Uplifting Journey

Chapter 449: The Real "Dragon" and the Absurd Reality

Hearing the words of Dragon God Io, Cheng Bin thoughtfully: "The dragon created ... not a dragon?"

After going back and scrutinizing some information about the Dragons, Cheng Bin found that whether it was the never-ending world or the current world of the gods, the things the Dragons did were not simply to expand their own group, or even to expand All non-dragon races erased or turned into dragons.

It is a very subtle rhythm that allows dragon and non-dragon creatures to form a special coexistence pattern ... From this perspective, the high-dimensional life or high-dimensional rights possessed by the high-dimensional life of the dragon **** Aio The information field of inductive resonance is not just a simple dragon race, but something more abstract.

If this conjecture is true, then Dragon God Io's definition of dragon is very interesting ...

"What is a dragon?" Dragon God Io, whose image transitions probabilistically among countless dragon species, replied, "Dragons do not refer to specific creatures-the Dragons always have very different images and life essences in the infinite world. ..

"Whether it is elements or atoms that make up the dragon's body, whether it is magic or blood that inherits the dragon memes, whether the image displayed in the eyes of the world is a lizard or a snake ... Before I transcend the world and time, the concept of the dragon is Has been deeply implanted in the hearts of the infinite races of the infinite world——

"Dragon, a mysterious and powerful life, a life feared and worshipped by the weak, a life that is craved and craved by power and blood, a life in which all beings want to be upgraded and evolved into one of them . "

Dragon God Io stared at the red dragon in front of him and said: "This is the real 'dragon', a 'higher life' that exists in the spiritual desire of intelligent life-as long as life is still in fear and longing for a more self-based, more With high-level life forms, the mysterious and powerful dragon will always exist on the edge of his vision limit. "

"This is the case, always a higher and stronger dragon ... a strange life that has meaning only if there is a comparison object?" Cheng Bin sighed, and then wondered, "That is to say, now every world and every ethnic civilization "The dragons that have been chanted that you haven't even seen have not come from your interference?"

"The spread of dragon's information is far wider than what my body can reach. I even suspect that the entire universe has traces related to dragons, but unfortunately, I have not fully controlled the power of the dragon, otherwise I I do n’t need to create the dragon that is the standard of comparison in this world. My power can also ... hey ... maybe this phenomenon has something to do with the higher road ... "

The dragon **** Io shook his head and continued to say to the red dragon: "Now that you know the true concept of the dragon, do you understand the dragon family I created here, why can't it be considered a real dragon?"

——The dragon's information can cover the entire universe whose information magnitude is soaring faster than the diffusion speed of high-dimensional life force? Could there be a dragon-related existence in the Supreme Holy One? If so, what exactly is the dragon **** Io? Does he really not know the problem behind the dragon, or is he trying to cover it up? Does it mean that, just like heaven, there are multiple dragon gods in the high-dimensional world?

Cheng Bin pondered for a moment and said, "The dragon of this world meets the definition of dragon in the eyes of many races. If you want to say that such a dragon is not a dragon ... there is something wrong with the life of this world? Listen As you described earlier, the comparison object that the dragon needs has strict requirements on life form and thinking soul. "

"Yes, the problem lies in life itself ..." Dragon God Io nodded, and then watched the Red Dragon slowly with interest, "I guess, the authority of your body and you are here Attempts to seek clergy are a bit related, and one should lean towards order and wisdom. Such authority is rare ... "

Cheng Bin, who has n’t been upgraded and has no high-dimensional gene, nodded his face unchanged—he thought that high-dimensional life was more or less hostile to such roads, but looking at the performance of the dragon god, it seems that he Does not care about the road issues of irrelevant individuals, this response is the same as the previous concept of the Dragon problem, it is quite worth pondering ...

