Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-One-Eight The Nature of the Magical Girl and the Real Incubator

"It's unbelievable ..." Chubby rushed in from outside the jail through the gap in the railing, watched Wenwen leaning over, picking up the seed of sorrow, and observing Wenwen in his eyes, saying in awe, "Your power It ’s not just superficially similar to magic, you can actually defeat the witch ... ”

Looking at the kaleidoscope-like, surging black breath in the spherical gem, Wen Wen tried to observe the essence of its existence in his own way, and said, "You have created so many magical girls, it is impossible to study this power without any study. Just postpone the end with the miracles that the magical girl wished to achieve at the birth of the girl. Is your civilization definitely not satisfied?

据说 "It is said that one of Chubby's duties is to recycle the sorrowful seeds that can no longer be used? Don't say that you know nothing about the nature and purpose of this stuff."

——It feels like the so-called magic power is also a high-dimensional interference force ... Looking back and thinking about it, is it possible to use the seeker system to crack the secret of this stuff, but unfortunately there are not many redemption points ...

After speaking a few words, Wenwen threw the seed of lamentation that he did not have enough ability to observe and research into the bound subspace, while tearing the ceiling that had been lifted once before and returning.

Qiu Bi, who was beside Wenwen, said without any hesitation, "We can make magical girls and witches, and of course we don't know anything about our creations ... Recycling the seed of sorrow is one of my main tasks. The purpose is to collect the 'soul energy' in it. "

Watching Wenwen driving invisibly around the prison and taking away some human coins that are not pleasing to the eye, Chubby next to her thought after a detailed explanation: "Many magical girls cannot understand the heat in the universe, The difference between ordinary energy such as light energy, kinetic energy, and soul energy, but you should be aware of your power?

"Only through thinking activities, you can disobey the laws of physics and distort reality to achieve what you want to do. This kind of power that is currently unknown in the form of idealism is the so-called soul energy, which is used by magic girls and witches. Magic. "

Tong Wenwen clutched a stack of coins, looked back at the prison where the faint commotion started, and then blinked and flew across the ceiling to fly high.

After circling in the clouds, Wen Wen hesitated for a while before he fell to the side and said to Chubby, "If I am here, I am more used to calling this kind of power a high-dimensional interference force."

"" High-dimensional "interference?" Chubb seemed to ponder for a while, and then said, "The high-dimensional you are talking about is definitely not the kind of high-dimensional space involved in the subspace bound by your neutron star ring?

如果 "If you are referring to dimensions outside the current observable universe, then from your observations, our multi-universe model of civilization can be verified and calibrated again. I really appreciate your help."

"Huh, thank you ..." Wenwen watched the undecided faction decision task on her system panel, her eyes hovered over the words of civilization and demon for a while, then she fell in an unmanned alley to lift her invisibility. .

After taking a picture of himself alone for a long time without dripping, Wenwen sniffed the scent of food and walked out of the alley, and at the same time asked Qiubi: "In short, according to your information revealed by Qiubi, soul gems and sorrows This kind of seed is essentially the product of the overlapping of the souls of different parallel individuals in a multiverse? "

Qiu followed Wenwen to the street, and Qiubi tilted her head and looked at her face. "Your summary is quite accurate. I am really curious about your origin."

I bought a bunch of things that seemed more tasteful. Wenwen's mouth swelled and chewed, and he used his ability to create a slight air vibration near Chubby's ear. "But no matter how curious, you won't do anything extra. Right, incubator? "

"Well, after all, there is the spirit of civilization and thought stamp engraved at the time of birth," Qiubi didn't care about what was constrained by his thoughts. "If you don't show the characteristics that are consistent with the main body of the Magic Girl project and easier to study, we The plan will not deviate from the main line ...

"But obviously, I will try to communicate with you, sign a contract more actively, and bring you into the scope of research and observation."

Tong Wenwen swallowed the chewy refined sausage, sipped his milk tea, and sighed, "Why I hear you talking, I can always think of someone who won't bend around ... Can you be a little bit more disciplined?"

He Qiubi replied with a wagging tail, "Although I can understand what you want to express, for our civilization, is frankness and efficiency always the first element of communication."

