Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-I-53

In addition to the well-prepared Sakura Kyoko and the extremely responsive Wenwen, other girls were blinded briefly by the dazzling pink light in the sky.

The radiance was so strong that even Xiao Meiyan, who had stopped when she stopped, was a little caught off guard.

In the invisible light, a violent earthquake ripple swept through the building where everyone was standing, and the shock weakened by the speed swept field was still so strong that the girls were shaking.

This is the reason why the stage witch was suddenly repelled and fell in the area defined by Wenwen in the deliberately arranged offensive between Lumeyuan and Xiaomeiyan.

Although the purpose of carrying the witch was achieved, it also meant that the enemy still maintained a solid shape, which shows that the previous attack still failed to hurt its roots.

Sure enough, after the pink light faded and the dust on the ground surface dissipated with the storm, the stage witch, whose delicate pink cracks were rapidly healing, appeared again in the eyes of everyone.

"It's really hard to do." Wenwen sighed at the witch night that was slowly floating-she wasn't feeling the power of the witch night, after all, no one else was here

No matter how high the output is, as long as it does not affect the life carrier that exists in the incubator's laboratory, at most, it can only expel the phenomenon it creates. It is impossible to kill it.

What Wenwen was really sighing was her and Qiubi's observations of the night magical contact between Lumeyuan and the Witch.

It is considered that there is a real connection between Shimeen and Witch's night, but the real relationship between the two makes Wenwen quite puzzled-

As far as the conclusion is concerned, the apparently effective attack of Lumuyuan on Witch Night is not harm, but "treatment" on some level.

It's like injecting the will of order into the chaotic soul of Witch's Night in the fusion and assimilation of magic power, or it is like injecting spiritual power into a soulless body. A complicated change.

However, for the chaotic witch with broken will, the effect of this venomous injection on its existence is indeed more significant than that of ordinary attacks.

After discovering these phenomena, Wen Wen's eyes looking at Lumuyuan were a little weird. If you put aside the number of magic girls involved in the qualification list, Witch's Night is indeed the largest carrier of the principle of the ring in this world. The media is right

The pink-haired girl knew nothing about these secret thoughts. She looked at the huge witch floating slowly away from the distance, and said with some frustration, "I really can't do it."

"Don't you have successfully pushed the Witch into the predetermined area?" Xiao Meiyan comforted her, then turned her eyes to Wenwen.

Wen Wen aimed at the stage witch rising vertically in the distance, and penetrated into the dangerous area without knowing it. She nodded to the girls while maintaining the protective area: "Count the time, it ’s fast, you better do It ’s shocking to cut off the aftermath when I wait for the psychological preparations. "

The wound of the world torn by the super-light speed dagger is a phenomenon produced by the high-dimensional interference force in the inner region that was nailed in this world line. Even if Wen Wen did not throw the dagger again to cause a horrific impact, it would also be the original The time of arrival arrived as planned.

Qiubi doesn't have so many emotional emotions. Xiaomei Yan, who has already seen in the last reincarnation, naturally does not need psychological preparation. Sakura Kyoko can always watch the future scene at all times. There are only Kameme and Bama Mei.

However, no matter how psychological construction is done, the scene is still too exciting for the earth people.

Under the intense and curious attention of the girls, the witch floating on the stage in the air was too late to react, and was enveloped by a sudden black curtain and disappeared without a trace.

The wind and the clouds surrounding the witch were suddenly dissipated, and a circle of gravitational ripples swept across the earth. In the fleeting sense of weightlessness, the girls' hearts felt as if they were missing a beat.

When they returned to God to take a closer look, they saw a broken road around the strange starlight under the cloudless blue sky.

This seems to be a twist of time and space on the road leading directly from the city to the cosmic starry sky. The splendor of the sun is torn and deflected into countless debris, forming a magnificent kaleidoscope-like scene.

After a moment of loss, a large number of building debris fell and the earthquake caused by the gravitational ripple sweep spread around, awakening the young girls who were shocked by the vision.

Powerful to the unimaginable night of the witch, it disappeared silently on the broken scars, and even a spray wave could not be turned up. This fact has made a previous attack and experienced the strength of the night of the witch night. It's a bit unrealistic to look at Shikame.

However, when they saw that the powerful enemy was resolved as easily as they had said in the past, they were relieved to some extent. Even if they were endorsed by acquaintances such as Qiubi and Kyoko, they faced the wacky night's strange and powerful magical breath and pressure. There are still some.

However, just as several young girls resumed their normal state and began to laugh and exchange follow-up questions, Wenwen's side raised her vigilance and paid full attention to the movements of the young girls—

For a caring person like her, Witch's Night is not the ultimate difficulty at all. What she really needs to be vigilant and serious about has just begun.

Beside laughing with Bama Mei that the school can enlarge the fake Madoka, Xiao Meiyan seems to be aware of Wenwen's attention. She retracts her eyes from the Madoka on her side and turns her head to the side as if isolated from the atmosphere of the girl. Wenwen them ~ www.readwn.com ~ After staring for a long while, a smirk of relief appeared on her face, and then she looked down at the hourglass of time that was about to run out of the sand of time on the outside of her left forearm.

When the material with purple brilliance approaches the drain, her time-stopping ability will gradually lose, and instead, she will gain the power of retrospective timeline after exhausting completely, but watching the hourglass, she just stood still There, I felt the continuous reduction of the time stop capacity and did nothing.

It became a subtle atmosphere, and Bama Mei, who didn't know much about the world itself, noticed that they were abnormal. They looked at a few people who didn't say a word and seemed to be waiting for something, with a confused expression on their faces.

But they did not wait for Lumuyuan, who was in doubt, to ask, Xiaomei Yan's time hourglass, the mysterious substance representing the time course, was completely drained in her calm eyes.

Everything in the world has come to an end.

The girls with different looks, together with everything in this world, are still in front of the fault at the end of the timeline. The world line that cannot be extended to farther places does not exist in the future.

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