Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-I-57 The Nature of Life

"Come down from the top ..." Kyoko Sakura frowned and looked at Miyuki Sayaka, who is a theoretical friend of hers. "I don't have any relevant memories. What are you saying" I haven't seen you for a long time "? ? "

"Is this important? Apricots are apricots, and they are so clear about what they do." Sayaka, holding her head in her hands, glanced at the wooden floor of Xiaoyuan's house, and then stepped directly on to the hall.

The blue-haired girl who walked to the dining table waved her face with a disgusting look and drove Qiubi, who was crouching on the table. Then she looked at the still-chilled Lume ’s breakfast and took a piece of untouched bread. Get up: "I was taken without meals ... I happened to sleep in the morning and didn't eat much breakfast."

"Does the magical girl still eat?" Sakura Kyoko snorted. "Since you choose to appear in this posture, don't hide Tibetan mastiffs. How about telling you what you know?" "

"Yeah?" Sayaka, who swallowed the bread, spread her hands. "Apricot, who was eating for almost a moment, actually said this ... As a friend you have recognized and shared food, I was sad to hear that. "

After a pause, Sayaka looked at Kyoko seriously: "Humanity is a very precious treasure for our magical girl. It is not a good choice to give up easily."

"Who has no humanity ?!" I don't know if it was a certain emotion in the heart that communicated with the awakened friend. Sakura Kyoko picked up a slice of bread and stunned, "I just saw it through! After seeing through, is it down or down? Pick it up, isn't it because of my mood? "

——CP has been out of red and blue since ancient times ...

Wenwen, who stood by and watched the two girls 'communicate', saw that the atmosphere was slightly off the subject, so she coughed a little: "Let's talk about the business, Miki Sayaka ... the 'top' in your mouth" What do you mean? "

"What else can it be?" Sayaka raised her index finger and drew a circle in the air. "Doesn't you already know her existence?"

"That is," Wen Wen looked at the blue-haired girl with interest. "Are you really an apostle sent by the principle of the ring? Can you describe to us what she sees in her eyes and the mission she has given you?"

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed," Sayaka looked around, and then stopped in the circle of Madoka's house, looking for something, "Although I use 'she' to call the principle of the ring, she is essentially It is not a life that human beings can understand and understand. At present, from a human perspective and thinking activity, I cannot describe to you the true form ... "

Sayaka, who started to turn the boxes in the corner, looked back at the listeners with different looks in the living room, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "As for the mission ... my existence, to be more precise, should be a part of the body of the ring. Is there some kind of stress response in the pain of tearing off the isolation? The sky is a fuse ...

"If she really had a clear will here, and she could send apostles to the world at will, would the world have been turned upside down, wouldn't it?"

Wenwen said strangely: "But looking at you like this, it is impossible to really know nothing? You should have your own clear judgment standards for the situation, otherwise the last stubborn refusal to become a magical girl, this time suddenly appeared in In front of us, these actions are a bit unclear. "

"Well, it's mainly a matter of camp and trust ... After some observation, I think there are some things that can tell you this outsider ..." Sayaka Hui who found what he wanted in a drawer He walked over to the crowd and raised his hands to show Wenwen what they had in their hands.

I saw that she was holding a cylinder with both ends becoming larger in her left hand, and holding a long thin pink thread in her right hand, which seemed to be a common item for ordinary households to do needlework.

"Although I can't intuitively understand and describe the life and ideology of the theory of the ring, it is still simple to compare some things ..."

After looking at the thin line that has been dragged on the ground and showing it to everyone, Sayaka said with a mysterious smile: "If this line is the so-called world line in your mouth, then the normal world line should be like me It ’s the same in my hand, it stretches straight downstream along the time axis ...

"But what is the essence of building a circle of life based on the world line?"

Sayaka leaned her hands together and fixed the end of the pink line on the cylinder: "First, she has an axis ... then ..."

The blue-haired girl who flew briskly with both hands, wrapped the pink thin thread around the cylinder.

Soon, the thin pink straight line became a tightly tangled string around a cylinder.

"Well, it's like this ..." Holding this pink thread post in one hand, Sayaka looked at the daily props that almost every human family has and sighed, "This is the principle of the ring" ...

"The so-called circular ring refers to a cluster of world lines that twists and connects the end and end of the time axis and is constantly entangled in circles. The principle of the circular ring is the inherent law and will in the forming process ...

"You wouldn't really think that her name is" Round of Rings ", just because there is a" round "in the name of Madoka, which is the core of it?"

Looking at Sayaka's palms, which I have seen in a certain part of the script information, seems to have some symbolic meaning. Pink strings ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wen Wen's surface is calm, but his heart is overturned. On? !! Is the script match of the seeker system toxic? !!

This broken system ... good things are not reliable and accurate, bad things are difficult, high-dimensional things are forced to talk about one after another. The symbolic picture of a thread in this script can be drawn on the high-dimensional life itself. You dare to believe what? !!

At the time when Wenwen's heart was turbulent, Sakura Kyoko had already thought of another thing she had witnessed: "Wait, the principle of the ring exists like this, then there is a time fault before and after the beam we are in The world line of the past and the future, only a month long ... "

"Yes," Sayaka sighed, throwing the pink lines on the table. "This bunch of world lines is constantly absorbing more 'qualifications', and gradually bends itself and evolves towards the closed ring connected end to end. ..

"Although the timeline here is only one month long, after the completion of the derivation, it will have exactly the same form as the physical body of the ring ... It will be difficult for me to imagine what will happen after the derivation is successful."

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