Wen Wen, who eats all the way, collects enough food to satisfy her appetite, so she holds a pile of pockets and starts scanning around to find a suitable place to eat.

Fortunately, she has mastered many languages ​​in the original world line. Even if she does not exchange knowledge packages from the seeker system, there will not be any communication and dyslexia in these different worlds with closely related information.

After a circle, Wenwen found a park and dropped a bunch of food she bought on the table in a quiet corner, while slowly eating, she continued to discuss the previous problems with Chubby-she specializes in research With the power-based temperature control module, it's okay to put food a little longer.

Although not completely out of the category of human beings, Wen Wen ’s body reformation has already approached Cheng Bin ’s mind-warming body. Hu Huhai has no need to worry about the trouble of body and metabolism. This is also what every ordinary woman dreams of. Ability.

"So, even if aside from the generation and action of high-dimensional interference forces that are difficult to observe in essence, how did you, Chubby, unite the souls of one person in different parallel worlds? In a separate world, Is this impossible? "

Qiubi, sitting on the table, looked at Wenwen who was eating deliciously. Naturally, there would not be any human appetite. He waved his tail and said, "Yes, the quantum effects that run through different universes are not accurate observations in a single universe. Research, so our civilization will give up everything and create me-the incubator. "

雯 Wen Wen in the food mountain raised his head and licked the oil on his lips, then asked in confusion: "Is there a relationship between these two things?"

"Of course," Qiubi said in a solemn tone, "In the model of multiple parallel universes, we think that there are all parallel universes outside the universe whose material changes are highly similar to this universe ...

"Although in terms of probability, such a highly consistent universe should occupy a very small proportion, if the parallel universe is endless, there must be the possibility of being hit by our hypothesis, and only on this basis, the future magic girl It is possible to execute the relevant plan ...

"Compared with human beings like you, you have a better understanding and control of the thinking process of our civilization, and the incubator is the product of our civilization destroying itself and eliminating all unnecessary variables ..."

After a pause, Qiubi stared at Wenwen, an unknown visitor and continued: "The incubator born from the deepest level of civilization can control, has a carefully crafted mode of thinking and mission. If our parallel universe exists Civilization, even if there are various differences, but as long as the form of civilization has not changed, then there is a high probability that the information structure will be exactly the same as mine ...

"The incubators of different universes will have the same way of thinking and action carefully crafted by civilization. We will have a certain probability to execute the same plan, target the same research objects, conduct the same experiments on the unknown variables at the bottom, and at the end of the experiments Make different choices with unknown variables in one step to create a puzzle with a very low probability of completion. "

After listening to Qiubi's speech, Wenwen couldn't help but stunned: "The reason why you can do cross-world experiments is not because you have the ability to cross the world. Instead, you use the air-to-air assumption and rely on whether you know it exists Parallel civilization, try your luck with a tacit understanding? "

"Luck ... It is indeed like this, but the intelligent life represented by human beings has a regularity that is different from everything in the bottom layer of the soul, so that this experiment of luck will not see a little hope. "

Qiubi stared at Wenwen with an incredible expression on his face and smiled: "As a result, the magic girl is indeed born, which shows that our universe is the parallel universe with extremely small probability and successful experiment. This allowed us to figure out the rules and master the way to cooperate with the parallel incubators through the witch, which is really gratifying. "

Impossible ... Wen Wen chews food like chewing wax, and her heart is full of doubts—who is experiencing the power of the excess child incarnation, although she is not able to recognize the memory beyond the world's vision, but she still knows the whole world line in the universe. The architecture of ...

Different sides of the same quantum bubble exist in different time segments of different worlds. In the normal parallel world line environment, it is almost impossible to lock the same quantum object with Chubby ’s civilized method, because they have to lock research The essence of things is not only scattered in different distant worlds, but also is not on a time axis section at all.

To say that Qiubi have the ability to lock and observe the sides of quantum bubbles in different times in different worlds, then they have already reached the level of quantum avatars and took off directly. How else do we need to conduct research through human souls and witches?

