Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-I-Sixty We need more ...

Wenwen picked and considered some of his inferences, and discussed with Chubi, Mishu Sayaka, and others to confirm it, and then the living room of the Lumu family was quiet for a long time.

After a short while, Miyoshi Sayaka held her head with both hands and put her forehead on the dining table: "I knew that there was a problem in the back of the ring-when Madoka went beyond time to solve the witch's problem, she even forgot her promise. , Even the memory and personality are almost lost

"Speaking of it, if it wasn't for the 'Xiao Meiyan' who forcibly split and occupied part of the body and power of the ring theory, Madoka and I must now be all souls inside the ring principle, I don't know what I'm thinking about what."

Sakura Kyoko's brow was almost twisted together: "Why is it getting more and more complicated, and the problem of time cage has not been solved. We have not even touched on the differences between the two in the theory of the ring. Began to toss the origin of the ring. "

Wenwen stared at the faction decision task on the system panel, which looked more and more embarrassed, and then covered her face and sighed, "No way, the power of the magical girl is too high. If you don't know the background of the source of the magic, do Everything is anxious, and if you go the wrong way a little, all your efforts will turn into working for others. "

"Do we really have a way to" strive "?" Sayaka, her face against the cold tabletop, squinted at Wenwen. "If I had put my field of vision on Madoka and Homura, I still have a little clue and confidence to do it. Order something, but according to your thinking, Madoka also has black hands behind their experience

"How do we, the cells of the Ring Principle, fight against the manufacturers and reformers of the Ring Principle? We can't even reach a high level of dialogue with them?"

Wen Wen froze, then comforted: "Face confrontation is definitely unrealistic."

-Unless she is hanging.

"Cough," Wen Wen, who has the ultimate insurance, faced with the high-dimensional shadows, there is still some confidence. "Cells also have the role and value of cells. Besides, cancer cells can spread to death, can't they?

"We only need to work within our capacity, and sometimes, we just have a 'right existence' to play a special role in the high-dimensional world."

-There must be a reason for coming to this world yourself. The guy behind the seeker system is a rather pure pragmatist, and rarely does things without a clear purpose.

After two words of comfort, Wenwen looked around, and his eyes fluttered on Chubby, shaking his fluffy tail and showing no strong emotions at all: "The main reason we discuss these is to understand the deeper parts of the world. Broad background, and combined with your own desires to determine the next course of action "

"First of all," Wenwen raised a finger. "We need to know what we want-personally, I want to solve the current tragedy of reincarnation in a closed cage, seeing an infinite A future, normal world and humanity. "

——Although there is an optional mission with a reward of 100,000 redemption points, it is a pity that the camp mentioned in it will fall into the high-dimensional world. Now I think too much of it is completely dead.

At the sign of Wenwen, the lying Sayaka and the frowning apricot looked at each other, and then expressed their attitudes—

After losing Madoka and perceiving the problem, Kyoko who can dominate her mind has been easily freed from her inexplicable attachment. She has a strong sense of restraint in the cage of time. She wants what she wants now, except for some details about the magical girl. Wen didn't make much difference.

Sayaka, who is closely related to the theory of the circle, thinks more than those. Since anyone is trying to inject the spiritual consciousness of the magical girl with the human soul as a template into the theory of the circle, follow the action It is necessary to solve internal problems and restore the power of Madoka, the core of the current circle, to fully control the power of the circle.

After all, under more and more shady circumstances, only a certain degree of power can control the future, even if this will comply with the wishes of some behind-the-scenes mafia.

As for Chu Biqi, when he wanted to speak, Sayaka, who was unhappy for various reasons, came to the forefront with a sharp blade, and then there was no more-as a lot of examples of witches in the timeline, Sayaka and The beams between Chobe are not small.

However, the incubator wants the improvement of his civilization from beginning to end. It is the same whether he asks or not.

After a while, Wenwen knocked at the table and concluded--

Regardless of the choices made later, the immediate task is to solve the internal problems of the theory of the circle, and with their existing strength, going out to blend the disputes between the two super conscious bodies of the round flame flame demon, and directly confronting them, is obviously not possible

They can only work on the world line itself, which is in a delicate balance and has a key role in the internal disputes of the theory of the circle.

So after several rounds of crossing the mist, they seem to be back to the original point-they have to find a way to restart the "reincarnation" of the world, or restart the function of the world line to plunder the principle of the circle.

As the key carriers of the sense of the round flame flames and interfering with the interior of the world line, Lu Muyuan and Xiao Meiyan are now hidden. This world line, which serves as the focus and balance point of both forces, has considerable room for development.

As long as it is allowed to restore the function of plundering the physical power of the ring, and block the way that the flame demon subverts and encroaches, and the circle **** devours assimilation, this world line will gradually become a ring in the continuous growth. The ontology of theory, or a larger share of the power of the theory of the circle

Anyway, how can the round flame flames break through the sky, as long as they do not fully occupy the circle, write consciousness into its core, or break through the black box behind the magic, at a level, they are not essentially the same as the current time sakura Kyoko. The only difference between the two sides is the recognition of the theories of the circle, their qualifications, and the scale of their strength.

However, Xiao Meiyan, who was led and used by the two rounds of flame gods, as the world's matrix porter, already knew the truth of his continuous reincarnation, and chose to give up activities and hide in his witch enchantment.

Wenwen is not cold enough to forcefully dig out the tragic protagonist so that he can continue to accumulate despair in the reincarnation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Besides, letting Lumeyuan and Xiaomeiyan re-enter the activity will only increase the round **** The possibility that the flame demon perceives interference in this world-

Xiao Meiyan's deep love and hate distortion will cause the flame demon's power to invade the world on a large scale, and the awakening and sacrifice of Deer Eye Circle will make the principle of the ring completely devoured and crushed here.

So Wenwen, after discussion, decided to continue with the previous plan-

Referring to the experience of Sakura Kyoko's awakening, when the magical girl awakens her true power, she will be connected to the circle of the circle due to the redemption of the round god, and then will be seized by the well-prepared flame demon to re-tear along the connection. Cracked and fell into this bundle of world lines in the slits on both sides of the battlefield.

This process, in itself, relies on the unconscious tacit cooperation of the two above to separate the power from the body of the principle of the ring.

As long as the stalemate between the round flame and the demon confrontation is not broken by the cooperation of both parties, then Wenwen in the world can try to repeat this process continuously to restore the function of the force of the world line plundering the ring, and thus continue Strengthen your own strength and confidence.

So they need more magical girls-far more than the accumulated number of magical girls in the current timeline, constantly awakening.

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