Uplifting Journey

Chapter 451: The development of civilization beyond time and out of bounds

Cheng Bin watched that the members of the Elven Union civilization cooperated with a group of transformational gods, and gradually incorporated the highest Godhead interface he exposed into the new version of the magic net system, and after the docking was completed, according to the predetermined experimental steps, let The volunteer tentatively traced back to the past in one second and two seconds, and his heart could not help raising a little doubt—

Without intervening by yourself, is it possible for the civilization of this world to break free from the shackles of the gods, gather and crack the highest godhead, and rise above the river of time?

The founding gods of the ancient Titan, the Arcanist, the former elves, and the source of the Holy Light ... strive to find a longer-term existence in this deformed world that has stalled, and intermittently appears in the long river of history, another Fall down one by one.

To say that these forerunners with different goals have no possibility to break the world structure, it is too absolute, but under the circumstance that the world's environment is biased toward individual strength, there is no such thing as Cheng Bin using external forces to participate , Their hope of success is certainly quite slim ...

频繁 In frequent timeline changes, Cheng Bin, who incorporated all power into the new version of the magic net, resembles the original form of Mystra, has quietly sensed the process of his body's continuous growth and spread.

Lost the obstruction of the gods, controlled the magic net of the supreme power in the world, completely replaced the old version covering more than half of the world, hard to withstand the turbulence brought about by the epoch, taking advantage of the special period in which all things in the world are closely connected. Its tentacles spread across the world.

Whether it is willing or not, the intelligent life of the astral world and the void has joined the magic net civilization that was officially renamed. The pervasive magic net penetrates all the mind and body of all life and integrates all the forces of the entire world.

一段 After a period of adaptation and adjustment, the lives of all levels of the Monet civilization from ordinary citizens to transitional deities have participated in the research and development of the mysterious power of the Supreme Godhead.

Ignoring the contradictions and differences caused by self-cognition, time shock, ideology, race, productivity, and production relations during the development of civilization, the development speed of the magic net civilization is soaring all the way, and soon the power of unity is opened. A variety of large projects.

The highly-closed astral realm was forcibly anchored, and the principle of the periodic epoch alternation phenomenon was broken. The magic net civilization relied on the observers dispatched to history to dig out the original magic torrent control system of the ancient Titan from the source of the upper realm The exit to the abyss zone controls all elemental changes throughout the world.

With the participation of more and more researchers, the magic net has completely cracked the transcoding process of the astral and virtual space. The countless planes of the entire astral plane and the corresponding void are superimposed, leaving the world without matter and void. This limit maximizes the interference power of the magic net and completely terminates the cycle of epoch alternation.

The chaotic abyss, its deep special logic system is deciphered, part of the identifiable transformed demon-like life has even become a member of civilization, and the rest continue to stay in the divided abyss isolation protection area for related personnel to study.

After conquered the whole world, the magic net civilization gradually shifted its focus to time interference.

刚刚 As soon as a large-scale interference in time has begun, the Monet civilization has fallen into a wave of self-contradictions-are past lives considered citizens with normal rights? Does every action need to consider the impact of interference points on all life on the future timeline?

Except for the anchor time point of the Supreme Godhead, the magic net civilization does not have the ability to retain information in the timeline change. Since all individuals exist only in the low-dimensional world, they cannot have perceptual perspectives and transcendent souls across different time points. The magic net civilization has been plagued by various time paradoxes for a long time.

Many people want to change the past and restore various negative events. Many people want to completely wipe the current timeline with the light source head when the entire civilization returns. They advocate the creation of a time vortex covering the future area based on the current anchor point. There are also factions of civilization that always exist in the whirlpool of time, and those who want to follow its path will not be low in voice of the future.

Looking at those lives arguing at high speed in the parliament-supported and time-distorted parliament, Cheng Bin, who did not intend to intervene, shook his head and said with emotion: "It's all tangled, or it's too little training ..."

Replaced with the Mobius civilization struggling in the time cage on the SP side, this kind of controversy is not necessary at all--

After they mastered the ability of manipulating the soul information, they directly released the citizen memory warehouse in the cycle of time, allowing the members of the civilization to resurrect and cover all lives at the beginning of the cycle, replacing or destroying all past self who refused to integrate into the civilization. Will blink.

