Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-I-43 The solution to the daily hidden dangers of Qiubi and Witchcraft

In fact, Bama Mei can sense and control her body separated from the head.

The soul gem created by the incubator does not control the body of the carrier through the nervous system of the human body. As long as this key item carries the soul of the magical girl's soul, the distance from the body's shell does not exceed the uniformly set upper limit, the magical girl can Control your body through magic at any time, no matter what it becomes.

As long as he overcomes the cognition from the human era and releases the shackles of his mind, Bami Mei can completely control his headless body to get up and reconnect with his head.

Even if the body is blown into pieces, as long as the soul gem is not damaged, the magical girl can fuse and repair the body wreck like a slime monster—just based on the magic of spiritual personality, and the efficiency difference in this respect is not small.

Bami Mei's experience as a magical girl is quite rich. She noticed the abnormal body in a short time after being beheaded. However, it is always herself who is the most difficult to overcome. She has spent a lot of thoughts to find the magic power. The feeling that governs his head.

This is because normal people place their minds on the source of self-thinking. Lying on a distant body, Bama Mei worked hard for a long time to make her fingers shake.

She used to look blank, partly because of the blows after the secret about the magical girl was revealed, and partly because she was trying to change the way she controlled her body.

"Is this ... okay?" Lu Muyuan, who washed away the blood on her body with magic power, looked at Wenwen hesitantly.

This woman, who was much older than her, took Ba Mamei's head from her hand, grabbed the blond hair and pressed her neck briefly on the wound of the headless body held by the other hand, and it was slightly obvious later. Crudely grasping Bama Mei's head and neck twisted left and right.

If it wasn't for the magical girl's body that had been modified for pain and turned it into a simple information feedback function that would not affect the battle, Kanome would really worry that her elder sister would be hurt before she recovered.

"Qiubi's technology is still quite reliable. The body of a magical girl is not as simple as it seems. If you study and dig carefully, you can greatly enhance your ability." For Wen Luyuan's worry, Wen Wen's head also Not lifting back.

The power of the dominating vector penetrated the fracture of Bamamei's neck with her palm. Wenwen referred to the relevant documents provided by Qiubi and repaired all the wounds of the U-turner sister with atomic accuracy.

Bamami, who was fiddled with extreme discomfort, couldn't wait to penetrate the whole body with magic after her head was connected. The blood loss enough to cause death was nothing to the magical girl. After blinking, she slowly controlled Stand on your own hands and feet independently.

Seeing that Bama Mei had returned to normal, she came back with a sigh of relief, and then she looked at the gloomy Bama Mei and asked, "Sister Ma Meimei ... are you all right?"

"I'm okay." After nodding to Madoka, Bami Mei looked at Wenwen in front of her, then turned her attention to Sakura Kyoko who was approaching ... Chuby, who was walking with her short legs close to her feet, Body.

A silver-lined rifle shotgun suddenly appeared in the hands of Bami Mei, and its muzzle was raised with the girl's swinging arm, and a warhead with an intricate pattern was fired at high speed with firelight.

"Huh?" White Moe was blasted into two by high-speed bullets condensed by magic—isn't Sakura Kyoko cutting your head? Why attack me again ...

Throw away the still-smelling flintlock in her hand, and her face slightly relieved. Bami Mei glanced at the corpse that was smashed from the neck, and then she scanned Wenwen and Sakura Kyoko back and forth. The sweep asked: "You don't stop me, aren't you all together?"

"Its three perspectives, words and deeds ... the ability to pull hatred is too strong, even a group can hardly avoid emotions, anyway, you can't kill it anyway ..." Wen Wen shook his head, for Qiubi in the crowd The negative image in his eyes sighed.

"It's okay to hit Qiubi, it's all a pastime ..." Sakura Kyoko Kaikai Qiubi's body walked next to Wenwen, and she looked at Lume Maru, who was surprised by Bama's sudden attack. Xiao Meiyan, if anything, said, "Did you know the secret of the magical girl, can you still feel good about it?"

There was an inexplicable hesitation on Lumeen's face, and Xiaomei Yan, who had previously communicated with Bama Mei, who only had a head, shook her head immediately: "The witch who hunted humans was actually transformed by a magical girl. Chubi signed a contract I didn't mention this at all ... "

"But, when I made the wishing ceremony, I mentioned that if you want to achieve a miracle, you must have all your consciousness," said Chubby, who did not know from which corner. "The consciousness that even life can be sacrificed, But can't accept the transformation into a witch ... "

Before Qibe's words were finished, Wen Wen was interrupted by a kick. "Your research on the human spirit is so deep, don't make these excuses, okay? What would a teenage girl think and do you? Don't know yet? "

Wen Wen with her legs turned away and looked at the pink and black girl trio with a faint hug, after a dry cough, she said, "Before Xiaomei Yan was transformed into a magical girl, I was also involved in promoting it-

"Don't look at me like this, this is for a reason ... and the hidden danger of the magical girl turning into a witch, we already have a reliable solution, and you don't really need to pay too much attention to this."

Bami Mei, who has always been a guardian of justice, couldn't tolerate herself to become an evil witch ~ www.readwn.com ~ and felt heartbroken for those witches who were originally girls who had been killed in the past. She immediately asked: any solution?"

As soon as the words came out, she suddenly turned her eyes to Sakura Kyoko: "Is Kyoko her ...?"

"That's right," Wenwen nodded, glanced at Sakura Kyoko in red, and then turned around and said to the three, "Like Sakura Kyoko, as long as you control the true power of the magical girl, you can Evading the end of the witch's turn will also break the restrictions of soul gem pollution and unlimited use of magic. "

Bama Mei heard her heart move slightly—the magical girl used to hunt witches to protect human beings, while also relying on the kind of lamentation of the witch ’s fallen lament to purify the soul gem to maintain the magical operation. What the woman said is true, then the witch will disappear completely as the magical girls are liberated from the battle ...

"But before that," Wen Wen said, looking at the three people with different expressions but some expectations, "You must first clearly understand a problem-

"What is the life essence of a magical girl ..."

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