Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-One-Ten A spear girl feeding a witch

"I didn't provoke this concept, Sakura Kyoko ..." Qiubi replied with a big wink and an innocent look, "It's just that she wants to find a witch, and the witch in the prison is closer. You know I won't hide these things. "

"But you didn't tell the aunt Magic that it was my place?" The red-haired girl Kyoko Sakura, who seemed to understand Chubb's speaking habits, snorted, turning her eyes back to the one pointed by her gunpoint. The woman said, "Anyway, you have already angered me. I urge you to give up my fruits decisively, otherwise I will not just teach you a little lesson."

"It's enough," Wen Wen raised her right hand, and slowly pushed forward with her forefinger against the tip of the throat in front of her throat. "Don't run the train with your aunt, aunt, call your elder sister."

The power that dominated the vector and the brute force of the girl were separated in a blink of an eye. Sakura Kyoko felt that the forefinger was just a metal mountain leaning forward, and she could not delay the whole body strength after she realized that she was wrong. The trend being pushed away, not to mention leaving a trace on it.

"You guy ..." As soon as Sakura Kyoko gritted her teeth, and her two hands clenched to the barrel of the gun were wrong, the tenacious red spear suddenly split into a knotty stick connected by a chain. Driven by magic, the air exploded, bypassing Wenwen's fingers and biting her right face like a snake.

At the moment when Bai Ku was passing through the gap, Wen Wen's right hand flashed a phantom as if driven by the speed of the gun head, pinching the gun head with **** on the face with extremely precise and swift action.

As if being hit by a seven-inch poisonous snake, the variable-length multi-chain chain pike suddenly fell to the ground except the part contacted by the two sides. Sakura Kyoko pulled back and mentioned it, but found that he was playing with the spear like hands and feet. The transmission of power did not work at all, as if her weapon was sucked tightly by the ground.

"Calm down, this is the park. Do you want a bunch of people to take you as a picture?" Wenwen looked around. Although this place is a quiet corner, it is not the peak time of the park, but the sound is too loud It's still big enough for ordinary people to notice, after all, this place is not big.

"Hah?" Sakura Kyoko accidentally glanced at Wenwen. "Don't you even use magic to make small enchantments to isolate and dispel obstructing guys? I thought you were a grown up magic girl, but I didn't expect it to be A pure novice? "

After a cold cry, Sakura Kyoko suddenly emerged with a scarlet brilliance, which instantly spread to the entire gun's brilliance, offsetting Wen Wen's downward control of the vector.

Instantly regaining control and changing his weapon into a spear-shaped form, Kyoko Sakura glanced at the stone table, and then looked at the woman in disbelief and said, "Looking at your ability to waste food, I thought your magic was Transfer or annihilation, but the power you show in close combat is not what the magical girl's body can support ...

喂 "Hey, Chubby, what's going on with her? Can the Magical Girl make two wishes when she signs the contract?"

"It's just different applications of the same ability," Qiubi looked at Wenwen's reaction, then turned his head and said to the girl, "Sakura Kyoko, although you are a person who can make good use of the magic girl's special constitution and magic power. Martial arts, but when it comes to the development and application of capabilities, you are far less than this mysterious human ...

"Even if you awaken the magic that condensed when you wished for a miracle, you can't win her."

As if stunned to the inverse scale, Sakura Kyoko flashed a red shadow in his hand, and after a long stretch of contraction in the blink of an eye, Chubby cut the Qiubi directly into two sections with a sharp gun tip: "Shut up!"

After routinely hitting Kirby, Sakura Kyoko carried a spear on his shoulder and looked at Wenwen strangely, "Mysterious human? Qiubi won't even know your name, right? Hey, I acknowledge your power, you I heard my name is Sakura Kyoko. What's your name? "

Wen Wen froze, and thought back-really, she did n’t have a third party when she talked to Qiubi. They all called each other, so you did n’t have her name in this world. mentioned...

Alas — most of this should be attributed to Chubby ’s special way of thinking. After all, as long as it does not affect communication, they will not care about calling this kind of thing.

"What's my name ... Wenwen, I would be very happy if you called me Sister Wen."

"Wen, Wenwen?" Sakura Kyoko's tongue was a little uncomfortable, and said it again, "Foreigner? Let me call your sister, don't even think about it, or return me the seed of sorrow you stole. "

"This?" Wenwen emerged out of nowhere in her hands. She pinched this thing that looked full of unknownness and said, "You don't want to give it to you, I have seen it anyway, as long as you are willing to answer I have some questions. "

At this point, a new Kyubi popped up, swallowed to the stone table, swallowed up his former remains at high frequency, and then looked at Wenwen strangely: "Are you guys, apart from the same race, , Do you have the same country and culture here? "

"Can only be said to be similar in appearance? The deviation is still quite large, anyway, it cannot be counted as your parallel world ..."

Wenwen recalled the strange world history of those magical girls with celebrities and celebrities, which were seen by the way when she searched for information before. Then she sighed with a kind of sorrow in her hand and could n’t understand them. What Sakura Kyoko said: "Girl, isn't this dangerous behavior of raising a witch good?"

"You are also a boring justice?" Kyoko Sakura looked at the seed of sorrow that didn't seem to be used, and then looked up and down with some doubts, and said casually, "Some people just live to waste food, Is it wrong for them to contribute a little magic to those of us who are secretly protecting the city?

"Although I am only to satisfy my selfish desire to obtain more magic power, and not to protect who fights, is it true that the city is guarded? Raising a witch is very troublesome. The one in your hand is my carefully selected object. I do n’t move around in jail, and I only gain a few times. It ’s a pity that I lost it, okay? ”

Facing the tip of the lamenting seed, Wenwen, who was turning at his fingertips, remembered the end of the magical girl and groaned for a while before saying, "I have no intention of tangling with you for some alternative death row prisoners ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the witch The power of the power is far more dangerous than you think. If possible, you should use less magic and avoid long-term contact with the witch. "

I still can't find the soul gem in Wenwen. Sakura Kyoko stuck the spear to the ground with her doubts in her heart, she said with her arms in her arms, "You didn't tell me anything about the magic girl's duties." . But use less magic?

"Don't be kidding, my teenage girl who lives in ruins is so moist thanks to magic. Without such convenient things, do you want me to accompany the smiley and ask for relief, and then like nothing? The little boy who knows is so obedient to go to school? Don't tease me, okay? "

Watching the scarce exchange points on the system panel shrunk again, and Wen Wen nodded, knowing that the currency was important, and threw the seed of sorrow to her useless sakura Kyoko not far away :

"Anyway, no one knows what will happen to the world in a month. I do n’t interfere with your life here, and you do n’t want to raise a witch for the time being. Communicate with me--when you become a magical girl, your wishes and fulfillment What's the magic? "

Sakura Kyoko, who was touched again by the inverse scales, frowned, looked at the seed of sorrow in her hand, and looked at Qiubi, who knows everything in theory next to her. She couldn't help but emerge again from her mind. Desire for her family ...

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