"So, do you, who are inclined to order, have encountered the special existence that was born in the chaos domain, which cannot be described by conventional logic, or even do not know if it is a life?" Dragon God Aio leisurely said, "When You find that all the lives you know in this world, along with your rare believers, are the surface camouflage of this kind of chaos. What would you do? "

那种 The kind of World Devourer? Cheng Bin was stunned, and his mind suddenly flashed the information revealed by the previous dragon snake Aio. According to his division criteria, these world lines under the control of the world tree should be located at the junction of the unknown domain and the chaotic domain, at the level of the world line. The environment should be harsher than where the SCP high-dimensional battlefield is located ...

等等 "Wait, if normal life is a chaotic projection, what are those abyss demons?" Cheng Bin said suddenly, "You said that the world tree is making high-dimensional souls, and its method will not ..."

"To be honest, I do n’t know what its method is, because I do n’t know what the universe looks like in it, but it is clear that it is borrowing the special environment of the critical point of the collapse of the world line, Try to avoid the process of observing disturbances and the establishment of a unified connection between all parallel individuals during the birth of high-dimensional souls in the splicing of the world line. "

Dragon God Aio paused, and then turned the topic back to the world: "I think you should have noticed that the set of astral void architecture in this world is purely based on the level of virtual data and stays here. On the first floor, you can't see anything abnormal, but as long as you use the power of the body to penetrate the appearance into the underlying 'hardware', you can see the essence of this world ... "

With Io's low-lying dragon yin, the entire kingdom of the Dragon Realm shook violently. The vast earth together with the ancient dragon-sleeping dragon-shaped mountains and stones collapsed in an instant, exposing the essence of the void information corresponding to the shape. Come out.

The red dragon turned into an information aggregate followed Io's prompt and turned his eyes, and he saw an information hole hidden in the bottom of the dragon world and connected with the real name of Io's godhead-that is the power of the dragon **** Io's body The "holes" opened up in this **** world allow its incarnation to directly see the corresponding physical changes in the real world through the virtual data layer.

It is like an intelligent program running on a computer. It has an observation interface that can learn the status and potential changes of all components of its own computer, so that the real world outside the virtual box exposes the tip of the iceberg in front of it.

这 "This ..." Cheng Bin, who identified and confirmed the basic physical rules in an instant, and built a correlation model between data void and real material changes, sighed, "It's really messy ..."

Cheng Bin didn't know how to describe the true face of this **** world for a while. It felt like countless different types of computers such as biology, electrons, photons, and quantum, using countless different types of formats and protocols to forcibly come together. Together they have built a data network.

Every virtual data object here involves the material changes of the entire world, from a unit that can identify the operating law in a slightly orderly manner, to the inexplicable things that ca n’t find any regularity in the input and output ... Dynamically supports a relatively stable backbone between splits and fusions, just as chaotic probabilistic microscopic matter constitutes a stable macroscopic world, allowing the world of gods to function normally.

Yuntian knows how the world tree builds a complete **** system on the basis of a world where the logical systems are not unified.

"In countless times of world line splitting and assembly, the world tree is too deeply in contact with the chaos domain. The process of using the body as a factory and absorbing world fragments from the chaos domain to create a complete world line allows chaotic nourishments to invade him along the roots. "Its soul began to twist and change its mind. Perhaps it did not notice its own abnormality, but the fact is that the logic in its eyes has deteriorated along with these experimental fields."

Dragon God Io's eyes glanced across the bottomless abyss, looking at the unspeakable demon lords in the depths of the abyss and saying, "You can break the chaotic souls of some demon lords and put them under the control of your logic system without making Confusion, the world tree is not so lucky, it does much more than you, it is not strange to distort your thinking logic ...

"The worlds built by its ontology have long lost the boundary between order and chaos. The correspondence of all virtual life in the real world is something derived from the entanglement and superposition of two completely different logical systems. You can Think of a virtual life as a painting of the outline of the world tree of order, the color of the chaotic world tree ...

"Perhaps, the real body of some demon lords, placed in the kingdom controlled by your body, is a normal life full of order and logic, and the normal life you see may be placed outside like an abyss demon. I understand, of course, in the vast majority of cases, it is the virtual life in the real world that you have me, you have me, you have no independent life and soul ...