Therefore, the human soul phenomena that Chubby observed and experimented with at the bottom of the world and have obvious rules should only resonate across the world line of the intelligent life soul information level, but even this equally mysterious phenomenon is not useful. Chubby's method can be easily touched from the outside.

Unless ... the world line nearby is highly constricted, and in the human soul, there is something similar to the ascending channel of the vitality world described by Cheng Bin as a guide and center of resonance.

This means that all those who have the qualifications of magic girls, or all intelligent life with obvious parallel resonance, have a different existence significance at a higher level ...

While expressing his feelings for the feuds of civilization behind Qiubi, Wenwen couldn't help but whisper: "It is indeed difficult to hell. The more you explore, the deeper the water behind this world ... What round flame flame demon in the script, what role does it play in this reality? "

While Wenwen was pondering, Qiubi continued to explain the magical girl: "At the deepest level we can control, the carrier of the human soul-its original body is condensed, transformed and protected in the soul gem. After the initial cross-parallel world soul fusion, the consciousness touches what you call 'high-dimensional' magic girl is born ...

"That is, from this moment, we have lost the ability to observe the internal soul form of the soul gem. The soul superimposed on the information level has a high degree of complexity. With the incubator of the unitary universe, there is no observation that does not cause disturbance. Way, there is not enough computing power to recognize ...

"And according to the results of current research observations and statistical analysis, the magic of magical girls will grow, that is, their fused soul will gradually spread to their peers in more parallel universes over time. , Increasing the source of so-called high-dimensional interference ... "

Tong Wenwen's heart moved, combined with the script information that was absolutely overestimated, and then asked: "The so-called witch is the result of the twisted soul of the magical girl?"

"It should be the potential memory and thinking stimulation brought by the different parallel individuals with great differences," said Chubi somewhat uncertainly. "The deeper the consciousness touches the ego of the distant parallel world, the more obvious this effect will be. ...

"The specific manifestation is that the soul gems become more and more bleak with the use of magic, and the personality of the magical girl begins to be sensitive and changeable. If the magical girl's consciousness completely deviates from her original intention, and embarks on a path of despair that was completely opposite to the original wishing miracle, She will completely lose her independence, merge with other parallel souls, and turn into a twisted and absurd existence ... "

She Qiubi looked at Wenwen's expression: "That's the witch ...

"It is also on this basis that we have derived the fusion soul that uses the seed of lamentation that has lost its mental energy to contact the magical girl, exchanges information with the soul gems of the parallel universe, strips out of unstable and unstable parallel entities, and restores the magic girl ’s magical purity. Methods...

毕竟 "After all, the stronger the individual will of each magical girl in the parallel world and the more unified the thinking of all individuals, the more powerful she will be."

Cupid paused, and then thoughtfully said, "From this perspective, Xiao Meiyan, who controls the time and is likely to have the ability to cross the timeline, should be very, very terrible ... Unfortunately, she is already a magical girl, and I can't perceive her qualifications. "

Wen Wen, who had no intention of eating, dropped the food at hand, and looked at only half of the food pile before sighing: "So there is no way to avoid the Witch of Magical Girl?"

Qiubi tilted his head and looked in the other direction ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he turned back and replied: "After all, only the bad parts are removed to purify the magic, is it just a cure? ... The human mind is too easy to change and twist How many human beings can remember their original intention that everything should be realized at the beginning? Not to mention that this will penetrate through countless parallel worlds ...

"If your human soul is like our incubator, maybe you can make better use of the power of the magical girl without burden, but unfortunately we don't have the qualifications like you."

After Wenwen sorted out Qiubi's words, he suddenly asked, "What was the last plan of your civilization that you mentioned last time? Since you already have so much information, then you recover the seeds of sorrow purpose..."

"Have you thought of it?" Chubi slowly shook his tail. "Our civilization, of course, will not be willing to only spawn magical girls whose souls cross the parallel world, as long as there are enough, strong and powerful people to lose their subjective consciousness. Integration of the soul base, we can try to weave information on these bases that cross the world and restore our original civilization—

"That's what the 'incubator' was meant to do-hatch a brand new flower of civilization on the witch's body.

"A great existence that reached a higher dimension and transcended the limits of the monolithic universe."

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