Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-I-Forty-eight niches and world peace

During the rush hour of school and after work, in a video store on the street, the magic of invisible shadows spread like a cobweb.

The customers who stood in the stereo projection with headphones and enjoyed the full range of audiovisual experience of the experiencers were stunned. Under the **** of "suddenly remembering something" and "entertainment came to an end", they neatly stopped the audio and video Commodity experience, turned and walked outside.

Passing by familiar customers from the front of the store, they also skipped the subtle changes in the mind. They usually go in and enjoy more than ten minutes of excellent audiovisual, and buy some quick experience stores that like audio and video.

The completely electronic information store did not have the owner to look after it, and soon this shop with constant flow of people became deserted.

There was only a young girl with short light blue hair, still immersed in the picture of music and projection with headphones, completely unaware of the movement of people behind her.

The red-haired girl with a long ponytail slowly walked into this shop with only one guest. She had a white cute **** her shoulder. After looking around, she focused her eyes on the back of the girl in front. on.

"Don't you feel magic? It's as dull as ever ..." Sakura Kyoko, who swayed the ordinary people around with the magic of the soul that dominated the mind, sighed at the beautiful tree Sayaka who was theoretically a friend in front of her. Soon.

The magic girl's keen senses make it easy for her to listen to the melodious violin sound in the other party's earphones-wanting to come to that piece is also the work of the talented violinist Kyosuke Sayaka who Sayaka likes.

Having said that, when did you start treating each other as friends?

Sakura Kyoko looks back at her memories of multiple self-conscious fragments--

At first, she contacted Sayaka just because of some sympathy and anger.

Because his wish when he became a magical girl was to heal Kyosuke's injured hand, this foolish and wasteful self-sacrifice use method reminds Sakura Kyoko of his original tragedy.

The nature of the wish is to be thankful for the selfish expectation, or not to reveal the blue-haired girl who simply pays for others, and even this subtle emotion and intention are not clear. In the eyes of Sakura Kyoko who wishes a miracle but ushers in tragedy She was so stupid that she couldn't help but want to let the other party see the reality.

Unfortunately, Sayaka, who has a strong sense of justice, cannot tolerate sand, and she can't talk to her channel as a breeding witch's existence. When the two sides understand each other in the yin and yang error, some are too late ...

Recalling Sayaka, who has always been the example of the magical girl witch in countless world lines, Sakura Kyoko's mouth showed a bit of a grin, and she walked behind the blue-haired girl.

Just at this time, Sayaka in front removed the headphones, ending a short entertainment time.

"Kyosuke this guy ..." Misaki Sayaka, who put the headset back in place, glanced at the electronic payment statement shown on the projection in front, rubbing her ears and saying, "The injury didn't affect his performance at all, The music is still so good. "

Putting down his hands that rubbed his ears, Sayaka suddenly noticed a strangeness—the fragmentary words and walking noises in the store did not appear at all on weekdays.

She turned back sharply, and saw a red-haired girl with a mysterious white cute **** her shoulders standing in front of her and staring at her quietly.

After a moment of silence, Sayaka Xiang, who has been staring at the other side, smiled and said, "Here, where have we met? You ... are you?"

Sakura Kyoko looked down at the magical girl in her battle costume, then tilted her head and glanced at Chubb on the shoulder.

Chubby's tail, which was swept by her eyes, shook her mouth and said, "Nothing unusual was found. She is indeed an ordinary human girl with normal memory and emotions ...

"Of course, our technology can't accurately control the unknown variables at the bottom of the material, and it is difficult to say whether her words and deeds are affected by external forces within the spiritual framework."

"Huh ?!" Sayaka pointed at Chubi's face with surprise. "This, this thing is alive? It doesn't look like a cat or like ... wait! It speaks human?"

"Fool ..." Kyoko Sakura sighed with a sigh, and then she grabbed it with one hand and caught a red-light condensed spear in her palm. Her gaze was between the sharp edge of the gun and the stabbed Sayaka I wandered a little, and my heart was agitated--

The side has no impact on the magical attack and her own display ... Then if she directly hits her like she did when testing Xiaomei Yan, what will happen to her? Madoka, who changed the timeline only when Xiaomei Yan was threatened, wouldn't it pop up again?

However, after holding a spear for a while, Kyoko Sakura didn't directly attack the blue-haired girl who gradually realized that the situation was not right--

As previously felt in the change of the world line, Mishu Sayaka has a subtle sense of intimacy and familiarity, unlike the potential animosity towards Xiao Meiyan, Sayaka's feeling is more similar to that of Chubi To something ...

— In a way, is this guy a friendly? If the other party is really an apostle of the truth of the circle, she really has a high probability of siding with her.

"In the face of a friend, even if you are in the current state, will you look so hesitant?" Chubb leapt from Sakura Kyoko's shoulder, flew over Sayaka's head and came over the machine she used before.

Looking at the two young girls with different expressions, Chubby shook his fluffy big tail and said, "Seriously, no matter what secrets this girl has hidden behind, she definitely cannot get rid of the scope of the authority of the ring ...

"So just let her sign a contract with me and become a magical girl, then many things can be verified ~ www.readwn.com ~ If she really has hidden secrets, after consciously connecting with her ego with multiple world lines, How much will be exposed?

"Anyway, according to your follow-up plan, it is inevitable that qualified people become magical girls? It's okay to let her try it first."

"Magic, magical girl?" Sayaka looked at the mysterious creature squatting on the machine, and then looked back at the complex-looking red-haired girl, "You guys ..."

After groaning for a while, Sakura Kyoko, who had contacted Wenwen, put away a complex look, and she took a deep breath and moved forward.

Watching the red-haired girl approaching, Sayaka stepped back subconsciously until she leaned back on the machine.

Slap her left hand against Sayaka's head, and in the moan that the machine was hit by a huge force, Sakura Kyoko stared with her right hand and stared at the girl who was nippled to her face with a chin. Do you have any desire to realize your soul and life? "

Looking at the serious face of the girl in front of her, Saya blushed inexplicably, and then her lips fluttered and she dared to test: "... world peace?"

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