mentality perspective is basically in a low-dimensional perspective. Although I am now a pure low-dimensional individual, forget it. Anyway, Asmotils ’s supreme **** is staring at me. There is no way to make too much noise, I do n’t know what ’s going on here from the perspective of the quantum avatar cluster. ”

Cheng Bin, as a low-dimensional individual who has some knowledge of high-dimensional perspectives, now feels a bit self-contradictory. By virtue of the nature engraved in the core algorithm of the soul, he is not afraid that he will be covered by himself in other timelines, but He didn't want to directly distort and destroy the existence of other acquaintances.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about these issues for the time being.

Because the connection and information interaction between Asmotils ’s Supreme Body and the anchorage point of this crystal wall system, although part of it was blinded by Cheng Bin, it could not completely prevent his observation of the timeline turbulence. After all, even the anchor point Without feedback, the Supreme God can see the macroscopic overview of the crystal wall system.

Cheng Bin made the leap in time with **** and had to report his Supreme God's ontology according to the procedure. If there were unexpected changes in the world line, Asmotils's ontology could detect anomalies, and he could do it. Choose to cancel the anchor point and expend power to anchor the avatar on the upper reaches of the River of Time to change the situation.

From this perspective, in the crystal wall system where the Supreme Divine Incarnation exists, it is a very difficult thing for the native life to seize all the gods to achieve the Supreme Divinity. Any change in the upper reaches of the river of time will cause the downstream anchor The turbulence at the point, and the downstream future suppressed by the anchoring point will be more difficult to break free. The Supreme Divine Incarnation will gradually consolidate the past and future in the leap of time and annihilate all unfavorable development trends.

If you do n’t encounter outsiders such as Dragon God Io or Cheng Bin that surpass common sense, the supreme goddess of this world is estimated to be difficult to form under the obstruction of Asmodeus, and the existence of the **** of knowledge like Ogmar, even if Without provoking Dragon God Io, trying to achieve his purpose is estimated to be entangled with Hell in the timeline changes for a long time.

An Asmotils is so difficult. I do n’t know how many traces of other crystal wall systems are left in the river of time in this crystal wall system. Cheng Bin does not plan to find out at the beginning of the birth of this world. Big movements cause more alertness. At least you can't make too much movements before identifying the tentacles of other supreme gods and having the ability to isolate all the things they touch and control the evolution process.

Anyway, from the time period before and after the Hell Anchor Point, the Supreme God Anchor Point that is involved and experienced a longer period of time than the Devil Lord should be gone. You can better control the spread of the butterfly effect near the anchor point, as long as you ride that time The epoch alternates to complete the last step before the other anchors react.

"The incarnation on the complete timeline in the crystal wall system, and the half-height system of the single-point anchoring subjective consciousness in the view of the supreme god's ontology make it quite tangible." It was noticed that the time for synchronous consciousness had arrived. Bin finally checked the tasks he had arranged for himself, and then gathered the activities of Hell Kernel under the cover of Asmotils' simulated consciousness.

The next moment, the power of the Supreme God system re-enacted the soul of hell, and re-synchronized the consciousness that has experienced the time shuttle to the anchor of the future.

After the invisible and magnificent power faded, the consciousness of hell, who stayed in the upper reaches of the river of time, checked his condition, and then began to execute various planned plans.

"Even if other operations need to be carried out with caution, there is no limit to strengthening such forces as **** and exploring the source of primitive magic torrents. However, the time zone involved in the existence of the level of Ogmar is shortly after, and later Still have to put Asmotils's analog consciousness in case, just be a little bit hurry. "

A large number of void probes perfectly avoiding the impact on the information environment were born from hell, and the tentacles carrying the **** consciousness flew to the world where the structure has just stabilized.

The change of the timeline is incapable of being aware of and unable to resist the existence of time.

In the vast astral world, I don't know how many planes have quietly changed, and the trajectory of countless lives has reversed. The closer to the time of the Holy Light expedition, the more frequent such changes in details.