"That ’s why the dragons I made that look like they ca n’t resonate with my authority and lose the meaning that was created ... The World Tree can do this kind of thing, proving that it really has control A little things, but it has obviously no way to maintain a sound thinking ability and continue with the original plan. "

"This way ..."

After listening to the description of the dragon **** Io, the **** Cheng Bin, who has been connected with the red dragon incarnation, turned his eyes to the astral and the void, and took a deep look at the elves who gradually rely on their own strength to unite civilization, and then again I looked at the source of the Holy Light, which is coordinating the alternation of the eras with the gods.

According to his own standards, it is not important whether Lacey has independent, complete, real bodies that match their souls at the bottom of the world, because any life that can be transmitted between metabolism and timeline segments is always Is its soul-level information.

But the data-like world is built on such a wonderful foundation, or it is unexpected by Cheng Bin-after all, how the **** world looks like has complete settings and operating rules, and the underlying hardware will be so unreliable ...

Although for a world tree that can assemble the world line and the timeline, even if the world line collapses immediately after being assembled, the internal life can have a stable life, and it is not uncommon for the experimental field to look like this. may...

"Huh?" The red dragon in the dragon world groaned and asked suddenly, "The kind of balance that the devil said, the kind of grand consciousness hidden at the bottom of the world, is the distortion of the world tree itself. Different logical systems? Although it is close to schizophrenia, it still retains a certain thinking ability? "

The dragon **** Io said faintly: "So it is still alive, so we are just watching."

Cheng Chengbin nodded thoughtfully.

He can understand why Asmotils thinks that any grand consciousness will wake up and destroy all crystal wall systems-a world that is superimposed with different consciousness and logic, and the world tree is free from distortion and returns to normal. , Or become an indescribably high-dimensional monster like the Devourer of the world, will completely destroy the foundation of all these worlds.

"While the world tree is distorted in ideology, it is still active and changing, so these experimental worlds can exist steadily, so the existence here can be indirectly affected by the environment here without knowing it. After all, the information body is in reality. There is something wrong with the material foundation ... "

Cheng Chengbin groaned for a while and asked: "Those demons, mainly Asmotils, think that the chaotic abyss is destroyed or the abyss covers the starry void, will stimulate the consciousness of the world tree ...

"The structure of the data world itself and the activities of life in it are actually phenomena derived from the support of the world tree ontology, which can be regarded as the fragmentary side of its thinking activity. If all the world from data to matter is really reversed back to normal appearance , Is it really possible to restore the world tree? "

In the ocean of information, the dragon **** Aio, who is becoming more and more simple and simplistic, chuckled: "Who knows? It's not that the world tree has gone crazy about its research ~ www.readwn.com ~ his high-dimensional ontology has even Part of it began to spread in the chaos domain, maybe it is the complete world in the chaos domain in its eyes. Maybe ...

"With its mass and special form, it is not easy to want to fully invade and reverse it ... And, you think that it will let all kinds of beings extend the tentacles here, and you will not fight back against the existence of full invasion. ?"

"This is also true," Cheng Bin thought, and asked a key question, "The upgrade channel that it deliberately kept ... where have all those gods who simulated high-dimensional life gone?"

"I think it ’s better for you to experience the problem yourself, after all, is it your choice to be influenced by the World Tree?" Dragon God Io smiled indistinctly, and then he thought of it and made one of them look like The brilliant crystals with infinite aspects are embodied in the void.

In the Dragon Realm where the outer structure began to gradually collapse, the dragon **** Io said to the red dragon, "Take it, don't you want to be the supreme god? My godhead is connected with the holes opened up by my own power. You can see the reality under the surface of this world, so that you have the right to interfere in the world from the hardware level ... but I think you have seen it once, and you have a reference object, should you not need this feature?

"Although I'm curious what choices you will make in the end, but I care more about the Lord of Infinite than the World Tree itself, so ... if you are really sure of catching it, take action ... What can be fed back to the low-dimensional probes we left nearby, and we would be happy to help ... "

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