Uplifting Journey

Chapter 447: Forced Actors and Deeper into the Dragon Realm

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The gods who watched the war between the **** of the sun and the moon and the united civilization, relying on the perspective of the three parties in the void, soon noticed the trace of a force pulling the frame in the dark. They knew that they would not touch the red. Dragon mold heads, one after another look back as if they did not see, they went to their own business.

The anxious sun and moon goddess has a limited perspective in the game, but over time, she has gradually returned to taste.

But being aware of the real situation did not help her situation, but made her more anxious-she was totally unable to understand, and even unable to see the way the Red Dragon intervened, except using hard will and idealism. Besides resisting, she couldn't even fight back this inexplicable interference.

In countless epochs, Cheng Bin, facing Asmotils' simulation consciousness, has pushed the depth accuracy of the force to the limit within the reach of this data world, ignoring the usual distance in the void and leaving no trace. It secretly erodes the kingdom of gods, which is more experienced and familiar.

Even if this level of difference is in this information world that is conducive to the growth of idealism, it cannot open the natural gap between the atomic and proton neutron capability levels in the inner world, but the gap in power is not a daily difference. The God of the Moon has experienced such a long time, but hardly any **** of spiritual growth can surpass it.

Briefly describe the combat process at the bottom of this void, that is, a binary intelligent life that lives in the data world, and a battle of the same level of intelligent life controlled by ordinary humans with the mouse and keyboard.

The power of godheads and real names belongs to the deepest layer in this world, but the gods as controllers are not themselves. Although they can control the highly intelligent divine powers as they like, they still have a large part of their thinking, concepts, and perspectives. At the mortal level, they cannot fight against the existence of a direct view of the underlying information.

变动 After the timeline changes, both technology and resources have skyrocketed Cheng Bin. Playing with such a powerful **** as the goddess of the sun and the moon is much less difficult than the shadow **** who eroded the medium power when he became a god.

So when the goddess of the sun and the moon came back and prepared to give up the plane that she could not take for a long time, she suddenly found that she had lost control of her kingdom and power.

日 The indifferent goddess with Sun and Moon as pupils, still showing her shape in the field of superposition of the void and the plane, using the delicate operation to dispatch the power of the Sun and Moon Kingdom to oppress her mortal civilization from all angles.

Under its tough appearance, the Sun and Moon Goddess, who realized that her thinking and her behavior were gradually disconnected, was shocked and flustered by this unheard of things.

Intelligent life on the network, it is almost impossible to tamper with the memory thoughts of the operator in front of the computer, but to tamper with the signal at its input terminal and let its smart computer recognize and process the instructions given by another simulated operator, so as to completely control its behavior, It is not impossible.

The path of soul specialization that has been taken from the beginning, and now Cheng Bin bypasses the flawless protection system built by the goddess of the sun and the moon on the surface of the kingdom of God, directly locates the real name associated with the godhead and interferes with the thinking, which can be done from the root. No trace of usurpation of the entire Sun and Moon Kingdom--

Even though the godhead itself is difficult to interfere with, and its connection with the real name of the **** is hard to be secretly separated, but the inner thinking personality of the soul carried by the real name changes ...

Anyway, during the long time that Asmotils simulated consciousness, he tried many soul operations with masks for isolation and filtering.

The goddess of the sun and the moon followed the original simulated consciousness of the inertial movement to seamlessly take over the control of the divine power and the kingdom of the sun and moon, and continued to erode the plane of the united civilization, trying to take this chip first.

And his real name consciousness is deeper, and the real sun and moon goddess who retreat to the second line unknowingly is praying desperately for black hand forgiveness. Unfortunately, after the simulation consciousness is formed, Cheng Bin is a bit inconvenient to touch his original consciousness. After all, the original input and feedback ports are down ...

The goddess of the sun and the moon, who was locked in a small black house, could only watch her divine power and ambassador accumulated for countless years, a little fuel consumption in this seemingly long extreme stalemate.