Except that there are no changes in all things in the special existence vision, the whole world has more or less undetected abnormalities.

The only thing the gods at the top of the world noticed was the terror power suddenly revealed by Asmodeus, Lord of Hell.

In a sudden war of no-negotiations and no-negotiations, Asmodeus, which merged with the whole hell, suddenly broke out with a terrorist power far beyond the imagination of the gods, crushing the Holy Light Expeditionary Force that gathered the power of the gods. .

The indescribable monster that lingered at the bottom of the void, just touched and destroyed almost all the incarnations of the gods in the battlefield, swept the army forces in the entire area, incidentally destroyed a series of invasion in the void storm caused by its attack. Abyss plane.

The reason for the war behind the Lord of Hell is just to experiment with his new power.

The terrible fighting power displayed by Hell has caused the collective deafness of the gods who have experienced the crushing scene. If it was not Asmotils, who was his consciousness, waited there and did not take the next action, this was difficult to establish. The expeditionary force may have collapsed.

"As power" at the bottom of the void, "Asmotils", who has just returned from the upper reaches of the river of time, looks at the information aggregate called the Source of Holy Light, unbelievable.

Looking at the strongest United Kingdom of God that was on the verge of collapse under his slight touch, he was frightened by the terrible destructive power that he showed at random: "Even if the development has been cautious and hidden, Upstream began to use the Red Dragon Casa system to accumulate, can the power of **** be so powerful? "

With this level of power, even if you rely on yourself, there are ways to restrain the Red Dragon Scourge that spreads among countless crystal wall systems? As long as all the crystal wall themselves temporarily let go of their concerns about balance, use this knowledge system to obtain the highest godhead, and unite all power

The imaginary Asmodeus eventually suppressed the excitement. Those red dragons started earlier. Not only did he lag behind because of maintaining balance, the knowledge and technology system continued to improve even in a long time. Compared with those red dragons, A certain gap, it is better to find a way to guide the world's somewhat unique Red Dragon first to deal with herself.

的 Asmotils thinking in this way, he turned his eyes to the source of the sacred light that was repairing himself in the distance.

And in the source of the Holy Light at this moment, a battle avatar and a lot of divine, scorching Tier were lost to find the red dragon in the center: "What's going on? How does Asmodeus look like now? It ’s kind of like you? What did you talk about before and what is the turbulence in the river of time now? ”

After savoring the cryptic message from the bottom of the void that was not detectable by the current "Asmotils", Red Dragon thoughtfully said: "It's okay, just a little human inertia, that guy The supreme God's ontology is still very tight on the transferred consciousness. "

"Hey ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now, don't you sell it, right?" Tyre said anxiously. "The face-to-face will almost destroy the coalition forces. How can this expedition proceed? I start to doubt you Now go out and try, can you beat that guy? "

"Relaxed, as for the expedition, the original purpose has been achieved, it doesn't matter if you don't proceed," Cheng Bin looked at Tyre, who belonged to the Supreme God in Asmotils's mouth, a little perfunctory. Said, "I'm going to talk to him now, you can directly hang out and start preparing for the last step in the plan."

Throwing a blank face of Tyr, Cheng Bin dissolves the red dragon shape and transforms into an existence similar to the main form of **** in the bottom of the void.

The two inexplicable information aggregates watched each other for a while at the bottom of the void, and then began a deep-seated deep communication where Asmodeus himself could only know a little bit of surface content.

When the Holy Light Expeditionary Force was suddenly obstructed by hell, some unscrupulous and unknown truth existed, and immediately took the opportunity to start their own operations.

In the plane where the elven union civilization is located, Lacey, who has experienced several world line changes and abruptly returned with the Void Starships that accompanied the army, curiously looked at the twilight branches of the world tree on the arabesque altar in the World Tree Temple. Astonished, the elf high priest stood by and said something slowly.

At this moment, the fierce trembling of the void barrier outside the plane was distorted, and Lacey, who was shocked, looked into the magic net, and found that a kingdom of God and a barrier like a fiery fireball were deeply embedded in the void. together

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