Things like right and wrong always have different definitions for themselves at different timelines and at different points in time-there are a lot of people who want to beat their lives in the world ... civilization must go beyond the time axis to develop Common sense, no matter what the method is, you have to step over your own body that existed in the past and future.

In the time shock caused by the magic net civilization, Cheng Bin who has been harassed countless times by himself at other points of time is not in a hurry. As long as the civilization has not collapsed, he has the patience for the magic net civilization to slowly toss his way.

After the magic net civilization begins to get on the right track in the river of time, the last two things in his plan can begin-the reality observation loopholes in his hand that originated from the dragon **** Io have not yet been thrown out. .

Once the magic net civilization has digested the double spiritual blow brought by the paradox of time and distorted reality, he can let this near-mature answer go out to see people, or say that the dragon has gone out—the magic net that has developed to that extent Civilization is bound to begin to explore a wider space outside the crystal wall system.

魔 网 Civilization did not let Cheng Bin wait too long.

The roots of the magic net civilization that can still be attributed to the flow of authority, the ones who really say the calculations are always the ones who have the deepest control over the mystery knowledge of the magic net. While some people are still pulling the skin for different perspectives, cutting-edge research The authors have developed a variety of high-end technology products based on time interference in the research department of the large BSS Red Dragon Casa.

最 The most core technologies include the transformation of the soul form with the supreme godhead, the construction of a cyclical traversal technology of dual time point perception and thinking ability, and the super-turing cross-time computer technology based on this.

To put it bluntly, there is no essential difference between Asmotils's consciousness of traversing the past and re-covering the future, but the technology developed by the Research Department of Civilization and Civilization is better than the former Devil Lord in terms of precision and use. Out of N streets--

Taking modern computers as an example, they only need to establish a two-point circulation system that spans a very short time axis locally. They can enter calculation formulas upstream of time and experience time shocks downstream of time. They can get this time instantaneously when the world line changes. The result of the calculation is then fed back to the starting point upstream of the time axis and the process is cycled.

In other words, from a user's point of view, this kind of computer that goes beyond the time axis and whose output can even precede the input can complete any complex calculation process in an instant and has almost unlimited computing and processing capabilities.

If the software loaded by this computer has enough complex and powerful functions, it can even take the calculation of the Gurley constant, which is so huge that it cannot be described.

Just as the quantum avatar cluster can do, this time-consuming computer consumes high-dimensional interference of the world tree ontology to distort the timeline. With the help of the supreme authority Baima's magic net civilization, half a dime The explosive leap in information processing capabilities that can be achieved without going out is simply the most cost-effective transaction.

With this overtime light computer, the distorted reality entangled in the cognitive analysis behind the Monet civilization has a basis, and it is no longer a delusion to even put the movement of each material unit of the world under control and deduce the past and future.

As for the soul transformation with similar principles, it is to use the mechanism of the Supreme Godhead to interfere with time to expand the individual's thinking and senses from a single point of time to two points of time, although it is far from being able to achieve that close to the high-dimensional life overlooking the world line This kind of vision, but the three-view impact caused by the paradox most of the time is no problem.

At least, all citizens loaded with this ability can directly see the distortion of their own actions to their future a few seconds ago. After the effective time shock control of the establishment of civilization, they can gradually extend the time and slowly adapt to this special sense. Until the three views of common sense were completely changed, and evolved into a terrible intelligent life than the time-out computer.

Regardless of whether this method is the best or not, relying on the skyrocketing information processing capabilities to steal most of the lives of the magic net rights, directly implemented their own set of plans within the controllable range.

Between curiosity and hesitation, the magic net civilization eased and continued to move forward, gradually extending the tentacles to other sections of the River of Time, and the Supreme Godhead gradually strengthened with the pace of civilization, and gradually closed other times. The scattered godheads let you run through more time segments.