In this stressful war, the elves who have not been defeated in one breath have united civilization, solved various internal problems at the fastest speed, and completed the complete transformation of the war period. They soon concentrated on tearing the barriers of divine power. Open a few openings and extend the tentacles to other planes.

The new version of the demon net that has lost its barriers, and covers the old demon nets in the adjacent area along the preset channels, and the mortal organizations in the nearby planes related to the source of the holy light seem to have been silently connected to the new version of the demon nets. .

Magnificent super-magic like plane-level time scale distortion is activated one by one. The united civilization that releases the concerns under the pressure of the gods puts everything on the table and boldly and madly enhances their power. The gods suddenly found The mortal civilization under the suppression of the goddess of the sun and the moon expanded like a plague, and its spread was getting faster and faster.

Utilizing the power of the early gathering of the Source of Holy Light, the United Civilization completed an unprecedented merger and expansion before the reaction of the gods. Although the astral world is extremely wide, the area involved in the United Civilization is still not much at present, but those whose beliefs are widely distributed The gods have been able to appreciate the phantom pain brought about by the massive disconnection of their beliefs--

In the twisted and prolonged time, relying only on the divinity that the original believers obtained through the connection of beliefs in the plane, and the gods automatically feedback the past, there is no way to resist the comprehensive erosion of the joint civilization that can fight the gods.

However, he proactively put divine power on those planes, touched the body, and even the kingdom of God directly participated in the battle to restore the faith ... the gods looked at the sun and moon goddesses that spread the war to the large plane, and looked at it when they rushed away. The source of the leisurely divine light can not help but hesitate--

The shadow left by the Lord of Hell has not faded yet. The red dragon who persuaded the **** seemed to easily fool the goddess of the sun and the moon in the dark, and when the epoch is about to approach, is it worth the action to take the huge risks in front of him?

Looking at the mortal civilization that has absolutely no disadvantages in the overall confrontation with the gods, except for the special abilities and strength accumulation brought by the gods, and felt the huge threat of its civilization ideology to the way of faith, the gods could not help but be red. Long is full of resentment——

Aren't you also a god? Even if the priesthood is knowledge-based and enterprising, it is not necessary to cultivate an enemy yourself to dig the foundation of the Word of God?

However, despite all the grievances, none of the gods took the lead to stand up as the leading representative to blame the gods of the source of the light, each of them continued to hold on, until the source of the light approached, no action.

This is not because they lack the ability to make decisions, but when they are secretly connected with each other, the foundation laid before the source of the Holy Light and the chess pieces buried by Cheng Bin during the period of simulated consciousness in Asmotils began to become active in the dark. Guided the choices of the gods, so that the trend of the mainstream became a wait and see.

After all, judging from the strength of the current joint civilization, they may be more affected by the alternation of the epoch than the gods with godheads-the magic net itself has some structural strikes during the alternation of epochs, so it may not be impossible to grasp Opportunities mobilize the forces of mortal world and operate it to pull back the pattern and development tendency of mortal world.

All of a sudden, the entire astral world was turbulent, God made frequent appearances, and the gods spread everywhere. Under the revelation brought by their own gods, the churches of various gods began to prepare for the upcoming upheaval.

However, due to the impact of Asmodeus's trial move, the epochs that were originally mentioned in various oracles and prophecies were too much ahead of time, and all kinds of busy preparations seemed rushed. Many, not to mention that the gods have abandoned the original plan of the Holy Saint's descending period and began to change their strategies drastically.

As long as the exposed information and the impacts are not enough to touch the power of the Supreme God involving time, Cheng Bin, who has become **** instead of the **** of knowledge, does not care much about the chaos of the astral world and the void. He After determining that the United Civilization was on its own course in the battle with the gods, and began to study and develop techniques to resist the winds of the epoch that are gradually blowing, it turned its attention to another incarnation.

Uh ...

Silent in the Dragon Realm for countless years, a long-held peace was broken by an outsider.

The crimson dragon in the empty space followed the resonance of the physical essence to accurately locate the dragon realm, tearing the barrier of more symbolic than protective meaning, and descended between the void of the void and the kingdom of God.

