Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-One-Six Reincarnation Girl and Witch

"This will work for the time being ..."

Taking advantage of the convenience of time-stop, the long black and straight girl was sitting on a park bench at night, watching a variety of surveillance images projected by a laptop computer, and she glanced over the monitored streets and campus, lying in the upper left corner A pink-haired girl stayed on the bedroom image for a long time.

After a long sigh, the magical girl named Xiaomei Yan entered a large number of program instructions connected to her mobile phone for monitoring information prompts and feedback in the console of the cloud server software, and then she closed the projection screen and put away the computer.

The core of all monitoring equipment is built around the life track of the pink-haired girl named Lumeyuan, so that she can keep an eye on the daily life of the girl, and it is convenient for her to stop the time when she notices an abnormality Go and interfere-

For example, the nasty white creature who tried to trick Lu Muyuan into signing a magical girl contract.

"Is this really good?" Qiubi, who was a ghost, slowly walked out of the plant and said after looking at the laptop on the girl's legs that were long and straight, "If Madoka knew someone was watching her like this, what would she do? Do you think? "

"Then you go and say, you have the ability to find out all the equipment to show her?" Xiao Meiyan glanced indifferently to Qiubi, who had been crashed by himself several times near Xiaoyuan's house, then stood up Ran towards the distance.

He only said "the truth" and never interfered with the Earth's humans and various things with external violence. This is the only advantage of the incubator ... Of course, the induction of things related to the magic girl is not in this category.

"I always feel like you know everything about my reactions," Qiubi quickly ran on Xiao Meiyan's side with short legs, staring sideways at her, "Does your time magic not only make you Stopping the running of time also allows you to go back in time for another cycle? "

Qi Xiaomei Yan's eyes stared at the front did not change at all, and she hurried towards the planned target at a high speed with the magical girl's inhuman physical fitness.

"It really looks like this ..." Qiu Bi, who did not see Xiao Meiyan's response, said to himself, "Yes, only this possibility can explain your inexplicable words and deeds ...

这样 "You will pay so much attention to Madoka's contract signing ... I suddenly understand why Madoka has such amazing qualifications."

"Shut up!" Xiao Mei Yan sighed, and the hourglass shield that dominated time appeared again in her left hand.

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

Xiao Meiyan, who stopped walking, stared at the incubator in the camouflage camouflage side, then turned her eyes forward, and after several leaps, the guards who passed the stagnation entered the city's largest police agency.

As if Xiaomei Yan had been here countless times, she ignored the static people and quickly passed through the various passages, and used the hourglass magic shield to store a little low-level arms while rushing in the direction of the senior personnel in the system.

A few minutes later, the black long straight girl who could almost switch to being an arms dealer pushed open a senior official's office, familiarly found a spare permission card in a book in the desk drawer, and then walked not far away. The time stop was released at the terminal computer.

In the office at night, the black and straight girl borrowed the authority card and terminal to invade the country ’s military and police internal network. She quickly entered instructions on the light and shadow keyboard with her left hand, and backtracked the memory image with a convenient magic power in her right hand. The face of the woman in the black leather jacket was instantiated.

After magically weaving the image into light and scanning into the terminal, Xiao Meiyan skillfully called up the facial recognition and matching system, combined with her height and shape data, and quickly searched all the information related to this woman. information--

As Chobe perceives, she has the ability to restart time and reincarnation, and she no longer knows how many times this sad month has passed.

Because of this, she was so concerned about the woman in black-she had never seen this person in her past reincarnation.

This reincarnation has just begun. She acted in accordance with the plan she made for the last reincarnation, and immediately noticed that Qiubi's behavior was different from that of the past, so she pursued her all the way.

The woman who is not a magical girl, but possesses strange powers.

"Identity information, medical files, immigration records ... No information can be found anywhere that matches her ... is she really not a person in this world?"

In the deep and dark reincarnation, seeing the emergence of novel variables should have been a joyous thing, but Xiaomei Yan always had a hint of vigilance and animosity towards the strange woman in the bottom of her heart, just like before, suddenly Emotions and consciousness rose, moving the muzzle towards the woman's brows.

"Is it because of the excitement and tension caused by seeing the new variables?" Xiao Meiyan pressed her own chest, and then regained her spirits. After randomly destroying the traces of manipulation, she jumped out of the window when she started.

Xiao Meiyan in mid-air set her gaze to the right front—beyond the limit of the field of view, where the hill was near, there was the most powerful military base nearby, and that was her main goal in today's schedule.

In order to fight again and again in the desperate battle at the end of the cycle, she must constantly try to acquire and deploy new forces.

Uh ...