During the development of this civilization, the interference of the Supreme God from outside the crystal wall system also appeared from time to time, but after the wave of cleaning that Cheng Bin condensed to the High Godhead, there are very few Supreme Gods who dare to directly act hostile, basically all of them Throwing an anchor probe came around to watch-after all, sending an incarnation across the crystal wall system is also a costly act, and the crystal wall system that has given birth to the Supreme God cannot be occupied by their erosion.

Among them, the few supreme gods represented by the **** of knowledge are very interested in the current state of the crystal wall system. Ogmar even formally issued an invitation after the magic net civilization traced back to the source of the river of time, hoping that his control Those crystal wall systems can have beneficial exchanges with the magic net civilization-he even intentionally transferred the subject of consciousness to become the high-level person of the magic net civilization, and let the magic net civilization invade those crystal wall systems under his control.

However, Cheng Bin's behavior of exploring outside the crystal wall system has been deliberately blocked by Cheng Bin until the high-speed development of the magic net civilization completely occupied the source of the time axis, the period of great development came to an end, and some internal minor contradictions emerged and resolved, distorting the spirit of reality After the shock and research adjustments, Cheng Bin, who had a veto power, nodded and passed the out-of-bounds exploration project.

To be honest, Cheng Bin originally wanted to let the magic net civilization toss more time and then go out.

However, as the third highest research target other than the Supreme Godhead and the twigs of the world tree, there is a lot of interest in the way of the birth of his soul within the magic net civilization.

During the time when Cheng Bin incarnated the red dragon into the world, he was isolated from the river of time by the magic net civilization. He can always see the group of researchers watching the larvae of the dragon period, and the red he parasitic Dragon Eggs re-engraved a large number of time sliced ​​information at different time points, and was carefully analyzed and considered in the highest research institutions. The guy who is closely related to Red Dragon and Red Dragon is the happiest person who jumps up and down.

Even if the soul of Cheng Bin is created by a cluster of quantum incarnations, the complexity is close to the limit that the hardware of the world can bear, but the overtime light computer supported by the high-dimensional interference of the world tree, and the magic net civilization is not a huge effort. I didn't want to break it down a little bit. After all, Cheng Bin during the Red Dragon had made a lot of soul magic that was based on his own soul and adapted to the world. These are good references and keys.

Of course, it is one thing to find the context of the crack, and whether it is possible to completely crack and complete the memory cognition, understanding and use is another matter.

The soul on his side, apart from the core algorithm, cannot be compared with the ontology in the cluster of quantum avatars at all. Cheng Bin is not very concerned about the analysis and research of Monet civilization on his own. On the contrary, he has not directly given the answer except In addition, I am very happy to play a big part in it.

As for the young dragon Cheng Bin found that he had just entered the world, he was placed in the spotlight by a powerful civilization to watch the delicate emotions of the institute ... hm ~ www.readwn.com ~ didn't he know himself? Long live.

However, it is time to turn in the answer sheet. Due to the consideration of contact with other crystal wall systems, Cheng Bin does not want to let go of the last point at hand as the fundamental force of the consciousness of the Supreme Godhead, so simply let the magic net Civilization first went out of the crystal wall exploration plan.

After all, other crystal wall systems have different life trajectories, and their attitudes and positions on this side have not been determined.

Soon, the crystal wall system exploration project that had been pressed by Cheng Bin for a long time was officially launched. The members of the magic net civilization, with curiosity, excitement, nervousness, and a little fear of the unknown, touched the Supreme Godhead to interfere outside the boundary. Interface, carefully cast his gaze towards the outside.

What is the relationship between the crystal wall system and the crystal wall system? From the God of Knowledge Ogmar and Asmodeus the Lord of Hell, the magic net civilization knows something-the extraterrestrial space, which is theoretically empty, can show different appearances depending on the observer himself In general, the Supreme God will see a field of vision similar to that of a **** in the information void.

The magic net civilization that walked away from the path of cognition of material science could not see anything except the information connection brought by the Supreme Godhead.

But as soon as they walked out of the crystal wall system, a flood of information suddenly drowned all the external information connection ports of their crystal wall system.

After displaying the inexplicable format of the information flow transcoding, the life leading the exploration project saw a life similar to the abyss demonic lord's life in the historical record, and a chaos-like inexistence existed that could be clearly identified. Words of Soul--

"...too slow..."

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