The crimson dragon, which has a distinct difference from the general red dragon, spreads its wings and flies in the sky. He looked at the desolate land of the kingdom of God and wondered: "I heard that there is almost no activity in the kingdom of the dragon **** Io. In life, there are only sleeping dragons, which is really like this ... "

This scenic environment does not seem to be much different from the general desolate plane. There is nothing such as prayers and divine power that believe in the kingdom of God. Cheng Bin can only find some on the desolate ground when overlooking. The dragon-shaped mountain that has gradually condensed due to the long-term immobility of the sleeping ancient dragon.

This made Cheng Bin murmured a little: "Is n’t the dragon **** Ao's personality rank low? But the scale of his power is almost on par with the original one ... I knew at that time that the priesthood was very narrow. The two devotees of Ai Wei, wouldn't this be the case? "

Cheng Bin, who is flying in the sky, is really concerned about the source of the power of the dragon god——

The dragon **** Io is very strong. Whether it is the dragon invasion that strikes the astral world or the time interference that crushes Ogmar, it proves that it has the power over the gods.

However, judging from the current structure and accumulation of the kingdom of God, the dragon **** Io simply uses the power of the **** system and does not have transcendental capital—otherwise, the void storm in the era of alternation is not a simple dragon world. Resistant.

But the fact is that the dragon **** Io has no fear of messing with it. All the history of invasion of the dragon realm has died silently, and the dragon realm is still standing in many epochs.

"Isn't he always trying to solve problems with external forces similar to high-dimensional interference forces?" Cheng Bin, who is familiar with the operation and use of high-dimensional interference forces, muttered to his heart. It's obvious, and it's completely unnecessary. "

As long as it is not like Cheng Bin, even the interference point information must be secretly and as obscure as possible. After reaching the depth of the rule, the high-dimensional interference force that is close to what is expected in the world, there are too many ways to open low-dimensional individuals, Or it has continued to exert influence in the low-dimensional world-with minimal effort.

After all, although the power of high-dimensional life is so large that it is difficult to describe, its scale expansion rate that touches the world line will only be more terrible. Just as purely profitable investment will make people crazy and smash money completely, it will continue to expand and grow. The high-dimensional life that occupies more of the world's matrix will never be enough, and it will rarely be extravagant and wasteful in one world.

Just like Samer in the EVA world, he would rather use human civilization and use the earth converter to expand and expand his material interference ability ~ www.readwn.com ~ After defeat, he would directly pull the power of heaven to pay the bill and give up that world line. , And unwilling to invest more in their own high-dimensional interference.

After all, the same force is placed in the smoothly progressing world line, and the benefits will only increase. The cost of a circular investment dozens of times will become a million. Why should high-dimensional life waste this force and give up What about the huge foreseeable future? Anyway, what really qualify as a potential enemy is definitely not that little bit of the power of the world line can kill.

Unless there is a special reason, or like the battle between heaven and the world devourer in the SCP, there is an opportunity to completely kill a high-dimensional life and take over its heritage, directly increase its strength soaring base, otherwise high-dimensional life will rarely go to work Loss trading.

Therefore, the power of the dragon **** Io, who has little divine power and a humble kingdom, is used to deter the gods. It should come from some kind of plug-in left by his high-dimensional interference. Sigma's ability to interfere with time may also be based on this.

的 The plug-in based on this **** world can make the dragon **** Io have transcendence power, which must touch the deeper truth of this world. Cheng Bin is quite interested in this.

"Invading the kingdom of God for so long, Dragon God Io has no response. What is he thinking? It is impossible to sleep ..." Cheng Bin waiting for the gradual arrival of the epoch was not worried, he observed Thinking, while slowly flying towards the center of the kingdom of God.

Then, in the middle of the kingdom of the Dragon Kingdom, on a smooth and plain mountain with a smooth and flat top, the dragon **** Io, whose appearance was ambiguous, slowly opened his eyes and turned his eyes to the direction of the red dragon ...

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