Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-One-Third

The concept of a parallel world is well known.

Xiao Meiyan herself is an existence that repeatedly travels through time and space. It is not difficult to understand Wen Wen's mouth about higher-level information outside the world on the basis of mastering a large amount of knowledge.

However, Xiaomei Yan remained speechless for a long time when she realized that there might be countless parallel individuals between her and Madoka.

-Are Madoka and herself in other distant worlds wandering in painful samsara? In the past, did you leave the Madoka of that world behind?

In heart-like anxiety, Xiao Meiyan forced her emotions to continue listening to Wen Wen's speech, and after a few thoughts she asked her most concerns:

"... In other words, when Madoka's accumulated qualifications reach a certain level, when she transforms into a magical girl, she may go beyond this universe and be swallowed up by the so-called high-dimensional life 'the theory of the ring'?"

"Well, can't it be called devour ..." Wen Wen, looking at the **** the surface, thinking of what Cheng Bin and the parallel entity would eventually face, shook her head, "If the hypothesis of the ring theory is really from Born from the parallel individuals of the deer eye circle, this process is called fusion and assimilation. "

Xiao Meiyan was silent for a while, then lowered her head and said, "Anyway, that Madoka will lose everything now and leave me forever? If she really chooses to be part of the theory of the ring, then ... then that. ... "

"If the principle of the ring is a high-dimensional life promoted by normal methods, even if all the low-dimensional individuals are fused and assimilated, and even if the vision and concepts have changed dramatically, it will not directly ignore and abandon the original low-dimensional individuals. all..."

Wenwen recalled Cheng Bin's low-dimensional and parallel individuals in various worlds he had seen in the past several crossings, and thought about the small circle that completely disappeared from history and memory after becoming a **** in the script information, and then sighed. : "But as far as I know, the theory of the ring is probably not a normal high-dimensional life ...

"It can be seen from the birth of the magical girl that the background of the nearby world line is a bit problematic, and the principle of the ring ... if she was promoted on the basis of a magical girl whose essence is unknown, I am afraid there will be a lot behind it Trouble, and if she is the creator of the special environment of the nearby world line, then the trouble will be even greater ...

"Anyway, there must be a deep connection between the deer and the ring, and you can't get around this problem if you care about her ..."

After Wenwen said, she found Xiao Meiyan lowered her head and didn't respond. She walked two steps and looked at Hei Changzhi girl hesitantly: "You ..."

In the wind full of dust, the girl with hair flying slowly raised her head, her face with a blank look, and a string of tears was rolling down from her hollow eyes.

The girl who insisted on keeping her vows in countless reincarnations at this moment revealed her extremely fragile posture. She leaned on the rock wall with her hands clasped together and stared at the entrance of the sanctuary with intermittent choking:

"... In other words ... secretly interfering with Chubby and my will ... to drive the man full of sadness and despair ... is Madoka?"

——In that case, what has been the pain and persistence that I have been for ...

Hearing the weeping voice of the young girl and watching this young girl who still maintained tenacity and rationality under countless mental blows suddenly showed this approach to collapse, Wen Wen froze, and then quickly comforted: "Although logically speaking This possibility is not absent, but the kind deer you may know will definitely not do such a cruel thing to you?

"Things about the theory of rings are only on the hypothetical level, and even if she does exist, the high-dimensional theory of rings and the low-dimensional deer circle may not be regarded as the same life, maybe deer It's possible that Muyuan was only used to deal with the ring ... "

"I'm desperately telling myself that things are not going to be like that ..." The black long straight girl pinched her left hand, the sadness in her hazy eyes grew stronger, "but ... but I was hearing When the name of the theory of the ring, I felt-

"... She exists, she is Madoka ..."

Wen Wen felt a moment of horror. She stepped forward and grabbed the girl's hands, and forcibly opened her clenched palm.

On the back of the left hand of the black long straight girl, the purple soul gem embedded in the flesh has now been filled with dense black silk threads. If the silk thread of life is woven with a mysterious pattern in the dim gem ...

The next moment, as if all the colors in the world were overflowing from these lines, the soul gem was suddenly occupied by something confused and unrecognizable.

"I ... I think of it ..." The blind-eyed girl danced wildly, a huge force burst out from the soul gem, forcibly squeezed the five fingers that Wen Wen grabbed her arm "... I want to stop her ..."

For the girl who is now experiencing strange black magic around her body, Wen Wen has not felt any actual pressure since entering the world. For the first time, she feels a truly lethal threat.

In the presence of the imminent being, her power seemed so small, staring at the incomparable fear brought by the existence beyond imagination would almost distort her mind.

Relying on the speed-sweeping body that was upgraded and upgraded only a short time ago, Wenwen forcibly controlled himself with reason.

Under the erosion of the strange magic that dominates time, she can't even gain more space for her. Wenwen has no time to think about it. Her squeezed hand has seized the edge of the maiden's time shield and used the fastest Speed ​​turns it in the opposite direction, turning the hourglass upside down.

The next moment, the inexplicable restraint and heaviness swept Wen Wen's consciousness, and even her extremely familiar speed sweeping ability almost lost control.

After a short while, Wenwen reacted-his speed-grabbing body returned to the version before the battle with the spear girl Sakura Kyoko.

Open the system panel and start the familiar transformation program. Wen Wen, who has restored normal perception, looked around-familiar night scenes of the city, familiar building rooftops, and ...

... familiar white adorable ...

The cute white creature crouching not far away, as if it was a fusion of rabbits and cats, shook the big white fluffy tail, staring at Wenwen with red eyes and saying with emotion: "It's an incredible qualification, Is there really no limit to human beings? If it is you ~ www.readwn.com ~ We can certainly achieve unprecedented miracles with wishes and hopes, so——

"Please sign a contract with me and be a magical girl!"

As if he didn't hear anything, Wenwen was in a deep thought ...

——I just tried it, but I did n’t expect it, but it really succeeded ... Magic is based on spirit and cognition, but was successfully touched by an outsider like me ... That is to say, in that case, the heart of the young girl also exists Hesitant and hesitant?

Staring at the incubator who was "online again" in front of him, Wenwen thought silently in Qibe's doubtful persuasion—

My consciousness was completely transferred to the past body, which means that time passing back to the time axis? But this contradicts the previous inference ...

Moreover, the time of your own involvement in this world should be later than the starting point of the girl's countless reincarnation in the past, so ...

Anyway, first find the girl to see the situation. Before that, her state was a bit bad. I do n’t know if the retrospective time can change anything ...

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