The glory of the rising sun gradually dispelled the shadows. Wenwen, lying in a large font on a small platform at the top of a minaret, was strangely not hit by the sun, but as the sun continued to rise, she still moved her eyelids and then beat Yawn sat up.

这 "This is the happiness of sleep ... I don't know how long I can keep this feeling like this."

After rubbing his eyes, Wen Wen decomposed various surplus substances generated by the movement of the human body into atoms by the power and sprayed them in the wind, then looked around according to the lower abdomen.

Wen Wen, who has always maintained a twisted light path and invisibly, flew around the city last night, scanning and analyzing the general situation here.

Of course, in the high-altitude, she also overlooked the dark-haired young girl who flickered from time to time on the ground.

侵蚀 Under the erosion of the special perspective and thinking mode of the quantum avatar, Wen Wen, who cherishes the happiness brought by eating and sleeping, sees the girl who is constantly busy all night, and can't help showing a trace of pity.

雯 Wen Wen, who did not interrupt the operation of the girl, found a foothold to analyze and process the summary information after collecting the basic information, and then paid attention to the night on the tower-top platform full of wind and swing—

She has no identity certificate and no money. In the evening, she didn't really think about where to go to hang out. Anyway, she has the power to protect her.

With a system panel appearing in his mind, Wenwen looked at all the personal data that he collected about the original script that did not match well, and sensed that he was anchored and fixed on those people or nearby quick-sweep marks, and began to ponder. Next plans.

虽然 "Although the anime script is very moving, of course, in reality, I will refuse to cause depression and sadness ..."

Wen Wen, who refused ten times, combined his experience of last night with the introduction of the custom reward task on the system panel, and tried to analyze his situation with his own not-so-smart head--

Although the contradiction between the civilization and the magical girl to which the world incubator belongs is already obvious, she always feels that there are deep pits hidden in the optional task of her camp choice, so she will not easily do it before exploring deeper information. Take irreparable action.

"But if you want to get real information, you must start to study the nature of the magical girl's power. From the current information, it should be some kind of high-dimensional interference force that penetrates the bottom of the material?"

Wen Siwen thought for a while, Wen Wen overturned the coffee table of the soul: "I haven't even reached the nucleus in the process of speed development of powers! Let me study what is under the quark, and I will study a fart ?!"

In this world, what she wants to do is really have to start the plug-in mode? Although there is some mental preparation, but ... don't worry, just look at some things first and then say ...

丘 "Chubby," Wen Wen said, after clearing her hair, "do you know where there is a witch?"

The white creature appearing behind Wenwen silently tilted his head in confusion, and then asked, "What do you know about the magical girl who has been fighting the witch? Or do you know more?"

"The brave who defeated the devil eventually turned into a devil. Is this routine flooding into disaster? Is there anything unimaginable?"

Wen Wen, who organized her image slowly, turned around and looked at the white cute creature under her feet, and pushed her chin with the tip of her leather boots: "Don't talk nonsense, take me to see what a witch is."

"Yeah," Chubby seemed to think for a while, then nodded. "The witch is the form of a magical girl when she is fully mature. She also has unreasonable and distorted physical rules. If you encounter an irresistible danger, don't I forgot to sign a contract with me.

只要 "As long as you nod your consent, I can instantly pull away your consciousness and condense into a soul gem, allowing you to transform into a magical girl and fulfill your wish."

Tong Wenwen sniffed at the corner of his mouth: "... Is it really good for you to say your intentions so straightforwardly?"

"After all, you are 'adult' ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now that you know those things, you can say a lot about them, unlike those ignorant girls who ca n’t even understand the pros and cons ...”

Qiubi said in a perplexed tone: "The body transformed into a magical girl is obviously not afraid of injury under the support of magic, it is more convenient and has a stronger combat power, but they always have difficulty accepting that their minds are detached and deposited in the soul gem, the body changes What about the shell tool? "

"This question is really difficult for most people to accept, but I think some guys and you will have a common language ..."

Thinking of Cheng Bin who arbitrarily modified his soul, Wenwen's figure paused, and then looked at Qiubi subtly and said, "But why do I always feel this way-you already took me to find the witch Or plan to pull the witch directly to attack me? "

怎么 "How is it possible," said Chubby, swinging his big tail. "As an incubator, I don't have the ability to directly control the magical girls and witches whose souls are so difficult to observe after the formation of soul gems—

当然 "Of course, such attempts can be made by me or by using the contracted magical girl to indirectly guide you through."

也就是说 "In other words, do you have this intention?" Wen Wen sighed and stepped Qiubi into white mud. "What do you say is so flat?"

Uh ...

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